Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 44 Part 1.djvu/1710

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§ ]()3_ TITLE 5a associate nation m` prépariug for 01* caryying on the wan; or` whpever; with mason to believe that hisyact may.i;njum, i¤ter— {ere with, or obstruct the United `States or any associate nntidn in preparing for cg: carrying du `the war, shall I willfully injure dr destroy, or mall attempt to so injure or dést1·0y,_ahy ` wm- mntérial, wm premises; mr war utilities, as' herein defined, shall, upon conviction thereof, be iingd not more than §10,000 or imprisemed not more than thirty `years,` di both. (QApr_. 20,. 1918, c. 59, § 2; 40 Stat. 534.) - · _ v · gsi; Making ur eziuséng wir n;ateri;l to be madg in defective ¤umer.——Whei1 the United Stats is at wma.- whoever, ‘w§@e¤t to injure, interfere with, or_ obstruct the United States or any dmociate ngtion in preparing for 01'_C8l1'!illK_ (Su the kar, or whoever, with reason- to believe théi: his` act may injure; interfere with, or obstruct thé United"_` States or any awwciate nation in t9r or mrryinz bn the war, shall xulitully make or cause toibe made in a dafectivé m&HD€#, or attempt tp make cr cause to be made in sg defective manner; any war'@aterial, as herein damned,} or any tool; implement, `machina, tmzhsil, or recegitgcle dggd or employed in. making, p1'0• · ducixig, _ ximnufacturing, qt repairing my such war material, as herein gleuuedg shall, upon conviction' thereof, be` tlqed not mare. than $10,060 01; imprécned nqt more than thirty years, - 0 bcthm. (Apr. 20; 1918, c. 59, { 3, 40 Stat;. 534.) _ Cgaaptpr 7 WITH HOMIN G PIGEON S /0wNED BY UNITED STATES} _ _— ‘ ,,A _ 111. Prohibited actin. . · ._ _ I ·· 112. Possession of pt§c¤na as evidence of violation of ldw. 113. Punishment. _· _ ‘_ -» » ° ‘ ’ _ s.»¢u¤¤· lll; muium ms.-xc xs nanny ¤¤ciax¤¤_` to be unlawful t0_ki10wi¤g1y entrnp, capture, sh0.0t,:`ki11, possess, tgt in any wgy; éemin an Antwerp, br homing pigeon, commonly cnilw ilifflgf pi.g·w¤,·»which is owned `by the U¤ltnd'8tntés or bears} owqed and imuedby the United Bfates

 the 1etters""U; S. A."’ox·*“ U; _S. N."·h¤d a serial number.

(Apr. 19, 191.8, c. 58, Q 1, -40 Stat,`533.) - · - , _ Q A 112. P¤ss@m' of piings as evidence bf vidatiaa of l•!n—~·;— Thcl or demutism G! anypigecan ·~=· l¤_!6¢€l0~¤ 111·¤£1&is tide by my or perm hg gui loft, house, c1g¤¤,_ buiiding, *,91* Ln the 92 undgr the matml é! perm or-persons without giving >

 by     mail to the geared miiltary or naval

m;hm·it:im' [smh be prima iacig evidwce ci a' vwhdéfqf this (Apr. 19, Q1918, c. 58, 1 2, 40 S;tnt.‘533.) A {113; person violating tpa pmvisioup ck

   shall, upcm cc¤V£¢¤9¤, he {M    by an mm GS
   {100, or by,     for   mark tamu

dx by mm mem- up gm  », · (Aw, 19{ '1918.*¢tH.§8,40S¢&t·5%·)f’ ° ° " ’ g 8.-—-EQLOSIVW: MAN`UFAOTUR& BISTR$U· TIGN, STORQGE, USE, POSSESION REGULATED. _121. Mnnufacuare, and‘ so forth, detrimental to public safety in time at war. Q ‘ ~ 122. “Explwis-ef desaed. · ’ 1%. *~* i¤pg¢m¤" " 124,;* Person "’ J % _ ‘ -· · 125. Appiismtion ai pmhibitory provisions: manutgcturc- tor, ale t¤, ‘ or p@ssic:n by military or mn! ngrvice. . 326, I3¤ guthor1;:¤d possession of explmives ir IBBTNIQRCI. 12*7. Tmumortntlasg. _ _ A_ _ _ 1%. {Amps :·•q ;m¢d ta manhtactura qpxonva. ‘ 129, Iniaimatieu 'sc bg Iumlahed by licenses or Knplicnat; trgde 1336. Sword c{ mica another disposal. _1$1. authorise!. · · - l ( 132. Qeraam quamea m obtain licenses: nvmma and _ 133. Applicgtioua for ·l1c*&maes; State lieeaéing mma; tm; mmrda ` ’ mad 1-iemma.1; révqmucn at themes granted hi Etsy cdéo¤.

0.-WWAR 1695 see. · _ 134. Cancellation of licenses for violation of law. 135. Inspectors of explosives; additional, employees. . 136. Ffalse representations us , to license; refuéal to exhibit Iiceuég ‘ V - to o§c‘er. - , Q ’137. Disclosure by inspectors, and so forth, of information obtain.,} — in épurse of omcial duties,. 138. Placaxzds on premises used for manuincfure orstcrege of expiosiwea, 139. Exclusion ot public tram places ot manufacture or storage; dig- _ charge or drearms, etc., gt, on or peer premises. * r 140. Rules and regulations fox; enforcing jaw. 141. Penalqes for violations ot law.- 142. Investigation ot exploeicus and urea. 143. Agencies available for enforcement. ot law. 144. Platinum, i;·idt¤m,·‘a¤k!·pal1adium.· _. _ Section 121. Mnninfaéture, and so -fierth,-ktrimental to `public safety in time of wer.-·eWlien me United States is at umit shalt be xmlawml to manufacture, distribute, stqre, use, Sm possess powder, ,expl6sives,‘b1aeti¤g supplies,»9r·.i1>grediex;y,; thereof, in such mgmxer. as xv ibe Sktfimeetal to the pnimic eatety,. except as in thiechapter provided. (Oct. 6,. 1917, c. { 1.40 Stet. 385.) . ._`· _ _° I ‘ 122. “Explosive ” dawned.-—The words " explosive f’ and “ oxplwivce ” when usegl herein `shnll m, ‘ gmzpowders, powders used for meeting, all forms dt 'hiéh `e es, blasting mese- _rials, tusw, detonators, and other qetc * ‘ ngente, mokeleyzs ' powders, and amy` chemical compound i·· ¤echn1;ic¤I mixture that contains ’any oxidizing and combustible;/unix, or other. ingredients, in such preportiéus, qtmntitiq or peeking than ignitiotx by tire, ‘by·frictio¤, by c0ncqsme¤, by percussion, or by detonetibn df, pr any, pail: ut the eempe¤nd_ pr mixture may ~cause`,such `¢‘¤udde1;·ge¤emti0¤ ot mkbly heated gases thm the resultant gaseous , prmaren are capable of de slzructive effects on ccntiiuom objecm, or of destroying kite or 1imb,` but shall not include mall agme cr thetgun mrtridgee. (Oct. 6,1917, e. &, I 2, 46 8€at.·‘8S5.) ‘ ‘- ‘ . · 123.·"Ingredlmts "’ dchaed.-¢-The weed “ i¤Kr€dle¤m” when used herein shall inean the materials mil sqbstaneea capable by combination of,]Il'0dB¢i!1§‘ one or gem of the expioslyee .mee- [timed in section 1 hereof. Q (Oct. 8, 1917, e. wg {*,8, 40 Stat; L 124. “Per•q ” del¤ed.··—·The word "" pers¢m,” when used _ herein, shell tnehiek Statu, Territories, · the of Gdmnbig, Mukn, and of the United. 8!:¤ms,`-and _ ,m¤.¤i&pn1 .mbdiv1ste¤s—the:ec!, indiytduaii eww, asso- .‘ cieticme, secieties, ami. ceréomtiom t the United States and di eothu at peice yith ;ho`6IBped Sum i (Oct. 6,-1917, p.83,I·4,‘40_St:qt.@&). f—_ _ · Y _· . —- 125. of umm; mmnrume r_ .

 te, as   by·¤$;Bt¤y or naval service.-=—Nmmz»::

centnmed ih this cheptger `-shell be to prevent the . .· ma.¤M¤c4;u re, under" e e iufherity et the·Govemmx1t, et explosivu ter, their e te or the£r·pm@on by, themilitary or- navel- service United Smten at Améri¤¤\ (Oct. 6,· 1917, e. & { 2, wt. 8%.) - · { 126. of exdwves ee ingreéentbq-

 and hfwr Nevembw 15, 5.917, no persén ehail have in his
 ex. eumkaee, eeeept, weave,  give, barter cr ,

`ctherwiae dtspm fc! or expleeivea, er ingreéientse except; as peevtded in this ,&apt?er: `Prévéded, The: the purchase 0; bt said ihgnjedimm when purehnmd or held in miall qmmtitim endnet um er intended t¤··bc_ used in th0· ma¤u1’sctux·~e.<1f expleeivee are not ezgbject to the previeiens or _ {hh chep;e1·: ‘fxrtb5r,_· That me supermteedwt, toremm, or other duiy mtherined employee, et n mine, quarry, or other week, nies,. when licemd so te Ge, ecll oz€i@,‘to any ° workmen nmler him, such an amount of explosives, or i¤8i'¢· glima, as my be requiifed by that workmen in the pertcrmgmc of his deities, and the wcrkmizi may purchase 01- ·¤ccept the exp10dvee,`01.• ingreqiieute, ee sold px- isseed, but the person S0 ` selyaxé myimuinz same shall see that any paused expmsvée. Q!