Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 44 Part 1.djvu/1895

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 Civilian onsfxlayccgiu field scivicc ; quarters, heat, light, etc. _ [ New.]
¤¤. oaths required by United States; admluistratiouby uotarics public

glad other Statenfhccrs. [New.] ‘ _ ’ lg`, lixpemiittnros for telegraph aud telephone communication. [New.] _73a. Civilian employees in held service; quarters, heat, light, ets.--11*1:e head of em executive department or independent 4·~;:al•lish1ucnt, where, ip his judgment, conditions Of employment rl¤~qx1ire»it, may continue to furnish cléiliané employed in theiivld éervice with quarters, heat, light, V1museh0ld_ equipment, »ul,<5stc1és··v. and laundry se1tvic¢; and appropriations for the iiwzsl yP:~u‘ 1927 of the character heretofore used for such purwsxes are hereby made available therefor: Provided, That the a·4=:1s4»¤ml>lv value of such allowances shall betdctcrmined and (·,;nsi<lc·;*cd asparl of the compensation in fixing the salary fdtc of such civilians. (Mar. 2, 1926, C. ~13,,.§ 3, 44 _St&f. H9.) I V New section. =¤ , I . ". · ° 92a. Oaths ,rcqqir¢d_ by-United States; administration by) notaries public and other Statc ¤Hiccrs.—-In ;il_1 cases in which, under the laws of the United States; oaths 81'€`_8llHll01‘lZ0d orwqazired to be ud_mmlstércd, they may be administered by ·n0_- mrivs public duly appointed iqany State, District, or Territory t Juf the United States, by clerks and·px·0tllon0tarle·s of courts of record 0{any such State, District, pr Territory, by the depnitics of such clerks and prothonotaries, and by a1l.mag1str&1teS‘ authorized by the laws of cr pertaining to any such State, Dis-· trict; or Territory to. administer oaths., (July 3, 1926, c. 752,,44 Stat. 830.) _ I _ · , · _ Nei section. lt constitutes an Act entitled "An Act to authorim notarics - public and other {State; olllceral to administer oaths mqulrecl by the United 8tatcs," cltedto the "text. y ‘ . ` 118. Expenditures fcxi telegraph And tcleplwnccommunica- ’ti•m.;——Hewattcr tlxc head. of any department or establishment <»f' the Govemmcut, in his discretion, may transfer iu_ advai1cem the Simi Corps, of the Army, from appropriations avai1ablc·' for the transmission ‘0f.mtssa§és·such aahounts as may bé necessary tc defray the expense ot trqgsmlttiug. 'messages turned over by him to that corpg, iucludlrig the paymcutot toll clmrgcs of (‘0iHlBQf¢l&l,,0$ll'l’i€!é, the lwsing of facilities required for transmitting messages, and the installation and maintenance of such facilities., (Apr. 15, 1926, c. 146,’44,Stét. 267.) ` New section; . A . l I ` Chapter 3,-DEPARTMENT OF` WAR. I Svc. · ,· ’ ° ’ , 182a. Additional Secretary of War; acronnutlc dutieg. [New.] ‘ . 189. Asslgnmentot clark! and employees to duty in War Department. i

04. Same; bnsls of distribution; notice tq States, ctc; ‘ .
••3. Same; shipments.; bmw made.

QH. Equipment for Mctropqlitan Police. ' - 182a. Awtional Secrétnry of War; semmutic duties.-——To aid the Secrct;ry~¤£ Wa; in fostering military aerommtics, mid to gi;-ertorm such functions as the Secretary may direct, there shullbc an 'sdditiohnl Auistnnt Secretgry ct War whp shqell bc appoiuted by the Pruldent, by and with the adviccl and consent ‘ ut the Senpte, and compéusatima shall be Hxed in accordancé with the Ulnmsiamticq Act 0t_1923, , (July 2, 19%, c. 721, t§ 9, 44 _8mt. 784.) ~ _ » .` L New section. _The matter éamtltutlng lt. came tram, Act of July _ 2, 1026, c. 721, | 9, as shown share, and wu pmceclad by these. · wards: " ’1‘lmt·Sc~ctkm 5a ol the National Defense Act, as amended, be. and the mae is hereby, amended by adding at the and ot nid section 5; the following :· (Then followed th;/matter constituting ‘ the text.) ’ · · _ ` ‘ -

GOVERNMENT OFFICERS AND EMPLOYEES §205 GOVERNMENT OFFICERS AND EMPLOYEES 189. Assignment of i clerks and employees to duty in War Dépairtment. r Section 189 of Title 5 repeated.·—The statutory provision constituting § 189 of Title 5 of the Code was repeated in Act of Apr, 15, 1928, c. 146, 44 stat. 258, . 204. Same; basis ofdistribution; notice to States, etc.-—For the purposes of sections -203 to 207 of this Title the reports compiled prior to June 7, 1924, under the direction of the Socretary of War shoxring the number of men in the armed forms ot. the United States accredited to each State, Territory,—oud . possessioh of. the:United States, and to the District of Columbia, eitherby enlistment or by the process of the Selective Service Act, or otherwise drawn into and becoming an integral part of the armed forces of the United States during the period April 7, 1917, to November 11, 19iS, and the allotment of war trophies suitable for distribution among the several States, Territories, and possessions, and the Districtfof Colmnhis. shall serve ss the `basis of. distribution. As _ soon as practicable after June 7, 1924, the Secretary of War shsllcause the chief executive of each of the several States, Territories, and possessions, end the Commissioners of the District of Columbia to be informed of the character and quantity of war devices and trophies appor! tioned thereto, and shall invite each such chief executive and the Commissioners of the District of Columbia to designate such material as will he mé;»iee¤ free on hoard common carrier at tthepoint ·_of-storage and to designate the point or points to

 which the accepted material is to be shipped without expense

i to t.he_United States other than that of packing and loading at ` the point of- storage: 'Proridod, Ther the Secretary of War is authorized to apportion and distribute such wer devices aud trophies, formerly- coxttemplsted by the said reports heretofore compiled .as.pnsuitahle for distribution ss trophies, as he deems suitable for distribution, and to include the Capel Zone in such apportionmentend tlistgrilnution. (June 7, 1924, c. 312,, 5 2, 43 Stat. 597; May @2, `1{}26, c. 362, 44_Stat. 615.) E _ · _ .Seetion· IM of Title 5 »uaend¢d.·———The prorision of Act ot Jesse 7, -_ 1924, c. 312, { 2, 43 Stat. 597, constituting § 204 of Title 5 of the u Code, has been amended by Act of May 22, 1926, c. 362, 44 Stht. , . 615, to read as above. The amendment related to the second senf tcuce, sddingj the proviso et end of section. · I. 1205. Same; shipments; heir made.-——Shipment of the apportionment ot each State, Territory, end/possession, and the District ot Columbia accepted shallwbe made as soon. as practicable · after the chief executive or the commissioners thereof as the case may require, shall have informed the Secretary of War that ysuch State, Territory, possession, or. District will accept and take possession thereof as hereinhefore provided fort, and 'will, relieve the United States of ell`responsibllity_for the safe delivery of the materialland of ellcharges, costs, and expenses whatsoever connected tyith the transportation thereof: Provided, That if the chief executive or the commiwioners of any State, Territory, possession, or District shall not, on or before July 1, , 1927, tile with the Secretary of War such acceptance and agreement, such apportionment, orany port thereof, shall be reapportloued and redistributed .to_the sereral States, Territories, and possessiohs ,015 the United States, the District of Columbia, and the Ceual Zone as the Secretary ot War shall determine, and any residue not accepted or rejected on or before (UU 1‘,~192S;‘ shall behsoldss surplus property as it then is and whore it then is, or shall be destroyed, ¤ll_as the Secretaryof War, in his di¤c;•etlo¤, shall determine; war devices and trophies considered by the Secretary of War as unstnitalile for distribution under this Act, may be sold, or otherwise disposed of. (June