Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 44 Part 1.djvu/1915

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1%] T1 TLB 1 TITLE 1 Chow 1.--··C0l{P‘0SlTION, ORGANIZATION, AN D GOV·

 OF   G Y.`

Sgaappolnment at enaete and lawstant enters: term or omees 6. Appointment of and §stant* &iefs;*· term;. ot @ee.—Except aa othawlse mwcribed, ohlefa and asdst ants to oi theaeveral branches shalljnergfter be appointed by the Pxédent, by md with the-advice consen . of the Swate,-for a` period of tour ymrs, and amen appointment shall not ereate vaeanmesa Appoinment as chief oth any brancl ~ shall be made from among `o&cm·s·@iss*loned‘ in gades no helo% that of colonel, and as existant dom amongsomcers 0 not las than Mteen ‘years’ eommksionéd- aervlce,. `who hav demonstrated by aotnal and extended in such branch q _ on, similar- duty. that they quali@. {or eaeh appointment ‘ Provided, That the of fthe several `branches shall mak roéommendations to·tne`Seeretary_ot War for of their assistants: Probidd further, That in making the hrs aippointment to any each owce created by this title, thechibt c ‘ it branoh may be selected among omcers of not less tha twentytwo yearn' service- And .9r0oi4ad.1urthe That during . the period of aeyen years-. immediately followin Jaly`1,·.192S, any appoin ntas Ohlefof the,Ai1' Corps sbalkb - made from g bt any grad?é’_`of,not less than etree · yearn'- service, and those who have demo: ‘ stnated by aotual service: in auch corps that the are gnallhed for- wh appoinment; and as amlstants frm , among omcers of not lm than Mtm years’ eommiwioned ' lee ot similar- qnallhutionet hnvidéd, That the wief of th 7, Air Corps aball mke recommendations to the Secretary ot Wa for the "appointment ot his as§stants. Any. o&w _ who sha have served !on1·`yeai‘a_as chief or a branch, and who may sul eequently befretitred, shalt be retired with rank, pay an allowaetw authorized bylawftor the :1-9,% held by him as suc chief. y (Jane 3,.1916, c. 134, { 4[4e]; Jane 4, 19M, c. @7, sul chapter I, _|·4,° 41 Stat. _762`;'Jn1y 2, 1926, ci 721, ·§ 7, .44 Sta ' ~ `.&eH•• U 16 of Let otxlinel, 192 c, 227, subchapter I, 41 But. 762, constituting section 6 ot Tit 19 or the Code, has been mended by Act etqali 2, 1*9%, c. 72 8 ·7, 44 Stat. YR. The MQ the latter out of tl

   '=‘And—px~cvided :¤1rther.”

1l.·ArmyBindla•der. ._ I _ ‘ _ B7 the A§$%!$l¤%‘ Act o!'Apr.j1§, 1928, c..148, Title I [4 ·‘st•t. M7] la ;· p¤·ov~ls1e¤·•.m¤$g ineemn mot Title 87 or tl Goin *·¤q¤her•‘d thai Home stats Bhndw" wm meladeel _·ln provmnn for tat qaarten and mbnistence. th the al War" ¥ ~ General StaI.·r··-¢For tl awed of following July 1, 19%. the is herwy creaud t¤__e-wh of the divlstom of the War Depar ment Genual Stat ha alraection to be headedby an officerl the Air Corps. the dutim ot whim. shall be to consider az recowmd~pr¤w actlna on m& air matters as may be 'r reweolm such mviaion. (July 2, 1926, e. 721, [5, 44 Stat. 782 _ blew _•e¢tton._; " _\· · ‘ ‘ Chapter 6.-QUABTQRHASTQ CORPS. ’“ 74.`IAmitauon on _ reserve supplies o1·_aqulpxiaent; _ 77. T&t¤1 yed la Gaeralj, (mcs. · 74. Lbltathm on of, imuve saoghes ax equipment. .» Beetle 74 d j‘ld• lo npnted.-——·-’I‘I1e ntatntory nrevisieu at Aet June 7, 1924, `¢. 291,: Title aijjaxut. me ua··aet at Feb. 1

[.0.-·--4RMY §222 L0.-ARMY. . 1 1925, c. 225, '1`1tle_I, 43 924, commuting eeetion ‘§4 et Titie · _, 10 of the"Cede have been repeated in Act of Apr. 15, 19%, ee. He. ~ . Title], 44 Stdt. 286. _ · ‘ , , Teelmid expertmempleyed in Qurtexwnster Genernfe 0 ce! • · ' '·. · f _ » Seetha 77 •! Title 1I repeated.-L-The stntutery provisiee eonete . “· . tuting section 77 et Title 10 at the Cette, has been repeated in the ’°_ _ War Department appropriation act ter 1927, Act et Apr; 15, wie, B . e. 146, Title I, 44 Stat. 268. " _ t · _' .2 . K T - ‘ · S Chapter 8.-FINANCE ~DEPARTME§'1‘.

  • 1. ;173. Delegation of duties by Gisbmsing b§cer;.

’t •f depstien.——-See seettoa 103; ot Time 31, Meeegc eee?. »1 . mance, in the appendix- -·_· ‘ ' °` Chipter 9.—CORPS QF ENGINEERS. _ 187. Employment of drétsgen, etc., nn e$ee at Chnef ef Lt 181 •t Title ·1• repene4.—-—'1‘1ee statutory prorietee of Ae:. . { {pt Feb. 12, 1925, e. 225, .4.3. Stat. 912, cenetiteting eeteéee xw; gt of Title'1Q ot the Code, has been repe§5ted ip Act of A1>1f.,1·§, 19%, bf e., 146, Title "I, 4·£‘jStat. 274, in the pprepriatieu fer the e§ee I1 _ of the Chief of Eugtneers, the worée “ that the expm—ditez·ee ee ', this account for the Baca? year 1927 _ hall net exceed $1.50,0%: ’ being interpolated after the werd ff P vided} ve Chapter 10.—50R_DNANCE‘ DEBA E ENT. u .· 197. `Employment, of dnftsmen, etc., in `e§ce of Chief ef Ordmmce. » , . . g “Jéectlen 197 of 10 stamtery provision of Aet 7 of Feb. 12, 1925, lc. 225, 43 Stat. 915, · eenstitatiug scenes 197 et " · ,T`itle `10 of the Coyle has been .repeate<1in Act et Apr. 15, 19%%, lé c. 146, Title- I,` 44 §mt. 27'7,_1¤_the ewreprtstles ter 1927 ter Lg ·~ the cgce ot- Chief et.0rénn¤ce, the words ‘Y‘ the enthe expemtitmws H ‘ _!qr this purpose for the 9:-veal year *1927 label} exeeesl $25§£§¤1¥¤9" bl being interpolated after the ward Provided. · ,d` Chapter 11.-SI€yNAL,COR1’S. J ' ’h p 213. Emplbynxent af draftsqerx, etc.; in Signal (}§ce. b' _` ‘_ 8eeti•¤‘_21I~·•£ Tide 10 reposted.-—-*1‘he `sututory prevtdcu of Art t. at Feb. 12, 1925, c. 225, 43 Stat. 996, eeestltuttng neetien 213 et Title 10 oflthe Cade his been in Act ctgspr. 15, @@6, of c. -146. ‘Ifitl¤.I, 44 Stat. 267, the weeds “ in eéditiee to the teregetng 14 e empieyees npbtepriateé ter in the Signal {wee " bets; incezpeeetee 1, betere the w¢>¤1_l"Pmviéed,T’ and the @& “ the ,mt1re expemit M tures for this purpcee fer the Sees! year 1927 neat! net exeeed ‘ · ” being- interpolated after that were. (Aet at Apr. 15, 1928, e. 148 Title I, 44 Stat. _2€»7.) 'r _ , H, Chgpter 12.5-—CHB!I(§.A§.·.‘WARF,ARE SERVICE. hz, Employment of ehenids,. etc., h eQm of chief. gt , d Title ll `nire•t•¢-———The '&tutery previatee eeeett . _ tum; section 222 of Titleigg of is fog, retgeateergz · ‘ · Act bf Apr. 15, 1928,1:. , E , e we s · _ •• the (total erpenrlituree for this ferftbe éeml ner 1§2‘Z M . ¥;:l $19,159) · bans intgpelnted site: the were E · A Q. • K

    • ‘ Chapter 18.-—·-AIR SHVICE.`

at Bw ~ _ _ l . Id Establishment end eg Al: Corps.

  • 2 292n. Temporary rank for Air Carpe Q&e¤·s. [New.]

.) 292h. Flre·£year Air Corps Pregrnm, [lieu.] · 2924:. De¢a.i1_ ln M4 et clyil Avlstiea. [New.] · 300. Adeitiennl pe! tw ¤¥*¤£ WW- ‘ _ _ . ` 307. Bond fer lndemeltyyegemst injury caused by exhztgitien Ungthzs. 809. mpleymmtef drnftsmen audengineerg in Air Servtee. 810. Bnmragemeet-at nviiltien. {blew.] .}/_» — - , T AQ! §•¤•e• Air (:»p•.-—-Ae: ol July 2, wes, e. 721, 9 1, 44 Bti; 780; provided ae fel1owi:."’The Act entitled ·‘An Ae: for M “ making further engl mdre ehetual prqvieiee for -the_ national tie. ot - {ezine, und ter ether purpeees,"approved {une 3, 1916, an amended, L2. be, aud the name is hereby. gmeedcd 8D‘tb§¢ the Air Service ee· ">=.