Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 44 Part 1.djvu/1922

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§@` rmma 10 847b. Pay glaring absenoo due to vcnorcal disease. [New.] 84'Ic. Determination of period and cause of absence. · [New.] 84?d. Expenses allowed in case of forfeiture of pay. `4[New.] MISCELLANEOUS A ‘ 914. Free tuition in schools for children of OECEIQ and men. LONQEVITY PAY ~ 684. Time served as cadet at Military or Nav•1·Academy. l Section 684 of Title 10 repe•ted.—'1‘he statutory provision cohsti··» toting § 684 of Title 10 of the Code·has been repeated ·i¤¤Act os Apr. 15, 1926, c.o1{16, Title I, 44 Stat. 25.1.


727; Subsistence of Army patients in .Co¤znl » Zone hospitgls. Section 727 of ljitle 19 substantially repcited.-—'1`hc statutoryzprm vision constituting § 727 of Title l0 of the Code haé been substantially repeated in Act of Apr. 15, 1926, c._146, Title I, 44 Stat. 271. · . ‘ ‘ Mimmom AND {CHANEL EXPENSES ”" _ 748a. Travel oo, Govcmmcut-owned vcsscl.#4—-Hcrcafter ofti- ccrs and othefmcmbcrs of the Military Establishment·namc<l in P this paragraph' [commissioned officcrs, warrant officcrs, con- tract surgeons, expert accountimt; Inspector .G€I1€1‘&l’S Depzujt- ? r;1c11t,`Army\ field clerks and Hold clerks of the "Quartcrmastcr. Corps] performing travel on GOV€I'l1lH€Dt·'0WH€d__Y€SSQlS for which no tmnsportaiio¤·furé is charged `shall bc entitled only to reimbursement of actual and necessary eggpcuscs incurrcdl (Apr. 15, 1926,_ 5:..146, Title I, 44 Stal;-·259.) Ncw.scction.‘ - · · ‘ gc


832. Comniutation in' licu of Ouuiforxgas; ·, Section 832 of Title 19 repenlledé-qThc statutory provision constitaping { 832'ot Title 10” of the Code; has been repeated in Act ot{Ap1·. 15, 1927, c. 146, Title I, 44 Stat. 284. __ ‘ · M I ABSENCE,. FROM DUCl‘Y»AS AF}:`Il}CTING_RIGHT. 'I‘("»i PAY 647. Pay duying sickncssiluo to uiisconduct; [Repealed.] · Secwnq 847 •f 'l'itI• 16 r¢po•l¤d.—·—Séctlo¤ 847 ot_ Title 10 of the `Codc mo expressly `mpalcd by section 5 of the Aégu of May 17,- 1926, 4;. 302, 44 Stat. 557. The four preceding acctiomrot that Act follow as. sections 847;, 847b, 84'Tc, and 84'Id of this tltlc inlhoappcudix. . · r 4 , 847h. Pay duriog absence duo to use of alcohol of drugs.--~l Hcronfwr no person in active service in_ tho military or naval service who shall be absent from his regular duties for more thai; one day at gnny one time on account of the efects of a disease, as distinguished from injury, which i;_directly’_ at# .¤·lbutablc_ to and immediately follows his own intcmperato usc of alcoholic liquor or habit-forming drugs; shall, qcopt as hereinafter provlclogig bc cntltlcd to any my; as dislzlliguishcd from allowances, for the pcrlodi ot sdcli absence. (May 17, 19%, 0.%, § 1, 44"Stat. 557.) ` _ New section. . . . I _ 847}:. Pay during absehoe due jto . ivenercnl di.scaso.~·—·Hcrc· _afLcr‘ no person ln active service in the military or naval écrvicc who shall bc wgoqgm; from his regular Qutios for moro,t,lmn one clay at any ouc time on account of tl;c gllrcct edocts of a vcucroul disease dué to’“his own misconduct, shallQ except as hereafter provided, be entitled to any pay, `as distinguished from * allowances, for the pcriod ot. such absence: Provided, That such abscncc lo within a period. of ono your following tho appearance ot the initial symptoms oi such .ve¤oreal5 discaso and regardless ot iwlicther the appcarai;ce‘o£ the lriitlal Q '1`hli section is dcrftod from the_Wox· Deportmcht Appropriation Act or April ,15, 1926. `and, the rctcrcncc ls_to a provision approprlatlng moncy"-for the cost of t1"8.\F€l»dUHIlg 1927 by certain specified oMccx‘s..

»,-ARMY "]Q()8 symptoms occurs prior or subsequent to the date of entry inte the service. (May 17, 1926, c. 302, 5 2, 44 Stat. 557.) . New section. f A ‘ · 847c; Determination of period and cause af. absence;-—-Fur all purposes within the scope ct this Act °‘ the period ot absemge and the cause thereof shall be determined under such fpmcefture and regulations as may be prescribed by the Secretary of War or me Secretary of the Navy, and such determination

 shall be iiual and conclusive for all purposes. (May 17, 1926,

1 c. 302, { 1, 44 Stat. 557.)

 New section.

Y 847d; Expemieseallowed in ease of forfeiture of pay.—Em·h- pcrsjon whose pay, as distiuguished_ from Vallowgmce, is forfeited Mr 3 period ip excess ot ope month at. anyene time pursuant to the provisions of this Act "_ shall Be paid for neces- _sary_pers0nal expenses the sum of~$5 for each full month dm-- ing which his pay is so forfeited. (May 17, 1926, c. 302, § 4,* 44 Stat. 557.) · ~ . \ New section. ‘ _ . MISCELLANEOUS . 914. Free tuition in school? for children of q§cers anti men. Section 914 of Title 10 repe•ted.—The gtatutcry provision consti- U tqting 5 914 ·of Titlé 10 of the.C0de hast been repcatedln Act of May.10,-1926, e. 276, 5 1,1.4 Stgr. 433. ._ Chaptei; 26.-—RETIRI§MENT.’ l , e . SERVICE COUNTED IX DETERMINING RIGHT _'1‘0 RETIREMENT seek " 1 ' 952. Period of cawletship at Military px: Naval Academy. A _ RE'l‘IR_El) RAY ‘ · e · Q 971:1. Retired pay of u$c·ers_·appointcd by virtue of service in World - _ ~ War. [New.] 972:1. Retired pay of umcers and warrmit omcers retiredprior to July 1, 1922. [New.] Y _ » ` `ARMY NURSE CORPS. [New.] 1029. Retirement oi Army nurses. {New.] l -1030. Pay _0( retired nixrsé; [New.] ’ ‘ 1031. Service considered in computation. [New.] _ 1032. Title; uniform; igsein emergency. I [Sew.} SERVrICE.COUN'1‘ED 1NT·DE'1‘ERMINiNG RIGHT TO RE- · . ~ ” TIIQEMENT ' _952. Petind of ckdetahib At Military or·NpiVal Atqiilemy. - Section -$5I_•t Title 1l repeatel.-——Tl{e statutory piovision consti- ‘ tuting { 952 of Title 10 of the Code has been repeated in Act ot Ayir. 15, 1926, e. 149, Title 1, `4_4 smgzav; - e

 _ F · Rm1Rm>_1·AYe   4

971n. Retired pay of cheers appointed by virtue of service in Woild Wu.?-Any npetson originally eppoiumd mdertbe pmvmqgs ot this Act' af an age greater than forty-the guts shall, wheuuretired, receive retired pay att the rate of 4 pep ' eentum, et active pay te: each complete year oyegmmissioned service in the ‘ United States _·4rmy,.t11e total Vmt tn. be more than 75 per. ceptum: Pmvidcd, That any-omcer so appointed, . whe has been -0: may hereafter be retired in accordance yith law on account of 1p*hysica1`diBability incident `tojkye service, shall l'QCOiV€,_f1’0IB the date of isuch retirement, retired¤_pay at the rateot 75 pefcentum of his aétive pay at the time of such retirement. (June 4,1920, c. 227, 24, 41 Stat. 771; May "-19, _ 1926. c. 333,44 Stat. 564.) __ ` New secticp. ·. . __ _ . » ¤ "Act’* sh0uld·be translated "‘nectionn ,847a-8476 ct this title of, the 'appe¤dix." _ “I X _

  • The·A<:t from which the lnregeing down td the word “Prqxgldcd "

was deriired was ebiedy of A temporary '¢b§l'8¢t8f, requiring not lese them cine-halt ot the vacancies thee existing i_¤ the Regular Army to be Glled by the appointment of persons other than cmcers of·»tbe Regular Army who had served as omren between _Apx·.'8, 1917, and z _Juine 4, 1920. ‘ . _ · -