Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 44 Part 1.djvu/1950

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,§4()3 tmzrw 16.-—·{J'O ` other putpcses,”’ and Act of*At;gust 5, 1916, ehtitled "An' Act atc establish 11 uatiouabpark service, aind fOr Gthér pm‘p0$€S,{’ ‘° and all Actssupplémentary to. `aud amendatoryzot §aid Acts are made appllcablgto 'ax1d· extended cve: lands hereby gadded to Yibe wrt : _ Pmvidcd, That the provisions of the Act ot_ June 10, Q ·1@,»@11t£d€d "A¤ Act to create 1 F¢d¢1‘¤l·1>0W¢i' ¢°mmi$$i9“‘? to pmvidé for the`imp:*0ve·1i1e1it of navigation; the development { sf wéter power'; the use ot the publlc landsin rglatiem thereto; am to repeal section 18 of the River and Harbor Appropriation t Act, appfoved August S, _1917, '.aud,_!ér other purp0ses,”#‘ shall l aotnpplytu or extend 0ve1·`s{1ch‘l¤,ud.3. ._(Iune 9, 192Q, c. 515, , 5,3, 44 star, 714.) M 3 · 3 `. New motion. — " ` SHENANDOAH Nnroxux. PARK AZf¥D`GBEA'1‘_'SMOKY Movxmms t ` NA1·{0N.u, Pax. [New] ’ · ‘ — @3. Shcumdoih National Park and Gregt Smoky Mountains N%nl' Park. cstiblishéd,-When title to lands _ within the xmas hereinafter referred to shall have been vested in fthe United ~ States lu `fce simple there shall be, mid'. aréhereby, es? mblished, dcdléated, and set ofpgrtas public parks for the bcueilt sad enjoyment of the people, thb tract bf land in the Blue Rihge, in the. Stnté ct Virginia, bciug__approxima_tely five hundred tmdj twenty-one thousand Aucres recommended _ by the Secretury_ ht the ‘ Interior in liié report ot. April ,14, 1926, which {aim, __0r any- pirt 01* mm thereof as may be accepted-on behgli ci the United States in accgsdahce with the provisions hereof, shall be lpupwp tat, me Shcxaixdoah National Park; mad the triect of land lu']

 Great Smoky Moimtalns in the States ot Nqrth Oarolinh

and .’I‘emwssee being a;>p1·0ximgtely· seven hundred hud tout thozxwnd acres, recommended by the Secretary ct the Iutérlor in his at April 14, _1926,. which area, qxj guy bart or. parts {CBQTGQI as may be accepted pu behalf of the United States in ucq ccpdmxcc with the pmvisicnsbhefeot, shall be knbyvxyps the Great Smoky Mountains National Park: Provided, the United l Stitw shall riot purchase by appropriation ot pdbllc money; guy l@ évithiu the ntprmid areas, but P thdt such lands shall be

 by the United States only by public or private donation.

{tay &, 1928,-c. 363,} 1, 44 Stat. 616.) T , · tha. of titlc.to_lmds.—;·—Thc Secretary of the Intmcr is hereby authorized, iq his discretion, tc accept as here-

 pmvidedmn behalf of the United Statm title to the lands
 to in the pxrevlcmslsecticn hereof and to-bq purchgsed`

with whicii has begm—s¤bacrl5ed by the State or

 gud mg %mqngoph_ National Park Assoclntlém of
 and with other contributlogm tot the purchase ot lands

in tl:e'8h»e¤mdc¤ h National Park um, and with the $1,088,8%

 has been ¤ubsc  by the Qtate of Temzmeé nndthé

Gmt Smoky Momtslng Qomcrnti¤¤· Association and by the Great Smh (lnccrpcrstéd) (Nofth sind

 other cmm·lb¤H¤¤s tm: the purchase ct lands in the Grédt

Smnky Hmsmzninsi National Park area,. (May 22, 1928, c. 3&,· §2,44_Stat.81&) ‘ ‘ ‘ ` Hewsectlcui V ·_ `4Mb.‘ Federal, Watcr _ Pmver. Act inqppllcw

 atkins.: nu.-··-·'1‘l1e administration,   and devclcpqaut at the nt0@lq parks skill be excrclmd under the

directlcn at thafBecrew.ry ot tm Interlof by National Park Service, m@t to the prcvlsloais of the Aa ot August %, 1916, wielded "A,¤ Att tc establish at National Park and for I •1*¤e Ae: or Im. 26, 1915, mtema to in ug text, constituted ll 191, " 193 t~¤_ 195 of this title in the A — ’·'Th¤ Act at ·A¤g,;25, 1916. ¤‘¢!€¤‘¤¢1 to ln the text, coustltutes H 1-5 tau title la the cam.- · . ~ · **1*ha Act ot June, 10, -1920, referred to ln tha text, constltutu ii -7Ql to azz or um une ln uwceide. * ·

>NSERV..1TI QN 1936 other pumosesf " as` amended: Pfovidcd, That the provistom; of `the‘Apt approved June,10, 1920, known as the Federal Water · Power—Act,“ sh ll notfupply to these perks: And provided im-- ther, That thséginlmum afea to be administered and protected by the Natio _ Park Service shall be for the Shenandoah Nattoun1_Perk area two hundred and dtty tbonoend `acres and for the` G¢at ‘Smoky Mountains Naitional Pack atea one hundred and Mty thousand acres:. Provided further, Tl1&t·B9 Keilétel {development of either of these terms shall. be undertaken until

1 major portion of the rematndef in such arm shall have been

accepted by said Secretatjy. (May E, 1926, c. 3fB,·§ 3. 44 Stat. 616,) A- " ' New section, ' _ 403c.. Ueeof existing comxuiesiom-The Secretary of the In- ‘te_ri0r may for the purpose ot, carrying out the provisions ot this `_Act employ -tl1e` commission authorized by the. ‘ Act approved February 21, 19253 ,(May 22, 1926, e. 363, ·§_4, 4ji Stat. $1}.) New section. ·· · ·· · · -` 3. , _ MAu¤0*r11Q {Live Nxrioxer. Pam:. {New] ( , 404. `MiMm0th`_ Cave N ation! estib@ed.~Wl1err`wtitle to. lands within the area hereinafter referred to shall have been `vested ·in the United States in fee eimple, there shall. be. c and there is hereby, estgblished, dedicited, and s$ sport as a public pork. for the "bene8t‘-audenjoyment of the people, the tract of. land in the Mammoth Cave region in the State of Kentucky, being "approximately seventy tbomnd ·s§i hundred and _ eigutew ocree, recommended as .a National Pork by the Soothern Appulncbian Nutibnul Park Commission _ to the Secretary of the Intexfiot;-`in its report of April 8, 1928, sind made under duthogity of `tbe Act of February 21, 195{ wbm area, or any port ord parts thereof as be nceeptedon bebaltof the ~ United States in accordance the provl hereof, skull be · known as the Mamniotlr `Gnve National Pack: That the United Statee shall notpurchase by nppmndadom oi. public- moneys any land within the aforesaid ara, bet soon lands shall be secured by tlie United States` only by public or private donation. (Hey 25, 192&` c. 3&, $ 1, 44,Stat. &5.)" N _·New section. W l . l . , A " 404:.` Acceptance of title to lu¤ds.+-·-The Secretary ot the Interior is whereby authorized, in his discretion, to accept, as hereinafter i provided, on "bebalt of the United States, title to the lands retetircd to in the previous section bemeot,. and to; pbe purchssed—·with` the funds vs·l1ich·.mdy be subsoribed by or through the Mammoth Cave Nsitioual Park Axocietion ot Kentucky, and with, other contributions for tbepurcbase of lands in the Mamnioth Cove Nntioud1_'Park area: Pro·b% `Tbat any of said lands may be donated directly to the United Stgtw and conveyed to it, cost tree, by ifeeysimple. titk, in [ cases where such donations may be made without the neces.: sltyot puicbam. ·(-May 25,`19£6, c. 382, {2, 44 Stati @5.) mb; Adnmstnthn; Fodunl Wow Powe: Act i¤hm\§¢•·` ble; nhaihum _•mg.·——·The odminmxatiou; protection; and de veloméutaot the nformld park shall be exexdsed under the direction of the of tm Interior by the’Nntlo¤nl Pnrkj A Service, subject to provisions of the A¢¢ W Auswrt @,31918, entitled ‘?An Act to establish. 5 National Park Service, and for A other purpo@" **7 is amended: Provided, That the proviMons— of the Act approved June 10, 1920, known as tb;e__Fede~1 Water Povve1·9Act,“ shall, not apply to thie park; And poouee · forl ether, That the minimum aren to be gud proteétcd

  • •Tbe Act ot Ao;. 2:, 1916, re:ex·g·ed` to in the text, constitutes

§|1‘to.4ofthi•t1tkiutbeCodeI ‘ ~ · _· Wtbe Act ot Joao 10, 1920, referred to in the text, constitutes §l791to`823o!thlititl•la·ttbeCode. ’ _ . _ ¤}_A temporary Act (43 stint. 858) not carried into the code, providing tor. n commission to inspect the battle ground ot the lsoize of Petersburg, Va. ·