Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 44 Part 1.djvu/1954

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`TITLE0 16.--0

 Nebraska National Forest; trees from for homestead

settlers. ‘ _ — . Y _ ‘ ·_ ' J Section 493 at Title 16 repented.-—·—'1‘he statutory provision condittuting 5 493 oi this title in the Code has beenrepeated in the Agriculture Appropriation Aet for 1927. (Act May 11, 1926, c, -281:, 44 Stat, 514.) _ ·» . ‘ __ _~ _ 5%. Agricultural laude opened to hongeatead entry. · 506 of Tim 16 nteet&.—-—For loglalation dlféftillg this`section, see { 4o`o!.tma”tit1a in the appendix. ‘ . t W Chapter 3.$—FOREST PROTECTION; FORESTSERYICE; a REFORESTATION. ` ·_ * 562:1. Forest experiment station in Ohio and Mississippi Ya11ey¤.· ·` [New.] ‘ · X . e _ _ _ ` 56%. Forest experiment station in §’ennsylvanla.` [New.] - _ 565. Cwhération by Secretary of Agriculture with State omeials in protection of tlmbered and? {creat-producing lands from hre: limitation on amount of expenditures by United States, · 566. Expenditure by Secretary o£°`Agricultare for study ot effects ot ` . tax laws, etc., upon forest perpetnation, etc.; appropriation. 567. Cooperation by §ecreta,ry of Agriculture with States in procn:-_ ` `ing, etc., forest—t:ee seeds and plants; limitation on expenditure; appropriation. - · 0 · ~ - ‘ 568. Cooperation by Secretary- of Agriculture with States in eatabllshing, etc., arood lots, shelter belts, windbreaks,. etc. ;· limitation on expenditure; appropriation. ‘ _ . · " 5dSa. Cooperation by Secretary of Agriculture with Territories and other phaseeaioha. [New.] · _- _ I — _‘ 582a. Forest experiatent station in Ohio and Mississippi Valleys.¤5'1‘he· Secretary ot Agriculture is anthorized to establish and maintain a forest experiment station in the States of the Ohio Valléy and central Mississippi Va1ley,_at such ‘a place or; places as maybe Selected by him, Mild hé ii hé1‘€bY &¤tb0i'i2€d and directed to 1 conduct silvienltural, forest-ilre,‘ dendrological, and other experiments and investigations, aindependently or in eoopemtion with other branches of the _ Federal Government, and with States, universities, colleges, county and- municipal agencies, associations, and individuals, to determine the best methods for the growing, management, and protectiorrof timber crops on forest lands and farm wood lots. (July 3, 1926, ·c. 767, §1,44Stat;838.) " `·· · New section. ' . _ _ Section_2 of the Act cited to the text was as tollows`: ~ _ . ·“An appropriation ot $30,000 for the decal year ending June 30, 1927, for the establishment of the- station provided by this Act and such annual appropriations as may thereafter be necea— _ aary for its malntenaaéeand operation are hereby authorined." 562b. Forest experiment station Pennaylyania;—-—·In order to determine and demonstrate the best methods for the growing, management,. and protection of timber; crops on forest lands and {arm wood Iota, the Secretary of Agricultuie is hereby authorized and, ·~directed_ to establish and maintain a forest experiment station at auch place. or placea as may be xletermined as moat auitable_.by_ him, 1¤_eoopez·¤u¤¤_ with the State ot Pennsylvania and with the neighboring Stam, and to conduct such ailvlcnltural and other forest experiments and lnveetigatione as may henecéwary, either independently or in cooperation with other or%lzoitjons, lnatttutiona, or .indl»· vidnala, and·tl1at to earry out the purposes ofthis. Act? an appropriation in the amount · of $30,000 la hereby authorized. (July 3, 19%, e. 77(L 44 Stat. 840.) _ Sew section. ~ ‘ i _ _ ·_ 565. Cooperation by Secretary of Agrienltare with State @- totals in of timbered and ferent-prodaclaz lands from a Era; limitation on amount of expenditures by United States.--- It the Secretary oi Agriculture shalt. had that the system and practice ot forgt-are prevention and suppreahlon provided by any State anmtantially promotes the objmta dwcrlbed ln the goregoing section he is hereby authorized and direeted, under such conditions aa he may determine to befalr and equitable in each State} to cooperate with appropriate owelala of each .¤•·“Act" shouldpc translated "section." · -’ ·

ozvsmcvamrozv 1940 State: and through. them yylth private and other agencies therein, in the protection of titnbered and torestgprodncing lands

trom ure. In no msej other than for preliminary investigation

shall the amount expended by the Federal Government in any ` State. during any deem year, under this section., exceed the amount expended by the State for the mme purpose. during the same islscal year, including the expenditures ot forest owners, or operators which are required by State law or which are made in pursuance of the forest-protection system of the,State under State `supervlsion, and the Secretary ot Agriculture is authorized to S _make expenditures on the certidcate of the State forester, the State, _ director of extension, or similar State omial having 1 charge ot the cooperative work for the State that ~ State and private expenditures as provided for in thiarAct“Y have been , made; ’ In the cooperation extendal to the several States dee. consideration shall be given to tk protection of watersheds ot- _- navigable streaxns, but such cooperation may, in the dlseretion of the Secretary of Agriculture, be extended to any timhered or forest-producing lands or watersheds from which water is

 secured for domestic use or irrigation within the cooperative

States. (June 7, 1924, c. 348, {2,,43 Stat, W3; Mar. 3, 1925, e; 447, 43 Stat. 1127f Apr; 13, 1928, c, 119, 44_ Stat 242.) l S V ses of Title is g¤endql.—-The statutory provision eeastb tuting { 565 of Title 16 of the_C0de hu been smmed by Act of — Apr.'13, 1$26,.c. 119, 44 Stat.- 242, to gud as them ’1'he‘ame¤a· ment related to the second sentence. . · . _ _ Expenditure by Secretary of Agricaltue for study of effects of tix Intra, etc., upm forwt Péfwilstioa, etc.; spewpriatlomu , -' ' - Y Section 567 af Title 16 •l'eeted.-—Tbia` sectionia affected by § M8: _ _ 'of this chapter ot tee appendix. Q _ ‘ · ‘ 567. Cooperation by‘·Seeretary of Agriculture with Statu in ` procuring, etc,. forest-·tree and plants; limitation on ex- - penditure} appropriation. . I A _ · _ i i _ » ‘ . Section 567 Title ,16 a§ected.———This section a£ected"by ii _ of this chapter of the. appendix. · . _ ·568.·_C00pera`tion by Secretary of Agriculture with States in establishing, etc., wood- lots, ahelter belts, wiadbreaks, etc.; limitation on expenditure; appropriation. . - - - Section sca of Title 16 aReeted.—’1'his`aection is a¤eeted by § 568a _· of this chapter ot the appendix. -‘ · " _ . ` 568a. Cooperation by Secretary of _ Agriculture with ·~'l`erritories and other possessions.———The Secretary of Agriculture its » 'hereby authorised to cooperate with Territories and other possessions of the United States on the same terms and eoinditiona · as with States under sections 3, 4,-and 5 or the Act of Congress entitled "l§,n· Act to provide for the proteetione ot forest lands,) forntbe reforestation of denuded areas, for the extension ot , national forests,. and for other purposes, in ordéruto promote the continuous production of timber on lands chiedy suitable _therefor," approved June 7, 192$.“ (Apr. 13, 1928, e. 134,3 44 »Stat.%0.) l .'_ ‘ · ` ` · _, iNew_aeetion. .~` _ W _ _ , Chaher 4.-—-PROTECTION OF TIMBER, AND DEPREDAQ TIONS. ° ‘ · · Sec. ‘ · . 614. Sale ot timber kllled or damaged by. forest tlrea. . 615. Disposal ot proceeds `of sale of burnt tlxnber ou, existing claim. 616. Exportation ot timber cut on national forest or public land in _ Alaska. [New.] _ ‘ , . ‘· 614. Sale of timber killed or damaged by forest Eros.-The , ‘ Secretary of the Interior la hereby authorized, under such rules as he may prescribe, to sell and dispose of to the highest bldder, — at pdblle auction or through sealed bids, dead or down timber, or timber whiehfhaax been aerlous1y,or permanently damaged by forest mes, on any`lands o1’ the United States, outside the — ..;..,., -»~·-J·-—·

    • '•"Act"’ should be translated ‘fehapter." fl
  • ‘8ectiona Q, 4, and 5 ot the Act ot June 7, 1924, mentioned in the i

text, eonstltute M 560, 561, and 568 ot this title ot the`Code· `