Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 44 Part 1.djvu/20

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§ 61 e e1us e. ¤ M» -cms Fei!. io:. statements of Sncretan; of Senate and Clerk of House of Renew Q sentatlves. ° lo?. Reports of subordinate disbnrsing elieers of Senate and House of t' l Representatives. 1 M4. Reports of all ensendltures of Senate and lie-use el Repnceet•· 1 tives. M3. Ivcparation and contents of statement of anqvrepriations. mn. Stationery for Senate and House ot Representatives; adve:·ti:¢e·~ li ments for. S 167. Same; notice of acceptance of proposals for. t les. Sainte; contracts for separate parts of stationery, mss. American goods to be pseferred in purchases {or Senate and House a of Representatives. 11 110. Pnrchnse of paper, envelopes, etc., for stationery rooms ot Senate U and House of Representatives. m 11 l. Purchase of supplies for Senate and House of Representatives. 112: Purchases of stationery and materials for folding. 8 113. Detailed, reports ot receipts and expenditures by Secretary not ( Senate and Clerk of House of Representatives. 11%. Fees for copies from Senate and Houselournale. i Ilan. Index lo House daily calendar. " 116. Accounts of property. ‘ _- ‘ 117. Sale of wastepaper. ’» E 11,8. Aet·§ons‘-against o@cex·s for ofllclal, acts. C 6l.*Limit on rate of compensation of ollieers and employees I? mf Senate.--No_ officer or €mDl0)'€€i0f the SQHMG Shan- ¥`9€’€iV€ G pay for any services performed by him at any rateyhiglier than S that provideilbfor the office or employxnent to which` he has 8 been"regularly appointed. (Ang. 5, 1SS2,·c. ,390, § 1, 22 Stat. C 270.) · ·— ~ l _' . · . . · e ·· ’f 62. Limitation on eontpensationof Sergeant at Arms"a’nd `S Docrkeepex of _Senate.-—-—The Sergeant at Arms and. Door-»· ( keeper of the Senate shall. receive, directly or indirectly, no fees or other compensation-»or emolument whatever for per- fil [orming’ the duties of the oillee, or in. COIlll€<Ifl0ll.'tllOIlO\Vitll,'.» I other than the salary preserilved by law. . (June 20, 1874, c. 328. if § 1, 18 Stat.`85: Mar. 3,,1875, c._129,_§ 1,,18 Stat. 344.) , e , I? 63. Duties of Senate Do0rkeeper.¢—Tl1e Doorkeeper of the Senate shall perform·the usual--seiwtices. pertaining to his office 3 fluring the session of Congress, and shallin the recess, unde1j S the direction ofgthe Seeretmjy of the Senate, take care ot the 9 apartments occupied by the Senate. (R. S. 73.) _ ~ ··’v e i¤ ,64, Secretary ‘ of Senate a disbunising oEcei.———T_he moneys which may be appropriated__ for the compensation of jMembers _ _ and officers, and"; for the contingent expenses `ofuthe Senate, A shall be paid atlthe. Treasury, on requisitions ·n by the 48 Secretary of. the Senate, and shall be kept, dlsbu h , and ac- ¤ counted for by himkaceotding, to law, and the Seeretary shall d be deemed fl disbnrsing officet. '·(RQ S. § 56.) ‘" · e 65. Bond of Secretary of lSenate.—·-The Secretary of the Sem, rn ate shall, within; thirty daysbafter entering upon the duties li of his onice, and before making any requisition upon the Treasury to draw any portion of the moneys appropriated for the l I compensation of luemsess and ‘ officers, or the contingent ex- ( penses of. the Senate, give n bond to the United States,. with r one 7 or more snreties, to be approv& by, the Secretary or y the ia Trwsuryyin. the penal sum of $20,000, with oenditionfor the jb faithful application and dlsbursementofi such funds as maj be et drawn by him from the ·T2:@snry as dlsbnrsing otflcer ot the "a Senate, which bend shall be deposited lin the office of the Secre—· o tary of the Treasury. (R.; S. f§§e 57, 59; Mar, 2, 1895, c. 177, "ta ¤5,2s Stat.-807.) l . ’ 7 , , I 66. Fis¢•l ,!ca1·!,fe:• adjustmentol accounts-of Seeretary_of‘i I Senate.-——Cl?he fiscal year for the adjustment of the aceonnts of Q the Secretary at the Senate, ‘ for compensation and tniavellng expenses of Senatoranhall enteud to andlnelnde thind day is ofjlnly- e (B, S. Q 237; 0ctQ 1, 1890, $1258, _§_ 9, 28 Stat. 646.) A 67. Clerks to Senators elect,···#-Senators elected, whose _ téfm if of oihee begins on the fo`nrth· clay ot March, and whose creg a dentials in due form ot law shall have asm inresented to the Senate, or tiled with the eSecz·etary, but who have not been a qnnlitled, arcyauthorized to. appoint a clerk to serve from the a

CQ.&’GR££'·§8 5 late of the commencement of their terms, rewpectively, whose emmaation shall b• paid ont of the appropriation for clrrke o Smators who are not clnnlrmm of committees. {Mar. 1:, im, c. H7, l 1, M Butt. 7%: Feb. w, 19%, c. 9£, 42 Stat. 265.) ,_ 68. Payments from contingent fund of Senste.·———No payment; zhnll be mode from the contingent fond of the Senate unless onctioned by the Committee to Audit and Control the Com. ixngent Expenm of the Senate. Peyxnente made upon vouchers xpprored by sold Committee shall be downed, held, and token, md are hereby declared to be conclusive upon atl the Qlepnrt. nent and omcers of the Government: Provided, That no pay- nent shall be made from said contingent fund as additional nlary or compensation to eny emeer or mpioyee of the Senate. Oct. 2, 1888, c. 1060, { 1, 25 Stat. 548.) 69. Same; for expenses of committees.--—When eny duty gs mposed upon n committee of the Senate involving expenses which are ordered to be paid out of the contingent fund of the senate, upon vouchers to be approved by the chairmen ot the vommittee charged with such~dnty, the receipt of the chairnnn of such committee for any Sum pain to him or his-order mt of said contingent fund by the Secretary of the Senate hall be-sofa-ken end passed by the General Accounting Oilice ns L_ fullmzmd SHmCi€DttY0uCll9I}- but it shall be the duty ot such ~hnirman, :1s‘_soou as practicable, to furnish vouchers in detail ’or·the disbursemeutot such moneys to theSecretory- of the leuznte, who shell me them with the Genernl Accounting ()tli4;·e__ Mar. 3, 1879,- c. 183, 5 1, 20 Stat. 419.) · _ o 70. . Same; Senate resolutions for payment for clerical and nessehger service.·~—·All Sennte resolutions prior to J my i, 1914, ziuthorizing the payment for clericnlnnd messenger servces from_ the contingent fund of the Senate are hereby re- »c:i.l(·d . (July 16, 1914, c. 141, 5 1, 38 Stnt. 456.) Y “C 71. Motor equipment for- Senate;—The_ Secretary ot War is nithorizcd in his discretion to transfer without charge to the iergcaut ut Arms of the United` States Senate ouch. motor dnipmeut as is suitable to the needs of the Senate and- which s no longer required for the nee 0i__the"Wnr I@rt1n?ent. July 11,1919, ch. 6, { 1,. 41 Stat. 57.) _ s · _, s 72. Committee embloyeeet after termination of qrproprintions for committee ..omplo5·ces,`eh¤l1_ be ¤Y¤ilable for the payment of any clerkor assistant clerk to a comnittec, who doeelnot, after the termination ot the Gongrws lnring which he was appointed, perform his duties under the lirection, of the Clerk of the House. T provision shell lot apply to the Committee on Accounts. (Mar. 4, 1925, tc. M9, e 1,c43.Stat. 1®1.) t · __ , . .73. Clerk for minority members of Committee on Ways and iieeneQ—-——'1Tl1e position of e clerk for the minority members or the _ lommittee on ,Ways and Moons is herebyestnbliehed at such ateot compensation hs may from time to time upmoprlite and incumbents thereof shall be appointed by and ee subject to oe direction of the ranking minority member of hut committee; During the period between the expiration et n [ and the election ot] the et the Committee »n Ways and » Moons nt the succeeding _ Congrem such clerk neu be appointee by ana be seems ee the asegum or met nnking minority, member or the committee ot the expiring . Bongreas who ie also n mexnber elect ot the sncceeding _Con· _

   4,1925, c. 549, I1,43 Scot. 1m.) — ‘ e_ _

Z4, `hlre, Members, Delegates, and Resident Commns-

 clérkn hire for clerks necessarily employed by each

Hélnbér, Deléentey and Iteoldeing _Commissio;1er,‘ ln the dishnrze of his onicioll em] representative duties, shell he Lt the rote ‘oI;$4,000 per ennum and shell be paid ln accordnnce with iéction 92 of this title, but no personshnll receive yglnry from ouch clerk hire nt e rate me excess of- $3,300 per 1 mnufn. °(R. S. §§_ 53, 54; Mar. 3, 1893, No. 21, 27 Stat. 757;