Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 44 Part 1.djvu/2042

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§175i · `T1r1,v, :38.——JLZDICIAL 00 judge thereof from any sittink plocé designated above to any d other sitting place thus -'dosigm1ted, when the, conveigionoe of ..1 tho mrtigs or the 9lldS_ of justice would be promoted by the A timusrér; and lany interlocutory order may be mhdé by the- 2 court or judge thereof in either plaoo. ( Féb, 22, 1889, W c, 180,. -1 5 21. _25’Stat. 682; Mar. 3,1911, te. 231, § 92, 36-Stat. 1118: s A July 3, 1926. c. 748, 44 Stat. 825.) I __ `_ s ` Section {72 of 28·u¤c¤<Io€·%Judiclal (‘0de,`§ 92, cotnstitut- 1 ing 5 172 of Titlo 28 omthe Code, has been amcpded- by Act of 4 z July 3, 1926, c. _'?-18. 4·t' Stat. 825, to read as above. _ · T l _ 1 175. (lludioial Code, section 95,.ame1ided.) ‘ New Pllamp}- z Slliltf.-—T{l€ Stinté or {New Hninpshirc shall constitute one ‘ jmiivi:1l`district, to be k11owu` a$ the district -0f New Hamii-· `il - `slairv. Tentgs of the diistrict court sholl be hold at Concord on e the lost Tuesday gil April; thé first ilfuesday in `Séptommr,. and " the Tuesday in Decembér; had at- pittloton on the 1 ¤·c·ou;l Tueoday in October. _ (R., S. § 531; Mar. 3, 1911, `c, 2*31, 4 § 95. Stat. 1119 zi Aug. 23, 1912, lc. 344, 37 Stat. 357; Feb. 20, 1 1920; c. 23, 44 Stat. 8.) » " `· __ _ _ 4 ` Section its or 'ride 28 •¤¢¤4¢a.-L-Judlcian Code, '§‘ 95, coinétitut- L ing S 175 of Title 28 of the Codwling boon amended by Act of I Feb. 20, 1926,·c. 23,44 Stat. 8, to read asubové.- _ ° · 176; (Judicial Code, section 96, ;me¤ded.)_ New Jersey.45 .' The- State of New Jersey sliall constitute onéjudiciul district, * to be known as the district Tot Néw Jersey. ?&erms of the dis- Y trictn court shall be -l1cl¤1 at Newark on the" tirst Tuesday in ‘ Agjrll and the &rSt_Tuos¢hy in Noyembor. at Trenton oo the _, third Tuesday in Januory andy-the second Tuesday -111, _Séptom·- A

 of oooh your, and at Camden oo. the iirst Tuesday in De¢ q

oomhor. TM clerk of the court for the district of New Jersey A shall maintain o§cé, in charge of hignsolf or n deputy, `at _ Ncwork_ ond at Trenton, oachi. of which omces shall be kept __ open at all d@ for the tl'11HSH(3ti0Il_ of the businéséu of the _ court, and smll msiutaiumu omcc .dt_ Cuuidcu, in charge of l1i@lf‘ or {doimty, which 0Bco shall bé kept open `for tho. ·tl‘8!39§€uQ§ d the -b$1SiD@S-01 the court for such timw as the oourt mayyby rule, direct, and the marshal shall also maintain ao o§ce, in charge ot. hixinsélf or vQ"_doputy,·_·at Néwarband at Tremtou, each ot whicl1‘-omces shall bc kept open at all timed ' for the traupctiou of the business of the court, and, shall also ` maintain no cmco; in charge of hrimsolt or a dcimty, ut Candéo. for ouch ti® as tho court 1imy,`by‘rulo, direct.- ·(R. S. { 531; Mar; 3, 1911, c.`Z$L S 96, 36 Stat. 1119; Aug. 9, 1912, ·c. 271, 37 Stat. E5`; Feb, 14, 1913, c. 53, 37 Stat. 674;; May 17, 1926, ' c. 313, QH Stat. 561.), ‘ V · l ‘ -’ 178 •t Tlth 28 •i$•¢L-——Judlol•l.Cod.o, Q 176, constltutgl . log § 178 of Title 28 ot tho Code, has been amended byj·Act 'ot . May 17, 1926,»_é. 311,44 Stat. 561. I , · l79.·(J¤dicid` sédion 98, nncaded.) :.North, `Csrol§¤a.·———·'1`he State ot North Qaroliua is divided into two clistrictsg to. lw_k1ww11 as the! custom and _` west£_er¤_ of ‘ North- ° Carolina. eastern district shall include the territory emtrracopl oo tho .1st° dnyi ot _JuIy,,,1910, io tho. comxtiu of Bonufort. Bertie, Bladon, Brunswick, Camden, Chatham, lam1."Cor•rituck, Craven, Columbus, Chowuu, Curterot, Dare, Dupllu, Durham, Edgocombe, Franklin, Gatos, Gl‘&l’IVUl€,_Gl.‘B¢BQ, Hulifu xt, Harnctt, Hertford, Hyde, Johnston', Jones, Lenoir, Loo, Mm·t§u.i_ Moore, Nash, New Hanover, ,Northn1ixptoo,* Onslow, Pa mlivo, Pasquotank, Ponder, Perq¤lma·n5,· Person, Pitt, sou. liigshmoud, '$ompsqx1,.Scotln¤d, Tyrrell, Vance, Wnlte,·`_Wsr—_ rom. Washington, Wayne, and Wilson. Terms of tho district A court for tho mstom district shall bolheld at Fayottcvillé ou. V thi1·_Momloy botom the lost Mondays in March and September; at Wilson on ·tbo second Monday in April and the mst Monday lu uétober; at Eliialmth, City ou the Qrstflondo-y io: April and the second Monday to `Octnber; at Washington on _ tho ‘tlilrd‘ `.L14»nda5·¤ in April aud.0ctober; ot Néwbérn ori the fourth Mon: days ih April and Octoiicryat Wilmi¤gtoo‘on’ tho second Mon-

  • DE.AN{) QIUDQGIARY · 2023

lay_ after the fourth Mondoys io `Aprilam October; and at Raleigh on tho fourth Hoqday after the jourth °M0ndays in lptil nnd'0¢tobe;;_a1id in addition for the trial of éivll t- n two wocks’ term beginning ou the_·§rgt Monday in Sept r; Wovidcd, That thé city of Fayottéyillo and the QU ot Wilson shall each provide and furnish at its own oxponm o suitable md convexiiout ploce forholding the district coinrt at Fayetteville and at Wilson ontil o comfthoixse shall obo ·constructod_ by

bé United States. Tho‘clerk,»oT the `coort for the wstern district shall maintain an 05cé/ in charge of himself or a deputy

nt Raleigh, at .'$Yilmiqgtou_, `at1Newbo§13, at Elizabeth City, lat Wqshgngton, a‘t Fayetteville, and- at Wilson, which shall be kept opou at all times for tho trausaotiop of tho business of tho _Th€;\V€'St€l‘D district shall include the territory embraced on the lst day of July; 1910, jngtho counties of? Alamoncé, Alexmuqor, Ashe, Allegheny, ZA-noon; Bunt·ombé,` Burke, Caswell, Cabarrus, Catawba, Cloyolantl, Caldwdl; Clay, Cherokee, Davidson, Davie, Forsyth, Guilford, Gaston, Graham, Henderson, Haywood, Irotloll, Jacksoii, Lincoln, lontggmery, llecklowurg, Mitchell, McDowell, Madison, Maéon, Ommé, Polk, Randolph, Rockingham, Bowan,.1}uthorford, Stanly, Stokes, Surry; Swain, Transylvania, Union, -Wi1kos, Wataop, Yadki¤,` and Yancey. Terms of the district court for the weston dhtrict shall bo held in Greensboro on the first Mondays in June and December; ot Statesvlllo on the Qlrd Hondays in April and October:

1t»Salisliury ou tho toutth Mondayaliu April and October-; at

Ashovillooou thofiirst Mondays in May and November; at Charlottoon the first Mondayékl April gud October; at. Wilkes; . boro on the fourth Mondays in lay and Novombgt. ‘ The clerk ·_ of jhé- court 10: tlto western district `slmll momtglnj an omro · in charge of himself or a deputy at at Ashgvllle, ati ‘ i Statosville. and at Wllkosboro, which slum be kept opénit all times for the transaction of thé ot tm court. _' f I Terms ot the Distrlét Court of the United Ststeo for the - Western Blstrict ot North Carolina shall be held in each and every year lin tho town of Shelby, `North Carolina :_ Propided, That suihblo accommodations for honmns ¢0¤rt qt Shelby are funilsbed free of expense to the United Statosx _ · _` _ ‘ ` . That terms ot thodlstrlct court of the Unitéd Stgtes for the westoitd district of North Carolina sholl be held in Winston? Salomon the fourth Mommy in Juno and `Docombcr.: oProvid»cd, That suitable accommodations for holding court _ gt `Wi¤sto¤i· Salem {arg furnished treo of expense to the United States, j (R. S. § 543; Mar. 3, 1911, c. 51, § 98, 36 `Stat.—11%; Oct. 7, X 1914, c. 318,- 38 Stat. 728; Mar. 17, 1920, é. 101, § l, 4l Shah 531 :5 ° ‘ ?J\1lI1€` 7, 1924, c. 359, S 1, 48 681;- 24,"19%4§_ c. 18. 43 Stat. 721; ·Jm1o 12,.19%, c. 566,.4gf8t;at. 734; Jmie &,· 1%, c, Stat. 758; Juno 22, 19%,`c. 44 Stat. 1*584 ` - ·_ -' 110 •¢ Tit!} xs u•q¤¢ql.—Ju¢lipiai·Cooe, { $8, commut- _ ing |· 1%*9 ol! Title 28 ot the Code, has me¤`¤¤o¤<l•d by_Act ot. . Jpum'12, 1926, co 566, 4-1 Stat. 134; A.¢t.o£ Juno 22, 1920, e.·6·t5. N 4_4‘ Stat. 758;,9od. Act-ot June 22, 1926, c. 648, 44 St•t.·'l'58, to . road as above. · _ Q_ _` _. _ . . · The amending Act of Iam -12, E36, o. 568, gédod the closing parhgrnph of Yhli section, The :A¢t of June 22. 192Q, ch. 646. o provided " that the woiih ‘a¤d to- addition for tho .tx·inl of civil cases .o¤ the Brat Mondays in Marco and 8e>ptembexj,’ be strlckon ‘ but and the- following inserted Jo lion thereof : .‘ god in addition · for tl;o‘ trial of eivil com rn tyo www term beginning on the tlfst Monday in` Septemhorf " and the _A·ct;_ otlnmo 22, 1926, é. _6-45, co¤t•, in_c¢l tpe following piovmoq: f‘¥¤lmro¤tte¤_ tems ot the . `district courf for the oastorh worth Carolina .ahall 1*** . ‘ held at Elisabeth City on the unt Monday in April and the gecond Monday 1¤`0ctoh¢—n· and at Wlléon o¤».th¤ second Monday in Avril and the first Monday in October in limo! the dates now Bxod for the holding of nick ‘tei·ms." Thoio clmngos hayo been incorporated · _l¤t.¤hetoxt·ofthis•c¢tion.. “ 180. (Judidd Code, 99, nsended.) North Dakots.-— Ailfhnt the State of North D•l;ota· shall qgnstltuto one judicial i_ district, to be` known las the tllstrlét of North _Dukota. The