Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 44 Part 1.djvu/2070

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1*11·LE si

348q. Pay md alkwaizces of/its! _¤§c¢r‘ of rank of rear ~admirnl.+A11—staf£`af£icers·i>£ the rank of rwr admirhl new on the active list; wh? are not now receiving the my and alwwzmccs

 {rf the ta;;pe1··ha1t ur su¢1¤ `¤;¤g, ma anrmm 0@cérs”whq. may

hereaftx-:r_ be advanced 1:0 the rank ot. rm} admira1_ on the active 1ist,‘ shall récéivg tlgné pay and allowapces preécribed by¤ law fo; rear admijfals ct the_ upper halt from the da`te' on

which thai; respective tanning mates entitled or shall·

{hcmafter become; entitled Ito such pay and ’allowa1icés;`·Provided, That no staift cmée; _S}1RH'béCQH$& by virtué br this Abt ’ eiatitletf to any , increased pay qr aliowauces prior to the dpte · ) of this 2\c·t.’ (June 10,1926, -c. 529, § l8, 44 Stat. 724.) ‘ V * Nei·se<:%:ip¤. Seé iotoito §_ 3#1§‘.0f t1tI¢ of theappeindix., , - 348r. G}¢plai¤s;‘ ¢0¤§i§i0l18` and ¤dv*n¤ccnient.—-—The i prowisibxis bt exismzg law which require acting chaplaids tb sefve fm·`a period df thu; ygars ono board_ship in cider to begome

 eligible fer. commissions as chaplains, and ._ vsjhich 1 pcstfict the

¥ H\1IHb€l;_0£ acting chaplains-whd may abe éomrixissismed as chap- . lains each yur? are hereby, repealed, gpd Hgreafter all a¢ting chaplains shaI1'M:c0¤1mis»si0¤cd as·chaplgins when advanced in · Qaqccrdnnce with the provisions contained in this Act |§Q;tI1€ funk

  • 0t iieutenazst] -· " · f

- That nllmther omcérs now. Oli the active list-in tthe Coips of '_Chaplains_ and all c@cers ’wh0‘ may héraaftér, be appointed thereto smll be advanced in rank; up found inclniding the ;ai1k_· ot lieutgnmit ·%~c0mm§ndg_1·,/ with the ‘011§<;er of the --1iue (with ihcm or ¤·extj.aft~e1·. whom they take miécédenée, provided they _ am found qunlmedi in accordance with law for Such advaucgé ment. (ihmc.10, 1926,_c. 529, S 19,44 Stat. 724.) - _ · *’ , “Newbegziion. See notefo {348 of this Ititle ot the appgmlii, _ 348é. Retirement for égé qt length. of éscrvicé: previous act l'%Q‘i¢t€d.+·H€1‘€3fC€1’( section -1481, Revised Statutes ”‘ ot the United Statw, as amendgd, shall QPPIY only to officers _0£ the Corps of Professors of Mathematics.· ( June 1Q, 1926, c." 529, § 20,*44-Stat. 724.) `¥ W Q = _ . New.sectio¤,, See ¤0te·t0_ § 348 ot thisjitile otthe appendix] 348t. Eiect an existing lgw.——N0thiug coutainql- in this Act ‘ shall operate to cha nge the p1·0vi3ious_0t existing rgw as to the authorized number, e1igibi1ity» ot officcrs, daté ‘0t commission, - 91- psy for permanent rank of gréar admiraljn those staif corps whéréybut one omcer of such permanent réuk is authorized. (Jima 10, 1926, c. 529, § 21, 44 Sta}:. 724.) . _` _ ‘ V _` - I" ' ” New _•ecti0¤·., Sge*¤9te.t0 [348 olthis title of the appendix. 348u. Efut an existing psy and .al1o1r4nc¢s\ of oBcprp.——· Nothing contained in this Aci ’ shall. operate 'to reduce the my Hand allowances of any owe: below the pay arid allowahem to whtgzh he is lgutitlcd by reason of his rank and length

 of service on the data_ of the approval of this Act.} _ (june 10,

1925, c._529, S 22, 44 Stat. 724.) _ . i ` . _ New section. Sea notg to {,348 kit this title qt·the’appeng1ix4 Chapter'. 6.-g-GRATUITIES, MEDALS, AND OTHER IN-” SIGNIA _0F HONOR;r MEDAL OF HONOR ROLL;. scc GHATUITIES, MEDALS, _E*1‘C. . U 356a. Distinguished `hyiug crc•s.. [N§w.]` ·. · 357. Additional pay to pcxscns awarded medals 01- crosiean 357n. Aéczgigggll pq `to persons awarded disttizggtghall Byipi cross. _ 358. Bus or other ixwynia tm? péditicaal acts ot valor. ‘ _ . , ·

-’ ‘ ‘°”‘I‘his Act " nhognldbe tnaplntél “ sections 818 tb 848u ot thti title 0ftha_•, dix.” _ " _ ·' , _ ‘ .

    • See aecticaa W, 93, and 94 ot this title in the Cqdc. ‘ . ..

¤"8ectia #81, Ravim Stitutesf shauld be translated “•ectl0¤ Q 395 qt this title at the·C¤dn.’¥ _ · ¢

.-NAVY ,2056

{A GBATUITIES, MEDALS, — ETC! I 3561:. Distinguished, iying cram,-—·U¤dei·· such HIIBS-811d`l°€gU-` lation; gs he may prescribe, and, nctwithsmxidixiz the pmvigmug I of section 14 of this_ Act? the Pfmidzcnt is hereby sixthdrized L to present, but me m' cue- mma or comm? a distinguisnea L dying cross of appropriate design, with QCCOEIIEBIXBQ ribbon, to any person; who, while `serving in any mpscity with the»A.iz . F Gdrps ot. the Army of the United Statm, .`Nati0m1 . Gqard dm; the Organized Reservés; 61* with. the United State; . A t Navy, since the (Sth day of April, 1917, has or {who, after the apémyal qt this Act, himlt Qbyt _ { heroism or extrgo13dimu·y· gghievemént vfhile in in ilaérigl Bight; Prodied, '1‘h¤t"¤0’ person shall e§®1e`_t01·- E the uwami of the distinguished Eying cram for my set pg;. §—fo,rmed prior t9 November 11, 1918, except tot eplistcd Qmen who havé. heretofore been reccmmendew for bu}: hive not

 njecgived the congressional -mm_al of honor, the. didiuuiw

t gervige crogs, or the diqtiuguished $€l’YiC§ and exceptw th0se_0fHcé1‘$‘· my énlisted tmen ‘wh0' diqzlayed hemim whilé serving as iuSt;·uét0rs_ or students at dying scmols. No more · thhu dm; distinguished 'Hying cross shall be imued to any one " person, but fdr éarclg succeeding act or acigtevement siimciéut to justify the' qward iof ·a_c1¤g1¤g¤xspea hyingfcfm the Presi. xdentvmay award a suitablebar or other -®vlée tc be woml as he Shall direct. In gxglfndividual 'wl:9 Mstiu-_ ·—guishc5` himself ·, shall have died before the" mkiing of the award to which he-ima;} be 1-mtitleil, the await! mj 'neierthw less be made and the cross or the mr or othe1;`dev|»ce presented to such representative og thedeceaged ss- the Prmdent may designate; But no cross, bar, or other deiicc @i¤betorc taiithoriied Tshall b¢` awarded Q1" pr¢S€i1f€d t0‘ 8115* i¤diV#¢}¤8¥ nwhosé entire. service subsequent to the time he distinguishw himself has`n¤t beéxr honorable. _(Julf2, 1928, c. 721,1 12, .44 seq:. 789,.) _ ’ - ’ ‘ · ' · New section. . V _ ‘ ‘ 357. Additional pay ta persons awarded medals or cmmgs. t Sec §’ 357a of this title in the appendixi `· 357a. Additiépal- pgy to person awarded diéti¤g¤i@d lying cr0ss.>—Each enlisted im enrolléd man to whom there shall be ‘z1wardcd the d_isti¤g11ished Qying `crosé of the s0Idic1·’s· medal shall be entitled to additional pay atthe mtebt $2 pe; month fiom tlie date bf the act of h&1'0iS1@l_ or extraordinary achieve hneut pu which the award js bqsm, and each_ har. or—'9ther suitablg=>,devicé,` in` lieu otfthe disti¤guished nymgtmsg at the ‘s0ldiér’s medul,` as hefeinbgfore provided, for, shall cqtitle him - Aid further additional pay-ht the i·ate of $2 per- month from the date of the act of lie1‘oism or extraordinary achievement far which the bar or other device is awarded, ani}. uid sdditiomgl pay shall continue throughout active service, whether such service shaft or shall not be continuous. (July 2, 1.926, c. 721,

s 13, 44 sm, 789,) ~ · · · t

" sectlqnw . 358. Ban ur other {ai ndditimnal gets af uhm See Q 356a ot thirtitlc in thFe_•ppc¤d1x.* Chapter 7.-RETIREM‘ENT. I _ GENERAL PROVIBIOINS AB T0 RETiREMENT d$ OFFICERS Soc. “ ·. _ · . 1 . ’ 395. Omceri ct Medical and Supply Corps, chaplains, prctesgors cf mgthemntica, and cdnstrucmrs. A ‘· .

  • •*1‘he text is derived tr0¤‘|12·o! an Act réudng urn; mam to

the Army Ai! Corpg, and ta be found in c. 18_ at Titk 10, Annu, in the Jppendix. Section 14 of that Act provjdes that th; Acf shall not be retroactive except as therein ‘pmv1ded. * . ‘