Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 44 Part 1.djvu/2083

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. TITLE 37L.—{-—1’.¤l.Y Ag i_ ~'1‘ITLE 37.-PAY AND ALIYOWANCES (ARMY, I L AND GEDDETICSURVEY, AN] wi. Allowqncw for quarters“and`sulesistence during ·sli·kness or ab- . senée. [New;] — , ·~__ .— . ‘ ‘· 20, Slilesge allowance to omcers; travel expenses. ° · . { ._ 2],, Money Allawthfe 18 lieu of tmuspcrtatiou in kind for qependent.3 · ot cemmissioned and enlisted personnel. ‘ . ‘ — 26;;, Equeiizaticu of paybf fetired 0Qcers and warrant omcers. [New.} 29; Increax of my of 0Qcers; warrant p§eérs, and enlisted- nien detalied to duty involving dyingtnnmber detailed. . _ 2 ` 19a. Allowinces far nuarters and subsistence during siék- neg or sbsmce.+Hermfter enlisteetmen, including the nmeniy bers of the_Ut1ited States Atmy Bmid, entitled to ifeceivealluw-- _ ences for- quarters nail subsistence shall continue, while theif rmanent Stations remain unehauged, to receive such nllow- Exeeszwhile siek in hospital or abéent 'frp1u_tl1eit*‘ perfnanentduty stations in n pay status; Provided lim_·tle»(·:·, Thatnllqwences for subsistence shall not accrue to suell an enlislted man whilehe is in fact being stibsisted at Government expense. (Apr, 15,1926, ‘e. 146,‘_'1TitIe I, -14 Stat. 257,) " ' Neweection. _`I·` · __ . K -` . 25. Mileage allowance to 0$cezjs; travel expenses}-¢—OificerSt of may of the servicw mmtfoued in the title of this Ac·t,’_ when traveiiug· under ccmlwfént norders without troops, slmll teczeive n mileage allowance at tlzte rate qt "S cent; per mile, distance to be cctnpnted by the shortest usually traveled ronte and existing Jaws pmvidingfoxj the lwue of transportation requests to 6Hi¢ eere ct- the Army traveling— under —eompetent· ¢;srders,_ and for deduction to be mnqe from mileage accounts when transportation, is ‘fumish•;·d by, the United States, are hereby Qmade » a;5nlienble_to 411 the servlcesmentluned in the title of this Act} {but in when orders are given for tgnyel td be performed repeatedly between twdor m<§re"p1a•:·es ju the sa1ne·vlc1nity’, as determined By, the head .015 the executive department concerned, he may, in his discretion, direct th8£·`8Ct\1&1'§1I}d necessary exfaensu only be allowed. Actual expenses only shall bepald me travel gmdenerders in Alaska and outside-tile limits or the .-United States in North Amerieg, Unless ctheiwlée expressly provided by law, fm ‘0®?€l' ot the services mentioned in the ` title of this A~ct‘ shall `be allowed or wid any sum in excess of expenses actamlly `incnrred`-for subsistence {while traveling qu duty away tromlhis iieslgnnted post lot duty, nb; any snin inf such expenses qetually;-incnrred in excess 0£‘$7 per dey. The lit·ads,ef the executive departments cq¤3g·e;·ned are authorized , te pt·e~ec•rlbe per diem rgtes nfpllowanee, not eXceeding_$6,__iH t lieu ot subsistence to" cwcepg traveling on omclal business and away from their desimntcd bcsts of duty. ·,..L. _ - “In lieu of tranepptjtationin kind au"theri;z.ed by section li? of an Act entitled ‘A¤“Aet to increase the eH}ciency_.qtl the ·cmnmlss‘L¤nw and enlisted perspnnel of the Army, Navy, Marine,C0g·pa,, ”Ccast·Gugz·d, and Gcodetlc _Sm·v=ey, and Public Heéith 8erviee,’*nwi·nvm May 18, 19%} to be furnished bi the United States for dependents, the _PreSident inlay authorize the ‘_P8}’lB€‘I1[ in, money of amounts equal to such commercial tra nspcrtution costs when such travel `shall hzive b&n complete;}. Iiepeudent ehiliiren shnltbe such as are defined inlsection 4 of

  • "’1‘itle of this Act" should be timnillated “lIem1l¤g or this title’$

in the Cctle. . A _ i g · · .· — _’=Se·ction 758 of Title 10, Amin'. in the Code; section 896 of Title 34, Navi, in the Come; section 04 of Title 4:, Tu¤_1’cn§lc ll¤.u.·ru.

XD AL[.0`W.1.\’C'ES QAVY, MARINE CORPS, COAST GUARD,] COAST D PUBLIC, HEALTH SERVICE) l This Act."_? (Junta, 10, 1922Q c, 212, §, 12, 42 Stat. 631; June lz; ,1926, cz. 436, 4-1 Stat;’680.) l · . ~ U ‘ .' Section- 20 at Title 37 Vn§xen&ed.—-ySe»;!tia·§ 12 of Act of Ju¤c _10, 1922, c. 212, 42 Stat.631, constituting §_ 20·of Tide 37 ctthe Code, _ has pgen.amend<·d by.Act qf’Ju¤e 1,- 1926; c. 436, 44 Stat. 680, fc

 road as above. »· . " . _,

21. Money allowgugce in lieu of trauévcrtatkfa krkiml fm? "-· depencknts bf commissioned and gnliéted personnel. I F Q, i Séctfbga 21"cf '1fit}é‘37 repggtcd.-jTbc staftrtdfy [5r§visiq>¤s·c0{1sti· _tg1tiug § '21·0f Title 37 of the Cogie have been rvpeated by Act tif June 1, 1$!26, c. 436, 44 Stat;680. It is {9 be notes! that the · Act refcrreel to in the text of this section 0{ the _Cc»dé is épplicable - to omccrs and gnhsted men_ of all the serqices enumerated in the heading of this titlé. , _ · ‘ _ _ I _ ·26a. Equalization;. of [pay _0f rctiréd 0§ce;§' md wujrant 0mc§r§.——I1ereufter the retired pay of the cfhcers and warmut uiiiéers of the Army, Navy,iKiarine Corps, Coast Gwnrd, Cmét n-sind Géodefié ·Survey, 8.Bd_ Public` Healfli Séryitre, who were re- ` .ti1•ed· on orlbcfmté June 30, 1922,_sIiaH— riot belcws than that prov · __ °vided for the 0iiicet§ and wa-rmnt -0f these serviées of · equal rank and Lleugth `cf service retired subwquent to that ' date: Provided, That nothing in this Act sha-ll operate 10 reduée tge pay ofany 0$ber or warrarit omccr now on ;he`retire·q list. - _(May 8, 1926. c. 274, § 1, 44 Qtat. 417.) » ` , l Héw section. * " V 29, Increase of pay of ¤&cers, wafragt .a¤d_ c¤l@ed ~_ mép detailed to duty invslving Ryixigi naxber deté}ed.—·AH `0fHéers,' \\’,8I'1’8Dt .officers, and enlisted men of all brhachcs at this Army, Navjg ·M&YiH€ Corps, and C0asfGq·ard_, when by orders - of competent zgqthority they are required td p¤xftici;§ati·; regu-_ ` laitly kmd frequently iq aerial _¤ights,··gnd when in mnsequguve of such . orders they dcrparticipute an regixlar and trgequerit flights as héiineci by - suéh Ekecgztive crdents as have h€·ret0»· __ fnge been, or mhy*‘·hereafter be; promulgated by the»Pres%dent, shall ;·eceiveYthe·sa1hc ingzréase of -the~ir pay and the sim allowamce *1j tmvclixig eipvfgébtpwds ure siutlmriged for the pes Iormauce bf likégiutiés in the Army. ·Ex<;Iusivc bf imo Army _Air Corps; and sttidéut aw‘i§tqr§_a_t1d qukaliiiexi airgrraft pilots of the Navi Marine Corps, and Coast Guard, the xmmfmer uf `L- omcers of axiy of the sérvices meutkmcd in thé title afjthis . Act who maybe required by wmpetept mtthefity to péf’ti€iD8f€‘ regularly and trequeétly ih aérialj Hights as deéned by sm-}; Executgive orders as have yheretdforé been, or may hewafter be, promulgated by` the President shui} not at an? cm; time exceed _1 perv centum of the total `siétlxorizeei ceévkmmissiqgec; strength of such service; Omcefs, wérrént smears, and my listed .me}f of the National particqiputiug in exercises __ 01* performing. duties provided for by sectmhs 92. 9FI, ami · 99‘·of the National Defepm Act, `asg a—me~mi¤e<1, and of the- Rcserwes of the servica mentioned in tlfetitle of this Act called ‘ _ · ~ tqihétivgduty shall receive mx iuéreasa of *50 ireamm_ of their pay when by orders at competent a.uth0rityi$they—.are ie- » quired to participgte ;•egularly`gnd frequently in aerial sights, “ ‘ and when in coixsequenceioi such orders theyxlc <=pa:ticipate_in. ` reguléxtaud frequeixt aérialjlglits as dcmzéd by émch I•§xee·uitive»

  • Section: 8-ot this iitle in the·Code. · _ · " _ -_

Wsectinus 92, 04, 97. and 99 " should be tminnmed “sec1ic»ns 62 to ` 65 ot Tiue 3:, National G¤ard." 3 ‘ · ‘ · ’ , *‘ Q?