Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 44 Part 1.djvu/2096

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` ‘ TITLE'88.—?—PE4\T»SlOl\'»$, QBONUA t 1*; Cluster 11.-WORLQWAR VI·.?I'ERANS’ ADJUSTED CDM-` PENSAIIGN. ·_ · . ‘ l ‘ j ‘ ` P.uu·_ (lil.-—1GE§E§.&L PROVISIONS 61::. Application for bezaemrs; time fo1•_m&klu¥;· by whom made [death ~ ·_ of veteg·a.n’nfte»r application is mage}-; regulitlcus as tc. · _ $13. ·’1‘ra¤smittal of applicatldq yu Direétar of United States Vetei•aus'· _* Bureau; certi§cate accampanying. _ " , - _ . 618. Beue§ta_ exempt from *88i§!11*€' puder process and taxation [no _ _ deductions for indebtgdncsg $0 Unitexl Stateslb 5 · ` 61§;r. Demxiticus; " qiiginai credit ?3_a¤d!" new credit " defined. [New] —_61~8fx. Benefits extended to excess of, new` credit _0ver brlglnal crédii:

 _ mrhvn vctvrnn alive. `[New.] -_ I _ ~ . .  

GIS?. Payment of r~e;maii1der` of original c1‘eG‘it a¤3d‘cx.¢ess· of new credit, over original credit véhere veicszul died bcfdre making appllcal .- tion. {Néw.] ‘ -` 618:3. Method of payment where veteran diednfter making application. _ ’ , - . — V {_ » .` · ~ ’ l = i¥18e.- Ifaymeit withom; adgniuistraticn of'_decedeuf’s estate. [New.]: f · ~ _619.‘ fulamjtul feés for gervicesuiendéred; punishment. ' ‘ ’ {$29. iiiaality at declsioiasi [New.] ’ .. " ‘ _ _ .` _ _ {uu V. ¢——,~\BJUS‘1`ED SERVICE CI§RZlTIFICA'.l’ES' _ .643. Prohibited 11eg0tiations_01·‘ aséigmheuts nf_ce1‘ti§catcs. `_ -§ 643. {urging, boquqtemfelting, altering! etc., of adjusted service .certiH·_ . , crates; detection and =rr1‘e§§—0f violators. [New.}, · .. Y_ ` 649. l}e.~;rmcti<m_qr lass of ,<*crtitl<:a'te; issuaiuce of dupljcate: surrén- dvr ef.m·lgiual’; bam}. [New.} . _ ,‘`= ‘ ’ ’_ 1l;g1·‘ VI;——-PAYQIENTS '1fo Vl§'1‘ERAN'S DEPEINDENTS Gislf liuu1he§·ati§u af preference of dcfwndentsi ° I l t ’ _ 6132. Dependent detiped; X; ' `GG5. Same: certl£i{•udt0s· :1qcnu1pnnj*ing{.truxisiniftal,; Contents. -

 “B#epeh»de¤t,"r " ch,ild,_" "(fathe·1·,*’ ‘°.mqthep," and ‘4‘ widow °’. do-

· Quad. ·· .· . ‘ “I .

_663. Paymwt of lump sum to depcgudent whbkc aidjlxsced service credit

" certitiegl to director}; [Now.] J e · ‘ 669; Eafvct ot gxgiendatory Act; payment to dependent, preference. ·-— {N+·W.] _ · _- ‘_ Lv `· · ,. ,_ · · I ·‘P42f1·A_I·I4.¥—GESERAL T;ROVI'SI·O`NS' 612. Qpplicatiou far beneétsg time for making} by "wlhmq meds [dash of vqemu after *;ppli<:gnti6¤ is made]; regulu

 tméjs t§.—$·= (a;) _A veteran may receive t_l;e‘ l)ene§fs‘ to w,h.icl1

· he is entitled by applicatl013_c1aimi¤g the be11eHts,0f'·thi$_Aci," _&l»ed with the $901;€{8l‘§' of War, if he is seryi11g_ ip, oxjhis last service wgms with, themilitary forces; o1=`ii1ed_ with}t2he_Se<;i·e· {ary at the Navy, i1' ha ig serving in, or his lgst·-service was with, the forces. < .- - i . . . · (lb) Such amslicgxicu Shall be made and 'gn or' before ‘ Jammri Q, mi 1) persgqrmllyiby thejvgteréu, pr (2) incase ' phgvslqi usr tal iuizapuclty prevents the making or ming Qq{ a qm&lcat·icm,_ 'theix by such representative ntf the veteran and in mach manner as may be by regulations ypré-` scribed., Auapplicatéou made by g pemcm othei than the rep» rewatattve a11t.§s:·lzec1‘ by any. such regulation, ot not flied km. GT bééfom J`mm§i’y*1, 1928, Ehnll be held vbid. If the vatgmnf digs after the amilcatié:1 is made gfid beicre lt_ ig Bled it mag, Q_ be Sled by azgy persxmz Pmzgidcd, however; That if the veteran · dw:} bc¢we~en' Max 19, 1924, :)¤d·July_1, 1.924,/without makipg the amaAl&ti0¤Q mviug a·· wvldgw §B§`Yi\’i11§1lH1,•t}1£§’;§{{}}lliC8.· tim! ma? be by thé wlldqws· and shall ba valid with the _ same farce and ¢¤ect_ `i¤’évery·tespect as if ·tMl1¢a_upp1ica*ti0u hall lsumlmailcby the vetcrag. i g · _ . . ; . _ »(.c~) it the veteraih diegliter the applicazlqn is magIe,_ it shall ; · bcjvalid if the of War or the Secretary, pt the Nayy, as t§el@as~e may , mdk phat I; beigrs jtlye bona -_§de signature of th; awlimut, an intentlpu tb· claim the bem¤t¤ ot ._ tl1iQ’A€t'f (m behalf 0!•the* vetamu, and Skld (in _0l' befilfe » Samudry 1, 1928, qvhetlger 6·1.· abt tlxgvetemn is nllvé at tlm time ima med. . It the vetergln dies and xiaymemé are msdg to his dependents under Title VL" and Thereafter 1 valid ipplh ¢·ati<m# is Alec! mgdeaj this section; theta it theladéuswd service °=*•*·.xét." simuld be ‘tx·am¤1¤ted “eg.•hnptcr." , » g T · ¤ 3,* Titic VI " should he trguslated “Part VI of this c¤1apter.’°

EES, AKD VETERANS RELIEF _ _· 2082 ’ 4_ Zcredit of the veteran is- more than $50,·Dt1Y¤1€¤t shall be made in accordance with' Title V,?* lessany amounts already paid,- under Title VL" _ " . ,”`. A ‘ — (d) The .Seeretax·y‘of_’War_.and 'UlQ_·$€GIlQ{8l'Y of the Navy shall jointly `rnake any regulations nec%ry to the e§cleut admlnlstmtionbt. the provisions of this (May 19,1924, — - c. 157, § 302, 43-Stat. 123; July 3,1926, ct 751, S 1, 44. Stat._82ti.)` - l `Seethn,02 if •¤enZed».;·—T¤e statutory pmvlelon consti- "- · tutlng § 612 of Title 3S· of the`Code. has been amended. byyAct.-or ‘ · Julyj 3i 1926, e. 751, 5 1, 44 Stat._826t Paragraphs (la) and (C) ( are 'subetantially new matter. · _ f { ` — ‘ 613.— Trausinittal of applieitiég to Director nf United States Yeterans’ Bureau; eertiécste seea¤¤nying.·— (za) As_ econ. as practicable after the receipt of a ·valldt application the Secretary of War or the Secretary ot the Navy, an tbecase may be, shalltransmltttq the Dlrector of the United States Veterana’ Bureau, (hereinafter fn this Act" referred to an the director) I the application and a certincnte settlng"forth5—.» _· _ ' · `

 (1) That a valid applieationnae been received;
 .(2)_'1‘bat theapplleaut is a"veteran;‘ - I ‘

‘(3) Hie name and address; · - , (4) 'lfhe nate andeplaee of.his birth; and- . (5) The amount of his adjnetéttservlce credit. _ (b) Upon- receipt of snob eertincatethe director, shall `_pr0· ceedto /extend·`to‘ the veterajn the benemeprovided for ra Title , IV or V.“ (May 19,‘·1924*.` e. 157, { 303, 43 Stat. 12sl;· July 3, _ in 1926, c.' 751, "§ 2. -14 Stat._'827.)"_ · Y i _ · ° Seenim 61¤_¤r_*1•me as*¢¤e¤4e¢.———'r¤e etetmery pre , eoaert -tutih:· §‘ 613 or Title 38 ot. me cone has been émenm ny Act or z · July 3, .1926, `c. 751, t 2, 44»St¤t. $21, to read me above.- 618. Benents exempt fromaelznre taxa; tion; [no deductions for imebtemehs to United 8t¤tes].——Na Qmmipayable. under this Act.? to a veteran or hisoependente, or . _to his eatate, or to any beueneiary named Tttle YF no adjusted service certliicaté,` and no moceede of any loan . con--such certliicate sball be subject towttacbwt, lcv}, er, seizureunder any legal or equitable {process, -or‘·to national or State tagation, and as deductions on account of any tndeb“t· edness of. the veteran to the United States shall be from the adj`xtaté°§ service cretllt or (rom any amounts due under this Act.-"` (May 19, 1924, e. 157, § 30S, Stat.»1%; July‘3, _ 1926,.c. 751, $-3 (a),’44` Stat. @7.) " ‘ W Y l . ' Sectleaietrs at Title xs sinh!.-··'1‘he atatatori provision carnati- _ tutlng S _618 of Title 38 of the Code have amended by Act et _·_ Juiy_3, 1926,;:. 751, .§ 3..(•), 44 Stat. 82‘I,‘te rend nig above,

618; Deénltions; Sorlginal credlt ” ani Y mei ¤·e6it" de-

Snedei-».~\s ltr tbl; .eectio~n" the term “orl¤ml ereana means the amount 'of the adjpstm Qservlce credit computed under the World `War _Avlj,usted Compensation Act “ hetero its amendment by —tl1le-~Act,"‘.lma amounts deducted on aceount of any indebtedness tit the veternnltotbe United States; and the — tertn"‘ new·_credlt" means tlneamount of the adjngted service me edit computed under such `Act as ameudedby this Act,” with- , o%‘t such deductioni (July 3. 1926, c. 751, 9 3 (b`}, 44 SQL 82`YJ ` · · New section. __ _ · . ` `618b. Beneéts extended to expésq of new credit over original · credit when veteran alive.-——I·t the veteran is alive at the time et the enactment of this Act" and thebenetlts ot the`World · War Adjusted Compenaation Act "‘have been extended to nlm. then any exceaeot the new credit over the original credit ehall a W “Act " should be trinelated *‘ c$aptor.’f’ - A /. · ‘ •* "‘·'t‘ltle Vl " should be·trsn¤·•la¤ed ",Part VI ottlnle chapter? ‘ ¤ *• {title V " would be `tmnelnted “Part V at-this enanter." , _ _*'“'I‘ltle IV or V" should- be tranalgteé •‘Part IV or Y at thin. ~· cbapter.", _ W ~ · Z ‘ ~ ·*°"·Thi• traction " should, ae musntax Heétlane 618 to 6tSe_o£ this title in the appendix.’°· , · _`_‘ "‘ '.“Sbould be"translatod " chapter 11 at this tltle ln the Code"