Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 44 Part 1.djvu/2099

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,2085 - I TITLE 39.-—TEE P0

 , ~_  _._;   39.-THE; P1

Chaptér `1.#-L—foST OFFICESX. L `fS6<‘:. _ » · · · _ _ =. # 1 · 9. Rewards fox; detection c.t_ p0st¤0Qce· bu-rglars. , [ .1 — 14, Ream? of quarter; irlthwt tcrmnl ngmtract. [New.] ~ ( 9. Rewu%s”f¤r dctecfich of‘mt»omee`burgl¤;·g." I _ _ Q V Seek: [9 el "1'it!c.3$ mpubd.-The statutory provision .consQi· 1 A; Vtutiug §'_ 9 at Title 39 of this Code was repeatéd in Act. at Mar. 2, { 3 mm, e. 4;, {1, 44 Stat. 156. · & , · 1 15}. bf éu@érs Jritlwut formal wutrgct.—Hereatter 4 the Bcstmastjer General iu; 1;is»di.m·eti0¤ may rent quarters fdr , e pawal purpcsm without entering into a Iormalfwritten éontract 1 is any cage, where the amount 01 thé reutgl does nat exceed 1 $1,QGQ per Sllllilm. {June 3, c. $55, 44 Stat. · 1 " New seqioa. { The Act·c! June $1928, constituting this section j of Title 39 of the appendix was enacted as a ziewj proviso __;o bg f added to §_ 8799 ·~n! the ,Rcvi¤cd‘ Statutes as amcgdcd, which apé ·_ _ pgara u_ {T35 al 41, £¤¤mc_’Cc:¢·rucrs, ¤t_ the Cqdc. _ Chapter l & I ‘ `_ Sm . s ° M · — · 49. Adjustment of china bf postmasters ami _Navy mail clerks for ” ’_ iommbyburgiaryandhrc." . ‘ : _-. · S?. Cnmpensntisn of p®tmastg rs of fourth class. _ , _ Via. Pastmastcr gt tauxghclaia: apportionment of .•;oi11pénsation on ‘ change during Esc!] year. {Ney.] - » _ - , , 59.·A@ig¤mmt at murth-class-omcm to proper class on increase ot ‘

 r¢<>¤ix>t¤· · -- .1g_" ·· — "   .   *

~6§. Advancement ot fourth-cl¤s§>omqe¤ $0 appropriate class under ~ ummgai écudmcing reduction to apprepéiate claissl v6?. Postmabten as gmcers in Alaska. [New.] -49. Adi&s$mcht of daids at postmastcrs and Navy lmail. y

glerks fa
mm by bm·glax·y md Era. —_ ‘ "

‘ 48 A 89 an%d»-—-The provisions of Acpct. Mar. 17, 1*882, e. 11; { 1,122 Sgt. 29, aq qnmended, constitutipg i 49 ot· ; the Cade, have heed hxrthex ·8;M£I1d0d= by“ A<;t .o( Jni1y' 3, 1926, c. ·

 799, 44 Stat. 903, as follows-: " '1?hat‘tbé Act entitled #‘An Act

aqthorizing _&e Piéstmaater Genera] to gdjust certain claims of pnstmsstcm tar lou by b¤1‘§18l’],_ ure, or other "unavoidable ·<:as¤g!ty,! appmvw- Numb -17, 1882, as améngicd, La' nmeiyded sw gs tg fachsdé Agues ‘<>£ ,custpms charges collected on dutiable mail araicies, but sgch Act _¤li“aH apply only to such losses ocgurriug

  • »za1'i‘er April 1, 1924.” _ . f ' · ,

5'L of Qostmastem of faurth class.-—·-'Ifhe, cmgxnj ¤e¥=a=ati011_¤£ @Qti!1&§{€1`S_K0f the 'fo¥1l'u1 class shall be fixed npc!} mg balsis ct thewhsle ét._t.he box reuw collected at thai; mines and commisskms npcs the amount cal cugxcelgd pcsiagwclue stamps and ou pmmga aamps; stamped envelopes, pqstal gxards, stamps an vggistry mattgr, ~i¤c1x;di¤g stamps td covgr rgtum ’ .re·veii>ts, ihsurcé and ·‘é011ect·m2 ·de1ivery matter, éanccledy ou · matter actually mailed at their o&ces,. except the stamps j afxxed to pay the £os~ @iu} deiiwgeyy sexfvige and, spécial ` _11and!1¤g service, and qa but of the valnge oi the stamps GB the mil {cr tra¤.spo;·tgtiou` by air mail; canceled uf; their ¢;·§i<¤c·s; equal tc tha. pbstnge which wimld be rcq¤ired~ cm such maiin at the regular domatic rites, and on the amount at ¤ew$— pupcr and peri.c¤1im1_ m11ec@ed.i¤ méney, and tm the postage in money on identiml piecm pt Lhipd apd . —~· » —£Gu1:th..“c1as§; M;;1ggg;;K»_%@¤H&dfupder {the provisions of the Act of April 28, ·1%4,*- with}0iiii~¥§ "sfamps ·p0stage ~ ·co11ected ig money m" mgtter of the Brat c1g,·;·,g..mailéd’ uude»=» B. provmons ct the Act of April 19%} wiphout ‘pGstage · s1amps_a&xed, dud an amounts rgccivéd from (waste papa?.

  • deand nemspamrs, printed matter, and twine sold, at the following mics, ;:;ame13·:4 ‘ l l .- `V . _ _

· "‘{\cth of A§?il 28, 190~i[’ glmuia pg mms;1¤¢ed ’*‘mctto¤ 295 at tim tiug.*• ‘ » ·‘ ·_ ¤ · . "‘A€t of Apr!} 24,`1920,"_ should bc` tmnslgted **•ectid¤ 273 G! this title? ‘ ‘ . . = ,

MSTAL SERVICE DSTAL SERVICE { 5 ` Onttbe ·5.rSt·4 $75 .01* les; per quarter ·t.he“ giostméxer shall be allowed 166 pg}: ceutum. on the aixmuxzt; cm t§e next $100_0r leés Del'- qua1·_té_r: -85 per centum; and on all the, balénw; '75 per E aentum, the same to be ascertained ant} allcwéd by- the Gcneml Ac¢9uptingr Omcg rin the settlement pt the accounts of siiéht " pcstmasters upon their éwqrn _ quarterly returns : Provided, Phat in adjusting the quarterly compensation of postmémérs bf the foqtth class` the Qeheml Accounting shall allow such ¤·‘QmP€l1S&Yi0n as. may be shbwu by` the quirterly rétums to be due,. not exceeding $275 for the qqarter ending Sebtémber 30; not exceeding $5§0 fo1';t}19‘ twb quarters ending Bgcémbéf 31, not exceeding $825 to; the three quartets guding‘§£&rch” 31,`and_ not ‘ exceeding $1,100 for the whole hscal yéar, exclusiée kot 3 - Cents commissionvon each money-order issued,. (Mm;. 3, 1883, c. 142, § 2, '22 Stat, 602; Feb. 28, 1925,. tc, 368,:} 1,43 Stall lwé; June 4; 1926; ¢; 476,-:44 Stat. 695..). ._ — ·,·"‘ l · Section 5_7 ¤f_ Title 39 •mended.——The provision ‘0f Act of Feb. ‘2€,. ,.1925,tc. 368, 5 1, 43 sH¤t.—1054, constitgting 5 57 at/Tim 39 or the L Code, has been amended by`Act of Inge 4, 1926, c. 476, 44 Stat. 695, entitled "A¤ Aét to_amet1d_th_e`Act_o£ Febuary 2§, 1925, §xi¤g the compensation 'of fourtlrclass poétmastcrsf _ totmsd ag a.¤c¥e.. 57a,/ Postmaster off fourth class; Qppcrticmmcm cf- wmpérbsgtion on chpngg during Hscal year.-·Whexieve:. daring thefiscal Y€8ll`th€·1`€ wcurs or is created h change in the postmaster-` ship of an oiilcc of; the fourth class, by daathor §};h€I`YKiS€,.Ih€ outgoing postmaster shgxll receive in the mm} settlement of his ziccountlall his earned compensation for thet part of- the Hscal year which he has served, but in 110 case sh§H_ such compensation amount to more than such dsmix as `is determined by taking such at fractional parrot, $13109 as the time he has served in thxit fiscal fear is to the whulé Rscalyéar. (Feb; E, 1925, gz. 368, § 1, 43 Stat. 1055, June 4, 1926, c. 476, 44 Stat. 696.)_ V

 New séctionf I * 4. Q. _
 59. Assignment- of W fourtlbclass ¤EgesI to 'pmpcr class an

increasg bf receipts.-—-1-When the total ~comm¤ssticx; ot any postmaster at a post <:qHice.0f théfoutrth clasé for thylcalendar ° yeap`shal ram0uht t0Q $1,100,,téxclusive bt 3 cents~ commission _<m each mont->y—0rder issued; 'landgthe receipts of such post o@£·e " fgt the séuue period shall aggregate as much as $1,500, the ofbce shall bc‘ amigned to its broperh class'$m1t.I3ulyt1 following and the salary ct the posmaster _§xed according to the receipts. (May 18,`1916v{ c. 126, 5.16, 39 Stqtl l%; July 28, 1916, tc. 261, 5,1, w smc, 418: Feb; m, 1925,1}. 368, é 1, 43 sm. 1055; Jem 4, 1926, c. 478, Stat. 696.) l _ ° , , . S9 •f '1‘itla`§9 pmcsdad.;-·¤-The pfcvlsléa of Act at Feb. 28, _ IQQ25, c. 358, { 1,_$3 Stat. 1055, cmmtutius {Sa ¢f"Title 39 of the ·'C0dc, has bee¤*amJended by Act of June 4, 1926, c., 416, 44; Stat. , 696, entitled "An Act to amend. the Act at F*cbx‘i1ax·y’_28‘, 1925, . Hxipg the pompenggtion of fdurthwléss p0stmasta;·S," to read gi wxbove. l _ ‘ ’ _ { ‘ 60. Advancement of fouttli-cliss ¤§etes ta. appmpriate dats nmdeg wmusnil conditions; regluctimit -tb appropriate ¢l;eS.——-— Whenever unusual eimditiong pxevail, the P¤§magter[Geueml, in his glls<;i·eti<m,_ mqy advance any pug; umm ffom the mutth class to tlxe-appgmpyiatlw class...ix1dica,ted by the r&c€ip§§~· bf the Iirccecliné qliarter, ltmgtwithstgndixzg the Ilrovisc which requires; that gggnpvnsation of fo=\H'fh-·(.°lRSS_ pclstmtasters to ré::·c11` $1.100 Im- thém駓l駀lQ`r*t‘tyee1r; tlexclusiygwgt commissionpn éach money ` qrder issued, and that tthe l'€€Z€*iDt§`“”bvfl D9é»t»t _ fol' the same period shall aggregate as- much as $1,506 beforg suéh“&dt·-E vanhéméut is- madé: And provided furtlmr, That when the f_ Béstngaster General has exertised the auttlxbrity herein granted be shall, whenever the receipts agency lz=mgm· sufflcicnt to jiastify; retaining such p0sfofHca in the class`t<> which it has béen advanced, reducé the (grade of such! rmce to the appmpéiate class