Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 44 Part 1.djvu/2120

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§153 TI1'LE`45.·¤—$RA _to make and maintain agreements concerning rates of pay; [ it rules, 3 and wctking cehditieus, and to `scttle all disputes, pr whether arising but ot. the aiiplicatiou or such ¤ ccj ic otherwise, in order te avoid any inuetrtiption to commerce. of ca ·to_ the - cberation pt `any carrie1·_g1·0wing out dt any}g1iepute_ = between the qeaxfrier and the employees thereof. ‘ be · Second. Gogwideralion of disputes byt ré•stet€ma.—»-All ish disputes betiveed a canjier aud. its emtitoyees shalt be cena csidcretlj ind, if pcmhle, decided; with in cen- pi iereuce between represeutzitives desigriatd and nuthdrlzed so ‘¢¤ be confer; r tiie1y, by carr§ers°•nd··hy the empl§>yees~ tf

 mthedispute. · _; A Q ‘ ·· °`  

’ihlrd.h lhmymtimt of f@i’é'·8Q|\·#G#'i@8.-$B€Dl?€S€HtQt}VES, for 9] the of this Act, shall be-deslgigatcd by the respective " pm*ti$ is meh muuexggs mayfbe piovided in_ thelr`éoi·pcnte ‘bl `qi·ga§lmtion._ or {unincorporated assoelntclen, or by other mains · of collective action, without interfereinee, luiuencey of coercion ¥¤ exercised by either party over the selhorguuiiatieu oiydeslgnw W thm 0tgg·epresénmtives‘ by the ° ci} ` 1 _ f · ,. wFom·th. Cmifermce of r0préaenta#6vca,·‘stinge; pmce; private 1* —4gmeme•¢te.-Ay-In case of a diépute betweéil it ¢3i'1°i¢1;- Md i€S·· employees, arising evt ot grievances of out ot the iIlt€1'[if€{$; Y“ tje1:_m·“ application at agreements concerning rates 01 pay,. tutes, or~·wb»r1iim‘ce¤diti0us,·ifshaLH be the °duty of the desig- q ndted refmseutatite or representatives ot. such car;·ier_ kind bt al such employees, within days. after the receipt et notice. of a ul dem-; _¢m`_t~he part of either_pa1$ty to confer in respect to such ·“?' dispute, to specify a time and place at which such ccnferencej lg

 be hekl_:iPrw¢d=ed, (1)_'1¤hgt theplace so speckled shall. -_

he situated upon the railroad lhxe .01 the cgiricr involved unless ethexfwise gnutmllgt agreed upon; and (2)_that the. so W epecmed shall allow the: designated conferees reasonable op " porténitjr td rwch such. place of conference, but ehall not Lg: exceed twenty days. from the_receipt.of such notice: Ami proe vided fartheyj That nothing in thi; ‘imrag1raph_ héxhall he con- pi stmed to supersede the provisions of any agreement `(qs; to tb couferencesktheu in effect between the parties. _ _ _ th

 Hasmcf of dealing with .ce»{tai·n disputes.-gDisputes `uj

eeuceruinge changes in ratcs of pgy, iules; 61* working condi- m tions shall bedealt vsjith ds provided in section 6’ and in other H] provisions of this Act‘1relating thefeto, (May 20,:1926, c. 347, 'ei E2; 44 Stat.·577.)_`- A _ _· · · . t of ’ New section. Sec footnote to this chaptexf ti, 153t of sJiwment.>-·-Fix·st.- Creation cfnboafds of bi Fustment; wreemcsnta and their prcvl.sienc.—B0ards pt adjust- fb pent: mall be created by lggreement between any carrier or D1 imap oi carriers, or the carriers as 11 whole, and ite or their "IN vmviviwi 4 -' I A tP‘ The ~£wr¢emeat·-—- , ~ `_¤ (a) ·&all.\3c invrltingi . St tb) Shall state the bump or groups of employees covered b$* tb wh adjdstmmt hoard; d - » _ ‘ at (c) Sh¤l1.prlJ}’id~e‘tMt disputu, between an employee or t? rmup et emplcyeesynd a carrier, growing out of grlassnces dr .&' ~uf of the mtcrpretntion or épplimmn 'ot_ sgrmentg concern- tl ng rates ef- pay, rules, or working conditions, ehull be haadled b` n the usual‘maxmer up tp and including the chletpperutiug —Rlccr··e£ the .¢.·arrier designated to handle such disputes; bnt, xg ailing to njeacll an adjustment lmthis ma¤¤er,'_thnt. the dis- M ute shall be retetred t_o.the designated adjugtmentbourd by ‘ he parties, or by either party, with a full statement bf the .i° acts and all supportlugddata bwring upon the dlwute; .b‘ (d) Shhll prmide that the pxirtges may beheardi eléher in " ersou, by eoimsel, cw by other representative, ds the _ yw q' mpectively elect, and that adjustment beards shall hear and, 3 "‘ Secfitjn O" Shmlld bb tfullslatéd ‘°S+‘•`ftl(l¤ 151.” · I " . ""' ¤•‘Act" élw1il¢l_ be translated "cha,pter." .

11.1204v.s . . 2106 possible, decide promptly —al1_ disputes referred to them as rovided in paragraph (c). Adjustment boards shall give due Moa 0t_ _¤H. hqaringé `tc the employee pr employees and t_hc miie: or carriers involveq in the dispute; . n W . (e) Shall stipulate that decisions or ddjustmeut boards shall e Bm! .d.nd· binding ion bdth ph1jties,to.the dispute; and iit nail be xhé duty or b0th`t0‘_ak>ide· by such decisions; » ` (t) _Sha§1 statg the Emmber bt reprepentadves of the kamqyees and the number _· qt rgpresentativeé ot the carrier or nrricrs bn the adjustment board; which -m1mbé1·· of `represeutu; vcs, 17ésp¢ctively,' shall bé equal} _ _ ‘ (g·) Shall provide `for the method of selecting members 'and’ .IingTvhcancips; · ·_ ‘· - · .. . R ’ (h) Shall provide fdr the portion of expenses tp be assumed rthe1fcspectivepurties;·"°-· ~ · ’ · ~ ‘(i) Shall` stipulate th§1t·a majority of the adjustment boéird embers shaIl be, competeizt to make. gn a.ward,.. unless inherisemufuahyagreéd; `_ , -_“ 7 i ` (j") Shall stipulate that adjustment board; shall meet regurly at suchtimes andplaces aslaésiguareu-; aud. ‘ ‘ _, I (k)` · Shall provide for the method of ndgsiug the employees agi (381'i.‘i€l'·01"(!ill'1'i€1‘S ot the decisions of elioard. .' Second. Settlehicnt, of by nd wluniary rreegncnf.—-—N0th_ing in this Act ‘ abil! be construed to prohibit u Individual garriei: and its employees from agreeing upon ne. settlexixeut-‘ of disputes ighrqugh such maébinery of contract nd adjustment as they may mutually  »(1iay,20, k2§, c. 347, § 3; 44 Stz;t.i518.) ·‘ ° " `Nesv `section. Seo tpétxgote to this ébapter. ,154. Board of Mediation}-——First. _ Board- of Mediation; crmois; composition; term of Mice; quohzm; aalmy of members; mlijlca tions; femoml.-—'I'hcre is heréby c®¤bli¢¢¢, as an dependent agency in Qthe _éxecutive_br•1xch of the Government, ·6&rQtobeknownasthaBoardotMgdi1tiona¤d§nbccomxsed of five membersappoiuted by by mdwith ne advice {md consent ot ·th§` Sehhte; `The terms of cme of ue members f1rs¢_taki¤§ 0Epe shall expire, as dwlguned by nc.Presideni: at théétime of nomination, mgegt the aid. of the rst year, one at the end of the year, me at tm gud ot. nexhird year, que at phééndot the fourth yehr, and one R the nd dt the htth `ymr, Site:-January 1, 1928. The terms ot lice of all successors shall expire me years after the expirauu `ot the teruiqltcr which their medeccqors wsa appointed; at any member appointed to ml 1 vacaiacy occurring prior to ne expiration of the tern; for which his pnjedecwsor was apmiuted sbdl1`bc appointed qnly- for the unexpired térm of his ·edecessbr. Vgcancies in_ the baud ‘ shui} mt- impair the wars nd: affect the `dutiés ct the board not of tpc rebaininy embers qt_ the board. A mqjority of the ijh cmce nall constitute a iquonnm for the transaction ot the mmm qt ae board; _Each member ot tho hoard shall_ receive n walary £ the rate ot}12,000 per annum, together Wwith necessary

  • av¢1ing°expe nsas`¤ud' subsisteuée expense; br per Mem allowace in lieu tlwreot,-subject to Eng providpns oi law applicable

neret0,` while away from the principal omcs of bard on isiucsn recjqired by this Act} No person in thé employment 5 or pccuiiiarily or btbcrwisc interested In nuyorgani- Lgiou of cmplbyees or any _Q.l’l’I€l’ shall enter upon ths·duti&_ for geontipua to be n member ct thé board.- · ‘ ·# 3 . _ A member ot themoard may be removed by the President for

émciency, neglect of duty, malieasgnce in omce, or ine.ll:i·

1ity,_b¤t for no other cause. . ° d ‘ Second. ’CIm£·n•an; principal nice; delegation of péweh; rthi; seal; répén·t.—-—'1?hc board shail_ annually designate a amber to not as chairman. 'Ihé shall. maintain its eincipal umm in the District bi Columbia, but it may meet ag ••‘Act" ‘sbou1d be tmnelated !°¢il#Dt€l;•"