Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 44 Part 1.djvu/2136

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TITLE J}9.-—-TRAIN fer executing the Tfunctiona vested in the Secretary of Ceminerce_ t U? €hiS`A€¢·° (Mil? 20, 1926, c. $ 8, 44 Stat. 573.) _ — Neweection. _See nate to { 1'l1 at this title of the appendix. I Aa noted therein; the mst sentence nt this section, ‘ providing for .] the 1ppo1¤`tment‘.of an . additlnnal Assistant .8ecretary of Commrce will betonad in chapter to of Title 5_of_ this appendix; — . 179. De£r;iti"ans.¢—As ·nned in thts Act--. ‘ I ~ . - __ · , {ar) The term "eitiaen of the United States "_ menus (1) an y individual who is a_ citizen of the _ United Stages or 1ts`posses> i sions, er (2) ¢_ mrt.uership_of which eachnziember is ari individy e nalgvbn is a citizen of the United ‘States“nr ‘its"p0seessione,~ or - — (3) a —corporn`tinn gr association created or organized in the “( United States er under the law of the United Stateaor of any I State, Territory, or possession thereof, of ,w}1ich,tlie president and twe-tblrds or; more of Ythe of directors er other mam 1 aging_oEcers thereef, as the case mny._be,`are individnals wl1o_- I are citizens of the United States or gte possessions and which z at lmt 51'per ceutum et the interest is. controlled by persens who are cltigens of the United States orajts i0nS.` t S _(b) The term “United Stateeil when used ina eo pgcal ( sense, means the territory comprising the several St _, Ter-- ritories, pqs@ions, and the District of Columb ng -1 the territorial watere thereof),·and"tl1e Bverlyingy airspace; but 2 » shall net `iuelurle the Qanalzcne. _ ‘ `- t (c) The term ‘?‘aircraft" means any contrivancenow known _0r hereafter invented. or designed for navigation of or- ` . vdiglit in the air, `excent a parachute brother cehtrtvauce de- ’· . signed for such navigation but used primarily as-safety equig l ment.__ ~ ·· __. ', td; 'lfhe term " public aireraftf means an nircraftlixsed ex- ‘I c1u;~1»·2·zy in the governmental scryice. _( te) The term _" civil aircraft ". means any aircraft other than , n public aircraft. . , - l '. Q (f) The term ‘_‘ aircraft .0i§_ the United States" meaus any 1

  • aireraft°regiétered_under_ this` Act} k , ~ .1 1

tg) The term "a_irp0rt" means anylocality, eltberof water ., er land, rrlaich ia adapted for the landing and taking. off of g aircraft and`_a·hicl1.prorides facilities for shelter, Supply. and ‘ remir of ,aircraft;·g) a place used regularly for receiving or I ~dZaclaarging passengers ercargo by air.? `_ »- ‘ , _ _ 1 ` (l1)jTl1e tcrxn “ emergency landing iield " means any locality, { either. of water. or land. which is adapted for the landing and %j taking 0H of alrcrafptts-located along an? airway, and is inter-- J mediateto airports connected by the airway, but wm¢u._1¤t not { equipped with- facilities for shelter, supply, and repair of · air- , craft and ia not.; tregnlnrlyfor the receipt or discharge of _, parwgere nr cargo-by air. ‘ - · _ ‘ ‘ ‘ (bi) The term "alr navigation facility·" includes any air· , e port, emergency landing held. l-ight or other signal structure, I radio directional Ending facility, radio or other electrical c0m· .1 { nnunicatieu facility, and any other structure or facility, used 1 as an aid te alr_navigati011._ _ · _ · ‘_, tj} Tye term "civil·alrway °’ menus a route in the navigable , airspace’tlesr?g*nated·l3y the Secretary of Commerce as a route j gsuiéubie for interstate or foreign allr comrnercer _• `1 . tk) The term "airman meana. any individual _`(lu§1l’udlng 1 the person in command and any.pilot.Amecbe11lc, or member of I the crew ) who engages in the navigation of aircraft ~wh_lle1under , way. and any individual wlwwia lu charge of the inspection. I everhauling. er retialrlng oft aircraft. (May 20, 1926, 0. 3-14, , §9, 44 Stat'373.) - _ · _ · .. . Ney aectionl note to i 171 of this tltle of the appendix, 2 180, Navikabic airspace.-——As” used in this. Act, the term 1 I “ navigable airspace means alrs~=pace,above the minimum safe. 1 altitudee·g-of fliilglnt prescr`ibe1l by the Secretary of Commerce I

 'l`l1ia .\<·f° slwuld be translated "sectiuns 171__to 18-1 of tbls fltle 4

of the :•p;>endix." ~ - -` l

iS}’0RTATION_ 2122 under section 3, andsnch navigable airspace shall be snbieet to ttpnblic right of freedom of-interstate and foreign sir navigg, tion in conformity with the requireinents of this Act} {May 20g L92d, `c. 5-10, 44 _Stat. 574Q)· J A _ _ New section. .See noteto { _171. of this time or the appendix, Section 3, mentioned in the text, is Rt out in .§ 173 etethis ‘ gtltle of the appendix. - -~ · _ , , _ _ -181. 0Eenses;=penalties.—(n)r Infraclions in noviwtion spec-- __ i;ied.—It shall be unlawful, except ··to the extent atftthorlzed or _ exempt under sectiond-— » ‘ _. _ _ , e eg _ ` _(1)` To navigate any aircraft Within any alrspaee reservation ntherwise than in conformity "with· the'Exeeptive orders regu-‘ ating such reservation. . ., - -. · _ _ ‘ ‘ (2),;*1*0 navignteany airernft (other than a foreign airerntt) _ in interstnte or foreign slr unless, such alreiritt is registered as aneaircraft of the United; States ;” or tonnvlgate _ nuyforeign aircraft in the United States; · ‘_ — · _ · - A) To navigate any aircraft reistered has sir aircraft of the United States} or any foreign al raft, withont in aircraft zértiiicate or in violation of the terms of any such certincate. . _(4) 'To serve as an airman in connection with nny aircraft registered as nnqaircraft of the United States, or any `foreign aircraft, without an airmnn certi§ca'te* or in ’violation_»ot the germs of ’¤’ny such `certitleate. ‘ Y ‘· _ “F _ ` (5) To navigate unyhircrnft otherwise thaxrin conformity with theair tramc rules. ·- l · . — " 1 _~ _ (b)_ Ftefther violeziions of law; penalties fnepooable; resnisaion . or lmitigotion ; lien} collection; proceedings.-Any person _ who (1) violates any provision_ot_snbdiv1sion (a)· ot. fhisnseetion or any entry or clearance regnlation made under section 7, are- (2 ) any customs or pnbllc health l'€g¤1&€10B‘R18(1‘€_¥l&?f ` such section, or ;(3) any immigration regulation under such sectionfshnll be subjeét to a eivllpenalty of $500’wh·ieh may be remitted or mitigated by- the Secretary; of Commerce. the Secretary of the Treasuryj. or the Secretary of L¤bor,_ .. spectively, in accordance withysuch proceedings as the %retnry shall by regulation prescribe. `.in the violation is by the " owner `or person in command ot the aircraft, the penalty shall be a lien against the aircraft. Any elvili penalty- imwed under this section maybe collected by proceedings in personam against e the person subject to the penalty and/or in_ case the penalty ` is a lien. by proceedings lin rem against the aircraft. Such _ proeeediugsshall conform as nearlyns may be to civil suits ln ~· udmiralty;. except that either party may demand trial by jnry of any issue ot fact, it the value in controversy e_xcee® W; and fncts sostried shall not bereeramined other tl1 e· eordance ith the; rules of the common law. The faetr that in a libel sm em the seizure is mnde ata place not npon the higli seas or gvigable waters ot the ltintted States, shellnot be I; di _ yway to limltthe requirement of the cmrformity of the proceedings toclvil suits in rem tnadmlralty. The Supreme Court of the United States, and under its direction other courts of the United States, are authorised- to prescribe rules regulat; ing such proceedings in any particular not provided by law. The determination under this section as to the remission or mitigation of n civil penalty, imposed nnder this section shall be Hnal. In case libel proceedings are pending at anytime tlurinz; the pendency of remission or mitigation proeeedlngs, t the Secretary shall-givei notice thereof to the Unltédbtntes attorney proseeutlng the libel proceedings; . ~ “ -· ·_ · (e)· Seizuredmder-lien; enforeenient; release.--Any aircraft subjectto ‘n lien for any civll·penalt;.*1lmt¤isedc under this section ‘ __ muy be summarily seized by and placed in the eustody of such — persons ns the appropriate_Secretary may by regulation prescribe and a report'of the__cnse thereupon transmitted to the _United

  • "This Act" should be translated "sectioi1§ 184 of this

title of the'nppendix."_ ‘ _ ‘ _ l