Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 44 Part 1.djvu/2152

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a [ IND} AlI$k8·—C0llt1llU?d_w ff _ P _ J— · Telegraph and tyéephone lines?-—Coutinued ‘ _ . _. Earnlugs telegraph and telephone lines to be paid into J sary, p. 1584,·§ 306 g , Location, constrwftction, and operation, p.- 1584, ,5 302, ` Ollicers and agents to `icnake annual report ·to.President, Patents for lands to contain reserves for right of way, , Proceeds of sale or` lease of public lands to be paid into — 'Treasury, p.'15S4, 5 306 -» _, · ,,_. .· _ ‘Ri;:la`ts of way through public lands, p. 1584,} 304 l , 'lferritorial· government organized, p. 1559, ·§ 21 _- _ _ - '1`imher on`public_ lands _ » `· _ l e ._ - Putting: and use of timber by residents, miners, -etc-., 9.1595,-§423 ` j_ ‘ T ., Export of timber and pulp yyood, p. 1595, § 422 ‘ . _. _. Sale of timber -,by Secretary of Interior; pg 1595,- § -_421 Town sites, see_Public_lands generally,. supra · 1 . _Traamrays, right of way- granted,. p. 1594,·`§ 416 . . _ · United_States Constitution and laws in force in_’Territ0ry, ’ p.°1559,_§ 23* · 0 -l ° Wlxarves ·‘ ·-€ · ’ - l. Charges for dockage and wharfage at Sitka, p. 1560, ` ‘§37~ l "~·· 0 I 7 Lessee or \\’1l3!'f~8t. Sitka may; be required to make

 _ _ repairs; p. 1560,`i§_.38· as _ · ·   °
 \\’ire—ropc tramways, right oft, way granted, p.- 1594, § 416

Albania 1 - 7 ~ . ‘· · 4 . Envoy extraordinary and `xninister plenipotentlary, salary, [p.645,§:?.2, -· * " Alanna! 6 Z . . .. ; , . , 6 See D1s·r1u.t·:n.S;>mirs Ann W1$1:s—; IN'POKICA1'IN6' Liquors-; Xarxoaa:. Paornntrton _. ” Y Alcoholism . ` _ · U ‘? 3 i Immigration. chronic alcoholism as ‘grourld of exclusion, ` ‘ p§131,¤§ 136 ta) . · · - » Ale " ‘ · , _ 3 l . . latrmxan Ravrzxtsn g * Aliens . — " ” - _ a _ _ i " see also‘Ar.Asx.·x; Worm W.5a.\’1·:•’ Bn:u1¤r_- ‘ ·_Actions _ , ‘ _ ~ _ Allen and citizen, jurisdiction of district court, p. 866,. » ·541-(1)·'— _ Court o£‘Clalma, right to sue in, p. 898, § 261 · Tort in violation of law bf nations. or treaty, ~p. 867, _ ·§ 41 (17) ‘_ , _ .5 * ‘ ` p Allen enetales,. claims undorpatent- rights, p. 1173, 5 86 * Chinese, see *Cn1Nrrsa‘E;cLvsto¤ i _ Contract laborers, see Ixxrtonarrox _ · `“{3ot»lics, (foot.? Taanu ·' » Copyright protertion,·1*ight· to, p. 450, 5 8 » llennition. p. 143, Q 173 { ° — Departure of resident aliens, record to be kept, p. 135, S 148 lleportation . ‘ " “ Hoc also Igxttczxrion ‘ _ _ . _ ` Convlctloatl of unlavéful possession` of narcotic drugs, . p.`%5, F175 · . ., _· "` _ ` Ifllstributién at aliens in United States, eollectionand dis- .· _tri1mtion~0t information, p. 129, Q 105 . Enemy aliens. · · _’ · Seealso \"\’An . I ., . . . t ·-W Restraint. regmlatlbn,.and`re1naval,`p. 1690, §§¥21g-24 ` Exclusion of Chinese, Cntxnsp; EXCIJESIQH lleadltax. pQ'130. ‘§` 132 I . Immigrants, see Inwomxrnox It _ 0 · , X “ ·

EX _ - ~_ 2138 Aliens;—;Contlnued , . _. . V . , .- Importation ot aliens for immoral purposes, punishment. Z p.`133,§138‘ · , _. . · · I _ Insane " or otherwise defective. persons, employment Lon. n vessels carrying passengers to United States, p. 142, _§ 169 . ,.fMinlng leases - _ h· . _ . - l

 Aliens not entitled to own interest in mlnlngsleases,
 p.964{§181. . , N n 1

Naturallzation~vot·al`lens, see Nnrnmnxznrron _ —Ownersl1lp·oi' land .. _ [ ` 7 _ Aequlsitionot land.in_enfor_clng payment oulebts, time `° Hallowed for sale, p. 126, §’73__ o ‘/· n 1 " ‘ — Acquisitions on or before March 3, 1887. rights pre! . serves, p.126, 5 72¤ · . _ »- Bona Wilde, residence Kas qualiheation ·for .ow`nersnip, . p.126,‘§·72 · ‘ _’ 1 ‘lCity, town, ··or village lots in Territories, aliens per- .- milled to aequne and hold, p. mo, 5 va · ‘ » _ Condemnation and°sale ot escheated lands, p. 126, § 76 - Conveyanee by alien before escheat proeeedlngs, eifeet, p.128,§74’ ». ·_ ·_ Corporations owned by aliens, right to hold real estate in District ot·Columbla, p; 126,-§ 80 · ·‘ ‘ Declaration of intention to become citizen- as·qn,a1snea._ ·· "tl“on`o£~onzx_@hlp, @,-1%, § 72 . _ . " _ s District ot Columblzi,_a1len ownership of real estate, p. _~12o,,5 vs ersgq. _,‘‘p , e____ · Eseheat of land held in violation oflaw, p. 126, §- 73 _Eseheat of land'ln_ District of Columbia held by aliene tnviolation oflaw, p, 1%, Q 81 · t " Escbeat proceedings,. p; '12tl, _§ 75 f Foreign legations ln Dlstrlet of Columbia, [ll’()lllhlll•>ll _ against allen. ownership of land not applicable, pq 12v..s82 4 1 3 , z e Hawaii, right of aliens to acquire public lands, p. 127,, `Inherltanee by aliens, time allowed for sale, p. 126, § 7:% Mlnespand ruining claims in Terrltories, aiiens_p¤·r· mitted toacqulre andjuold, p.Q126, Q 72 » , " Mortgagwto seeure.l0ans,·rlgl1t of allens'_to take, p. ‘ ‘_1i.>o;es7s”,__"· me ‘ e Nonresldent aliens excluded, p. 126, §·72 1 . .·P(1blle lands, right to acquire, up, 126,°§·_77 _ Restriction 011; écqolsltion and ownership ot, land in M Territories,. p.; 125, { 71 . _ _ Termination . of, bona fide residence, time allowed to . dispose of land previously acquired, p;_126,.§ 72 I Treaty rights of allensyp. 125, 5 71 ·_ _` t Piracy by aliens, penalty, p. 501, §° 496 __ , ’Poor andwllstressed aliens, support and relief by CUlllllll$r Q sioner General ofIm;nlgration,’ p, 129, § 102 "·'` A " Removal ofsuit brought ln State court agalnst civil of-·· neezyof United.Sf tes, p; 872,] 77 ‘ V . , Removal to native Fcountry when? desired, duty ot (‘om>· ,, mlssioner General ot Immigration, p. 129, _§ 102 -, 'Rlghts, privileges, and lxnmnnlties,`protection, p. 462,6 52 ,· Tax on entering United States, p.; 130, ,§ 132_ _ Alimony · · " _ · · . " ` N Bankruptey of lmsbaml, disel1a`rge· as all’eetlng* llalxilily, _ p. 246,t§ 35_ ` Alterations of instruments See Camas asn `Orrsxsss `, Ambassadors . . . _ See Fonmozv Dxcmmomarxe axn.Coxsm.An Ors·1cnas;~ Foarxox _ ` Smvxes " ‘ ‘ l ··=—. · Ambrose Channel -_ ‘ : ` ‘ See ?NAv1c·an1.1: \\'a·rsns