Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 44 Part 1.djvu/2156

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‘\ fz 4 nvm; V Appropriatious——(`o11tint1ed " 4 o g · Census 0Hiee, estimatesof appropriation for expenses of, p. ·1012.’ § (20)’ . ,_ _ Y _ Charitable, etc., purposes, payments. of appropriations for, p. 1023, § 721 · I .4 C r ‘ »`Coast and Geodetic Survey .- ,.1 _ . 4 _ — - Estimates of appropriations for printing and engraving: _ for, p.»1013, § 590 » - ‘ » · - .· ·Purehases4 from appropriations, -p._1019, ·§ 661* 4 Coast Guard, estimates of lappropriationsoforrexpenses of. ·p.1014,.§600—° ·· Commerce Department, purchases from ‘eontingent’· fund. pZ1020. § 6764 4‘ —` _ ‘ 4 Commissions audinquiries r _ · ( Details from executive department `to commission ‘ prohibited. p._1020, §‘673‘ ‘ - _ U Speeialappropriations required forexpenses of, p. 1020, I t som, . .;_ ’· 0 ·? 7 ’ Use of public moneys or appropriations`for eompensa— tion a¤o*¢xpe¤ses of commission ’[)I‘0l1ibit€‘(], pg 1020, — .·Compiling and printing estimates of appropriations, p. 1016, §622 ' . _ " · Conditions of· business `in departments, statements in ‘ estimates of, p. 1014, € 5 ‘ · ° _ ‘ · ` Construction of appropri°at§€aets, p. 1*016. § 627 Contingent appropriations not to be used for official or . , ( clerical compensation. p. 1020,.5 674 ~ -4 ° ° - . Contingent expenws of ’Congress,`_ use 'of¢ appropriations ‘ ‘ . restricted, p. 1019, § 671 I ‘ 4 I '- 4 ‘ Contingent, expenses or other general purposes, appory tionment of 'iippropriations for, p. 1019,. 5 665 t Contingent expenses. purehases of 'books from appropria; tions for, pg 1020, § 678 _ 4 ’·` 4 4 7 W Contingent fund of department, apportionment to offices and bureaus, p'. 1019, .5 669 ‘ ll 4 . ( Contingent funds. pur<·l1ase¤<’fron1,·,p. 1020. Q 675 · · Courts and judicial officers, expenditures for supplies, -p._1019,§663‘ ‘ . ,4 . ‘ ` Customs serviee, estimates of appropriations for expenses

 of, p. 1012, 5 583 (3) ~ ‘ · ” *

I»€·partmeufof A§§l';Ctl.]tlll'9, estimates `of appropriations for. \` p_1Q15,§`G`]_’[ .. · .. 4 , 4 . iiepartmeut ot tfonuneriye, estimates of appropriations for " expensesof, p. 1012, § 583 (16) .? - . liepartment of Justice, estimates of appropriations for ex- 'penses of iusularland Territorial affairs within jurisdic-

tion oi, p.·1015, § 615 4 V · 4 ’

4‘·lJep;gi·tment· of `Ltlbtlli, estimates of `appropriations for Z 4 expeusesof. p. 1012, § 583 (22) _ l Eliininmtioia of unne·;·essary words aiu estimzites, p.'_1016, , § 623 ‘ I · ·. » ` ~ ‘ Estimates eonuumnieztted to Bureau of Budget to be specitie as to details, p. 1013. § 585 _ 4 .4 ‘ listimates, enunieration of estimates required,. p.. 1012. Estimates of appropriations,‘contentsand arran;,.*ement, - . p. 1012. `E 4 ~ . " . ._ I-Zxr-ess of il]•]Il'U]l!’f8¥i0il$, expenditures forbidden. p. 1019, ° § 053 ‘ · X · . _ ·l·`•·deral ]"fil`llljLt=illt lioard, estimates for appropriations ° fo1·,;i.1U12,§5S3.t7) f _' _ — ·, ~ 4t " Feeleral Trade Coinnaission, estirnateszof appropriation for erpenses of, p. 1012. § 583 (421) Q — . ‘ 5 4 ` 1·‘o¤=1ing of paragraphs to determine amount.appropriated, 4p. 1019, § 676* 9

rx ~ .2142 Appropriati011s—Ct»11tiniied . , , Foreign Service, estimates of appropriations for expenses ,· , o;?,p.10r1,`§603 ’. .' ‘ —, ___ I Fortiiieations and other worksof defense, estimates of appropriations for, p. 1012, § 583 (10) . _ , ” n · Fortitications for insular possessions, estimates of appro- __ priations for, p, 1015, § 606 . · - ( Free Deliver? Service, estimates‘of appropriations 'for expenses of, p. 1012, §-583 (13) - - · I _~Fue1, contracts in advance or - appropriations, "p. 1619. _- "I·`urniture. and repairs of san1e,—for public buildings? neertain expenditures from_ appropriation prohibitegl, p. ,1019.‘§66·t. I v " .- " _ Geolo;.·:ieal Survey`,_estimates of appropriations for, p. 1015, ·-—r——9Siil118tQS at-appropriations fur printing and. engravin: ( T tor, p. 1013, § · · ` Harbor iniprovements, estimates of appropriations for, p.

 .1012Q 5 asa ts) ,     . ‘ Q

llvtlrographic Oiiiee, estimates {ur appropriations for prim- . ing and engraving for, p. 1013, § 590 I i ’ Immigration, estimates of appropriations for expenses nf regulating, p; 1016. § 620 , { ‘ ‘ - _ " Increase of the Navy " under; Bureau of. Ordnance. restrictions on use of eappropriations for. p. 1011*, Q 636 o Indian Oiliee, estimates of appropriations, for personal serviee in, p. ,1012, §·583· (26) - l · , . `L Indian Servlice; estixnatesof appmpriathns. for, p. 1013, §613"` ‘ . " —C I IDTPPIIHII-1'€S’€H_ll€, estimates bf avltlopriations for [expenses of colleeting..p. 1012 § #583 (2¥1)` ‘ . -· ~ ` Judgments against United States, estimates for paynnentiol`. \ _ _, p. 1012 § 583 (2) · `.. Laundering paper nwney, estimates for expenses, of, D1 W12. gasattm. I o » ‘ T}; . - _ Liberty. loans. estimates of ‘appropriat.iffns for expenses of._ . p. 1013, § . . · { ~ Li}.·:hthouses, appropriations available for two years, p._ 10*.31. Lump—sum appropriations . ' As applicable to salaries of°sc·ienti*tie and teehnieal employees of Department of Agsrieulttire, p,_101G. l - Not available for increased salaries, p. 1010, § *629 · Statements required with estimates for, p. `1012,'§§ 5N, Members offfongress as trustees, etc., of eorporations or institutions for which appropriations are `madé, term of service-of, p. 1023, § 722, · _ Q ·f , ‘ . * ‘ Mints “and assay_otii_ces, statement in estimates of persons . employed, p.! 101-1. § 599 — _ _ National loan, estimates of appropriations for expenses of, . p. 1012, $,,583 (1) · ~ . , `Nationalparks, estimates of appropriations for,-p. 1015, ti 614 T ‘ , -~ ‘ Na-vy . _ _ . Cltltlllllgi and small stares fund credited with proceeds _ of sale. p. *20;}-}, § (#10:1 · l ‘ Equipment outfits. how charged, .p. 1018, `§ 648 "_ Naval auxiliary ·engaged_ in transportati_an of fuel, how ‘ expenses charged, p. 1018. 5 649 - ‘ , J Payment for materials or services ordered from Nav?. _ p. 204-1,`§ I ’ . - St_ate1nents_in estimates of `nunnher and salaries of persons empleiyed under appropriations forincrease l . ¤t,·p. 1015, § ooo - ‘ ’ { 1