Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 44 Part 1.djvu/22

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§ Qi) 2‘1r1,1~; .2t~—»T. 90. Removal from office of employees of House of Repreeenteti·eees.-'1‘he violmio:1 of any of the pros·i>s§one of sections 85 to 89 of this title shall, upon 8>5(‘(?I°t2liIl11l€l1t thereof, he deemed to be cause fm; removal from offico. (Mor. 3, 1961, e. S30, 5 1, 31 Stat. 968.) no 1 l ` 91. Inquiry by Committee on Accounts of House of Repreeentatives.———It shall be the duty of the Committeeon Accounts of the House of Representatives from time to time to inquire into the enforcement or xfioleti<»u':$f any of the provisions of sections 8510 90 of this title; and for this purpose they are authorized to send for persons_zindl;>apers, and to aodministexi oaths; and they shall roportto the House at least once every session their compliance with the duty herein; imposed. (Mor. R3, 1901, e. {@30, § 1, 31 Stat, 968.) _ _ e [ 92. Payment of appropriations for `clerk lure for Members, Delegates, and Resident Comniissiouers.——A;r;>1·{»]>riations nllille by Congress for clerk hire for Members, Delegates,. and Reeldoot; Commissioners shall be paid by the Clerk of the House of Representatives to one or two persons to be_‘designuted· by eaeh Member, Delegate, ore Resident COIDI1]iSSi0I1E1;,l the names of such personswto be placed -»-upon the roll of employees of. the Houseof R€§1`€S€l]tRti\’€S,»tOg€tll»Q1"€\Vi[ll the amount to be paid 83011;* and Representatives, Delegates, and Resident Commissionere elect to Congress shall. likewise ’be entitled to make suchedesignatiousz- I’ro~vided,_That such persons .sha“ll‘.be subject to removal at any time by ouch, Membeé, Delegate, or Resident Coxjnmissionen §xdth’Ti* \\’lUl0·\1tiC£ll`lS€,, ,`(Jau. 2,3, 1923, c, 43,.42 Stat. 1217.) ‘ I to _ _ * , _ __ 93{Time ofbeginming of compensation, of cletks to comput- ’ tow of Housefof Representatives paid during session onlymé The pay of melamine to ciixfumittees of the House of Repr ~ tives which have been or may b€ l&l1th6l°iZ9d_ by the- , who ure mid during the session only shall begin from tue time such clerks entered upon the—di$cl1urge,of‘·their duties, which shall lmlascertained and evidenced by the, cettifncate of the chairman of the 1several,eco1nmittees employing clerks for the session only, (June 28, 1886, No. 15, 24,Stat; 312.) R 94.* Appointment, duties, gud xiemovslof janitors to committm of House of Representatives.—¢Janitors\to"` cornmittees of the House of Representatives shall be eppoigtedeby the ehairmeu, respectively, of said committees, and shall perfox·m'_under the direction of the (Doorkeeper all of ._tlle duties required of messengers detailed to said committees by the Dooxikeepefj and shall be subject to removal by the Doorkeeperl ut uny time after ._.t1ae termination ofwtlle Congress ednrring which they were appointed. _ (Mar. 4,, 1925, c.4549, § 1, 43·_Sf§1§,p_129].._)_ R 95. Payments from contingent fund of House of _Re‘pre·- se¤tatives.·—·-No payment elmll be. mode fiom the contingent fund of . the House of Representativesunless. sanctioned by the Committee on -·Ac<·ounts of the House of Reptesentzatives. Puy1ne11ts·fromW iheecoutiugent fund made upon vouehel·sfapproved by said committee shellbe deemed, held, and token, feed ere hereby deelared to be- conclusive upon ull the departments aud officers ot ‘the_Governuient. No payment shall be mmle from sold contingent fund aejadditionial salary or_ com- . peneatiou to any otllcer or employee of the House of Representatives.; (Oct. 2, 1888, e. 1069, S 1, 25 _Stat;6—16; Mar. 4,1911, e. 240, 36 sm; 1313,) e d t _ , - 1 96. Poymeut. frog moneys of House of Representntives of certoiu bills}-#-It $1;..).11 beunlowful for the Clerk of the House to poyoutof any moneys ot’éé“House of Representatives any bills fo; laumlzry, furniture, supplies, on utensils used lu the barber shopeeof the House Om@tBulldlng or the Houselelde of the Capitol. (July 16,1914, c. 141,,-S 1, 38 St;1t.,462.A) , ·” ,97. Temporujy committee on accounts of House of Repre- , ·sentatives.e—4-The Speaker ot, the House or Reprwentotlves ot V each Congress shell, before the termination of the last session

LZ IJ. L'i).t\’Gn'iJSS 3 of each Congress, apysoirxt, from the Repsesentntis·<·s~elect, a tcmpornry committee on accounts, of three xnemhers, which sam a committee on actzomats shall have the same powers am! por- , form the 881119 duties ill l‘€Y€l'0l1t‘€ to ll8)'m9ll£S made from mp contingent fund of the Honscoof §_,cpresentatives of the next · Congress as are authorized by/,169 and the rules ot the pppceding House of Representatises. Said, temporary cornmittcc K on accounts shall begin to exercise its powers immediately x iupon the termination: of the previous Congress, and shall . Q continue to exercise and disclxarge said duties until after a the meeting and organization of the House of Representatives

 of the succeeding Congress, and until thenppointment of the

regn·lar committee on accounts. t _ » All payxnents made out of the CUHUHKQHC fund of the Ilouso £ of Representatives upon Y.Ul1Q11€fS, approved by said texxxpomry e committee on accounts shall he deemed, held, and taken, and - are hereby declared `to be conclnsive uponnll the departments » and auditing officers of the Government. (Mar. 2, 1895, · c. 177, §_1,2S Stat. 768.) _ W - » { n 98, Contractstforhorses for service`of House of Represents- » tives.——In all contracts made for service for the House of Rep- _ "1‘0.$€IIt8.[i\’€S`il1V01Vlllg·tl'l€_€I`ilD10}’l1l8l'1_lZ of horses, the expense . ofkeeping such horses- shallfbe eoverecljby ·' the contract; and { .no"mo_neyappropriated for contingent or other expenses of the l ,House of Representatives shall he expended c, for stables or forage. ‘ (Mar. 3, 1885,ic. 360, 23 Stat. 512.) __ ‘ 99. · Contractsfore horsesjand mail wagons for House of Rep- , resentatives.+——-The-appr0prlations·for hire of horses and mail = wagons for[‘carrying—theImailsfor the_Honse'ot Representatives n shalllje expended under the direction of the Postmasterot the _ -i,.House,--under contracts to be let annually to the lowest re- . sponsibl_e·_bidder therefor after. due advertisement. (Mar. 3, »— 1891, c. 541, S 1, 26·._Stnt.—914.) V- n

 100. Contracts fo1: packing boxes fer, House of Representa-

` ,tives,-4Packing boxes for the use ot the House of Representw ~ » tives shall be procured after advertisement for proposals therefor, under-~ specificatéons to be prepared by th; Clerk of the Honse, and from the lowest and best bidder to farnish_the`

 same.   (Mar. 3, 1901,jc. 830, § 1, 31 Stat. 967.)   s   o   a

t ,,_, 101. Subletting duties oft employees of Smste or House of in Representatives.——-—No employee ot either in theSen+ Q ate or House, shall sublet to, or hire, another todo or perform c tany part of the duties or work, attached to the position to which hewas appointed. (Mar. 2, 1895, c. 177,}-1, 23 Stat. 771.)* t l  »· e > » ‘ ·e 102. Statements; of Secretary of Senate and Clerk of Hesse , of Representatives.-The iSecretary- of the Senatennd" th§ Clerk of the House of Representatives shall prepare and snhmi ’ to the, two Houses, respecfively, at the commencement of each session ot Congress, the_f6l1op’ing»statements in writing`; n __ t_ ' First; A statement showingthe names of the clerks and other persons swhohave been, during the preceding year or any part thereof, employed in their respective odiees, and those of o the messengers. of the respective Houses ; , together with the time that teach clerk or other person and each messenséif FRS actually cn1ployed,,_»and thesnms pnid_to'each. This statement t mast also show néhethero such clerksYor other persons, or such messengers, haste been usefnlly employed; whether- the seryices ° of any of them canbe dispensed with without detriment to the . public .serrice,e and whether the removal oft any particular pen tsonsyand the appointment ot others in their stead, is required ·£orthe.better dispatch ot bnsiness.` ._ t ‘ l ~ o e ‘ o I Second. A detailed statement, by items, of the xhannor in whiclrthe contingent fund for each House has beenexpendeel during thepreceding year. This statement must give the names of every person to whom any portion of the tnndt has been paid; and itfor anything turnished,the quantity and price;