Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 44 Part 1.djvu/230

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§ 1252 TITLE ernment, ih his disérqtidn, from time to timeQwith0i1t chargq timriefor, such·ammuKuiti_0u,—_exp10si·vcs, zihdhther ammunitim ·c0h1;j0uents as may prove td bc·_0r shg11*bec0me.surplus 01 11llS‘UiCHb1é_‘fO1‘ fthe purposes of the'Wi1r·D¢partment ndwa: gshixll bé suitz1b1é—.for~_ use ih the proper activities 9; cme: cxecixtivedepartm<—m_ts. ·(J.uof 11, 1919, c. 8,*subch:1 ter IV "41 s¤;;¤r._130,) ~ _  » *‘ . V » . 1252. Loan of tents.——¥—N0·1o;m of tents shall bp madékgxcep t0_.°_the;=Grgm1_ Army of the iliepublig, the United Confederau Veter'ans,~tl1e Uixited Spani5h·Wm· V€tQl‘8Z[lS,· and to recognizég prg£mizations_0f.v0terz1us Of the lute World ·War by wlgatcvé; name ‘they_i1iuy_b¢_ known; (Mar. 2,_ .1913, N0. 11,. 3} Stat. 1025

Jiily26, 1919, c. 28, 41 Sfat. 272L)‘ _ _; .   ‘ A . ·

-1253. Price `duufged for subsistence supplics.—¢—-\V·hen unfle the Army R(»gulati<§uS‘ su·bSisten5:e supplies are furnished t< another bureau of.£_the War Départimgnjz, pt E0 another éxeéu tive department of the Government or employees thereof; pay ment therefor shall be madé in cus}? by thé propefdisbursing ·officer ofjthe buiggu, OmCé,_01‘W department concerned, or by~th employee m` whom the sale is mndé. When the trziusactioui between two bureaus of the ·War Department: the, price

 be charged shalli bé the. COI}_t1f8(.°tL· or 'imfoice price of the  

plies,. When ~'th(§—[}‘H.i1$?lC»ti(j{1 is between the Quurteru);1_ste Corps and another executive .dépz1rtmg511t._70f th€_G0`¥;€}`I1H1CI] or employecsvthereo-f,— the pirice {0 be charged shall include th _c0nti·§ct —0r 'invcice price ‘a1id Q10`_pc1·~ ccntum ad{liti&011a,1 t covewwastagé in transit, and the cost of tri1i1spOrtution.' (Mm 3, 1911, c. 209, 36 Stat.'10=47.)_ _' . · . - 125_4. Sale of medical suppliés and equipment to Red Cr0ss.- .\Vith the &DD1·0va14 of the Séc1‘€tai·y of Wz1;f and 'at_ rates,-QJ charge of.n0t less than_`_Pthe contract prices psxicfthérefor .pl—u 25 per C€·11tUm» to cover the cost of purchuse,·‘ius;5cqti011, an s0·‘ `forthQ the Medical Dep.·;ujtn1ent_ of thé Army muy sell fo _ bash =t0 thQ·`1AIIléi‘iCfllI National Red Cross such medical _ su; plies sinqigqniipujeizts as *0:111 be spared without `dctrimexit t °the military serytice. — `(.Ma1·.» 4, 1915, c; 143,.5 1,- 38 Stat., 1080. _ 1255, t0`Red Cross of articles required for instructio and 'practicc.<g—¥T-he Segretaryi of Warf‘·is< authorized to issue at his discretion. mid under proper `regiglutioxis toe be apre scriljecl byhim, mit ofequipyucnt'fo1·_med`ical ziigd other esta} lislnnuenlts _0;1`h:,1;id, belonging to the Government add whic gan bei temporarily`. spgrcd, such- articles asmay appear tq_ b irequima ·fo1·’inst;·uct§<)n and practice by organizations 'forme S by the An1ei·ic·an Nationh1_Rcd Crosis, fdr) the purpose of rér daring uid to the Army· and· war. {May 8, 191e No.15,"§;;38%Stat.. 771.) · ‘ · “A _ _ `- ' 1256; ‘Sa.fc-elgceping and return of attiqles loaned tow` Ré Cross.-—The·regu!i1tions prescribed by the-`Sccréltary _0f War, i _DllI‘SU£UiCé of the ·:iuth0r`i_t5{ granted 'by· section 1255* Of ihi title, gzliall provide forthe immediate return of the articles c equipment lqaned the .AH1€fiC3D_ National Red Cr08s wha V· calledfor by the authority which issued Qxégin; énd the Sé< mtary of War shall l;€{']lli1'€·8 bond ii cab}: case, in doublé {.11 value. of the property, for Qthe care and ·‘s;1fe¢kaeping· therec ‘ and for the f·ctux ·n`.0f the same when required. i (May 8; 191+ N0.15, 5 2,38 Stat. 7'71'.)‘· '_· M » _ . .` _, . . -1257. Transfer of material to Chief of"EIlKi§é€!8.*Th€ Sea ‘ rotaxjy ot War; is authorized and empowered, »in his disctetiox _t0 transfer, free dt charge, to the Chief 01 E!`lgil1€éIS,··-Uhité States Army, fqr use the execution, 11nd&r.·his-£i1fccti01j’, 0 ~ any qivil work O1" works authorized by Cogxgrcés; such `mr `iorial, supplies, `i¤s't_rumax1ts, véhicl<=5s. ;mac‘hinc1*y,_ or othe équipment pertaining rb the Military Establishment né are 0 m:1y_hc:j.·2s;fte¤»r‘be found in be VSUYDHIS and no longer Arequitq for military purposes. (June 5, 1920,_ct 252, 5*8,-41, Stat. 1015.é " . ‘ SALES OR LEASES TO PUBLIG "` Sale qi jicntu} oxitfits, scc scc_t.i9n. 212 of Title 5.~»B` ‘ . . 1261, Stores unsuitable for public serving.-4-·The `Pmsideq maj cause to be sold spy military. stores wpich,·upou·~ pijope

10.T-—-—AA{M1f =» 216 o inspection or 'sorvoy, appear toho daihagod, or unsuitable fw-

the public service. Such i¤speciio11"or sulévey $11
111 bommlo

r ‘oHi¢érs dosignatcd by the Socxiétary of War, and the sales s/l¤;”` g_ bé made ondqr regulations prescribcdby him. ,,(R. S. § 1;;;,; Q r 1262. Sale of surplus War mgterial to’St§ates and .fon·oi—=i¤ ’,.· ogqvermuenlts.-—Cl1hc Secretary of·_W¤r is) héreby nutllolmzg ip his djseretion, to sell toi any State or forheigri ,g}o·Q·.§,—l,i» t" 9mex1t.with_which the U1;1ted_'Statc§ is_at peace, upon, such t<1rm< g gg he mhydgom expedient, any matériel, 8tiDplieS, or oquiymm; 1 portainii1g· to the Military Establishment, excebt foodstuffs. as rl or mayb? foupqto bg Surplus, wh_ich_a·ro not hooded for mm-

tary purposes and for which there is no adequate domo~zit; '

‘ markot._ "(‘Juno~5,_1920, c. 240,,41 Stat. 949.) . _ ‘ " ~ " r _· 1263. Real propertyrcquirod fQl'»;AI’mY storage.--The l’1·<·Q3. 0 dent is horéhy authorized, -t;ht‘otigh the hud o£_a¤y ex0<;u1l·»·o · . la department, upon fterms ond conditlohs ·co¥isidc:cd advilgalmp 4,,- ”_ V- him or such· head of department, to Selfor loose roal·prt»»;lt-l—{yq` g. or any ixzgtorost theroi¤_01• appurtciimmt theréto acquired `by aim c_ United States of America mace April 6, 1917, for St0I’&1gi3A}Jlll*·. sv fposes for the ·\1S§ of the A.r¤iy,, Whiéh in the judgment of mt; o _Prosideut or the hoadot sméhldepartmoint, fs no longer 1m;;z,·,l »¤ for use by_ the ‘Unitod‘Stutos of America, and jto execute: uml. or deliver ih tho._x1amc`of_ thoyUnited Statosand in its behalf ml}, tt' and all contracté, couvoyanccs, or other instxmoonté nt·o<·sxm·y,. o_ to offéctuato anjysuch salé“or‘1e8se., ._(Ju1y.·11,o1919, cQ 8,.su1.»- · o ch:ipté1·I1,‘41 Stat', 129,) J A - [ ·. " . y F. 1264. Disposalof proceeds of £sa1eTo;· lease tmdor sgction 1263.-All moneys received by the United States as th‘c‘pro:;

 of auy_Asz1lc orlonsg under section IE3 of this title slmll be th;. n

{£` _ positéd in the TréqSt1ry_o£-thé_United States to the croilit oi ,

 “Miscellaneous recgipts ”·&¥1d_8 full refaort of the same shall ho `

d subxixittedf ann`ual·ly to; Congress. . (July 11, 1919; c. 8, sun- ·l‘ chapter‘II·,,41_Stat. 130,) 1 1 Y _ 1) · EXCHANGE AND ,IN'1‘EllClIANG{E OF PROPERTY ) 1271. Exchange of used machinery, étc;, in part piymem for ll new oiticlos gc-:nérally.5——-Sewing machines- and other hll>o¤··_ B, saving maéhiuéry used ih °t.ho'· manufacture} ot_odothing_aml 3- . eq1£ipagoQ motor, trixckg ai1d°_passei1g¢e:·<;arrying» 'vohibles, mid J-- ban;} ihsuunnonté, may bg exchanged ln poxit pigment for new ll machiucs,‘vchiclcs,° and instruments used for the mmol purpose >e_ tag those proposed to he oiohahgod. ,~ (Aug, 29, 1916, c. 418, o§ 1, d 39 Stat. 635.) ‘ ‘°`V 9 9 _ ’ 3 .._ l ¥ V _ U 1272;. Motor vehicles, aircxjiff, été.-éiSnjbjéct to the oppoyul

  • »_ of the Secretary of War, ·motor~propo1led~ ¥€hi(Zi¢S,-"§i1']}18!§€‘F. ·

_‘ engines, partstheroot, balloons, arid appurtenances ·xhay· be M5 1 d tchunged th putt payment for tzewequlpnient ot tho same or simi- 9 "lar character to be used for tho game pugpoaoo `asjthoso pm- 5 poéedto be exchaugedv (July 9, 1918, 6;.143, 40 Stat. 849.) o · _ ’f 1273; Typcwritors pod tsdding mqchirlos fo; Signhl Corps.———· ¤ The Slgua1'C0r;}s may exchange typowrtters and adding ma- 3* chinos ln tho purchase of similar equipment. » (Mar. 4,._19¥5, he _·c. 143,51, 38 Sttit. 1064.) Q ·- - V L · ‘

  • f 1274. Interchange of supplies bctyeon Army and Navy·—#·
  • ·. The interchmxgo without oompehsatioh therefor, ot,`mllit¤u¢l1

. 9 stores, supplies, hud equipnient. of every character, ilncltnlliw ET ..1‘€)al estate cwnedhbyitho G0vemmen_t,. is hereby ilnlthorizcrt ?¤··

  • •_ tween the Atmy dud tho. Navy upon tho request- ot the head ··€
  • 1 ono oorvice and with thoapproval of the head ot the cttw- .

’f service, (gIu1y~=11, 1919, tc, 9, 41 Stat. 132.) A _ it _ ’ , 1 DISPOSQL OLE PROCEEDS OE SALES.—E'Ql‘C.. "` .1281; Proceeds of subsistence supplies; and ·gtorc$.·——-AN d moheysarisihg fiom sales 0£`subsistoi1c»o_supplies or stores, we )‘ thorizod by 1aw·¤nda1‘cguIati011s,‘ shall be. coyorcd i11to`»tllu· ,_ , 9 »'I‘x·oasu;·y to the1` ci·odit_o£ the proper appropriation; and sh-out ‘ remain ava1l¤blo`throughout the' meal year tollowlng that iw - it which the 8alos_wé1‘o otfectéd, tor` tho·pm·posos of that approtx- priqtion from which such supplies or stores were authorized to