Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 44 Part 1.djvu/240

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§ 1451 ‘TITLE 1· Chapter 35.--‘UNI’1*ED __S'1‘A'1‘ES DISCIPLINARY BAR- RACKS. K ~ n eee. l . · a l 1451. Name of Military Prison changed to Disciplinary Barracks. 1452. Persons to be condned in penitentiarles `and Disciplinary Bar- _ _ racks, respectively. · , - · · » 1453. .Gevern:m·nt and control of Disciplinary Barracks. 1454. Gmcers, guards, etc.. · 1455. Cemmandanfs powers and duties. 1456. Military training of ndenders. _ _ _ 14`5‘i'._ Remission of nnexecuted portions of sentences; restoration ·t0 dnt . ‘ -‘ l 1458. Branestx dleeipllnary barracks. l 14.39. Manufacture of supplies for Army. A , ,14%. Donation to dishonorably discharged prisqners. 1461Q,»Co*e;:enlsati¤n for arrest ofescaped prisoners. I Section 1451. Name of Military Prison changed to DisciplinaryaBarracks.-——'I`l1e‘United States Militad Prlson, Fort `Leavenworth, Kansae, shall hereafter be. known as~_ the United States Disciplinary Barracks. ’ (Maxx 4; :1915, c.‘143, `§ 2, 38 a Stat. IGS-!.) . _ _ e We - » . _ 1452. Pelican to be canine:} in pénitentiaries and Disciplinary Barncké, respecti{ely.—Pers9x1s· sentenced to confinement . upon `c0m·ict1en_ by ceurtsgmartial or other military tribunals at crimes em ogtenses which; `nnder some statute of the United · States or imder some law not the. State, Territory, Dlstljict, or other juriédictien in 2 which the crime or offense may be -é0m· naittéd, are punishable by cénilnement in a penitentiary, in- `elading persons sentenced to centlnement upon conviction by eeartsanartial or other military tribunals of two or more acts nrpomiaeiqns, any one qt which, under the statute or other law hereinlaefere mentioned, constitutes nr includes a crime or emense punishable by c0ni1nemenf.in_a penitentiary, may be eendned atiiard lab~0r,” during the entire period of confinement _ ae adjndgtd, in any United States, __State, Territorial, 01·_‘District penitentiary, or in any other penitentiary directly or _- indirectly under the jutiisdicticn at the United States; and all ’ persons sentenced to confinement upon conviction. by courts plllilftiiell another military tribunals whe, arent nctcondned in A penitentiary may be confined and detained in the United States Disciplinary Barracks. (Mar: 4, .1915, c. 1513, §‘·2, 38 Stat 1084.) . .·`· ‘ ~ ” 1453. Gavernment had control of ”Disciplinai·y_ Barracks.—-— ’1‘he‘gns*ernxnent'a11d control of the United States Disciplinary Barracks and at all eienders sent thereto for confinement and detention therein algal! be veatedjn The Adjutant General ni the Army under the direction ot the Secretary ot Wai, whoheliall {rem time to time make sneh regulationa resnectlng the aamé - as may be deemed necessary,. and who` shall .Snbmit_annual13 to (‘engx*eaa ami!. statement gt the financial and other affairé at aald institution ter the preceding decal year." (Mar. 4, 1915 ct’143,‘~I"2,·38 8tat._1085.) . ° · , I ` I Q. `l4i">4! guards, etc.-—-'I1ne_ ollleers of the United States 1)ia1:lp1lna_g·y_ Barracks shall c0naist_0fa_ eomxnandant and sue} enlmrdlnate emeera as may be necessary, wheeshall be de aileé by the Seci·etai·y‘c£ War from the c0m`inisaienéd»billcers %t the Army at large. . In addition te detailing fetddnty at sai; Diaeiplinary Barracks auch numbetT»`·nf enlisted lmen of ntl:] Staff Cnrpa and depagstments aa he may" deem neeesaarga the .See&·etm·y of War aehail assign a aufnclent number qt enlistec men as the line of the Army for duty as guards atsaid Disc! plinnry..Barraeka and aa neswemnxiselnned eflleeraut the diaei plinalry nrgarnizatlezzs ,_bereinafte1·‘autlnnnjlaed. Said guards and also the enlisted men aaalgned for duty as noneemxnleelenet nflleers nt disciplinary orgunizatlnna shall be detached. fren ' the line of the Army, or enlisted for the pnvpnse; axnclsait ·_guards·al1al1!be`01jganized as infantry, with B4.»fl(3(lmlIli8Si_01l€l niilcera, mmzicians, artltlcere, and cooks df the nuxnben ant graders allnived by law fur infantry V nfgeazxizatinns of like atrenlgthz 1’v·u`v:ided. Tliat at least one of said guai·ds.shal·1 have

0.--TARMY · QQG the rank, pay, and allowances of n battalion sergeant ma` · (Mar. 4, 1915, c. 143, 9 2, 38 Stat. 1085.) . . 1 M'

 :1455, Commandant’s)_powers and duties.-—~'12he eennmm‘in·»~·t

‘ of the United States Diseiplinary»Barraeks shall have ¤t»¤tt»,tlQt*,§.; thereof and charge and cnstody oi all ommders sent _·tl1t~reto»m~ eontlnement and detention therein; shall govern such offemlm; and cause themto be employed atsuch labor and in such tx·:»mt».»t and to ‘pertomn sueh dutiesus may be deemed best ter u,.,,,~ health and reformation édfld with A View to their he¤m~;,1,;,, restoration to duty or/their reenlistment as hereinafter ;mth.,,·; ized; shall eduse note to betakenand a record to be,1nadt·'·»f the conduct of such offenders; mid may shorten the daily m,,,, , ot hard labor of those who by theljr obedience, honesty, indusm· t and general good conduct- earn such farorsi—all under suelv; regulations as the Secretary of War may from time to tint,. · prescribe, (Mar. 4,1915, c. 143,} 2, 38 Stat. 1685.) ‘ . 1456. Military training of o§c¤éersQ·~·—'1‘he Secretary et \\’¤tr

shall; provide, for placing under military training those Offemlerg

sent to the United States Disclplinnry Barracks ter eendnemeett , had detention therein whose record and mndnet are such as

to warrant the belief that upon the eompletion et a course ef

n military training their `may be worthy of an honorable ree , toration to duty or oi being perrnltted toreenlist; may rrrmitie · for the organization ot_ nftendersgso placed under military . training into disciplinary eompnnles and higher `unlts, organizer! a L [as infantry, with noneommisstoned emcefs, except eoler ser- · geants, selected‘or,appointed_ from the enlisted men assignrtt s, to duty for that purpose pnrsnant to the provisions of seetm · 1454 hereof; and may provide for ¤u1:¤i—m:¤g,` nrrning, tm-at · equipping such organizations.; (Mar. 4,. 1915, c. *143, ·§ 2, 3% — E` 4State `• .· Z. I `

Y 1451. Remission of unéxecuted portions of sentences; reste- ·

- ration; to duty.—··~Whex1e\ter<he shall deem snch netien merittet r the Secretary of Warrmay remit the nnexecnted portions uf. l the sentences of offenders sent to the United `States Discipline rr · Barracks for `cenllnement `and detention therein, and in acidit `tion to such remission txnny grant those who here net been diss eharged front the Army nn honorable restoration to dnty, and

 may authorize the reenllstxnent of those who have been dis-

· charged or upon their written appliestion to that end ertler. -· their restoration to the Army to complete their `reeneetire terms ¢· of enlistrnent, and such- app.lication— and nrder of '·restnrnti~n l shall be. etectlve to revive the enlistment_conlr¤ct for a perm}, z eqnal, to the one net, served under said ncontrnet. {Mar. -1,- l 1915, e. 143, Q 2, 38 Stat. 1085.)* · y '· c _, ·’ e j .1458. Branch disciplinary barrscksq-—The Seerétary of We? f' ·mny, from-' tltne to time, designate,»_an_y hnlldlng nr strricture. s or any part thereotnn/der._the centrnl of the Secretary of Wen- ,‘ and pertaining to the Military Establishment as a branch ` `dlsclgilinnry barraelts for the cqnhnegnent and ··detention· of 5 ettenders whom it is lmpraetieab1e` te send to the `United States . ¤ Diselpllnary_Barraeks at Fort Imivenworth, Kansas; and all ll branch disciplinary barracks and all eftenders mnt thereto fer 2: confinement and detention therein shall be snbject to the lam l' respectlng` the United ‘· States Disciplinary. Barracks at. Fort é‘ Leavenworth, Kansas, and the n&endergZgent thereto ter corr. . M

 Hnement and detention therein. _ (Mu, 4, 1915;°c. 143, 9 2,   ·

I Stat.`—10Sd,) `t .# » I ’ _ , In _° _ _ t- l 1459. Manufacture ofsnpplieg for Army.-—The Secretary. of _. -· War shall cause to be fabricated at the__\Unitetl States pisr, elplinnry ‘Bnrrnt·ks such `snnplim ter thexxérnny as can he l. economically. and ,promrty· mnzmteetured at the salt! `Dis·:i· 1 plinary Barracks, W (Mar. 3, 1879, c. 182, 5 1, 520 `Stat. 389.) vv _ I 1,460. Donation to Qdiahonornbly discharged ·· "prisonerS······\ l" · donation ot $10 shall be made to meh Lprlsoner discharged l· ptnerwxee than honorahly ,up·on· his trelegse fr<>m`conHnen1tenxt_. e under court-martlnl sentencé‘lnv0l’ving (ll.Sb(IlZl0l'&l)lB‘.dlSCh2ll`gQ· as (Feb. 12, 1925, e. 225, Title—_I,` 43 Start. 900.) a , g /