Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 44 Part 1.djvu/245

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231 T1 TLB Ji M9?. Cettsin uctsto c&it¤te Muffins (article 28).—~——Any ` m1;4,·cr who, having tmdered his resigaticn and prior tg due xmicreuf théncéeptaacc of ;;he same, quits his post or éproper ¢1a:2ics·x£·iih0ét lean with' intent tq abmnt himself permny uvmly ihemtrcm shall Ee deemed 1 dgserter. Any soldier who, With§¤t° having mw received a regupar digmsarge, againxnlists in the- Army, cr in the. militia when in` the Spyvice of —the·U¤itcd ‘Smtes, or in the 3gvy og H;rine‘Cprps of the United Wien, or in any foreign army, shall. be deeméd

;.» have deserted the service ot the  U¤itcd States; and, where

mp enlistmenfis is om at the Iorces ot the_United States menmqaui abbve, in have triudukéhtlny enlisted therein. Any person ssmjcct tc_ military law wm quits his organiza; mm or place ci duty with th€°'I§tQC to nvnld hamrdous duty Qr m shirt ixipcrtant service shall be deguied .:1 descrter; (June 4. 1920,12. 27, mi»ch$p¢cr`II,_§ 1; 41 $tatT 2%.) ‘ _ 1508. Canrt t• mace actica (irticlc 29).-Whenever the wart has the aezgused upim 1H spédhcntions and rimrges, the court dnt! at cage &H1l6¥}¤@Q_8@h_f&i¥{t'1¤`0DBi1 mutt. Umar regulations as tha Prwdeut may prescribe, whe tind_ii;gs and scuteqce in other may `similgrly gnm»¤m·ed, ‘(June*4,‘19w, c._ 227,__s¤b¢hapter II; $.1, 41 Stat. Ter:.} - __ _ * . . 1561.. Clandjscaibni 36).5--Whenevet} general or spew/·ial_·ccurt·qnrtial shall dt in closed session,. the trial judge

¤mmcate and the uésgaat __tr1a1 judge; advocate, it amy, shgll

wizhdrmv; and ww: their? 4 ip rétcrrlxsg td the, remrxml evidence h 1‘$§i1‘Ed·, it skill be 0bmind· in open court, and in the p ce at the acémed and of his counsel, it there av giny. (lame 4, 1920; c. ‘Q7,- mbcl§apter II, § 1, 41 Smt. mss. ) . A · · # · _ · . 1592. Mcthed •f voting (,nrtidc_31).-—-V0tl:1g‘liy mémbers or I za gmeral gr @in1 bourtémartial upon questions ot `clgqlleugc, (ih!3 the nmlings, aid bu the saufwccshhll be by secret `(wrigtén ` maint. The junior ummm at the; court qmail in each -¤se ·_m1nx_ me vcies, which count shgll be chééccd by the presichent, who will tqxthwith nmqumgj the result ot thé‘ Mllét to · the uwmbers ct the mart. The bw of the mart; It any, ur if_the1·é be no lim member 0t_mc court. then me présideng may, rule 1365213 mutt upon the interlocutory duéstiéus, other _ main challenges, d§ri¤g_tbe Pfcvidéd; That

 unigss   ruling §e_ madé by thwlaw   at the ccért it
my;membe1··bbjec£ the cwrt shq11"bc and

4·z{·m1 ¤¤u me nqdaética mmm by ¤ majqkiigy me, viva vines, iwxixmiug with in 4:4 Vgrovidcd farther, That ii any such mlm; be md: by°’t§e_kw ct cmlrt apes m:y”ime1j1acutc;·y que¤m»;¤ther than an objecting {:9 pziséiihility oi' evisience a§e1jed mating the t:·ia1,»g¤d any member cbjecg 't9·_th% ruling, tm .q0¤rf s’ha.H H ·b€((2!¢I1’€d amrcicseq gm thequgstmn ;mcid¤d by a` mnj~0,rity;v0te, viva

 wivc, beginning   the   iu. tank: Provided further,

lwwcvcr, That die ph1·•se,·"®jecti0¤ tc` the ddmissilriliti of cfvideugg altered duringltng trinl," _¢s umdjn the next precedé ‘ ing, pmwiim hgmqf, shall rD0t_ be construed té_m;:1u;1e?‘qu¤stib¤s ae; to tm owe: of the introductimn `ot wimew _0r other evi-

 rlsnc-e; ·¤¤r ·¤t—6;e—meaQ~ oLw1t¤ o1 1u;!;§;gW@@;g§9_xg,!

may as ta vqhethu expert wiyqesing shall be admitted -01; upon my q@imn, my as tg whether mutt shall view the premism where ma memls t1%e€l tc have hegn- com-1 witted, mu- as to tha; écmpeteucy at gitxiwes, as; far t¤st$;¤¢¢. .. nf childmnn wimmsu ailegw to _\Se mentally mcomwteut, and the like, D6!-‘S8_t9 the {malty of ntkwhether the nxisteuce of mental dimisc _0r mental deringcmgnt bn the part of the accuséd has became {mm in`tbe trial, qr hécusbd required to submit aq physical. »mrt·wh9the1·— may Mwmmt 01·_.statém@t of tax the ·•éc@d or ot the mal judge advocate is -ui1pmpe1·, mr ug: ruling in n use i¤¢

7,———ARMY § ]_5()8) volviag military strategy or tactics or correct axjilitary action; buf, upon all them questions arising on tee txiial; lt_any memo ber object to any rultgg of the lilwlllléfllbéf, the court shell c be cleatedfaml closed and the question decided by majority vote of the members.? iu, the manner aforesaid. Uuneké, 1920, c. 227,%ub<:liapter Ii.] 1, Q1 Stat. 793.) A · ' . . o = 1503, Co¤teipta"(srtic1e 32).+-—A' military tribunal may puplsh aé for contempt any perwa who ueea any menacing words, sighs, or gestures- in its pi·es$;e¤ce,_ or who disturbs ite proceed- 1ngS by any riot or disorder : » Pfc vided. That such paui®mc11t · ·8#12lu- ip ao exceed one month`s_ conainemeut, of a hue ot " $100, or both. (June 4, 1920,1:. 227, mbchaptesr II, § 1,. 41 . Stat.793.) . · _ " __ L ‘ ` 1504. · Recogds; general cwrtwnartial (•tt$& 33).-Each general courpmartial shall keep a separate rmerd‘ei*.it.s pwceedings in the, trial_.of each case brought before it, and each recorsfshall be authehticated by the aignatare of the president and the trial judge advocate; but se case the zecerd can not be authéuticateel by prwdeat use trial jutlge advocate, by reason of the tlea th, disability; or; ameaee of eitheg or both of thehi, it shall be ¤@ by. a' member in lieu ’of the president and by uagssmtaat trial judge advecste, if there _ be one, ia lieu_ of `the txrial judge. advocate; otherwise by. another member of the court. (June 4, 19%, c. @7, mt er b IL$1._,·11`S¤1t. 7+93-)` I · . .— - aj » 15%. Records; spwial and samqnary (arti- " cle 34).-gEach special courtanartial am $61 court? martial shall keep a· record of its separate for 1-each case, which record shall} teuee such matter and be , authmticated in-such manner as may be by @1:1- ` _ tions which the. Prwldeat may tram? time to time pxeecribe. 1 (June _4, 1920, c. .227, subehaptexr ll, $1*1, 41 Stat. 794.) _ 15¤6;é_Dispositi»en of remain`; ' de 35).--The trial judy adyomte of w& general ceurt-ywxtiat = shall, with such expedition as cEoumstauees may pei·&it, forwvartl to the appointing suzntsmy or te hisimccewor in coma wand the origihal of . the proceedings of sueh eoert · in` the trial ot_`eacl1 case. All of saca. diugs_sha& after having been acted upon, be transmitted to the Jadge ·- Advocate General of the Army. (Jam 4, ‘19@, c. _¤7, sabl chapter II, { 1, 41 Stat. 794.) l ° W · ` " 1567. Disposition of special saamary ,marte—· I martial (article 36).5-—·Ai'ter having bemicted apea. by. the ef- W `I Beer t1ppoi¤ting~ the:coui·t,· or by ‘-the emeg commanding for

the tithe being, the gecord of each trial by special ceart-mar! _

t tial and a report of each t_ria_ljby.summary coartméartlal wall ·l' be ttansmitted to such general headquarters as tim Premlent » may designate in regulations, there to be tiled ia the office I of the juclge advocate. Wl1er1 no loxiger of asejrecertle of etymt mary izourts-martial may. be tlestroyedt _(J'aue 4, 1920, e. LQ?. . subchapterjll, S 1,41 Stat. 794.) __ »· _ ” ·» f 15%. Irregalarities; eiect of (atticle 37).--·‘1’heWproeee<i.ix1;;#s` ·. of a fcoiartémartial shall aot be. held invalid, nor the aadiags

or sentence disapptoved, in any case on the groaudlbt imprepern

.· admission or rejection of evidence er for` any erm: as te aaj'· p matter of pleading' O1? Drecedure tmleee 1a‘tac_—¤p1¤ m of the- ? T—}e}7`{e€;Y5`§B“ £ty,..¢£ter an examiaaticm et the · entire proceedings, it shall appear that the emsor coatplaiuetl , . of haslnjurioaely a¤ected the substantial righm ot an accused: ` l Provided. That the actlor omlssioa upon which the acc®ed— has . been tried constitutes au offense denounced and made punish- ¤ able by one or more of these articles: Proz.· idcd’ 7ae·ther, That

the omission of the worde."hard_·labor*’ in any sentence of a

. coutbmartial. ndjadging 'imprlaoament. or cgmmxemeat shall · not be construed ce demivlag the authorities executi-ag, auch » `eeatence .'T of imprisonment o:· eouaaemeat ot the `pewer to · require hard labor; as a part of the paalshmeut `ia any case m. e