Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 44 Part 1.djvu/250

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§ 1543 rz rrr: and under oath either that he has spersonal knowledge df, 0 has investigated, the muttersset forth tlnerein, und that th same gre true in féct, .t0 the best of his knowledge an belief. Y - _ . · l e V . » ·» -X0 charge will be referred for trial until after u timrcugf and impartial investigation thereof shall have been .mad¤ This investigation will include ·iuqui_ries as td the truth c the matter set forth .111 said charges, form ot; charges,. au wlmt disposition of the case should be made ld the interes of justice, and · discipline, ·At· such investigation full -0pp01 tunity slxaéll be giyeu to the accused to r·r0ss¢examine wituessc against him if they ure available gud `t0-—p1‘&$€pt anything h may desire in his own behalf either in defense Ol', mitlgatim and ¥ll€`1l1\’(£S{1g&tl1lg¤0¤1L‘€§ shall examine avuilable witxiesse rcqiutsteyd hy the accused: .If the charges ere forwarded afte such iuvestigutiim, theyf shall beaccompzmled ·by a stgtemem as the substance- of theftestimtmy taken on both. sides. — V e· Before directing the trial `of any charge by general courw ’n;au·t_ial the appointing uuthongity will refer ,it t0_l1is staff judg advocate for consideration jmd- mlvice. , _ ` . Vkfheu. uuy `pergou subject ·t0,militury luw is placed in urres pr conhuemeut lmmwiate steps will be taken t0,try,tl1e‘jper$o uecused or tc diéruiss the charge aud releaselilm. Any oiilce twhc is responsible for uni1e<;essury‘ dcluy ·_in iuvestigutlug 0 carrying the mise to a iinal éimclusiou shall be punished as court-martial -1uay direct.“ When ll person is held for trial h igeueral court-martial the commanding Kofllcer will, within eigl days after the accused is arrested or coniiued,-0 if practicebll forward the elmrgesl td the oiliéer exercising general cour `Il1{l"ti2llA §u‘ris»dicti0i} und¤ furnish the accused a copy of suc charges. If the same be not practicable, he will . report rt Superior authority the reasons for delay. .'The trial judge at vtvcute will cause to be served upon the accused 8. coby of th charges upon. which trial i$ t0_ be had, and a failure so to serv such charges will be grcuhd fureaccoutinnuauce unless the tri: be hud ou, the charged furnished the accused ugahéreiubefci provided. In time of peace uc person shall, against his pl jectiou, be brought to trial before a general tgourtdnartial wit] in a period. of the days, subsequent to the service of charge ` upon him. (June 4, 1920, cs 227, subchapter I1,' §" 1, 41 Stu 1543. Refusal to receive und keep prisoners (article ‘71).-y _N0 provost ·1uarslla_l or `comuguuder of A guard shall refuse, 1 receive dr keep any prisoner couxmitted to his charge by a 0$ecr belgmgiug to the forces of the United A States, provide the- officer committing shall, at the time, deliver" au uccour in pvrltiug, signed byvlnimselt, of the crimelor ommse charge against the jirlsoner. Any officer or Vscldier s0_ rerusiugsna ibe puulzshed he a COl1lft—Il1&1’11lt1l may direct; _ (June 4, Q1020, · _ 227,.$ubcl1aptcr II, Q 1, 41 Stut. 802.) _ .. · . 4 _ = ° · ’ 1544. Rebort of jrisouers received (article 72).-—·Eve4’y cou nizmdcr of A (guard to whczae. charge ki prisoner is committe l sh:1ll,_ within ._twenty-four hours after Buch couiiuement, or a _ secu as he is relieved from his guardrrepcrtn in writing to th cmumuudiugl omeger the ,lZlH·IH€ of such prisoner, the -0Hem charged against him, und the name of the`0Ecer_ committin him; audit he falls to- make such report, hea shell be punlshe as a court-xuartlul may direct. (June 4, 1920, c.‘227,_ subcha] ter II, 5 1, 41'_Stut. 803.) , . I “Y 1_ · Y 1545.- Releasing prisoner witmut proper authority (attic} 73).-·——Auy persen subject to military law who, without props authority, releases any prisoner duly ebmmltted to his ehurgl ‘ or who through neglect or design eufers any prisoner so cou mitted to edcape, shall be pmnielned as a· court-martial rua

 direct. (June 4, 1920, é. 227, subchapter II, S 1, 41 Stat. 803.

· 1546. Delivery of ¤§e:aders tncivil authorities (article 74)..- When any Operlsuu subject to military law, except one who 1

I!}.·····AR§fY ¢j=·"»—~» ‘ 5 , V •-ob .;· · he;,I1e m»ilit;u·y gutlwritiés to ¤¤SW€1‘, 01* who is élllligglw, ga—lrlq,l o1·_result qt trial, or who is undergoing scntgqlm fm., d crime or gdense punishable 1mdser_théS·e_articl¢s, is ac<·1m»gll of ll ~ _ qpiypg gp offense committed Within thé géégfaplllical limm Ur tg`, l1_ Stafes ot theljniou and the District ot Columbia. uml punk};. 2. gble by the laws of lhe 1andQ tlxe commanding officer is 1·<;¤;zl&m; »£ except 1'Il;tiIll8`0€_ war; uppn appllcgtiéu dulylmadezy to me d mgmsg e1}<g1eav0r to delivcr·<>v€l‘ Slwh h€<!¤S€d person to my piglil up authorities, _0r Kid the_·0iHccrs Qi ‘j¥\Sfi€€ in 3]_}l3l'(‘]]§_~]·y—;#Hm{ r- angl securing 11ip1, in orelér map he may be brcmght, to trial. ss Apy ccmmgmlingomccr wllnllpcjn Suéh applicntiori -rl·fml·;l·; ,,- lg. willfully neglects, gzlcépt in time Qt ‘W&1'.,i‘0 deliwr civér mp}, 1, accused persqn to _;-he civil gu1therilié§ or to aid the mll,<·<.·r§ nf eg ‘j’\1$fic9 in apprel1ending"aud‘Sec¤riHg him shi}! be disziliwd er from the`se1fvice·.0r·su¤cr such`·0the1= pmxishment as :1 culmlt martial mny diI‘€Ct.' ·_ ‘ ‘ a ,·

 When, under the provisilous 0§··tlli§ ·&rtic¥e,_ delivery is xmlil.

t- to the clfill uuthéritias. of _8H,§0§€hd€!‘ tmdergoiing senitezme pl il

e -eou;;tinn¢rtia1,..s5uch delivery} lflollcwéd by touviction, shui} gl.?
 held to interrupt the execution of the senience 'qi the mm.

st martial, and lthé oieudéxj- slngll bé returned tolmilitary l·zz»s·»l;;j my giterlnaviug answered tg:} the civil authorities mr hm llgm`Zl._ er. for [the, complétiou bf thé.snidic0¤rt·11‘i9.rti¤l wxgtenca. Millllél »r_ 41, 1920, c. 227, subchapter I}, `§ 1,‘ 41“"Stat. 863.)

._ Q _ EQ WA
-Onnpxsm _

xt ‘ ~1547.`Misbchavi01f before the chcmf (qrticlc ·75).———jAm· n£li·` e, .ce1·,6r soldier ${110; beforelthe eucugxmiwehaves himself.‘i·mls‘ t- . awayQ or slmmefully alxaudonsbrl delivers vp or by any mish‘ conduct, disobedience, or neglect ehdaiugers the mfety utf my

9 'fort, post, camp, guard, or other command which ituigm his duly

1- —fo` dcfvhd-,· 01; gpéaksivords.i;;d1icing"cthers t0" d0° th}: like, or __ ne cuslsawayjis arms' oar ammunition, or quits his p0st·o·r mllivs

  • c- `to plunder or ·piIlage, of-by amy means whatsoever {)(,‘f3l8Sl¢lllS

ll, falsé alqrms camp, garrison! or qqartéfs, shall ·su¤‘er dvalh 3 fé -01T such other punishménthsl a c0urt¢mm·tial—may direct;. (June b·· 4, @20, c.‘227,4subéha[$t¢r II, § -1, 41 Smt.4803.) 3 _ · _ Q· _` 1548. Subordinate; lccmpclling cémmander to surrender !$_ (gnrticle 7 6).--Any peers¢»11_subject 10 uiilitary law who cpzngwls LQ or attempts to compel utnycpunmandssr of any "garrlwrl, fur:. · ‘· . post, camp, guzu·¢l,·qr_other command, to give it up tc; thé exxvxxzy - or to iabsmdem -it·—slmll be punfshabla`witlx`dcath or such ¢>rm»·:°

0 punishment as`a,c0urt·max·tlal may direct. (June 4, .19;.*0; an

lu 227, subchapter II{§ -1, _41.Stat._803.)- l ,_ _ ‘ ` “ l xl l 1549. Improper use of ccxmtersignh -·(sztiele 7’I);———Any ;¤·v·¤ nt son subject .·l0 military lawjvho makes known the ·pm·ol_e ur, ·d couriteréign to any person not `eutltled to receive it ‘:~i¢.·<·¤mlll ing to the rulesyand diséipliriel (rf war, `or gives a parolv ll; c.~ cmmtérsigu-_tllHerent from that which ihc-.rec·c{x·eql,· shizll, 'il _ the offense; be committed in time of- war, mma: death·ll _ ¤1·‘ other punishment as a court-martlgl my llireet. ¤ (June·—l,11€¥i!¤¥.` wl 4:. 227, subchqptér 11, l 1, 41 sm. 80::.) j l _ IS 1559. ·F¤rci1lg s pafegusrd (jrtiele 78).+-Any pgrsou`sul»j¢·•·¥ lé to military law who, in_ time of war, fokces a safeguard shall` se suffer death cr such other punishment as.a`r:0urtp~1nar~tial nmy

  • 8 direct. (Jtlué 4, 19%, c. @7,, subchapter I1, { 1, 41 Stat; 84*2%.+

Ml A -1551. Captured property to be far pervicé D·· `(artidc `Z9).»——-·;A1l public pr9perty.tulwn from the gnenixy is tiw ._ proyierfy of the United States and shall be S€(3\il‘¢d`fO¥ the sm-- le icc qt the United States, and any param} subject to 1;;ilit¤¤‘>’ er law who neglectsto secure mich property qr_ isi guilty of wron&:· ¤. ful &lppl•0priull6li_tbere0£ shall he punished as a court-ma`rti¤U rn-- may direct. (Jung 4, 1920, ge. 227, gubc1mpl;el· II, B 1,*41 Slut; .y804.)Q·_ l) 1552. Dealing `incsptuied gr qbandcmed pmpeyty (ar!i¤|€· ·-· 80).-·-Any person subject to military law who buys, sells, tvglle-<._ ls l or in ini way deals lp or 'disposcs ot captu;·ed.0r .abamlm;l~·l- i