Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 44 Part 1.djvu/252

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__§ 1567 T11*1,@ . against the United States or against any efileer thereof, make er uses, mj pmvmzee, or advises the making er use of, an writing or other pepeeknowirng the same té cuutaiu any fals or fmuelulent stzxtexuents; or \\"l10,*fox· the purpose of obtaining, or aiding others to ol min, the·:1pm~m·1u, zmmvzmee, at payment of amy claim ngaius the United States or may otlleer thereof, makes or procure: or mlvises the making of, a11y,0:1th to amy fact or to an writiixg or other paper knowing such oath to be false;. or Who, for the purpose of obtaining, or aiding others to obtain the zxppmvzll, allluwzulce, or payment of auylelaim- against th United States 01·_;my otlleer thereof, forges er counterfeit: or pmmu·e», an- mlvises: the forging or counterfeiting of an·e umm any writing or other paper, or uses. or pm cures, or éxelvises the use of any such signature, kncxéixxg th same to be forged or cmmterfeited ; _0r ‘ -· Wim, lmving clmrge, possession, custody, Ol} control of glu money or other property of the United States, furnished `c imended for the military service tlxeleof. knowingly deliver or causes to be delivered to any person having autlxorityt xeeeive the same. any amount thereof less, than that fer whic he receives il certiiic·:1te_0r receipt; or _ _ Wim, being nufthorized to make or deliver any pa1pe1·‘cex·t fying the re<·eipt of.an3;_property .0f the United States fttmiishe or iuteiaded for the military service thereof. mzikes or deliwex tb any person such writing, without having full knowledge ; the truth of the statemeutsrtherein contained and with inter to tlefmjtad the United States; Ol; , »- I ~' Wha steals, embezzles, knowingly and willfully mlsappra primes, Applies to his pwu use or beueiit, or wrongfully c lmmvingl·y se1l;s`0r·disp0ses of &'l1)"0l‘d!lll\l('9. arms, equipment ammunition, clothing, subsistence stores, money, or othe `pmperty et the United States furnished org intended `fcr tb military service thereof ; or · _ Wim knowingly purchases or receivesy in pledge .for.·` eu e1eli gatie:1` or indebtedness from any soldier, otiieer, or othe _ person who is a‘pa1rt· 015 mf. employed in said forces or servic may erdnhnce. ·a”rms, equipment, ammunition, clothing, sul — existence stéres,) or other property of the United States, suc » milliext, c@ce1·,·0r other person not having lzmlful `rlght 1 sel} or pledge the same; _. · » . ' Shell, on couvictigim thereof, be punished By flue or in prisexxmeut, or by such other J punishment {ws jn· courbmmytiz may adjudge. bor by may- or all `ot said penalties. And ·: may perseu, being guilty of any of the ·<m€e¤eee afcreszild whll in the military service pz the United Statw. `teeeives. ble di eiaaugé ’m*· is dismiissed from the service, he shall contlmxe 1 whe t4c`_l>e arrested and held for trial and sentence tz n murtéaertihl in the same mmmem mid to the smile exten r _ ee if he had ·!}£}$`1`éQ€*i$’€d such dtmhnrgefuer been diemisse »Amd it any emeer, belpg ,gullty,·3·l1lIe in the military. slervie et, the Umitenl. §t&tes, of embezzlement et ration mvings, po: 1 melamage, eemimuy, oeether like funds, er et embezzlement e meney mf other property irltrusted to his cherge by xm ea listed mma mi agen. rmlves his discharge, er tak diemteee " ~ er is dmpgaed from the wells, lie shall emztlmxe to lie lialile 1 I , ”he arrested and held tm:. tyial and sentence by a eeurtémaftll

 in me same manner mad to the smite extent as it he lmclm

" e so diecl1z1rge1l,..dlsm.imed, or dmpped from ?the roll ·{J11¤§ 4. 1920.*c..227,*$31bchapter _II, if 1. 41 Stat, 805.) 1 _ 1567. Gmac: sanbegpgning an oBeer, am gmtlemin (srtiel _ . 95}.-··—-A;a;s· qiiieea: eg cadet who is ccmrlcted of couduet unbecem ing eee ’e!§cer and a gentlemzm shall be idlsmmed from tl eervlee. 1 (June 4, 1920, c. @7, subc·lmpt,e1·‘II, § 1, 41 Sta , 1568. General article (article 96).—·-Tlmaugh not mentioned .1 them angeles, all dieeéders and neglect? to the A piejucllcc e , ¤ ,

10.-~·»llR.i1l’ 238 lg l good order and milimry dlsciprino. oil conduct ot xl ¤}l;,,,·,, . yl to bring Tliscredit upon the military service, am} nll crix_no~: so or offenses not capital, of which persons subject to nxxilimw 3 law may be guilty, shall be token coguizzmcc of by a ge=m·¤·;ll >—» or special or PSUIHIDRFY,CO\lI't~II12lI‘ti81, according to cho mmm st and degree of the oiense, and punished at tho disornriem of s, such éourt. .(Juue 4, 1920, c. 227, subchapter II, § 1, 41 Y Stat, 808.) , ‘ 3 Q IV. COURTS OF INQUIRY ‘° 1569. When and by whom ordered (article 97).-—A £·<umw»r S• inquiry to examine into the nature of- any tmnsuction of or Y nccusation or imputaticm against any otiiror or soldier ma;.-1,,. " ordered by the President-or by. any commanding officer; hug ‘° :.1 court of inquiry shall not be ordered by any comnn:uuling· 0t’§<·or except upon the`roques£ of the; otiicer or soldier xx·l;4»<» W conduct is ‘t0 be- inquired intoy (June 4, 1920, o. 227, Mlll-? ”` clxnptcrll, § 1, 41 Stat. 80'Ti) ,_ _: _ f $’ 1570. Composition (érticle 98).-—A courtaof inquiry slmll mn-_ I; sist oflhroo or m0re»otHcors.` For mich court, ofjnqulry uw ° authority appointing tho court shall appoint :1 recorder. {Juno 1 4, 1920, ¢._ 227, subchapter _II, § 1, 4f Sint. 807.) · . Ei; 1571.°Chnllenges (article 99).—-·—Membe:·s of n’coim nf inrs. quiry xnny be challenged by the fmrty ~whoso conduct is to if bc inquired into, but ·'only.for cause `statéd to tlxo court. 'Plwg it court slmll determine the relevancy and validity of gny rlzm _ longe, andiishull not receive a challenge to more than mn- 5_ meniber gt 31 tlmé. The imxty whose conduct is belng lnqniml W intofshall hare the right to ronrosented before tlie_oom·l; S, by oounsel of his own selectipnfif ouch counsobbe ‘rens<mgg»ny Br available. (June _4, 1920, c. 227, subcl1opter I·I,_§ 1, 41, le Sl;8t.J807.')‘ U _ Q ‘ ‘& .. · t . 1572. Oath of members ond recorders (nrlidc 160).-·'l‘ho ly recorder ofw a conrtfot inquiry shall `adrniniotegr to the momi i H. bow thofollowing oath; "You, B., derswnnt, (or affirm} G; that you will well and tri1ly·exa1nlno_nnd inquire; ncoordins.; b_ to the evidence, into tho matter now before you without por .h tiality, 1‘avor,· affection, prejudice, or hype of rownrd. So help to you Gott" _ After Which me president of the mort snail nel; minlstor to the recorder the following oath-: "Yoo§ A. B., do ng ·nwohr_ (or, ·afHrrn) tllab you will, recording to your _.lx·st» al abilities, accurately `nnfl impurtially rooord tho proceedings of if the court ‘und_ tlno evidence 'to be given. in the mso in hearing; IB So help you God.?  » » " . ~ 8; In nano of nmrmazxou the cloning sentence nt akljnraliczn LQ will be omldod. (Juno 4, 1920, c, 227.",snbcb§!>tor·II,, ·§ 1. ,y 41 Stat. 807.) I 5 ·- I » ' at 1573.} Powcm; procedure (article I6!).-·~——A conrt 'oi inquiry cl. and the recorder thereof shall lipro the anmé power tojsumxo mon- and examine witnéssoo as is 'gifron to oourts»m&r tlnl and at tho trial Judge ndvocqtc tlxepgnt. Soon Iwitnnssos shall take · at tho same ootlfrror afllrmation that is taken by.witn béfem. n- c0urf8·~m&1•tIn_l§ _ _A reporter or an interpreter for a_ court of xl., inquiry shall, botore omorlng upon his mation, take the omh rn oriamrmation¢roqulrod of on; reporter or on·in.toi·proter for if nl c0uri;··mm·ti¤,l.` The party whose conduct is being inqnired into nt; or hisocounnol, it any, shall be permitted to oxnnxlno and crow os; exnwne witnmnos so as fully to invostiggté tglfne circunnntancos . in qnostiony (Juno 4;, .1,02D, c.” 227, subchapter II, S 1, 41 le St;nlQw7.)”' ‘ 4 »_ ‘ ·‘. P { u- v 1574.'0pi¤ion on nxérits of cas¢"(#!‘ticlc ·l02).-—·-—A court of 1e inqulrjv shall noi;. give a‘n opinion on the xnortts of tho, case Lt. inquired intggmnlens spoclnlly ordelrgl to do so., .(Jm1o 4, 192**- · c. 227, subchapter II, in 1, 41 Stat, 807.) Q ·_ , . in _` 1575. Y Record nf prmcodingsg how outhentiéatkd _ {article of .193).»—-Engl: court of lnquixfyishnll kérp o rec<,»rd of its proceed-