Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 44 Part 1.djvu/272

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§ 12 TITLE 1:2.--BAM mxtional CUl'1'G11C)' under the laws of the United States. (R. S § 2.29.) . . _» » 12. Seal of c0mptr0llcr.—-——The seal dcviéed by the C0mptr0lle1 of the Currency for his oflice, and approved by the- Secretarg of the 'l‘roasu-ry, `shalll continue to be the seal of oflice of the C()I1][}H`OH(§‘1', and nmy be renewed when necessary. A descrip ·1i·m of the séal, with an impression thereof, and a certificate of approval by the Secretary of the Trcasury,_sha11 be iilee in the officc 01* the Secretary of Slate. (R. S. $330; Feb. 18 187%, c. 80,·§ 1, 18 Stat. 317.) — - ‘ 13. Rooms fur Currency·Bureau.——Tl1ere`shall‘°be assigned from time to time, to the Comptroller of· the Currency, by the Secretary of the Treasury, suitable rooms in the Treasur; B11-ild·iz1g for conducting the business of the Currency—B1ircau C0l}T:lillll1g'Silféifllld secure ii1*ap1·0of vaults, in which the comp t1·0llm· shall. deposit and safely keep all the plates not neces sarily in the- possession ·0f cugravers- pr pi·i.nters,'.aud othez , valuable things belonging to his department; and the cbmp [I‘O]_1€1‘ shall from time to time furnish thanecessary furniture stationery, fuel, lights,`and`0the1‘ proper conveniences for the transaction of the business of his ofiicé. (R. S. 5 331.) ’ 14. Report of c0mptr0llcr.————Thc Comptroller of tlge Curycné; shall make au annual report to.C0ngress, at the pommencemeu 0fitS session, cxbibitiug—é=, ' A _' First. A summary of the statearid condition of cvary asso aiatioh from. which reports have been reécivcdjhe preceding Uyaar, at the several dates to which suQh reports refer, with ar abstract of the whole amount _0f banking capital retugmcd bg them, of the whole amount gf-their debts and liabilities, the amount of ci1‘cu1ating.n0tes outstanding, and the total amount of means aud, resources, specifying the amount of lawful money héld by them at the times .0f their several returns, and suclt other information in relation to such associations as, in his judgment, may be useful. ‘ _ ' Second. A statement of the associations whose business has been closed during the year, nwith the. amount of their circula tion redeemed and the amount 0uts_tau_ding.- » ` - Third. Any amendment to the laws relative to, banking by which the, Systepn may be improved, and the security of the _ holders of its notes and other‘credit0;·$ may be increased. * { Fourth. A statexxnezxtcxhibitirng under appropriate heads the resources and liabilities andbondition of the banks, banking compamw, and sayings banks organized under the lawsuii the . several States and '·1:m·1¢m·1eS; such information to be obtained by the comptroller from tha reports made by such banks, banking companies, and savings banks to the legislatures 01 owccxjs of the diiferent States and ’Ijerx·it0¥ics_, and, where such l reports can not be obtained, the deficiency to be sixppliedfrom suclfotlner authentic soprces as may be available. Fifth. Tha 'uamcs aml_ compensation of. the clcrks employed by him, and the wlnola amount of the expcnsesbf the banking department during the Y&1‘.. (R. S.- 5 333; Feb. 18, 1875,"c. 8(h ‘ § 1. ISE Stat; 317.) . _ · l . _ . Q r 15. Inclusion; in report of expenses of liguidation of national banks.-—-The Comptroller ot the Currency is hereby directed to include in his annual reportto the Speaker of tha House pi ”Rep;·es<>ntativas, expenses incurred during each yqaxf, ld liquidaticm 'of each failed national bank separately. _ (Apr. 28, 1902, c. 594, § 1, 32 Stat. 138.) a ‘ Cllaptcgr 2.-—-NATIONAL BANKS;


Sec. ° · . . -. . ,,

  • 21. Fm·matIop° at national banking associations; `incqrpnratqrs; ar-

·. _ xlclea qt association., z' I - · »’ . I` ‘ ·_ 22. Organization certmcate. ‘ ‘ _. 23. Ackuowlédgmeant-and filing of certlécatli _24. ·Cox·poratc powers bt . association;.


_ Sec. ‘

25. Réponl of Acts relating to extonsion of period of compovzxte sun. [_ 0 .<;ossi<>n; oporatimx ot p:1=·ug¤·:wh :2 of ;»n·vcl~l1ln,; $l»(·mm_ ..6. _C0mptrollor' to dotermmc if nssocintimls can commence busizmq 7 27. Certificate of authority to oomzucnco lwonlglng, '`'‘` ` B 28. Publication of cortltlcutu. · . I_ 29. Powlor to hold rcul property. 30. Change of name or location. B` " 31. MR`ights audollabilities as nmzctod by» chnnvge of name. 1_ 32. Liabilities &!1Ad‘Sl1ltS as alfoctcd by clmngc of name or location,

, 33. Consolidation of banks; capital stock; dissenting shnrclholdvrs.

34. Effect of consolidation on rights and liabilities.

 35. Organization ot State banks as national banking associations,

·> 36. Otganization ot State bankslmving branches as national lmuklxw B associations. · ° V 37. Associations governed by chapter. lr 38. ".Tho National. Bnnk.Act." _ , 39. Reservation. of rights of ass0ciations_org:1nlzed under Act M "— 1863. · . `· I, — _CAPITAL, STOCK, AND _STOCKHOLDERS_ l- `51. Rcqulslto amount of capital. B 52. Pat value and incidents of stock; transfer of shares. B 53. Whoncapltal stock pzlld ln; installments; proof. ` “‘ 54. Failure to pay installments ; remedy; effect it reduction of capital ‘ " results. · I · y 55. Enfprclug payment of doilclcncy in capital stock; assessments; t liquidation; recoivorslalp. T ¥ . ~ - . L 56. Prohibition on withzdrawnl of capital; unearned dividends. 57. Increase of capital. by provision in articles of assoqiatiiin. · 58.- Incroaselof cnpitalby vote of shareholders. ' g 59; Roducton of capital by vote of·cbol<lers. 1 60; Diviflends and surplus funds. 61. Right of shareholders to vote. 7 62. List of phaxiclxoldcrs. ‘ 9 ‘ 63. Indiglldunl liability of shareholders; _ b 64. ·Indi)*idu:1l liability- of sharél1o_lde`rs; ·el1'oct of trgnsfor of shares. t 65. Enforcement ot sharoholders’ individual liability by creditors on liquidation. ·. ‘ " · · I ’66. Personal liability of representatives of-stocklxolders. T, 5 . ‘ · . - . A DIRECTORS 71. Elvction. ‘. 5 . -— 12. QU¤lIl(‘&tl0_IlS. ‘ ’ V 73. Oath. _‘ 74. Vacancies. _ .. ‘ · _ . y 75. Proceedings where no election held on proper day. h 76.- Election of president of board. .~ - ‘ . REGULATION OF THE BANKING BUSINESS; POWERS AND a ‘ DUTIES OF NATIONAL BANKS ` { _81. Place not business. _ ‘ 2 _8·2. Limit on indebtedness lncurrod by bank; [_, 83. Loans on or purchase by bank of own 'stockf . 84. Limit of liability of any person {1 bank. . ' — 85.» Rate of juterést on loans, `discounts, and purchases. °_ 86. Usurlous interest; penalty toxitaklng; vonueot suit.; l _87. Restriction on use by bank of its circulating notes. [ 88. Restriction on use by_ bunk of not}: ot. othexybnnks. _ - 89.‘ Duty of bank_ to receive cliculutlng 'notes ot other banks in pai- 'mcut ot. debts. * n . 2 Q [ 90. Depositorles ot public moneys and hngnclal agents of Government. I ·_ 91. Transfers by bank and- other nctrln contemplation ot insulvenvf- , 92. Acting as insurance agent or broker; procuring loans. on mal cstuto. ` · 93. Violation of provisions of chapter; forfeiture of franchise; WF l soual liability ot dl:*cctcrs.» · _ ` 94. Venue of suits. ‘ » _ · . . .


. 101. Delivery of circulating notes; deposit of bonds. 102.`," Unitedl States bonds " as (including no lstorcd`bonds_. 103. Denominations of notes; llmltntloti on amount of $1 and $2 110**** .104. Printing notes; form. -· ‘ · _ 105. Printing charter numlxers on notes. ¤ · 108. Dlstinctlvojinper for printing. _ 107{ Custody of plates and dies: payment ot expenses. - y 108. Examination of plates; dies; and other matérinl; d€¤¤’¤<‘U9P °f . obsolete material. . - · ‘_ · __ 109. Issuance of notes by bonké; obligation; signatures of ¤m<`*{**$• demands for which notes shall be rcqelvod. __ _110. Issuo by banks of unauthorized notes;-prohibition.