Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 44 Part 1.djvu/281

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. Eid}? . E TITLE-'12.-—B.ANKS ' pmml to the ammmt éf its circqlatlng notes soxedqcmed. And A agi zautes of national banks warp, datdced, mutilated. or other 1 WM? unfit for cir·c¤1¤tion`. §!mI1,·»whcn mcéeived by my s.s$stant 1

m>:¤r<;x· or ét any dwiguated demdmry of the Uuit@ States, 1

at f••§'\V8I°d9d to the Tmasqmr of the United States for te- "4 fi~m;;si¢»za as provided herein. . And when such gcdemptions I =.;.~..§ bead- sd reimimmed, the circulating nctm m redeemed _1 indi; be mrwarded to the rwpcctive associations by which they · wi vw issuulg but if auyof such xmtw are warn, mutilated, de-

 {1. Q: rendered otherwise umm: for use, they shall be for- .; ·|

wmivxf to th·é C»0mptrc1ler of the Csmrexicy and destroyed and ¢ y. ;.;;.¤—o1 as new pxcvided by 1aw.:.Brcvid.ed, That each vt said 1 . :.—~·¤·i:azicm.s shall reimbupse to the Treasury the charges for ¥ ` mn<p·>rtatdi0n, ami the costs for assorting such notes; and i my :z;<s{»ci::1i0;ms hcreaft•:-er organized shall also severally re- f im»ums to the Treasury the cost of engraving such plates as t ami bv 0:·dercd.. by meh association respectively; and the gm.- aint assessed upon each association shall be in proportion`. Y M mv circulatioh redeemed, and be charged to thé fund on € §..~zz· with. the Treasurer. (June 20, 1874, gz. 343, §~ 3, 18 ¥ _ :4`:;ui .1:33; Dec. 23, 1913, c. ,6, § 20. 38 Stat. 271.) _ · . _ _ 2 i

212. Deposits mddé with Treasurer to redeem circu1ati_ing_ t

mgms; disp0§t}9n.——-All deposits ;·ecciYed° by t1§e (Treasurer of I mw United Statesfrom national banks,. made to redegem the é a‘i§‘e‘%iI1ifillg 110t% ct such? banks, shall be éovered intq the Treas- “ my iw :1 misccikuicqus reéeipt, m1=;;»e Treasurer bf the United {I

<i:1%v>; xhalf redeem from the general cash in the_,'Frgasury the t

s'i§`¢‘i1l21[illg’ notes of said banks which may ccmeintc his .p0s- t ~. ~<~i¢m subject 'td, redemption ;- and upén the certmcate ot; thé Y ¤‘.·m;·1‘m11qr at the Currency that such notes have baén received I

 mm and that they have Bach `dwtrqyed Pam} that no haw . t

i¥..··z··4 wiii be issued hi their place, reimbursémeut -0f their

..··u¤t_>;1aal1 be made to the Treasurer, under mich regulations . °
·—~ me Secretary-of mg ’1‘reasuz‘y may preséfibe from the·hppr<$·_ t

payizuiam kuowq as f‘1*¥étioml—ba¤k notes,.¢1¤¤ ¢<:<;cm1t," d z...°sTH€ wm .:

=»¤·iwd”u¤der when 121j of this title, reqqiringievcry ndriozmf I

imak to meg in lawful money with the Treasurer of the United

=zem=s a mm equnldo ceiatum of its*cis:culatimi, to be held

{md used fdr ttm mdemptica ot_ its circulntihg notes; and the _ mmmca remaining ci dcxiysits so coined. éall, at the closeqf egwtn mngth, be reported on the monthly mblicldebt statement _ u.—~= debt at the United States bearing Il0.il1£€l’féSt. `,(Ju1y_—14. ‘ 1 A 1%:4), c.,7(R, § 6: @*8ut. %.) , - Q _· ” -| “ 123. u¤1¢¤ipm¤*¤: nétcs by bank nt mm cbuutcr.-··—Evgry ; mn irm:11 maxim mociatidou phall redéam its ¢il‘¢\1]8tilig· notes u ni iss mm’e¤u¤ter,`at·p.¤:j, in lawful money ou demand:. (R. S. t

 5195, Jiang 26, 1874, e. 343, {3, 18 Stdt. 123.) l - - . {

124. Qmtrsying and ¤bp!a§¤g notes nmét for usb.--I°t shall t z.4· me duty ci the Gbmptrcllér pt the Currency tb teceivé mam- t ma; 0;: ugutilatgd Jc:irc¤1¤ti¤g·wtes lashed by any banking asso- 6 {mmm, and disc, on due proc! ot the destruction at aqy such s 4·m·¤1ati¤g nom, tb deliverju plam tiwrec; tc the mcciatiou d www want girculatiag mms tb an equal dméuut.- Such wom- t uu: or mmiiatpd hates, after a memomgdum has beén entered r in the proper in ucgqrdamé with such yr¢g¤1a,ttom_ as ·s _ my be emnblubm by tm wmptrollef, ap well as all circulqting r l mics which shéii have both paid pr sufmndered to. be mm { wiedd, sha!} be mgm;-gmc in pzmeuca of tour mmm, cm $0 6 iw amwmtm by tm $6¢1’€¢&l'#~01_ the cm by the 3 <h»m;m·¤ue;·_‘¤: tm mmm?. kms by the ‘%%mr -¤t the ¤ Unitedsmsm, and mdb; than . »» undermgzh tezuln- dh fkms as the secretary eg the Trusxirfmay A cer-? 6 {meats of smh mgcesritiok. bx the NMQI M AQQQOIDCQG, 1 st-mil be made in the books at the wmptmlier, and A dupiieatc thermt forwarded to thmamoctgtimi am thus can:. a _¤¢¥¢d. (R. at 518Q,‘J¤he @,1874, c. $55, 5 1,18 &¤tJ 2%} J G

t4NDaBANK1NG` § 132 125. Redambtion of lost ar stolen notes.»·——-Tha provisions mf thin chapter, providing , for the redemption pt national·bank antca, shall ajply to all nationabbank notes that have been or may be issued tb, or received by, any nationaf bank, nctwith- Standing suclruotes `may have been lost by or stolen fmxn-the bank and put in circglation withoutthe aiguatura ar umn the Eqxfgcd signature oi the president or vice prwidant and esaghier. (July %, 1892, c. 317, 27 Stat. 3%.) ‘ 126. Return ata Truaaryé of notes of failed ar liqnidating

 for redémptit>n.;···——It slgnllba the duty at the Treaanaer,

laslgnated depositarics, andQ nationabbank depositariea of the United States to aséort and mtngn ta than 'Prgsnanry fm redamp— ion the notes of such national banks as have failéd or gone nto voluntary liquidation far the purpose of windingup their lffairsyand nach asahall hereafter M fail or gn into ilquida; ion.; (Jana 20, 1874, c., 343, 5 8, 18 Stat. 125.) _ , 127. Clerical fqrae for tedéxnptian of circulating nates.·—·- Phat. tq éarry into eEe<;t the provisions at sectian 3 of tha Act mtitlgd "An Act Hxing the amount of Stgtés notes, p1·0· riding for a rcdilstributicn of the nationabllank [ cnrramy, and., For otllar purp0seq,"· nppmved J ana 20, 1874, the Secretary at the Treasury is authorized to appoint a {mcg to be a=1npk$yed»` lnder his direction in the omcé of the Trwsmer at the Gnited ‘ States and in the cmce of the- Qqmptralllex of the Cnrrancy in . zonnection with the redammion of circulating mics as shall be, 11·0vidad`foi· in the appropriation bill for faach meal yan:. At he end of aaeih month the Secretary of tna shall reimrnraeh the ihseasury to the full anx s paid ant under the ,pm·· risions ot this section by trandar ct §mi§ amount tram the cie- Scsit ot ” national banking asLsacia.tians‘ with the. Tmmsnrer at. he` United States; and at the and qt meh ami year élxall _ ranafem from said deposit to the Tréasurj at than Unitna States engl; saga as -;nay‘ have been actually axpanclad amen his direc? , ion for stationery, pent, mel, li§ht am other M a imp lenta1,axpanses·which have becnlncurred in carrying inte a§eét

 provisions of the said section or the -abéva·naméd Act.

[Mar. 3, 1875, c.°130, 5 3, l8 Stat. 399,.) [_ HIOCIQEDINGS ON·»`FAILURE OF BANK TO.REBEE;§a CIR-

 * ~ _   ‘CULA',[‘ING NOTES, — ‘— ‘

An toltcceivemhlfls,-sac section 191'at this title. ._ ` 131. Protest.- df mites; -‘waivéx.—-Whenever any national lanklng association fails to redeem in tha lnwfnl money at tmc United Statas any ct its circulating notes, anon @$6 at »a?ment dulymade during the nsnal hams af. a l= ,:¤ ·,»~¤: at the »m¢a_ of Snell assotsiatian, or at its designated blanc} of rwlnmgv ion, the bottle; °_may cause u1B`.8&@€— ca ba pmtwtad, in qnc nurkaga, by a notary pnblig, unless tha president. nr mnshier af ha association whose names" are praagntad tar payment a§a:·s 0 waive demand and notice at the. protest, and, in narsnance , lt snch. pier, makes. signs, and delivers to the part; making rncha damang} an admission in wxjiting, stating the time of “ tha lamand, theamaunt `deniandedyand the fact of the nanpaymant hereof. a The notary public, an making nach protest, or upon aéeivlng inch admléslan, shall fnrthwltlx forward smh naminlan nk natica of protest ta the Coraptraller- at the l Currency, atalnlng a .c<>py tharaqf. zlf, however, -¤atwtactSaz·y proof is lmducad to the notary public that the p¤yment· at the notes lemandad is, reatrainada by ctder at any court lat mmpetant nrlsdlctian, -_ha shall nat protest tha`-sanaaq When the holder lx any nntes causes than ana nata pr mckaga to bé pro- ‘ astad im tha same day, ha shall nat recaiya my for more than me prciea. .—(R; S. S 5226; Jana N, c. 843, S S, 18 Stat. "A'132. Exunlnitian af conditions by special nant; farfeitura ·f bmdn.—-0:1 mcelvlng natica that any natlanal banking, assay lation has tailm ta, any. ax it: circulating notes, as _