Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 44 Part 1.djvu/30

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§ `° 246 2;z2*1.1g 2.-·»:mE cf caudidxatés, sh;1Il ii1e u·it;h {hg Glerkan it&m1z€~d»dé{ai$ed»‘ I smtismeni of such expmaditureixz tim Wsame: mémzér as required 1 0f t1§é tr€·;&sm·cr·<>f a pclitical c_<;$mmii;tée by. sgct;i0n 244 bf this' E title. (Jam K25, 19m; eg`392, § 7, 3§ Stat. 824 Feb. 2&,_ 192a’$,— <i·.»3€»$, Title III, § 386{;43,S—t;at,° {QZ?.) " _ A 1

 . Statements by candidatw far Samui; ‘Re p1+es¢1x§ative,  e

Beiegatc, m· Réséidc}it;CCm1imissim;er §icd with Secretmfye of ; ”1 Senate and Clerk éf Home of ,Rep:csc¤ta§;iv&s.+4,(a) ¥ E véry ‘ I mmiidam fm-? Sex;g§0r§H§$11_;iiia with .§1;éYSeci·etary and‘ev_ery· fi czxmiixiaté for R¢11resa¤{atis·e, °`De1ega`ite,“ >G1f__ Resident ,C0mmis· " §$ic»1m1j xhali tile with fha Cliérk not Vlessthan {€H;¥1éIY.YYl(}IT€ thixzr- 2 iifiec:1 days {wicca, Tam} alsc within thirty{ days aftér, thé_ Q1 date 011 which- ai} &1€cti 011 is tb beheld,&r·s{&tém€11_t_c011tai1;i:1;g,' » ciémiricte as of 'lthé dg; next *p1*ecadi11g“°'·`ti1e·jdz1te of filing-;—"` E

 (1) "A correct ,&i1d itemizéd account: df = each CQ1itributi0h  il

¥€*{‘¥€iVt*d by him hm? by 3Il§"}3é1`$O1}_fQI‘ hixu with his kxicwlgdgei m~qzm$ &z1t;, fr {n‘zmy so11rce, in=i1id_01*· suii~pb;‘t c»f»his"cai1k1idacy i for viectiux, Visa} the })ll}`[){}S(} OfiI1H~uQH(tiI1g; thB ‘1;GS\rl[`·—Of the! Q elcciicaz, ¥i<$;£€·f €·1·`with thé game of the pe rs0nAwh0_-has made _< such ccntributi · — { _ - J ‘·< {2)·· A ’c0i·ré<;·t nd itej;xizc¢1‘ 21CCG111}t· of epéh expégudithrc J made by hh:} ,01; b any pé;·s011* f¢r him wit}; his·fiku0w1edgé_» . {sr museum in aid 01* supp0rt _~Qf’"his·ca11didacy· for eléctioh; * or for the purpcsg df ’$xf1u<·:nci;1g the·.1?eS311i: of §.hé election, *__ S fi>§=&th·e1ijwith the zzameof Qé pgrsou t;6 whomjsuqh° expé¤diturg `··» I was atmdég except that only Lhewtcml sum of expenditures for · ·F items spegified in sxibdi visimr (c) df-sectiéxr 248_-<$f_..this title ' !i#€€ii'¥}é stated; __ _ ; ._ 3 · · = fi _(3}v A Qatenient at eve1·5? *pr0i11ise or`.p1ed_gé made by him or `1 by may Vperzsén for h·im wiih his (:011sent,`@ri0;·' itc, the Jcloéinig`. ll uithe  ;;g:»11s‘<>11_th-e day éf théielectgi0n, ;e1éi§y$e te) the app6{ut# · ,' rhexat by 1··e<:·ci;¤me,·¤da ticu_for appoimfmem; df anipcrgscn t0~‘a11y__ I gmislic or private »p0s1tiéx1g01$ éi11p10yj1;ent for pxirpoge of~ p:·<.1cz1Qiag Supiycxjtwinn his éandidaci, izmd the,11s§me, 'add1*css,·

&11d~cccz1p&tion"0f every person to whpm any such ·pr0misé _01#’ ¤

piédge has iiéén -§1adé,‘ ii0geth €1*· with tlié de$cripfioi1 of any suggéh ;>¤§iti<m, * 3If no sucla promise or plédge has been made, ‘ tbéffact simlbbe,speci·ficgl1y»st¤ted. . “ ~ , W ·  » _ ··‘ (b);FTha,statexi1cnts fequiiéd fc be filed by subdiiéisioxi (a) — ° sham cmxmlative, but where there has beQx1;x10 change iii Qau ? ° item1?épa;·tec¥.i{1:a‘»préx·i0i1s statement 6¤of“the am0unti”1€1eed be carried i£31'§¥'&fd. H ,' , _ · ~ " _ ‘ Z j (Q) Every canaxaggg shall inélése with his `hxzst stafeménb " a_,_1:£1}(;rty based upc11 ·tha} rec0rds ·0f the pr0pé1:.Statc 0&cia1,» Q sLa»ti:1githé t0£g} éumber `of {miss cast for 81l`—c8mlid afas 101;* 1 the §@<ée which the m:1didat:e~ seeks, at the general —e1ec.tl0xr  »'

1g>xt’;}recading,_g1w ·é1é{
ti<m at which he is A céudidate. ·. ( J1me

25; 191 8, ';2 ; 392,. 5 S, 36'Stat. ?824;°Aukg. 19, 1911,`jc." 33, *5 2, 37 H Stat. 28: Aug. 23,-1912, c.' 349, 37 St$.t..3®; Féb.28, 1925, c. 368, fm1€ 111, § .202, 43 sm ¢,1_o72.> ¢ · . f _ .

 247; Statements; igfi~§catism;» Bliggg °préservati§n;‘ jnspcc-· i

tim1.——-—~A st;;te¤i£nt mwired" by tyxisgchapyer to/pe Sled by a xzamlidata or ;rcai;2mrer»(0f 8, political committee or ether person with the (Hark c1·°Ss;~c1·é·tax·y, as .the c¤$e may bee- ‘ (_ W

 (a) Sh£11l 1.>c" "v€ii§ed by the-0ath  or af5i·mnti0;1`0f the person  

Qiixig such statauxexnt, taken before azmy cwcgxr aut11dr`i2.ejd td J Cm1x:1ix1igstar 0aths;‘ > $” * i... ~

 (b) Shall be dmmyed ’pmpcrly! filed Eivlmhs depcsi-tedé in an » 

msmblishcéd post <>mce" within the pmscribed timé, duly sgampcid, 1iegisht&¥ed , Qand dimcfcd- to the Clérk or Secretary at Washing- hm, D ist1··ict of Cclimabia, but in the avétxt it ismt réceived,, in d¤.;p1t_icaté of·such s;gteme1it shall km- promptly tiled upon xmtzicc byvthe Clerk or Secretary az its ncurecaipt; i

 (·c} Shall ba preserved by the Cierk ,0:- Secretary for Va

ipericdiéf two-years from the date of §l.i¤g,°sha11 consiituté { part of thespubiic records of his cmce, ax1d ~shal1»`be open to

ocweageaa *16 S" matic oinepectleoa o(.1oae,25; *19143,.e. 39255 8, 33 Stat. S24 Q Lag,,1o,:.1911, c. 33, S2. 37, Stat. @3; Aog.-23, 1912, e..34o; -37 stat., 330 ; Feb, %,. _1925,jcI 363, Title.QlIH,  %§a 43 lStat.‘1o’z2,) 1 248. ·Limitation open. ameaatof expenditoreaby caadiBate.—— ja)- A eandtdate, in ,hi»a,camp~aignlfor election, ahaltnot haake expendttorea in excess ‘ of the amount which he may lawfully ggatreumier the laws of the State `in Whiclir he lea candidate · ,,t mgf in exeeasxfof»t.l1e,iamot1utlrwHioh he ma`y_,,1mr··1i1y ma1.;e· mder the provisions of rthis.titIe.,Q  » » " , ,

f(b) ,Un1ess ;_the laws of his State prescribe a ieee aiaogim;

ts the `maxinif1m· limit of campaign expenditures, ’a` candidate . nay- make expemflitttres up , _ ” _ _ g , 4 ·i(1) The asum of $16,000 if a eondidatejorr seaaam, or ttie sum of $2,509 if -a candidate for Reprea.en’tatire,a Delegate, or 3esiden.t·Gommissioner; or 1 W. . * [ S g "' ~ (2). An amountMeqoal·`t0 the,,a·mount_ obtained by maltipiy- ,ng._‘three·—cents by thetotal number-of votos¢eaat,at’thet1aaz general, leleetion for all ,CHHd§€i·&—t%, for o§ce. which the

am1ig1ate.seeks, but an no-,=Z.cve¤t. exceeding air a »eaaQ

lidote for; Senator 01*35, _ if fa candidate forPRepreeeatatit·e, Delegate, or Reaitlent Commissioner. Q · lg " ,- Y A, A {-btoney expended by alcanditiate to and discharge ’ at ini, aasesanxent, fee, or W charge made or levied. open candy lates by. the laws, of the State in which he resides, or expended for ‘hlS_'.l’1BC€SS8.PY,_ personal, traveling,. or subsistence anpenses, or for stationery, p¤emge,.ew»·:¢1¤g,, tr printlng_o (_,othe1·_ tliartt for rise on —bi1lboarda_ or in newspapers), for c dis- 3 D zriboting letters, circulars, . lor. poatersyeor rar telegraph or ie1ep110`ne’sery1ee, shall fnot be included ih determtrilng grhether _ mis jexpendituresl he-te exceeaea the ,$om—»—‘t'ixed lby paragraph, ·` (1), or (2) ofeeubdiviaion (bc)- as the Vlimieof eempaiga es? no penses of a candidate., (June 1919, ·e. H 1,8, 9,*36 Stat. 324,; Aug. 19, 1911, c.Q33, 2, 137 Stat. 36; Aug. 23, 1912, je. 349, }‘{_=Stat- 360,; QF‘eb.· 28, 1925, c. 368, Title III, §e3®,_,%_ Stat., at $249; Promises or pledgea bi ea¤d.idate;4—-It ts unlawful for any lgandidate to direetlyi oo;,i,_indireetly‘promlse1or pledge the S appointment. cot, the of . bla ·i¤§oence or seaport for the appointment of 1 any peraontto any pantie or » prirate -1 position 0F'€¤.1J10¥mt3Bf,, —purpoaeo£ procerl€gl_laopoort his cendidacf. . (Joi1e’%,,,.1910, e. 8, 38 324; 19, 11911.c, 33, _§ 2, 37"Stat. ,26; 19l2,.e.»349, Stat. 390; ' FebQ*%,, 1925,-c.. V368,¤Tit1e III, 5 310, 43 Stat. 1073.) 1 250. Erpenditnreo to linéaenee grating.-r-5rIt is emlawfole for any Iiérson toonarke or 0Eer to make on »expenditnre, or to canoe tr gexpenditure to made or offered, to any person, either to vote or wi_thl1old*11is %¤ote,'or1to·rotea»for`or against any candidate, and it iaianlawtul for any person to solicit, accom. orgreceive any miehnexpendlture in consideration of his S vozelorrtne withholding of his vote. Q(Ione_ 25, 1910, e. 393 § S, 36 Stat. 824;. Aug. 19, 1911,.c. 33, § 2, 37 Stat. Aug. 23, 19112,. ce-349, .37 Stat. 360; Feb. 28, 1925, er,;368, Title III, 311,3 13‘Stat._1073,)v V . ST, , ·. 1 , 251. Contributions l by `nati , 8l b§11kS·01' other Federal cor— » porations; ,penalty.—·--lt, is ‘11n¢lgw£u·l for any national bank, or any 1 eorporation_ organized by authority of any law of Congress, to make a contribution in connection wltnany election to any political o$ee, or for any corporation vrhaterer to make a . contribution in connection with any election at which presiden- tial and vice ’ presidential electors or a Senator or Representa-· tive in, or a Delegate or Resiclent Commissioner' to, , are to be,voted,t0r, or for anygcandidate, political eommlttee, or other person to accept or r S any contribution prohibi {tea by this section., Erery corporation which rnakea any comtrlbution in violation of this section shall be Hned not more than $5,090; and every omcer or‘di,rectorQof any corporation » who consents to any. contribution by the gorporation ineviola-