Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 44 Part 1.djvu/31

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J? 1 1T1.2`{L~E (2.~—-·~THE gnin of tlaistsectionpv shallibe flnednot merge than $1,000,*or ln:x· ,3 ,,,¥;,.sneri 1_1l8C,H!9F€·.th&R,0“H€ ycar,1er._both. (Jan, 26, 1907, c. < we, 34 Stat: 864; Mar.? 14, 1909, 1c. .321, § ,83, 35} Stat. 1*103;

 1925;.0.1-368, Title 111, $313,.43 Stat, 10751.),   , W 1

11-;;;,2, General pennlticsn fer 1Yieiations.——»··(·a) · Any r person ( 12 ae violates any of the foregning provisions of this chapter; ( ,.;,l%{»;;t these- {01* ¥§’hiCh___3 Specific. penalty is imposed éby see- 1 p {gen iEi§8\of Titlc,18, and section 251 ofthis title, shall be fined {Wi `iliiiifé G1`, UYQ, HOP IH()YI`€_ '()Il€"‘ YGQY, ( , ,,~;...n;.”q`~y _, , o y J.; ,1.; 1,.·[nj_s persen rwhxa? willfully violates any of the foregoing. 1 },,·,,»,giS;5?3S,·ef this chapter, except those for] which a specihc I wrnaity is imposed br} Section. 2081of Title 18, 1and·seetion._.,251,,#V‘I rtt1n¥i§S title, shall Huet} not more than $10,000 andimprisoned I {tts-1;:a¤>rc than itngopyears.1 (Jmze 25, 1910,.0.* 392, 1§» 11, 36*·Stat. 11 1>~;i—l; Ang. 19, 19111, c. 33,1Y§`_2,~37 Stat.__2G.§ Feb. 28, 1925, cj. 308,* 1c nal- 111. @,214, 43 Stnt.M10}'4.)._ l p 1_ _ i 1 253. Expenses of election 1cont·ests.5#—T£his chapter shall not t

n;st"t>z· affect the right any..p—ei·son to snake expemlit_u_res1 1}
‘..;·iproper_legalexpensesin contest·fng·the results of an elec- y 4

mai. {June 2;1§," 1910, `c. 392, 5 HL 36 Stat. 824:1 Aug·.·19,‘ 1911,;., Q ·t»,~:1::%, § 2, 37 Stat. 20; Feb. 28, 1925, oc. BGS, Title·1II,_-§1 315, 9 _;¢m.»1974.)°· p 1 1, _ _ , *Y ( ·s

 254. §tate lnvqsjzet 88`ected.-——This chapter—shall“jn0fb_ejcon-_ ‘$

szruod tosmml thelaws of any State `relating to the nomina· C zion orelection ofcnndidates, unless directly- inconsistent with MI the proi·isio1as of this title, or to exempt any candidate ·fro1n $ r·¤:n;>l3:ing with Lsnch State laws, ’(June“ 25, 1910, 1c. 392,_°§ 18,. 1l ia; fitat. 824; Ang. 19, 1011, c.’33;-,§ 2, 37 Stat. 26; Aug. 23, ,1912, 8 lp. asa, ar stat. soo; Fen. 28,.1925, cg ees, name III, 5 316, 43 14 Ftat.1074.)-_ 1 · ~ . or, 1 1 1 . , " ·~ 255. Partial invali=dity.¥—-If any jprovision of this chapter I or the application, taereoru to any `person or Lcircumstance nishcid invalid, thevnlidltyof the remainder of·the1chapter 3t and of the e‘‘` application-otsuch provision to other persons and C clraanzstances shall not be afected thereby. ‘(1Feb, 28, 1925, cj, 1 §•38.,Title III, $317,43 Stat. 1074.) 0 · -1 , -1 p Q . 4 — 1 { 256. Citatie:n.—+-—This chapter may be cited as the “Federal I Forrnpt Practices Act.? (Feb. 28, 1925, c. ,308, Title III, W § 301, 43 Stat. 1070.) 1 W V {‘hapter 9.-OFFICE, 0_F LEG1SLATI\’E.COUNSEL. _ t Sec. A it 1 l 1 1321. Creation of ,oQce. _ . . » - B22. Appointnxent et legislative cognac}; qualincations. I 2;Ijl. Fosnpensatilon et, legislative counsel. i i _. .» _ b. vt 2.4. Assistant iegislstive counsel;. clerks and employees; omce equip- 1 1 ment and mppiies. , - __ _. · 2 ‘ E 213; Fairies of e@¢q: rules andiregulations. 2 tim`?. l:isl:¤:rsr>meni.`0f appropriations. · ° LST?. Uairlal mail matter., f .' V I p t Section 271. Creation of 0$cé.-———There shall be an office tof 8 lic kaewn as the omce ot, the legislativeconnsel, and to be 1] ac2ro°-26-—-2 - ‘ `€‘ 1 A 1 1

oozvozcsss § 256 mclerthe direction of two legislative counsel. (Feb. 24, 1010, 2. 18,“§, 1303,"._40_St21t. 1141;$]ui1e 2, 1924,c. 234, § 1101, 43-Stat. e 272.tAppointment of- legislative- counsel; qusliscations.-7-· Dnetof the legislative counsel shell l)C·&})f}Qll1t€l(1'.‘Wl)V§T‘ill€ l*resi~ IQHCCf_.lflJ€¤St3H&ll€,’_i@ll£l one by .tl:1e_,’Speoker of theXl»louse’of itepresentzitives, without reference to politiesl sflilizttiorss and solely on the grouiid of fitness to perform, the cluties of the >&l<.~o.— 1 (Feb, 24,1919, cg ”18,,§ 1303,,40 St:1t.·'1141;, Jui1ee2,‘1‘32»l», 2. 234, §~` ,101, 43 Sltat. 353. _ C » ji `_ i e i , L ’ ,

  • ,273. C®\pensation of legislative,,coti¤sel.—”l?he positions ot 1

egisleti e_ eotmsel shall be allocated from time to timeiby the ?resident___of the Senste- eiitl me ’ Speakeriof the House of Slepreseiitatives, jointly, to the Zappropriate., grade in the com-p iernsatiorrscliedules ot section 673, of iTitle,15.` 3The ratehf eompensatioun of ·eacl;1 of the two legislative Ieomfisel shall be ixed froms-time"t‘o” time, xvltl1in'»thej_limits of such, grade, by he 1’reside_r1t»-·`0f the Senate and the Speaker of the House. ot Elepggesciitetfives,`respectivelyf_ (June ·2,j1924, c. 234,% 1101, l3‘Stat. 353,) l c *_- `_ L o j i rp , , 274. Assistant legislative. cotmsel; clerks site employees;. nilice equipment arid .supplies.+-Tile legislative cormsel shall,. , aubject t0_ the app;rovz1lof the Presiéentof the Serrate and the J Speaker of the House of Tlepresexitatixres, .employ.»srid· Ex the r0mpensati,on__0f__s11ch .essiste11tgcoBnsel, clerks, and other em· " iloyees, s·m,l_vpurchase such furrxiture, ,0Qce ·eq,u,ipmem, books, _ atationery, ai1d_0tl1er’su;wp%cs,·_as may necessary -for the iropcr performance of the°dtxties of, tile osice and as meynbe nppropriatedv for by Congress. 1 (Feb. 24, 1919,`c. 18, § 13(L3, p LO Stu·t,i1141,; June 2,*1924, c. 234; §_ 1101, 43`Stat. 353.) _· 1 /\ i 275. Duties of 0Ece; rules am} regahtiees.-—Tl1e office ot the egislsitivo counsel shall aid in tlraftixxg public bills and resoQ utions or ame;1giments~`thereto ou the request of any commit-» ee of .,elt·her House of Co11g1‘eSS,`·but the Library Committee »£ the Sehate and the #Llbraryg Committee of the House of. Elépresentatives, respectiveliiniay, determine the preferené, f sony. to be given to such requests of the committees or either Elouse, respectively. l, The legislative C0i}11Sél,qVSll&U,» from time _ o time,- prescribe rules arid 'rwuletlorxs for iothelcoodact of the vorkof 0Qce for the committe%_ of each House, stibject to he approval of the Library Committee fof each House, respecively. 3 {Feb. 24,11919, c ·· ·~’` {18,% 5 1303, 40 Stat.1141; `Jtme_2, .924, c. 234, § 110,1,}*43 §t&\t(353.) V · C `, 0 ·‘ _ 1 276._.Di’sbtirsement of ‘apprepriatioHtQ.e—One¥Eal£i of all appro; nriations for the oillce shallibei disbursed by the Secretar,:§.of he Senate and 0ne=half by the Clerk of the House of Repre- =ea·tatl?e%.- _,(-Feb. 24, 1919,. of 18,. § 1303,, 40- Stat;»1141_;. June I, 1924, c. 234, 5.1101, 43 .»Stat:~,353.)· T C- ¥ i , 277. 0$¢ial mail matter.-W-The legislative counsel shall have liesame privilege of free transmission of o§cia1 mail matter is other o@cers of the United States Govemrmerrt. (June 2, .924, c. 234, §911O1,°43 Stgt. 353;) j · ‘ t ‘ "°`\\ o