Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 44 Part 1.djvu/328

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§ QS] TITLE ,1.&.·—-—»BA.\’1£: pure :1 statbrwimt setting forth `in what `respoets the require»— nwnts of said lm:1rtl 0:111 not be complied with under the existinr: laws of such State. (July 17, 1916, c. 245, §· 30, 39 Stat. 382.) ·‘ v PENALTIIZS " 981. Falée statements in applications for loans; willful overvaluation of land;_ acceptance of loan or gratuity by ex&miners.--.;\11;,· —‘ applicant °fo1·‘ tl loam under this clmpter who shall knowingly make any false statementin his application for such loan, and any I1ll‘l1"lb€1‘ of 21 loan committee or any npm·:ii,sor provided for in this chapter who shall willfully overvnlne any la111<l_<»1“fo1·<·<l as soviirity for loans under this chapter, shall he punished hy :1 fine of not exceeding $5,000, or by im- "prisonmehr not oxeeeeli-ng'. one yea.r,—_or.both. Any examiner appointed under this chzipter xrlio. shall acceptnflonn or gratuity i':·¤»1n_nny laml bank or national farm lounaassoeintion exmuined by h-im, or from any person connected wiutlrany such. bank or asso<2ia`tion in any capacity, shall be punished by a fine 4 of not exceeding $5,000, or by imprisonment not exceeding one year, or lJoth·,`zmcl, may be fined :1 further sum, equal to the i money so loahed or gratuity given, and shall forever thereafter be disqualified from holding office as an examiner under the provisions of this chapter. No examiner,_wl1ile holding such Q office, shall pert’orm any other service for compensation for any bank or banking or loan assoqiation, or °fOI‘ any person conm·<·ted therewith in any capacity. (July 17,, 1916, nc. 245, § 31,. so sm. 3$2.) ‘ ‘ ., , , l ~ , i 982; Falsely marking, forging, or counterfeiting bonds or coupons; passing false bonds 'Grcoupons; falsely Altering.-——· Any j¤·rson°wlm shalljfalsoly make, forge, or counterfeit, or cause or procure to b<·,fule=eIjt_.nlz1de, forged, or c0unte1·!Teited, or willin;:l;v :ni¢l_or nssiistin fxilselymakinng, forging, or counterfeiting any bo11dQ `coupon, or pnper in imitatioh· of, or purport; lng tw he in imitation of, the bonq.1s.or,co1ipons issued by any ‘lmu.l bank or imtiomil fmcm loan association, now or hereafter 8lllll{ll’lZ£*d,£1lld¢ acting under the laws of the United States; or any person kvho. sl¤z1ll·pass,.—utter, or publish, or attempt to pass, utter, or publish any fitlse, · forged, or counterfeited bond, coupon, nr`.p:ap¢·r purporting to be issued by any such.bnnkor association. knowing thesarnelto he .fuli=ely made, forged, or omnmerfeiétotlg or n*11oover_·sl1nl1 falsely alter, or cause or procnre to be falselynltcred, or shall willingly uid or nséist in falsply rélteriixg nnysuch bond, coupon, or paper, or shall pass, utter, or publish as true zmyfalsely altered or spurious bond, ¢·¢m;mn, or paper issued,`or'pp1r]>o1jtli1g to`,_have been lssued,' by nny s~me·lrbanl; or :1-¤=eo•,·iation§ knowing the same to be fnléely altered or msnricms, shzill be puuislned by n. fine of not exceed-ing· .$5,04¤> or by impxiisonuient not exceeding; tlveyekilrs, or both. (July 17, 1916, 0. 2-15,*5 31 Stat. 382.) ‘ ‘ ` - 983. Charging or receiving unauthorized" fee ‘or commisgion; disclosing names ofJborrowers.—-<)tlner than` the nsuzrl

al;;i·y or diroctor’s fee paid to any' omcexj director, or employee

of anntional farm loan nssoclntion, a Federal land bank, or a j(sllll—‘S'l(l£‘k'l’fl!l(l hunk, and other thdn. tl reasonable fee paid by s 1ii·h association ‘or· hunk·to any officer, director, attorney,. or employee for Sf3X’YlC¢&¢ rendered, no odiger, director, attorney, or. employee of an association` or bank . orgnnizect under this .4·h;;;»tk,·r shall be 11 beneficiary of or receive, dlrectlylor imli·· recxijv. any fee; mnmnlession, gift, or other consideration for or in connection with 'any trnnnezictlxzn or business of such aésocl§· tion or bank. No land bank or mitionirl farm loan association organized under this chapter shall chnrge or receive any (ee, commission, bonus, gift, or other consideration not tferéln It spo<·ific·:my mxthorized. _No examiner, public or private,—.·shall “ diselose the xnnrnqs of borrowers to other than the proper offi·· ters of a national fm·mflonn_ association or land bank without first h11\°lI1§_0bl8il1Qd· express permission in writing from the

JAND BANKING ·’ Qi]; 1*.;:u-mloou comruiseloner or from the board of directors of W.:} essooizxtiou or bzmlz, •.;~:t;¢:e;»fwheu ordered to do so by e ¤~,zo—» or competent jurisdiction or bydireetion ot the COIl.§.Zl't‘S»; the United Stutesxor of either House thereof, or any ¢;ommi;·;. K, or Congress or of either House duly authorized. Any ;m»l..,; r violating any proyisiou of this paragraph »shaill be pxxniisml { 21 Hue of not exceeding $5,000 or by imprisonment not ext·4·wE:; ·

 one year? orboth. (July 17, .1916, c. 245, § 31, 39 Stat. Bez.; `

t 9§4. Fraud land embezzlement.——Any person connecml; in any capacity with lauy national `farm loan association, ‘l¤`om»m1 land bank, or joint stock land batik, who embezzles, z1bstrm·t~ or willfully misapplies any moneys, funds, Qor credits tl¤e·;·.e»:‘; or who without authority fronin thewdirecters draws any or:sr»p_ ggsigns any note, bond, draft, mortgage, judgment, or ¢1em»t. T- thereof, or who makes any falseeutry in any book, re;m·z_ W

 stateruent of such 8SSO(Zi8tiOj1 or land thank with intent. in

j either case to defraudsuch institution ori any other eompooy, body politic or corporate, or any individual person; or to deooiw, any oflicer of 11 notional farm, loan lassociixtion or land book or any-ogent appointed tc, exatnine into the affairs of any sum association or xbank, and every person who with like intent ams I or aybets any officer, clerk, or agent in anyyioletion of this S.-]·,_ tion,. shall be punished by a fine of not exceeding $5,000 or- by - imprisonment not exceeding fire years, or`— both, (July 17, wm, c. 245, 531, 39 Stat. 382.) ~ . . , * 985. False pretenses as· of bends or coupoosr-- Any person who shall deeelre. defraud, or impose upou, or who o shall attempt to deceive, defraud, or impose upon, any pereou, firm, or corporation by making any false pretense or represom:1-‘ stion regsarding the character-, issue, éecurity, or terms of·';1iry___ farm, 1o:m_ bond, or coupon, issued under. the terms ·.of thi; chapter; or by falsely pretending or reprweutlug that amy _farm zloan bohd, or coujum, issued under"the Qterme of this chapter by`one class of land banks is a farm loan; bond, or Unilg pon, iesued by another class of banks-; or by faléely pretemlie: for representing that any farm loan bond, or coupon, i$su<·Q· nmder the terms of this chapter, oreuythiug contaiuedlu mid ~ farm loan bond, or coupon, is anything other thou, or differr-er T from, what it purports tb be on the {see of said bond or`eoup·ea. _` l shéllrbe Sued not exceeding or imprisoned- not exceediu: e one year, or both; (July 17, 1916.·c. 245,} 31, 39. Stat. 3s2.>` 986. Arrest or violators of ° het.-——The_ Secretary of me Treusuryjs hereby authorized to direct und use the Secret Service Division of the Treasury Depaxttmeut to detect, arrest, and deliver into custody. of the United States marsbel having jurieo diction, nity person or pereoc violating my of the provisiew T of this section. (July c. 245, {31, 39 Stat._3S2.`)


991. G to ernment deposits in land banks authorized; perchase f farm loan bonds by Secretalry eit"I‘reasury; contimv ance of temporary crgsnizitieh of had banks.———·—The Secrotmf V of the Treasury. is Authorized irrhis tliseretiou, upon the mel quest of the Federal Form Loma Board, to make deposits for k th“e temporary use ot any Federal land bank, out of eny.m<»rr<*}’ l fin the Treasury not otherwise epbroprletod. Such Federal land [ bank shall issue to the Secretary ot the Treasury at certificate l of lutlobtedneee forany such `depoeit, heerlug a rate of i_uteré·st · “ not to ·exee·etl`-. the current rate `ehayrged for other Government deposits, to be secured by term lcau bouds or other collateral. to the satisfaction ot. the Secretary of the Treasury, Aoy euch certificate shell be redeemed and paid by such l:1ud`bauk et the dieeretion of the Secretary of the Treasury. The aggxrw gate oi all sums so deposited by the Secretary of the Treasury shell not exceed the sum of $t},0O0,060· at any gee time. - The Secretary of the Treusury is further Authorized, in `hie discretion, `upoh the request of the Federal Farm Bean B0&1‘¢L from time to time during the Sscul years ending Juue 30, 1918;