Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 44 Part 1.djvu/333

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gig; TiT,1.Z;E’ 12,-———·~BAN.éZ_§

 }»,,sgy»s, m· batl1.` (liar. 4, },§,i?>.f%, ce. 252, Title I, § 2, 42 Smit, 5

,,l§€l, _ l 2 mag;. Ovefvsluatinn of pmperty uiferegl as seéurity; pm- l ;- 3 ,,,;,,,,§,;s,~l3’laa~¤s*er willfully cvarx·a*m¤s any `lpmpertyl ufigreu ( ,,l lwurlty fm may sasl: aglvmwe shall be ptmished by a Em

 liv? ;;:%;;··e than $·a"§,¥lG®, as by lmprismameat fm: not xjaqm than <

a ,,,~,, plays, wr bath. (Mar. 4, 1923, c. 252, Title I, § 2, 42-Stat;. i ggsim “ ‘» x ‘ 1 `llill. 9§c¤s& by examinérs; pms:§shmc¤t.—Any exmgxiner ,§,W§:l$§ ¤tl mzltler lzéhapmrs 7 and 8 wha shall accept a' loan cr 1 lgyzsaxsélzy fmm &¤2Q:1 examlnéd by him, on from any A] ,w»¤ml clsxmaecietl with any sgzch organization in any capacity, 1 . ll: zwlm shall dlsxrlose the names at bcrtcwers to other than the < ,,,·§l;g¤;: lailllivrs at such 0i·gm1lzaH0g,`w_itl10¤t, Efst having ol)- s ,;,5,lwl egxprvss piérzsxisslaa ln writing from thefarm Loan Com- ii zlllsillxlvr (ar from tha heard éfl directors of such organization, 1 ,·m=;;¥ sx·las»al ordered to do so by 3 mutt cfxgompetent jurisdici tw: ax- by élircction of the Céngress ct the United States or of e 4»i:l¤·:— Hmzsge tlmraoi', cr may committee of Czmgpess or of either 1 llsalxsé duly m:tlmrlv»<l,· shall bépxmlshed by a`B11e*0£ not ex- g {wllillg $5,Giw cr by imprisonment cit not exceeding one ye•#ar,_0r ‘ @,;:1;, and may he Emil a fm·tl1ar sum equal to the money sor llmwll {3;-. gratultyg given, and shall forever »tl1ereafter be, dis- ‘ qz;::‘li§¤l fmm hakling 0&ce as an éxammgr under the proydsions · , {lf {·lm;m=1·$ 7 and- 8. N0 examiner while holding such- 05lce , slmlla gwrféirm may other aarvlce for éompexasaticm fdr any bank 4 ll? lgllllklllg <>1·‘l»aa¤·as$0cl_ation or for any iwerscn c0miected' _ 1%wl»xx·i1h`l:2 any capacity. (Mar. 4, 1923, c. 252, Title I, §_2,j 4:2 Stat. 3.4159.) . Q . , "' 11335. Taking of fees -and-l gifts by _ <>§é·ers- and emplnyees; p¤¤ishm2rlt.—+\%’h0ex·er, being an mfécer, dimctor, emplugree, ; sswsli {lr atloméy of a Federal Intermediate Credit Bank, stipulaws fm ai receives Bf musents 01* agrcet to receive any fee, ` `walazazlssluia, gift, 0:- thing of falug, frém any—pe1~s0f1,_ilrm, or `; l·~:·;m·:;¤’ for pfécuring or cndeavcring to procure for sugh 'Z 12’*¥<·-;<;il, *G!‘ corpgmtlxm, or féxj any other paxfson, Erm, or ` 4·~:·,¤;:·atian may lem: from any smgh corporation cr. éxtengaion br . r»:l4»·zs·z1l of loan cr substifutloh of gecxirity, 01; the pu1*chase OI`. _ <ll»¤gwm;‘ cr sqcaptance of may paper, `ncte, draft, check; or " ml af exclmlxsge by any such qorpcratlcng shall be, deemed 3 l gzaiiity at n`misd_em2m1m· and, shall upon conviction thereofbe lmgwimaaetl féfnot more than one year and iiliffd not mbrethan, A Sxmfb, mr bath. (Mai, 4,19%, #3. 252, Title I, § 2, 42 Stat. I ‘ 3439;) · _, _ ·. , ’ .` U —

  • 1125. ”Fm·géry and like- GEQRQEB relating to éliligatiams of. »

5 Credit Banks: p»u¤is$mc¤t.+-—-Anly person whip shall falsely make. _ &f~i·gi·, 30; counterfeit 0: cause or. procure to be falsely made, I fwrgvgl, gay mmltex-sited 6: wlllllagly aid or assist in ·· falsely f mjakmg, fmglng, or. écuhterfeitlug any delaenturw éoupogz, br Milli}? 0!>lig£1Iii}¥laiB imitatlmi of or pxarporting to be in imitatitm ? qi me delscntum, mums, or bther obligation ismed by any . iwdeml intermedlatg, Credit Bank, nr. any pcrsqn who shall mass, ¤tter,.§r_p115lish or attempt tp pass, utter, or pixblish .:

  • amy false, fsrged, or cmmterfgitgd, debczature, coupon, OI ctlxer Z

elmigzxtimx purpcrtihg ta be issued by any such bank knowing _ the same ltd 5e falsély made, {urged, or ccuuterfcitcd, `01·_a11y‘ _ .;¤=·rsmz Wim gmail tglsely alter c; _ cause or M pmctim t0_ be Y )fals··»ely altered cw shall 'willingly mel ox assist in falsely t ,.ult+;·ri:1g axéy such “d el2e:1tum, coupon, or ¢tBar obligation or Wim shéll paxs, 11~ttei·,`c1·';mblish as true may falsely alteréd ·01- _ Szxmriazug demmum, coupon, ar ether cbligatlmz lséued or plzry 1m·ting_m hhve been issued by any such bank knowing the- ‘ ; · xazug to be falsely altered or spurious, shall he mmislmd by a · ilnc nf mt axmmlug $5,0§0 or by imériscgmcut mt to ‘e$<.·&ed l me ymré, or mth. (Mar. 4,1923, c. 252, Title I, S 2, 42 Stat. ll—i59.},, _, _· , . -. K, ; - 1127. False répmesentatiqm as to debemlmcs ar other obli- A gallons issued by cfedit ¢Q1'?9l‘#§BB8§ puuishment.-·—·—Any per? 1

s nero Bogstrgmro § 1129 ron who shall deceive, defraud, or iznpoec nponor who aholl xttempt to deceive, defraud, or iznpoee noon any peroon, pnrtneo ship, corporation, or aeoociation by making any false pretence Jr reproeentation concerning the character, ieone, security, éontento, conc1itione,`or terms of any tlebenture, coupon, or >ther obligation iooned under the ternoe of thin chnoter, shall te lined not exceeding $500, or imprisoned not to exceed one rear, or both. , (Mar. 4, 1923, c. 2§2,"Tit1e I. 5 2, 42 Sint. 1459.) 1128. .Unlnw§ql noe of word; “Fetlernl Intermeéiate Credit Bank ?’; punishroente-¢-All corporations not organized onder the , provisions. of this chapter are; prohihitetl from using the

vords_"Federol Intermediate Credit Bank~" ae port of their

zorporato name, and any violation of ~ this prohibition shall snbject the party charged therewith to a civil penalty of $.50 torwench day during which thoviolation continues. r. (kiarxé, 1923, c. 252, Title I, 5 2, 42 Stat. 1459.) · , { 1129. Taking of unauthorized fees, commiséons, or other consideration _ by, creditj banks.—y{—No Federal Intermediate Credit Bank shall charge or receive any fee, conérnieoion, bonne, gift, or other consideration not herein apecincally authorized., (Mar. 4,1923, 0. 252, Title I, § 2, 42 Stat. 1461.} Chapter 9.-L--NATI(}NAI{ AGRICULTURAL GREDIT COR- PORATIONS. , Q ~ ° · -_ FORMATIO;€ l Sec. _ _ · . . 1151. Purpose; incorporators, eorticies of association; signing nod . filing.‘ . .. ’ . - · _ `REQUISITES OF ARTICLES AND-CERTIFICATE 1161; Organization certincate; contents. v " 1162. §nmo of corporation.: l · - 1163. Acknowledgment of organization certificate and articles of as- - ‘ · soclation, ~ - _ · ” ` . _ CORPORAITE POWERS 1171. `Corporate powers"in.·genera1; directors and o§ee;o. 1172. Additional powers under regulation of Comptroller. DEBENTURES_ AND OTHER OBLIGATIONS; L11&BII.I‘1‘Y; ` ~ SECURITY. _ ‘ ‘ · 1181. Lialzllity ot _I'n1te¢1 Staten for debentures nndother obligations ` issued bycredlt corporations. _ ’ ` 1182.·Addltio¤n1frcaliestate security for obligations. Lr1x1r1·.a2croNs · ‘ 1191.—"Restrictions on amount- of indebtednees and iongndvaencea, etc., ,to single pcroonidealings in liveotock restricted. » INTEREST RATESM · 1201. Chlargeo on loans and discount;. 1202.. Exncting nnlowful lntoreot. CAPITAL STOOK _ __ 1211. Amount; payment as condition to grant of certificate to eo lmainoes. . M .- — 1212. Increase or reduction; withdrawal ot paid in capital. 1213. Transfer of olxareo, _ .‘ 1214. Collection o1}—unpnier subscriptions. . 1215_.·Sharcho1dcrs votlng by proxy. ` _' · ItEDISGOUNT' CORPORATIONS 1221. Redtocount pootere. ~ ‘ 1222.-Limitations upon indebtedneaaw 12*Q Deposit ot bonds or securities. . ~ PERMIT _*1`O BEGIN BUSINESS 1231.`I}epooit of honda or obligations of United States; as condition »` to issue otpermit. _ _ ’ . r V ` 1232. Determination no togrant of.perm\1t. x l MISCELLANEOUS ADhiINISTItr&1‘I\fb} PROVISIONS 1241. Snpervlsion by Conmtroller of (“tirrcncy. · 1242. Asoosoxnent ot credit corporations to pay_as]nrin1otr:1tion expenses. 1243. Examiners of national agricultural croclii; corporéttionzs; appointincnt; compenszrtion; Inwodmpplicoble. [ 1244. Expenses of examinations. `