Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 44 Part 1.djvu/339

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325 Tzmm 12.-——BANKl INSOLYENCY, RECEIVERSHIP, AND LIQUIDATION — 1301. Rc¢·é}¢1‘;.·lDD•i¤¢¤¢Q¢:" p0Wcn.;———Whe¤ever any Na- _ ggmml ,Agrieultui·a1` Credit Corporation shall be disselved¤ and gs rights, privileges. aud; franchises declared fqrfeited ga pre- ¤=¤·z~·2&·c·d in the preceding section, or whenever any cmditoe oil luxjv sugxh corporation shall have obtained ·aA ilwdsment. ix in any kzeurt of record and made application accompanied 'by lz Mxliticate f1·0m.tlxc_cle1‘k of the court? stating that such judgmm: has been rendered, and has l·emai;1ed.uupaid for the space mia zliirty days or whenever the Comptroller of the Currency mall become mtlshedlcf the iixsolvency ot suqh cqrporgtion, lne _ my, after due ekdmiuatiou of its etfairs in either case, appoint gs m~eix‘ei· who shall proceed to ~wln_d- up the affairs ot suelm §el~;;{»rati¢»n. The ·receiyer»s0 qpp0inted_ shall exercise they pewrs and behxbject to the restrlctions of -1{ebeiyers` of national kmks; and the Comptroller of the Curgency shallhnve the ~, mer powers and qutiesrin -cqm1ectio¤‘with the administration “ {,¤;‘ suexh i·ecei$*enjshlp as hehas in reference to the receiyership _l»{ national bimks. (Mar. 4; 1923, c,. 252, Title II, 215, 42 sm. 1-l71_.)i ‘__. ._— - __ _ · G 1302. Sharchelders’- `ngents; powers:-—Shareh0lders’ `agenfs fer Sh1lI'Cll`Ol,d€l‘é of National Agricultural Credit Corporations m;»· be appointed in the member prescribed by section 197, smc! shall haigg Qlthé same general powers and duties and,.be_' \u%l_§<·g·f @0 the same r‘es"trictiol1s ds $harehold'ers’ agents 0t_ a m:i¤·¤ml_ bank. (Mar. 4, 1923, c. 252, Title II, 5 215, 42 Sfatf ll}`l.)-‘ »` n _ _ . 1,303. Voluntary liquidation.-——Any` National Agricultural —< `»a‘<·zeIi[ Corporation may.g0_ lnto liquidation gud be closed by the ‘ -¤··u· oflts shareholders owning two-thirds of its stock. When- _;-wr n vom ie taken to go inte liqp`idation` it shall be the duty of x2.~ lmard of dii‘ect0rs`t0 cause notice .0f Qhis fact to bej cerglfled . ;.»l·ll·x· the seal of the corpdration bylts president or cashier to m·· <Ie1;1pt1·9llcr of the Currency and publication thereof to be

i.·;;<lc»for a period _0t two montlzs in. a newspaper published in

ml- 4-ily 0;-* (Own i¤·- which the corporation is located; or it "nc

.··.vs;g:aper is theréppblished, in the newspaper published neat-

»·~z rlgprete, that the corporationis glazing up its `atfairs and xpnifyixag the creditors to present their claims against th_e_c0r·

..·•·;ul4»n for payment. All jsuch clqirqs shall be presented, to

wl approved by a‘ liqugidating ·agent• to be appointedbyethei

 ml of directors of ·such‘é0x·pprqti0¤; witlrthé approval of the

. <:·»m;»m»ller of the Currency, nucl the·ai!a·irs of Such covpomtloix well he liquidated by such agent and under thesupervisiun of my lmnptrullcr dt the Currency. (Mar. 4, 1923, cj 252, Titlee Il.  ::15; 42 'Siat. 1471.) 4 `* · PENALTY PROVISIONS —_ 1311. Enuincrhtionyof various acts by cHcers, i:eg1'ts,`or ern-.~ 1»loyees;A punishment;5——Anyl oflicer; d_ir·ect6r, agent, br employee ·¤° an Nmiu-xnul Agricultural Credit Corporation who embezzles,

e!.~=!l‘2lCLS, purluins, or willfully misapplies any of the moneys,
‘uml><, or credits of such corporation, or who, without authority

¤z···m the directors, draws any ordeior bill of exchange, makes wny ulwptunnire, issues, puts iorth, or assigns any note, deben-__

  • ==:·0._ hemd, draft, bill of exchzmgcn mortgage, juclgm•;mt,`?01·-

.z.·(·m~, erwbo nukes any false entry ix; any book, report, or ~z:m-ment. of such corporation with. intent ih any ease to iujpxce .»¤· defraud su°ch_c0rp0r;1tion or any other company or person, or_ $4.. m»<·¢·ivc any ollicer of_.such cmjpcraticgu or the Comptroller of { rm- <Tun·em·y, or- any agent or examiner hppointed to examine Jac a’f!`z1ix·s`of Such c0x·p0x·uti0¤°; and every weceiver of suizh c0r· ·_ :·<·ruti0x1_wl10 with like intent todefraud er mj-ure exzgbezzles, ¤=‘¥¤+‘t1·:1<:tgs, purloins, or willfully misapplies any of the moneys, fnmls, ur assets of fhé corporation, and everyperson whe with iiké intent qid$ or a1»ets any _0$cer, `director; agexit, employee, 4

s AND Baxxzzvo § 1316 or »_recel€e1·.ln any- violation of this section shall be deemed guilty of a »mlsdemeane1·,· and upon conviction in any district court ot the- United States, shall be fined not more; than $5,000, ’ or shall be imprisouegl Ifor not xnore than Eve years, or both, at the discretion of the court. (Mar. 4, 1923, e. 252, Title II, § 216, 42~Sta,t.-1471.) ._ , · . _ ` 1312. False statements; punishme¤t.—Whoever makes any statement, knowing it to be false, for thepurpose- of obtaining for himselfor for any ozuer person, Erm, corporation, or association any advance, or extension" or renewal of an advance, or any release or substitution of security, trout a Hational Amlcultura1'Gi¥edit Corporation, or tor, the purpose of Lunuencing in any other way? the action of such coi·poration, shall be punished by at ilne ot] not more thau;$10,000 or by llmprisomnént totnot more than five years, or both. (Mar. 4,1923, cl 252, Title II, — 5 216, 42 -Stat.’14'I1.)_f " · · _ ” · __ 1313{ Overvaluation of property oiered as security; punishment.——Whoever willfully overvalues any property offered as security for. any such advanceshall be puni_shed` by a ilnea of not more than $5,000, or by_imprimnment_for·not more {than two years, or both, (Mar, 4, 1923, c._252;· Title II, (5 216. 42 Stat. 1471.-) " 0 0 1 _ ,_ - · . . _1314. Ofeuses by examiners; ’puniahmen.t.—-Any examiner appointed under this chapter who shall accept a loan or"gratuity from anyprganizatlou examined by him, or from any person connected- with: anysuch organization inlany capacity, or who J shall disclose the names. of borrowers, tootherr than the- proper officers of such organization, without first having obtained ex- , pressed permission in writing from the Comptroller of the (Tur- 'rency or from the board of directors of such organization, except when ordered to do so by a court- of competent Jurisdic- _tion.or by tlirectiorpof the Congress of the_United States or of either Hbuse thereof, or any committee of Congressor of éithef House duly authorized, shall be punished -by ya Hue of not exceeding $5,000 or, by imprisonment of not exceeding one year. t F or bot.h,‘and` may be ilned a further sum equalto, the znoney so T loaned `or gratuity given, and shall forever thereafter be dis? ' )4(]\¥§u¤6d'_fI'_0XI1 holding- office as an examiner under; the -prm·i- sions, of this chapteri Nolexaminer while holding such oillce shall perform any other service for compensation for any bank Mor banking or loan association or for any person connccteel therewith in any capacity. (Mar. 4, 19%,.;:. 252, Title II, § 216, 42 sm; 1471.) - ‘ _ , . .1315; Taking of fees_and gifts byollicers; pmgishment.~—< Whoeyer, being an o§cer, director, employee, agent or attorney _- of a National Agricultural Credit Corporation `stipulates for or receives or `consents or agrees to recelveanyjee, commission. gift, or thing of value from any person, nrm, or corporation •fo1‘ procuring or endeavoring to procure for such person, tlrm. or corporation, or for any other person, firm, or corporation any loan ti·om_a.ny such corporation or extension or renewal of loan ( or substitution of sccurity,_or the purchase or cliscougnt or ac! ceptance ot any paper, note, draft, check, or bill of exel1angebyany such corporation, shall be dcemocl.guilty-ot a mistlc-` meanor and upon conviction shall be imprisoned for not more than one year or Ened \not more than $5,000, or both; _ (Mar. 4, 1923, c._ 252, Title II, .§ 216, 42 Stat. 1471.) . ' _ ' I · 1316. Forgery and like oEenses* relating to obligations of credit corporations; p\mishment.—An5’_person who shall falsely make, forge, or counterfeit, or cause or procure to be falsely made, forged, or counterfeitecl, or willingly aid or assist in falsely rnakinng, forging, or ·eou“nterfelting any debentures., coupons, or-other·‘ob.ligations in imitation of or purporting; to be an imitation of. the debentures, coupons, o1·_ other ohligutimns Jaaued by any National Agricultural Credit‘Corporatio_11, and any person who shall pass, utter, or publish or attempt to pass, `¥lClZ&1',·0! publish any false, forged; or muntcrfoltod ·¢lob¢·i1t¤.1ro, coupon, and other obligation purporting to be issued by any