Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 44 Part 1.djvu/355

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6 341` www 514.-- `twgntj¥-toinr years of age 1fth€`tlme- ofapp0lntmént,`and.sha1 .pa>:.é;‘ a` Satisfactory physical examlngtiolr by. a board of- omce: (fthe Public Health Service, and a satisfactory éducationa vxazmlixitiizn, whkh 1*m;st_`ln‘ all cgses be jwrltteu and strlbtl q·£mspe¢ltive,, by §8_".b0¤`1‘d of commisslgmcd 0&cérs of the Coax ’ Quaid, béth ~exaii1i¤aticus·`t0 bcrccndhcted- grader sdch r68\1iz mms as shall be préscribcd by the Secretary ot th; Tgeasury Provided, That no person who has beén dismissed pr cpmpelle ua fcsign from the Military Academy or from the. Naval Aéad amy at the United Stiles for hazing, my {gr any qther imptope Q.;m1uct,` shall be. eligiblé for appointment as a fcadet in tl: ’mast Guard: Pfomfdcq tw·th`cr, Tha}: 1;b—_pérs0n shhll become ·: emlef bf tim line who does not §bug8;t€,l1lI1'lS€lf,_lI1. such maxme izs the Sécrétiury _0f the Treasury may préscrlbe, to serve ht lens " mma yearé as an 0E¢` iii said service aittei graduation, .1 his scriyiccs béso long required: Amfproigided-furtlaer, Tha me Sécremry of tb; Treasury- gmay .summa1*l1y dismiss irq; me service ‘a¤y‘ cadet who, dufing his ptobationary term, j muah unsatisfactory ih either studicé ‘ or conduct, of may .11 ueemccl not adaptéd for 3, career. in the service. (June 2; 6~1:¤»6,c.,3520, {2,.34 Stat. 452;) ‘ . · g · " . ‘ ,16. Lieatmmmtv ccmnnmlcrs (chgineeiingh dutlés; "pmmu tion té.grs4¢.¢-elsicuiteénant cvinmataderg ··(e1lgineeri;1g‘)· slmll, pen form duly in lcoqpegtion with the- constiuction and ixlspectloz of my machinery. of vessels and such otl1`er duties us th Slwetary, ct the Téeuéuty rhay ‘fu·esq:ribe., , When a_ vdennc; (wars in sqelfsrade it shall be Qlled by piomcticu from-.31 aqtive list 0t·lleutmg¤ts' lwsinewinz) in the order of senior $1;. {Apr. ‘_16, .1908, ie, 145, Q} 1+2, 35 `Stnt. 61-62.) » · 17. dutieii W°¤°€i9|. to ¢néq.—-—·C0mmauder - shéll param duty, lg cauinactlnq with the ccdstmction of ve! mm ‘ and the · lnmgakm ot meir armament nndférews am such other duties as the Secretary dt the" Tmasury ,0: th President fmy - lbe. Whey ar yacmcy occurs lu suc! éxrade lt ql1•ll'·bc élled by prqmctiou from the active, list 0 iieutmaht commanders- in the order ot seniority. .(Apr. lt 1908. c. 1%, Q! 1-···2,_8$ Stat. 61-62.) , ._ · — » ° _ 18., Pn·¢¤¤tla_ of xeacrslly.; angina sians.-—·~When any commissioned cmu ct Guard l reflmd sctlve wrvlcc, the next cmcer in rank shall b pmmoted ·ac<;m·dl¤g `to me established `iiulm at the a¢rvlk:¢, am xhé nam at promotion will be applied s lvely_t¤ the mvgqnamén ¢onaeq¤@t upon such. mtlmment. , · _ No cpmlsdoned omzér shall, be promoted to ‘n hlghg gmée 01*, mak 0¤’ the ,actl=v'¢ list, except to commaudnnt or, t· cxnigiuleer ln ,chlet,- zmlil his mental, gpralg and profession; _ titnem to `gpertctm all the dutlcs ut such higher grade on ran} laaxje bpm: zstdpllahecl to the ·¤qt.ia£nctl<m· ct n board of exam inlug omlers appointed by the PL'@d¢¤l1£,‘l¤d until he ha. been examined by n board pt medical _ cmcera gud 'jmxlouncoa phyaimily£éd to perform All the duties nf such hlghe grade or rank, (Apr, 12, l9®, c. 501, I 8, 32' Stat. 101; J5; l2, 19%, c. %, § 3, 42*Bta¢. 1131.) _ " _-." - 19. Ccmtmctcrg nppbintmmtg ra¤R.···-The President is au tiwrized ,to appoint,. by andwith the cement 02 the; Saimte, ohm . mzmtxjuctcr for the Coast Guard who shall have the mlatiw ·mnk otfa lieutenant. (Ju¤c._1, 1&B, te. 546, 30 Statf 604 Apr, l2,*1902,.c,`501, I 1, 32 mat. 100.) -_ ' M

 20. Camminlmiug   (aaghwhrinj) a bcustnsc

{nr.}-—A lieumxmm: (enmeeriug), to bq nclocted for bln ability in naval const; » tion Im¤‘t}:ic M ct li¤¤¢6¤ 3% iwmwriés) by the Secwry‘ot· b· commlmioued a qmmtmbtor mx duty ln the Cons Guard with the rank nqw provided by- law tc? A llwtwnn (engineering) : Provided, fllhnt mq vacancy h the lla ‘ot·1i¢mte;1au1s· (enmueerlng) byl such mt bn filled by prcmotion 01- otherwlsi, lii1t..t.he)¤ ¤ .08

-O A4S—T*GUARD_ —`§ 29_ lL .·ants (engineering) new antherimdby law shalljbe reduced by ·s_ 0ue,- and thntt no fadditiomxl expense. shall . be incurred by 11 reason of coxnnaissioning such lieutensnt (engineering,) at con-r y structor, (`Jime 23, 1906, c. 35%,5 8,-Q34 Stat. 453.) _ at 21. Gradesf and ratings of warrant and `pettv o§eers and n- enlisted gent-5-·;'1‘fie grndes and ratings ot vvsrrant e&cers, chief

  • _ spotty o¤iéers,_petty odlcers sndlotber enlisted persons ina the

d Coast `Guéard tatmll, be the same fas in the Navy, in so`_te,r as ls the dutiw of the Coast Guard may require. (May 18, 1920, er cQ 190, §· 8, 41 Suit, r .. _ { ‘· e 22.' Assignments to duty.‘gencral]y.·e-Any commissioned or n warranf o&cer, petty officer, " , or other eniisted msn in the rj Const ·Gunrd· may assigned. to any · duty _ which mei be m necessary-. {prime" proper- conduet of the Const Guard. (Aug; if 29, 1916, c. 417, 39 Stat. 601.) ‘ A · ‘ ’ tf _ 23. Appointqent of warrant and petty·ioQeers.——-No warrant tr or petty_ 0Qcer shall be appointed or rated ns such without S 21- suitable éxnmination E or period of _ probation to determine e his. fitness for his grade or rating. (Apr.16, 1908, c, 145, § 8, 3, 35?Stat.62,)‘ I _. I . - ‘ ‘ 24. Promotion p of ensigns ,and· distrikt superintendents; »- · service·requirement; ncocssity for vacancies in higher grade.-- r- An ensiguy an` énsign (engineering), or a· district superintendn_ ent with the rank of ensign, shall be . reqnjred to., oomplete e three years;. service in his grade, nfter which .· he shall be y eligibiefor yiromotion to the next htgher grade without regard e vte the number already in that higher grade; Provided, That r- ,notl1ing._ in this section shall be construed to prevent promo- ° tions to 811 vacancies in the grade 0t_ lieutenant (junierjgrade) ·s dr lieutenant (junior grade) (engineering) as_ provided by

· law. (Apr. 16, l998;.c.'146,_| 9, 3§··Btat. 63; Jan. 12, 1923,

d tc;%,§4,·32St¤t.1131.)r __ _ f·` v‘‘. j e 25. Prohationary tern of oadstsé-—·The probationary term of ln cadets shall be three yum. However, nntilsnch time ss the 1 grade of shall be nlled there may be advanced to that S, grade sn: padet ot tboliue who mrvedi not lens than two . years is such c¤.dst’.and`is~rmn1n;ended for advaneexnent by i-· the Secretary of the Treasury. _( Feb. %. 1903, é. 755, 32 Stat. 8 _869_; Urine M, 1906, c. 8520,} 3; 84 Stat. 452.) · · " s ` 28Q AddnMratton of oaths guezallyq-#·’l!I1o· presidents sud c1` recorders ot Const Guard bomts and commanding omcers ot o vemels of the Coast Guard are authorized to administer ohtba . of allegiance and such other oatbstss may be necwsarv for the r" proper conduct ot paid servicogvand ‘commsnding· o$cers ot 0 Easels ot tbe wat Guard ans authorised to" administer` ostbs tl generally in Alaska. (Apr. 16, 1908, c,‘145,_ 5 12,35 Stat. 63.) . k 27{Qloen anthoriaed to admhister for recruiting, ‘ i-. Yetc.-—Such eommissioned and warrant omeers ot the Coast s Guard may be designated by the com,mnuda_nt of the Const

1 Guard nre authorized to: admintsterfsucb- oaths ss gay be

r necessary `in `eonnectgon with recruiting end for they proper t eonduqt of said .se1‘vice.,_ (June 5,4 _1920, c. 235, 5 ~1, 4; Stet. ` R- ‘ 28. Instruction in aviation at Army or, naval aviation o schools.--·Af the request of the Secretary of the ;'1‘ressui·§r the B Secretaries ot tWar`·nnd Navy - 8l\Ch(k#€d to receive otiiegs ; Q and enlisted men ot the Const Guard for instruction in avia- `tion at any aviation school maintained by the Army or Navy, ‘ ·· and Bitch obcers and enlisted men shall be s&bj_ect‘ to the regu- 1‘ lation;. governing such (Aug. 29, 19}6, c. 417, 39 Stat. ~· @01Je · , . Y » . · ·· ‘· B . 29; Aviation atationaf school for instructions; appointmlenb t and pa! M Iwractora.-·—··For the purpose ut saving life end t @@7 don: tb} omxa oi United States and at seg cont dmooi ¢h¤!®¤» and to smut in the natfbnnl defense, the Sess- D mh!} M th• Treason in authorised to establish, equip, sud a- malntaindvlttioxx mt exeeeaing ten inmumber, at