Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 44 Part 1.djvu/370

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§ 29 TITLE 15.-(you. _ other statutory provisions having a like purpose enacted aftc _ February 11, 1903, or that may be. enacted wlxerein the Unite States is complainant, the `Attorney General mayjile @Tfh`th clerk of such court a certificate that, in his opinion, the case i of general pul1lic importance, a {copy df which shall be in mediately fumisltnetl by —sueh_clerk to each of the circuit judge of the eircuit in which the ease is pendingf Thereupon suc ease shall be given precedence over others and. in every wa expedited, and be assigned for hearing at the earliest pta ticahle day, before not less than three of the circuit judgc of said circuit, if there be three or more; and if there be ne "1llQ1'€ than two circuit judges, then before them and sue: district judge as they may select; or, in case the full cou;·t·sha not at any time be made up by reason of me necessary absent or disqualitieation of one or-more of the said circuit judge ‘ the justice of the'Supreme Court assigned to that circuit < the other circuit judge or judges may designate a district judg or judges within the circait who Shall be competent to .sit 1 said court at the hearing of said suit. In the event the judge sitting in such case shall be equally divided at opinion as 1 the decision ordispositiou of said cause, or ig the event that majority of said judges shall be zunablé to agree Y upon tk judgment, order, or decree finally disposing of said case in sal court which should be entered in said cause, then they sha U immediately certify that fact to the Chief Justice of the Unite [States, who shall at once designate and appoint some ciféu judge to sit with said judgesaud to assist in determining sai cause, Sueh,order of the Chief Justice shall be immediate? transmitted to the clerk of the district court in which sai —caase is peading, arid shall be entered .upoi1 the minutes of sal Mcourt. Thereupon said cause shall at oucehbe set down fc "reargumeut and the parties thereto notified in writing by tl clerk of said court of the action ot the court and the date tlxt for the.reargument thereof.: (Feb. 11, 1.903, c. 544, § 1,*32 Sta

823; June·25,'1910,_c;.428; 36 Stat, 854; Mar. 3, 1911, ct 23

§, 291, 36 Stat. 1167.) . · _ '29. Appeals to Supreme Co•.irt.¢-——In every auit in equia brought in any district court of the·United States under ai of the laws mentioned in the preceding sebtion, `wherein ’tl “ United States is complainant, an appeal fromthe ilual doom , of the district court will lie only to thé‘Supreme_' Court at must be. taken within sixty days fiom the entry therec ‘ {_l·`eb. 11, 1903, 0.. 544, § 2, 32 Stat. 823; Mar.? 3, .1911, cQ 23 §° 291. 36- Stat. 1161.) Q _ _ · 30. Depqsitions for usejia suits in `equity.—··--111 the taking t _ _ depositions of witnesses for use in any suit ia equity brougl - ·l»y°t.he United Statoaaader aections 1 to`7, inclusive, or sc tion 15·ot this chapter, and Min the qheaflugs before any e aminer or special maategj appointed to take testlmonyjliextei the proceedluga shall he open to the public as freely as at trials ih open court; and no orderexcludlag the public {to attendance on any auch proceedings shall be valid or' eaforc ' able. (Mar. 3, 1913, c. 114, 37 Stat. 731.}) · - 31. Panama Canal closed to violators of antitrust laws.; No veaael permitted to engage in the coastwise or foreign trat of theliuitqd States shall be permitted to enter or pass throat ` the Panama Canal if aueh ship` ta owned, ehartered, operate or eoxmtrolled by any gietson or company_ which is doing but ness in violatlou`ot the prcivlalous of saictiona 1 to 27, inelusiw ·,or;gof any other Avt of CU1l{2,`Y£SS¥H1ltl0H(1[;1g or sapplemeatiag tl same. The question of fact may be determined by the judame of-any co1irt_0t the United States of competent jurisdletiotr any cause pending betorejt to which tlxejownera_*or operatic of auch ship are parties. Suit may be br‘ought' by any shlpp or by the Atto1?ne»y §}eneral· of the United. Btatea. (Auk. S 1912, c. 390, § 11, 37 Stat. 567.) _ “ " 32. Immunity of witnesa.————-No petaon shall beprosecutod be subjected to any penalfy.or·forfeiture for or on account

BIERQEAND TRADE :35%; _ ar any transaction, matter, or thing concerning which he may tos. >d tify···orl produce evidence, documentary or otherwiseyia any le proceeding, gait, or prosecutlor1,under motions 1 to 27, incl;]- is sive, of this chapter: Ifrovideil, That no person so tcstifyim; rx- shall be exempt from prosecution or punishment for pcrjurv as committed lh so testifying. _(Feb. 25, 1903,. C. 755, § is 32 Sm; all 904.) ' ly U . · Q_ Chapter 2.·-—FEDERAL TRADE OQMMISSION; PROMO- V ES ·'1‘ION EXPORT, TRADE ANDfPRE¥’ENTl0N (ne R ·` —UNFAIR METH()I)S_0F COMPETITION. Q fh FI§1jl£RAL‘TRADE COMMHSION

 Sec,. . - ‘ J

_B 41. Federixl Trade Commission established; azembershlp; ·_vacam·1sS; · sea .~ · · S; 42. ',S8.l8l°l€-8; €l'Ilpl0)'£€S§ (?Xp0l18£‘8. yl- 43.- Oillce and place of meeting. ,e 44. Detlaitlous. ` _ , · id`; 45. Unfair xpethods of competition uanlawfuli prevention by comms;. - sion. _ . . · ` BS 46. Additional powexfs ot commission. _ {0 47. Reference of suite under antitrust statutes, d 48. Informatica and assistance from departments. K 49. Documentary evidence; depositions; witnesses. K 50. Olfenses and penalties. _ . " · ` ld 51. Effect of subdivision oh other statutorj proyisions. ~— l · ig ~ , _PROMOTION·0F EXPORT TRADE 3t .61.,E_xpo!·t trade; deduitions. Q t 62. Export trade and antitrust legislation. " ld ·63. Acquisition oi stock ot export trade coraoration. · ly 64. Unfalr·‘methods of competition. in export trades . id 65. ·I¤tormation required from export trade corporation: powers ot ld Federal '1‘i·ade {Commission, ‘ (_ Ji' l*B.EYENTION OF USIFIAIR METHODS 0l·‘ CGMPETITION

  • 8 vi. -1>eumu¤¤, _ » · . _ _

éd 72. Importation or pale of articles at less than market value or whole Lt_ sale price. ._ · . _ ‘ t . L1 73. Agreements lnvolving restrictions la favor of imported goods,. ·’ 74. Rules and rejulations. . , · · U ` 75.'Retall:1tioh agfslnst country prohibiting lmportatloaa. KY » 70. Retaliation against reprlction of lmportations ln time ot war. ly 77. DlSCI.'lmlIl€lu0__Il agalns neiltra-l Americans ln time of war. - gg , l5`EDl3lRAl.· TRADE COMMISSION nd Section 41. Federal Trade Comhisaion established;. meas- »t.‘ bership; vacancies; seal.·····A commission is created and estab- ¤1, lished, to be knowi as the Federal Trade livhmxissioa (herein- ` after referredto as the commission), which shall he composed of of Eve commmsioxxers, who shall be apploiated by the l’resldent,_ by ht audwith the advicegand consent of the Senate; Not more than >c· three ot the commissioners shall the members of the same politix· callparty. ‘· The mst commissioners awolated shall continue in 11, oliiceg for texjms ot three, four, Eve, aix, and seven years, rere spect,ively,.fro1;1.September 26, 1914, the term ot each to be ·m _ desigaated by the President, but theireaccessozjs shall— he 81* ee- pointed for termsot seven yeaxjs, except that any person. chosen a _ to -iil,l’__a vacancy shall be, appointed oaly_ for the unexpired -—- term of the commissioner whom he shall succeed. The coa1·. de missloa shall choose a chalrmaafrom its own membexjshipn No gh commissioner shall engage in any other huslqness, vocation, or_ ad, employment. `Any commissioner may be removed by the Presisi··, dent fog inedicieacy, neglect of duty, or malfeasaace in omce. re, A vacaacy in the commission shall not impair therlght ot the he `remalhlng. commissioners to exercise all the powers ol the ut commissioa;. t _ . _ ‘ . , · in ‘ The commission shall have an oaiclal seal, which shall be rs judicially noticed. (Sept:·26, 1914, c..311, 5 1, 38 Stat. 717.) er 42. Salaries; 'employees; expenses.-»Each commissioner B4, shall lQOCOlV8 a salary of $10,000 a year, payable in the saflm — mamxer as the salaries of the judges of the courts of the or United States; The_comniission shall appoint a secretary, WM ot shall receive a salary, payable ia- like manner, arid it shall