Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 44 Part 1.djvu/375

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361 TITLE 1.5.-——COMA; tainod, and the cost of the_snlt, including a reasonable attor. m·y`s‘_fce. . ~ _` ‘ o . . ‘ ’ The foregoing provisiona shall not bc construed to deprive Im, ,,,-0pop State courts ofjuglsdiction in actions for damages t;.m·u`ndcr. V- (Sept. 8, l918, c. 463, I 801, 30 Stat. 798.) _ p $3. Agreements involving restrictions in ofavor of imporfcd l goods,—-It any article. produced ln' a ioroign conntry is im· ·l§£Il°!.([(l into the United States under any:-agreement, under mmiing, ogcondition that the importer theroof-or any;othe1

 _I,i·m»;;`.in the United States shall not use, purchase, or- deal

ph or ‘slmll_ If¢Stl‘ict§2d in his using, purchasing, or dealing ln. me--articles of any other person, there shall be lévlod, col 1t·;·.z··d, and paid th€1‘€0¤,·iI1 addition to the duty otherwisc iu} _ pow:} by lawgpa special duty· eqnal to double tho amoim-t o1 worn duty: Provided, That the above shall not bc intcrprctcé

..°.;»rovox1t the establishing in this countrj onithe part of _

‘ forggign producer, of an exclusive 'agéncftor tho sale in the lQnit<·d States of the] products rot. said foreign producer; o1 m(·u·1mnt,§nor to prevent such exclusive agent from agreeing not to ·usc;` pu¤y.g}:,· or· dcal in the article! ot anypther pero _ sm., but this proviso shall not be construed to excmptirou Y _!11c·p1‘0viSi011SL of this section any article. imported- bi ‘ suol _ pxelusivc agent gif {snob agent is required by- the torcigu pro g`<1xi¢·oi·"or_if it rsagrooa lbctwccnsnch agent and such forolgr " promxcor that any agreement, understanding or condition'- sow out in tlxismctionlshall be imposed bylsuchfégcnt upon the solo or other disposition of such article to any pcr.son=in thx i’nit¢·d States.- (Septl 8, 1910, c. 463, Q 802, 39 Stott 799.) `_ _ s 74. Rules md regulations.-Tho Secretary of the Trcasur; _ "shull make such rules and regulations as arc nccossaryfor the Ur carrying out ofithe provisionsot the preceding séctionf (Sept £~..191§,~ c. 463, § 803, 39.Stat.:79Q.)_ * " O ,75. Retaliation dgainstcountry prohibiting innportationpa- - \\’m·_m»vor· any country, dependency, or colony shall prohibit the ixuportzxtiou of any article the product of the soil or industry o mc United States and not injurious to health `or morals, the Iwsiqlont shall have power tooprohiblt, during the period suck

»¤··» iniorcc, the importation `into the United, States

or sinillar.artic1ea,' or in case tho United States docs not im 'l¤··¤jt similar articles {rom ithat country, `thena other articles the products ot such country, dependency, or colony. .° · And the Secretary ot the Treasury, with the approval ofxtlu kroaidont, shall more such rule; and regulations as are neces ' sary {ortho execution ot tho provisions 'ot this acction._ (Sépt s. {mo, c. 403, §·804Q 39 .$tot· 799·>` " ' _ _ . 7 6. Rctalintion against restriction of importntions- in time of wjnr.—g-¤W'honovcr‘d11rlng tho existence ot- a war in whlcl rho United States is not engaged, tho President shall be 'satjs med that there is reasonable ground to believe that `undcr tim lows, rogulationg, or practicw ot any country, colony, or do poodoncy contrary to tho law and practice ot nations, th< wmportatlori into their own or any other country, dependency or colony ot any article the product of the soil or lndustry o me United States and not injurious to health or morals IL iqrbvontcd or mstrictcd thel President la authorized and cm l bowcrod to prohibit or rostrictduring the period such- prohl bition or rmtriction is ln iorco, tho importation into tho Unltca Smtos of jsirntlar or other articlw, products ot auch country `dopondency, or nology as in bla-opinion the public lntorost ma; require; and ln such case hc shall make -proclam¤tion'étatin4 Tho artiolo or articles which am prohibited from lmportatloa ·' t into tho Unltod ,`Statoc; ond any person or persons 'who slial import, or attompt or conspire to ln1po1‘t,; or bq concornéd $1 importing, anon grticlo or` articléa, into tho United·_Stat&a' com trary to tho prohibition in suchproclamatiob, abil} be llabl to a _¤no ot nobles; than @,000 nor inoro than $50,000, or t imvfiwnment not to cxceod_ two yours, or both, in the dlscrc lion ortho court. Tho Prmldent may change, modify, invoke

11201;* AND TRADE _§ 77 - or renew such proclamation in his discretion. (Sept, 8, 1016, - c. 463, .5 805, 39 Stat. 799.) - O i , B `77.· Discrimination aga_in·st_ neutral Americans in time of

_ 1yar.——Whenever, during theexistenceof a war in which the

`United States is not engaged, the Presidontshall be satisfied l· that there is reasonable, ground to believe that `any vessel,

  • ` American. or foreign, is, on account of the laws, regulations or

-° practices of a. bellipgerent- Government, making or givingfany

1 `undue orunreasonable preforenceor advantage in any respect

l whatsoever toany particular person, company, firm, or cor-

`poratiou, or any partieular_description of tradic in the United

- States, or its possessions or to any citizens of the-United States - residing in neutral countries abroad, or- isi subjecting any part ticular personyeompany, firm, or corporation or any particular l description of tramc. in the United States ’0r its possessions, 1 or any citizens of the United States residing in neutral coun-

tries abroad to'any"undue or unreasonable prejudice, disadr vantage,. injury, or discrimination in regard to accepting,
receiving, transporting, or delivering; or refusing to accept,

g_ receive, transfer, or deliver any ·cargo, freight or passen-, r gers, or in any other respect whatsover, he is. authorized and r- empowered to direct the detention of such vessels by with- . holding clearance or by formal notike forbidding departure, g and to revoke, modify, or renew any such direction. R _ 1; Whenever, jduring the 'existenee ofa war in which the United 3 States isxnot engaged, the-President shall be satisfied that there 3 is reasonable ground to_ believe that under the laws, regulations,-_ , or practices of axiybelligerent country or ,Goverhm;ent, Ameri- ,»` can ships or American citizens are not- accorded any of the B facilities of commerce which the vessels or citizens' of that" l__. belligerent countrytenjoy an the United States or its possessions, or are. not accorded by such belligerent equal privileges or l .— facilities of trade with vessels or citizens of any nationality , other than that of such belligerent, the President is authorized g and empowered to` withhold clearance fromrone or more vessels

 of suclrbelligerent country until such belllge1*ent .shall‘restore»

1 to such ,Auiericun vessels and American citizens reciprocal 3 · liberty of oommerce and equal_fa`cilities·of trade; or the-Presb -- dent may direct thatfsixnllarlprivileges, and facilities, if any,

, <·
njoyed`by;vessels orcitizens of such belligerent in the United ·

` States or its possessions be. refused to vessels orcitizens of B such belligerent; and in snch case she shallmake proclamation L- of his direction, stating the·faci1iti~es and privileges which. shall

, ·be·refnsed, and the belligerent to ewhose vesselsor eitisens they

are to, be refused, and thereafter the fnrnishlngof such `pro~ s hiblted privileges andfacilities to any 'vessel or citizerrof the L, belligerent named insuch proclamation shall be unlavvfulg and a·_ he may change, modify, ,revoke,_or renew such `proclamation; ¤ _`8l1d .. any person or persons who shall furnish "orattempt or »·‘ conspire to furnish or be.-concerned in furnishing or in the s concealmentof furnishlng`i'acllitles or privileges to ships ori ·, persons contrary to the prohibition in such proclarnation. shall { be llable'to.a fine of fnot less than $$,000 nor more than $50,000 g lmprisonment not to eggcoed two years, or both, ln the l- discretion of the conrt.·' _ . · - f _ .·· , In ease any vessel whlchhis detained by virtue of this sob- 3‘ division ofthis chapter shall depart or nttenipt to depart from ·, the jurlsdletion of the United States without clearance or other y lavful authority, the owner or master or person or persons g having charge or command of, such`_vessel shall be severally n llahle to a Hne of not less than $2,000 nor more than $10,000, il or to imprisonment not to exceed two;_years, or both, and in _ ¤ addition such yessel shall be forfeited to the United States. {-M · "Tho President of the United States. is authorised and ema powered to employ such part of the land or naval forces of the o United States as shall be necessary to carry out the purposes

~ of this subdivision of this chapter; (Sept, 8, 1916, o. 463,

¤,_ t 806, 89.`$tat. woo.) ..