Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 44 Part 1.djvu/403

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ggdg sie ‘ v TITLE 16.-+-C N l ,».rgnTIONAL MONUMENTS u " National `·mo¤¤;¤€nt¤:Z reservation éf lend; relinquishment oi

 privtlfe cltljms. Q ~ »

,,,;gi some; pereéiteito examiue_ ruins, exenvotions, and gathering oi - { objects; regulations, . ~ _ _ I __ .;:,2;, American antiquities! e , Q 4;:+. National monument l¤_Riverslde County, Celifornia. ·_ ,;;:5, Some; reservations. Q _ ‘ — ’ 4:;:;, Some; `moteriel,,oqtnpment, and supplies for. · _. ·;ZE'f.-.FG1`lI ,}I€;If€‘BI`y§ i'€St0Y3ti0li1 Bild preservation. ; _

¤_ SZ\1H€—; tépall'8 3Bd 1»¤lp1‘0V6!!lf3llt§; Vhow made,

I .;;z;_" Some; land for use of. Secretary, of the Treasury. ' .; to some; cxosurein times or undone! emergency: _ t _ MISCELLANEOUS ttm. Liullt on cost of lbuilldings erected in national parlrs." , ,;.1:. Revenues of notional perks covered i¤td`"Treneury ge estimates fo1 ° _. core of parks; , " · _ . _ _ . - 4:::; Donations-of lend for pork purposes neor or ntllneent to national »§ forest ln l'¤, ortb"'Caroll‘nn. K 4 ·— Q4. Goths to expense accopnts. _ \THE NATIONAL PARKKSERVICE, · Section I. Service oreatedtdirector; other employeee.-¢Ther< it created ix1"the Deperrtment 01 the Interior n érvice to li

 mllod the National Park Servloe, which shall. be; under tbl

mortzo ofn direetori Tlge Secretary of {h€`_II1fBl‘i0I' shell np point the director, and there Shall nloojbe in sold service sncl t, eubortlinnte officers, clerks, and employees on may be appro printed for by The `service tbns. mtnbliahed` aha] ," pl-omote and regqlote the me of the Federal arms known nl ` lltll1<lIl81'})8fYkS, monuments, and reservations hereinafter sped t rm By, oooh means and meeooreo one conform to the fnmla mental purpose of the sold perks, monuments, and reservations wine-}: pnrwe is . to conserve the scenery ned the natnrnl ana llietorio objects end the wl1d me therein ond to provide for thmioymezxt, of the enme in such manner and by such moons n will leave then: nnimpglred tor, the enjoyment of tntore genera f' _ tions., (Ang. %, 1916, e. 1, M Sint. 535: Mer. 4, 19% c. 2G5," 5 1, 42 Stat. 148S`§ Mar.’3,,192§, e. 462,`$3._St.nt, 1116.) 2, National menenaenq; mpervi i , S16!1.~···~T1lQ shall, the direction of Secrets; of the Interior, hevethe supervision, 'menngemeet, ond contra: of the oerero.l·enet.lone1 nod notional monnments whie on August %, 1916, were under the Jurisdiction ot the Depart = ment ot the Interior, and not the Hott Springs National Perk,1 the State ot A.rk&s, and or auch other n¤.tionnl_ parks on recors·ations_o£ llkolclmracter or may be erected by Google: lo the ooperrléion, monument, and control ot notional mom olmite cootigposro to n¤tiono.l forene the Secretary of ture may ooomrete National, Pork ee Service toeooc ozttont no my be reqneeted by me decretnry of Interloz (Aug. 1818, c, { 2,* 39 Stat. 535~;,Mnr. 4, (1921,‘e.._ 161 5 1, 41 sto:. mo?.) e l » l ’ · · 9 ~ 3. Some; rules regulatim; ·Ieaoes.··-?~The Seem tory of tile interior olroll mike and publish ouchroleo end reg: ,l2li1‘0H$ esjhe may deemneceeenry or proper for me nee an management of the monuments, end reeerretione uncle the jurisdiction oi the National Fork Service, and any violetlo of enyt ot the rules and regnlntions outhorlzed by this eectio and sections 1 end 2 otlthis tltle eholl be punished by e noe s not more then or imprisonment, for not exceeding, ei months; or and be adjudged to my ell eosts of the pn treedingo. He may 'gloo, upon terms ond conditions to be Exe by‘l1im,_ eell or dlepooe of timber in these whewe inlhl jmlgqont the cuttlng ot sooplztlmberls required in orderto_co1 trol the ettncks ot inwcts or or etherrrrlm concert

  • the ecenory or the natural or historic objects in hn: ench perl

l lllonunaent,. or xmerrotion. He may also provldoin his dlecn tion for the destruction ot ouch enlnxels and ot geek plant lll ae may beudegrlmentnl to the eee of enrol sold parks, mom . Q ·

r0NSERl?ATl6N“ § 7 moms, or rescrvationa, Ho may also grant 'privilcgos, lcnsés, , and permits f,or”the usc of langl for thoaccommodatifgn of ` visitors in tl1%#’§various= parks, monumentc, or othexv rescrcations 5 provided for under section 2 of this titlc, but for periods not cxcccding twcntj years; and no natural cnriositics, wonders, or · , obj€Cta of intcrest shall bc 'lcaaccl, rented, ns granted to any- ono orfsxich tcrms as to intcrfcrc withif1·=c·‘acccss to them. by the ~p11blic: Providod, lwwcvcr, 'I‘l1at» the Sccratary of the II1t€I‘i(¥Y' may, undcrésuch rules and regulations and on such terms as hc may prcccrihc,-.grant the orzinilcgc to grazcjivcstock within ;

  {any national park monnment, or reservation hcrcin rcfcrrcd
 to wh‘c·n_in—his·ij1&ment*su,ch use is not dctrlmentail to tho.

primary purposc for which auch park, m¤onntncnt,_or reservation was croatcd,,oxccpfl'that this, provisiomshall not"app»ly¢ to the ° Ycllowstono National Park: (Aug. 25,1916, c. 468, § 3, 39 Stat. l 535; Junc·2, 1920, c. 218, °§ 5, 41 Stat. 732.) _ -;“ _ · ` 4. Rights of way through public landb,-¥—'1‘hc proyisloas ‘o£ ~ occtionc 1, 2, and ,3 or this-titlc, shall not aH‘cct ormodifyl the provisions of scctions, 79, 419, and 4% of thigbtitlc. (Ang. 25, ' _ 1916, c. 408,,5 4, 39 Stat. 536.) a ? Y _ . " c 5. Rights of way through parka or roscrvationré for cloco trical, poles and' linés.<—q·'I‘hc head of the écpartment having ”- g Vj_uris<Iiction,_ovor tholancla authoriacd and ompovgccrctl, under l. general rcgulationsatogbc fixed byrhim,`to grant an cascment for by rights {of ¥way,`.!or a pcrlotl not exceeding Sfty years from the »· date of tho issuance of such grant, occr, across, and upon tho A public. lands of tho United States for `clcctrlcal poles and lines g for the transmission and distribution of electrical power, and ‘ i- -’tor polcaand lines for tclcphonc and telegraph iiurposos, to tho n tt uoxtent of twenty tact on cach cidcoi the center line of auch s, oélcctrlcal, telephone and telegraph lines and polcs, toany citiacn, 5 association; or corporation of the United Staten, whcro it is , or intended by ouchito exercise tho right ot way heroin granted for n any ono or more ortho purposes heroin namod:‘Proo13cd, That L-. nach right ot wai shall be allowcd within or through any na· B, tional pamoe any other roacrvation~on1Y}upon the approval ot K the chic! omccr ot the department nnclor whoao supervision or i··~ control ouch park or rcac,rvation_ tails, and npon a nnding by himy that tho name is not incompatible with tho public interest. All al or any part of auch right of way may forfoitcdand annnllod b~ by doclaration of tho head of tho department hating jurisdiction t- over the land; for norman fof a period of, two years or for nr, amudonnnont. Q » , J , . _ cl Any citizén, `amocintion, or corporation of Qc United Statcs s. r to whom there has jicrctotoro boon issued a pormit prior toc ta. March 4, 1911, `ior any ot the purposes apocincd heroin nndcr L- any law cxlating at_tl1at date, may obtain tho bcncnt of this h Wooction npon the Santo tcrma and conditions an shall bc rcr. quired not citizens, amoclationa, or~ corporations making a_ ppli—·~ l,i rpaexancuaaar tho provisions of this r pmibacquont to said data. (Mar. 4, 1911, c._238, 36 St ,~ ‘ i ` _ B-— G- Donations of lands within t al parks monuments,. ie and nnoncysr-—éThc Sccmtarypot tho Inferior in this adminiatraa-_

 mn of the National Par Scrcicc is authorized, in his dincrc··

er tion, to accept patontod lands, rights of nay cron patentcd n lands {or othor lancln, buildings., or other proncrty within the an various naflonnl parks and national monuments, and moneys; >£ whichmay bc oonatod for thé purgmacc of the, national park _ x and inorinmont‘syatcm. (Juno ,5, 1920, c. 235, .§ 1, 41. Stat. “ o- 917.) . . · l ~ · , ». ed ·· 7. Pnrchaoo of supplies or ngrvioca for National Park Servla ico.-·-···Tho purchaso of cnpplico ortho procurement of soryiccs n- bi the National Pack Scrvlco ontaidcd the District of. Colombia to may bc mana in `opcn market without compliance with acctions k, 5 and 16 of Title ,41, Public Contracta, in tho manner common , o· among buaincm mon; when tho taggrégatc amount ot tho purla chico or corvlcc dooa not cxcood (Jan. 24, 1923, c. 42,-* al-; 42 Stat. 1215.) ~ ” `