Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 44 Part 1.djvu/405

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' 391 TITLE 16.-- inju1‘y_0l' spoliation of timbe1•,_' mineral deposits; natural curlos {los or-wonderful objects within said park, or for the protectic of the animals, birds and dsh in the said park, shall be deems ` guilty of a ulisdensmnor, and shall; be subjected to anne of nl fnore than $500 or imprisonment not exceeding six months, 4 both, and he adjudgedto pay all costs of the proceedings. All guns; traps, teams; horses, or means of·transportation_· every nature or description -used by~ any person or person within lsald park limits when engaged in "killlng, trappin · onsnaring, or capturing such wild beasts, birds,.or wild anima ` shall be forfeited to the Umcearsoms, and may be seized I the o$cers. me said park and held pending the ·prosecutioni·< may person or persons arrested under charge of violating tl p`ro{·isions of this section, and upon con lotion under this se lion of such person or `persons usin said _éuns,‘traps, team horses, or other `means of transportation such forfeiture sha _ be adjudicated as a penalty ul addition to the other punis ment provided herein. Such forfeited property shall be dl posed of and a"ccoun_ted` for by and under the authority of tl Secretary of the Interior. , (May 7, 1894, ‘c. 72; §`4, 28 Sts 73; June 28, 1916, c. 179, 39 Stat; 238.) . _ · ._ “ _ - 27. Same; commissioner; jurisdiction and powers of.—'1‘l ‘ United States district court in said district shall appoint commissioner, `who. shall reside in the park, who shall ha~ jurisdiction~ to__hear and act upon all complaints made, · any-and all violations ot the law, or ot the rulesand regul tions made by the Secretary —o£ the Interior for the gover ·mout‘ot the park, and tor: the protection of the animals, bird and nshandv objects ot interest therein, and for other purpos ·klUI.h0l‘iZ0d by sections 25 to 27 ot this chaptert Suchcomml sioner shall have power, upon sworn information, to lss: process in the name of the United States for the arresttof an person charged with: the commission ot any misdemeanor, · chargegi with the violation of the zulu " and regulationsy with the violation of any provision oi auch sections prescribn for the government of said park, and for Ythe protection ot tl animals, birds, and nah 'in the said ”park,` and to try` tl ` person socharged, andf it found guilty, to impose the punts mont and adjudge the forfeiture prescribed; In' all cases conviction `an appui shall lle trom_ the judgment ot said cox pnlissioner to the United States district court tor. the district Wyoming, saidappeal to be governed? by thellaws of the Sta of Wyoming providing for appeals in cases ot xnlsdenllean ia iirom justieesaof the peace to. the district court nf said `Stat _ hut the United States circuit court in said district ml prescribe rules of procedure and practice for mid comrni sinner in the trial* ot cases and, for appeal to said Univ States- district court. Said commissioner shall also has power to issue process as herelnbefore pmvgaea forf the arse of any person charged with the cominlsslsg -ot any £elo1 wltllln the park, and to summarily hear the evidence mtr duced, any, it he shall d€[Gl'}{1XDQ` thattprobable cause is show .fol·`holdlug the person so charged for trial, shall cause ‘superson sto be"s•.fely conveyed to a secure place for coniinemex within the jurisdiction ot. the Un;lted_» States district court l `Soid State of- ,Wyomlng, ancfshall certify a transcript of ti · rl-cord ol his proceedings and the testimony in the case to tl said court, vsjhlch court, shall have jurisdiction of thecase. I shnllpgrant ball in all cases ballable under the laws ot tl United States or of said State. ·All procex issued by t commissioner` shall be directed to the marshal of the Unit States for the dlstrlct ot Wyoming; but nothing herein cd tained shall be construe_d’_as presenting the arrest by al oillcorx of the Government or employee of the United States the park without process ot any person takeain the act \'l_§.¤]&EiIlg'Ul_Q law or_any regulation ot the Secretary ot to interior. `Ilc shall exercise such authority and powers on


i· _ as 81"€'COI1fQI‘I"€(] by this section. `(Mny T, 1894, ~c. 72, ‘§ 5, 2S

»¤ sm, 74.) , , _ _ ·· v . n ed 28. Same; deputy marshals.-—The nnnrehal of the Unitml ot •Stateé `for the district of Wyoming may appoint_one__or more or tieputy mnrehals for Yellowstone- National, Parkn who shall reside in said park (Hey 7, 1894, c. T2, §. 6; 28 Stat. 75.) e of 29. Serie; compensatjan of commissioner, nnarehals, " and ns United Staten lu0I'l\¢Y8.-·-··ThQ commissioner in Yellowstone Nei- ,g,_ rtioual Pqrlr shall be paid an annual salary as appropriated lg for by Congrex, payable quarterly, and the mnrshnlfot the ay , United States and his deputies, and the attorney of the United of States and his assistants in said district, shall be pnid the be Same salary-ag_provide¢[ by lavvufo; services -111 said- dis- »c· trict.`4 (May 7,.1894, c. 72, § 7, 28 Stat. 75; Apr. 17, 1wO, c.‘192, ls,·_ 5 1, 31 Stat. 133; Mar, 4, 1923, c. 29-5, 42- Stat. 1560; Feb. 27, all 1825, c. 364, 43 Stat.`1028.)I _ _ . h- . 30. Same; jail, and omce for commissioner.-—The Secretary Ls·` of the Interior shall cause to be erected in Yellowstone Nane tional Park e suitable building to used as a jail, and- also nt. having lrrmid building an office for the use of the commis-·E "siener. (May fl', 1894, e.»72, § 9, 28 Stat. 75;) *· — he 31.—S•1ne; payment of ends and expensés.——-All costs` and 8 - expense; arising juicaseg under sections 24 to 30 of this title, pg nndproperly chargeable to the United States, shall be certified, of approved, and paid as like eostsand ex s`in the courts ef g. me United States are certined, approved, and wid under the u, laws of the United States.__ (May 7, 1894, e._ 72,- 8,.%`Stat. -75.) [S,. 32. Same; lesseof lands within parks-·‘1‘he Secretary of the eg Interior is authorized. and empowered; to lease for a period is- nntexceedingt twenty years, at an annual rental to be deterne mined by him, to lany person, corporntiomor company he may my autl1orlze`to,transsct business in the Yellowstone Nstionel or Pnrk, separate tracts of land, . not exceeding twenty ncres each, or at auch places not_to exceed, ten in number to any enelperson, ad corporation, lorigempnny, in eaidlpnrlr gs the comfort and he convenience of visitors m y require for me construction and be mnintena.ncé of snbetanti3 hotel buildings and buildings for’ th- the protection otjtnge, stock, and equipment, a , of Such lease or leases .sha1l,not: include any of the geysers gn.- or, nay objeqtsfof curiosity or interest in éeid park, or .exelnde or the public from free and convenient approach thereto, or inte clude any ground within one—eig·hth of xnileof any et the or geysers of the Yellowstone Falls, the Gunn:} Canyon, or the e; Yéllowétone River, · Mammoth. Hot' Springs, or any object of ay curiosity ein the park; nor shell such lease convey either exle-· ;$ré¤e1y·_ or by lmnlication any exelusive privilege within the ed- park, except on the premises held thereunder and for the time ve;. therein granted., Every lease_made for any property of snid rst park shall require the leséee fo observe ind obey each and ny every provision in any Act of Cengress, every rule, order, or ee-_ regulation made or which shell hereafter be madennd pubvn· lished by the Secretary of thejnterlor concerning the use, eere, eh management, or government ot the park, or any object _,or nxt, property therein under penalty `of forfeiture ot sueh lease, in und` shall besubjeet toethe right et revocntien a.nd‘forfeitm·e, he whleh,e11ell”therein be reeerved by, the Secretary of the Inne terlor. . _ · [ t . · M e éie- The provlsions of this section nre not to be construed as he mandatory upon the Secretary ot the Interior, but the ;mthor— he ity herein glvenis to be exercised in his sound discretion. ed (Aug. 3; 1894, c. 198, 28 Stah.222: June 4, 1906, c. 2570, 34 »n·` Stat. 207; Mar. 2, 1€¤)‘¥’, tc, 2518, 34 Stat; 121.9.) ` ny 33. Snmee; leases of lands; mortgagee by lessees;-—-—.\m· 1¤·r· in- ·son,T corporation, orxeonnpany holding sx lease within Yellow, of stone `Pnrktor the purposes denerib0d‘ in the gnrevecllng section he is tutlmrlzed, with the npprovnl of the Seuremry of the Inte- Lly l‘i0!`, to execute mortgages upon his or ite rights, propex·ties,·