Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 44 Part 1.djvu/410

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§ 67 »I,2*1:1*L12: 16.-002 ,—Sequola:‘.National Park and the General Grant National Park. Suchj commissioxiers shall have fiurlsdictioe within their .·re- ` spective parks to hear oL;1d"t£g;t upon all complaints made of any éioiatiousr of law, or of the miles and reguleXti0r1s· made by the Secretary. of the [Interior, for the g0verq_ment_ of said parks and for the protection of the —8lliII1&11S,-.blfQS>, and fish, &l1d‘0b· »_ jects oflreterest therein, sind for other purposes authorized by sections >57 to 77, ixzelusiye, of this·»title._ (June 2, l920, c. 218, §§ 7,SS, 41 Stat. 733.) · ‘ . ', · 6'A Sainte; ccmiuissicnerst arrests for certain 0Eenses.-—-g ‘ ·Such commissioners within their respective parks shall have poser upoxrsvéorn information, toissue process irilthenagne of the Ullitéd States for the arrest of ahy person charged with the <;ommissioe»of·auy misdemeanor, or charged with a stole- Y t tion of the rules and regulations, or with a violation of any of the- provisions of sections 57 to "'ZZ, i1iclusive, of—tl1is title prescribed for the government*of_ said parks and for the proatection of. the animals, birds, aud fish inl said’parks,”·apd try ` persons so charged, aud, if fouhdguilty, impose piinishment" ·_ end _,to,adjudge forfeiture prescribedf (J uue .2, 1920, c. 218, §§ 7, ${41 Stat. 733.) · “ . . , U. _ . ` 68. Same; appeals from conviction by éommissionérs.—-I11 all l cases of .c0m·iction an appeslfshall lie from the judgment of Said commissioners to the United States Court for the Northern · lDistrict of California, and the United States` District Court · ,fo1‘ the Southern District of California, respectively, spd the , United States district court in such district shall prescribe rules and procedure and practice for said commissioners appointed. by (them io the trial of cases and for appeals` to said United N Statesedistrlct court" (June 2, 1920; c. 218, 59,7, 8,‘41·St&t.` 1 $9. Samie; ruidence or c0mmissio1iers.——Tl1e couimissloxleri {of the Yosemite National Pork shall residewithln the exterior 1 boundaries ot Yosemite National! Park, and the commissioner 1 for the Sequ0la,Natiot1al"·Psrk·and the General Groot National t 1 Pork shall reside within the exterior boninddries of one of the · said last-named national parks and at ‘a place to be designated 'by the court melting such appcS`intment..` (J use 2, 1920,-c; 218, 1 § 1,1, 41·Stat. 734.) j ‘ . _ Q _ _ _’ , 70L Same; arrests by commissioners for certain ddenses; · X tholding persons? arrested for trial; bail.-·——~A11y mich commls- 1 siooer within his jurisdiction shall also hate the power tclissue t procms as Vhereioliefore provided for the arrest of soy person 1 _e1lm¥geo with oongmlssion within said boundarl,es’ofVsaid_ parks, I oreither of them, of any cl;l,mmql_olfet1se not covered by the pro- . visions of sections 60 to Q4 ot this title, to hear the evidence ‘illlZfodll'CBd, end it he is ot the opinion that probable cause is 1 slnowufor holding theperson so éhergedfor trlal, he shall cause ,1 such person to belsixtely conveyed to a secure place of conflt1e— 1 mort within the jurisdiction of the United States district court 1 iu and for the judicial district to *€vl1iéh.l1e belongs, and certify a ·1 trsuscxdpt ot the record ot his proceedings end testimony in 1 the ease to the court, to which the porkis etteclxed as specllled • inseotloes 76 sud 77,, which court shall have_jurisdicti011·_{o£ , 1 the cose; The sold commissioner shall grant ball in all ($3838 1 beilable under the laws of the United States or of sold State. t 1 d (June 2, 1920, c. 218, 5 9, 41 Stat.i734.) . _ · - A '71. Same} service of process issued by, commissioners; t .errest‘s ,¤L·ithout_ process[$—~All process lssued by the commls·. ‘l sionezj of the Yosemite National Psrk shall be directed to the t marshsl of the `United States for the northern district ot1GeH· ,1 dtomla, lend. all process issued by the Yeommlssiooer of thetit 'Ssquoia National Pork and the General Grant National Pork  ; shall be directed to the iuarshel of the United States {ortho s southern district of California., bot nothing herein contained I `shall be so construed to prevent the arrest by enyvomcer or t employeetot the Government or any person employed by the c United States, in the polielng of such reservation withixi the {

vsaamrzozv 3961 , boundariea of `said parks, or either of tlxem, without process of any person taken in the act of violating the ia€v or. the prorlaidna of sections 57 to 7'Z of thisotitle or tl1€.IY€g11l&lt*lGli prescribed by said “Secretary as .afo1‘esai<1. (Jane 2, 192:;; _c. 218, § 10,,41 Stat. 734.) » . » `· . · 72. Seine; salaries of T commissionera.¥—The coaamlssioaer provided for the Yosemite National Parif and the comaxisaiouer brovided for the Sequoia; National Park and the General Grant Natioxial Park byosectioin 66 of thisititie each shall be paid an annual salary asappropriated for Coagreas, pE13·ab1e' monthly., (June .2, 1920,,c; 218, 5 11, 41 Stat. 734; Feb. 27, 1925, c. 364, Stat; 1028.)-· A __, a- i .~ “ `_ · .73. Same; fem, costa; and expenses collected by commissioner;-All fees, costa, aud expenses collected by the commeaiouer shall ibedisyiosed ot, aa provided’ii1 section 74 of thia title. `·(Juue _2, 1920, c. 218, “§ 11,41 Stat. 73-1.) r a ° 'T14. ,Same; disposition of lines and costs.-Q-All lines and costs imposed aud collected shall be deposited by said commiasiouers of the United States, or the marehal of the:‘U11ited States collecting the ‘same,_with the clerk of the United States `distriot A cou-rt to which said parks are attached, as provided in sectioaa 76 and 77 of thié title. (June 2, 1920, c. 218, § 13:41 Stat. 73-l. ; j 75. Same; payment of fees, costs, and expenses chargeable to United States.-——All fees, costs, and expenses arising in caros under sections 57 to 77, inclusive, of this, title and properly chargeable to the United States shall lie certided, approved, and ` paid as arelike {ees, costs, andrexpeuses Gia the courtaof tlief United States. _‘(Jcu11e.,2,·1920, e.' 218, § 12, 41 Stat;'73-1.) w . t ·76. Yosemite _Natlo1;alWark; included within jcertaia jedi-. cial district; jariadiction_ of’_didtrict· court;-——·¥osemite National Park shall constitute afpart of the United States. judicial district for the northeru districf of California, and the district court of the United, States in` and for said rrorthexfn district Shall have jurisdiction of all merges `committed within said {>ouadariea_ ot the Xmemite National Park! (June 2. 1920, . cg 218, S 2, 41 Stat.*731:)`~g J M · . u _ » _77. Sequoia and General Grant N stioirai Parks included ia certaiaf judicial districts; jurisdiction of _ _ district courts.-———— Sequoia, Nationa1iPa-rirand General Grant, National Park ahalr coaatitute part of the United States judicial district ator the southerin district of California, and at district court of the United States in and for said southern district ahall hare jurisdlctiouof offenses cogmaitted within the boundaries of said Sequoia -Natioual,Parki and Geperal,~Graut National`) Park. (June 2, 1920, c. 218, Q 3, 41 Stat. 731.) ‘· . t — , 78q 1 ‘1 Detail of troops to Sequoia, Ywcmite, and General, Grant Parks.-——The Secretary ot War, apoa the requeat ot the Secretary of the Interior, is authorized and directed to make, the necessary detail of troops to preveat trespasaers or intruders from entering the Sequoia National Park, the Yosemite National Park, aud, tbe`Geaeral» Grant National Park, reapee 5 tirelykiu Callforiiia, for the purpose of destroying the game or objects of curiosity therein, or for any other purpose pro·~ txibited bylaw or regulation for the government of said reaer; rations, jad to remove auch persona {roto eaid parks it found izixereia. (June 6, 1wO, c. 'Z91, § 1, 31 Stat. 618.) V , , , M

  • 79. Rights of way for electrical yplsatae-—-The Secretary of

he Interior iaaathorized audenxpoxrered, under general reguatioas to be Hxed by him, to permit the use of rights of way hrough the Yosemite, Sequoia, and General Grant National ?arka, Qalifornia, for electrical `piaute, polea, and lines for the geueration and dlatributioa ot electrical power, and for tele-· maine aad telegraph purposes, and- for caaala, ditches, pipes , md pipe liner, dumes, tunnels, or other water conduits, and For water plants; dams, and reaervoirs used to promote. irrigaion or miaing or quarrying, or the manufacturing or cutting et timber or lumber, or the auppiyiagof water for domestic. mblic, or any other beuedcial area to the extent of the ground