Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 44 Part 1.djvu/428

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§ Y392t 1i12*1.1=2 1o.~»go1y.s the lends oi `Huuxnuln, KnpapnIa;‘n1id Kaoheffrom which the one tree nzimutix. and dintnnee to Ge€}ern;nent— survey tnigonemetri- ni cal stntion Oztxnokoili is one hundred nnd ninetyynve degrees en twelve minutes eighteen gecendsy seventy-eight tlgoneand two·‘ to hundred end eighty-six feet, fend truleezimuths: e1 First, {we hnntlred and ninety-eight degrees, lnve 'th0liS8I1d’ two Fm lmnéredt and ferty feet; second, twentyeeight degeee, thirty ·G ein thnnsnnd nine hundred and sixty-feet; third; one hm;£dred* tl; and eighteen degrees,. twenty-ene theuennd one fhtmdged eau;} pz twenty feet; feurtli, two hnndretiend eightftlegrees; thirtyégt cx tkonsnnd nine hvnntlred and sixty feet ;‘ fifth, two hundred land .di ninety-eight degrees, fxftegn thousand eight hui1_d1=ed. and eighty ts feet, to the point Cvfléégilltlillg. _— . ‘ r ‘ Y 1 al Third. A strip of land of euicient width fof ja road to ,si connect the two tenets of lm1—d”011 the island of Hawaii Above . In deeoribedwithe widthnnd lecntion ofjyhich strip. shall be de- ‘N terznined by the Secretary of the Interior. - · ~ · · _ tw “ Fenrth. All tliet traet oi innd_c0mprisi11g portiqns‘_of“ theé fe lends of.HonueuleQ and Kule, in the district of Maknwao, and hl Kipnhnln, Kenpo, and Kehikinni, ‘iu the distriet of Hana; St en the islnnd of Maui, containing approximately tyventyone SS thensnn;1 one hundreiel and fifty Heres, boimded as follows: dl `Béginning nee point called KOIek0le,· on the eummit near the tk most yeeetern point of the rixn of. the erntexj of Heleekalog end. b4 rnnningby approximate nzlmuthe and Qistencesz First, hun- Bi dred end ninety-rnreeenégxyees forty-Eve minutes, nineteen' thou- (- send three hundred and fifty feet along the west slopesot the ‘S‘ crater of Haleaknla to a point called `Puu-0-Iii; second, two .' hnndred- and sixtyeight degrees, twenty-three thousand feet $4 up the westernl slope and across Koolnu Gap to. the point where ql the southwest botindnry of Koolnu Forest Reserve crosses the C} eest rim of Koolnu Gap; {hind, uill.'€€`ht1!ld1'€d gud slx degrees b< thirty minutes, seventeen thousand oueéhundred {aud ilfty feet -3l =§lo11g the southwest boundary of Koolau Foreet Reserve to ag ri fyeint called Palelia, on the east rim ~of the érntet of Helen- tu knln; fourjhfalong the east; rizn of thee e:e·t;e1·~··ot* Helen- (T knln, the direct azimuth rand distance being thfee hundred land el fifty-fem·` tlegfkes ‘· lifteen minutes, eighteen thousand three tcl hundred feet, to e point on the east rim of Kntipo Gap, shown 27 on Hénrniinn G0vernment¥suryey mnpeat nn elevation of four tneneand two hundred and eight feet; Kfth, eighty-eight; de-, e1 green forty-five H1lIli1t€S,`thI‘€€_tl"101lSe&11d_ tliiree¥1luud_re{1 feet, cl Enerees Kenpo Gap to .a· point eelled Kaumlkaohut on the U boundary line bettveen the lands of Kipnhulu and Kuhilaimxi; xx;1 ninthyone hnndrednnd two_deg1*ees and thirty mfnutee,_£0rty. nl thonsnnd {seven hnndxjed and fifty feet, n1Qng_A '(thi§° `eouth slope m of the crater of Hnlenkaln to the- point e£’be§$nni11g.. . si _ ” Fifth,"A[11'ti1&t tract of lend comprising a poftion of the Kim al Deeert, Knpnpnln, in the district of Ken; en the islnnkl of Hawaii, w COI3P&%iH"iI3g_fGI’tY·thI‘€€ thonsnud four hundred ,o.cree,· 1x;§re’0;` ci ieee, lmunded_ as fellowev _Begi;ming. at a gnlvn11i‘ned—iron ez nnil driven into the phhoehoe ata the northeasf comer _0f·tl1is· pt trnet,o£ lend, at on place ealled Pnlilele·0—Kelihlpoe, and on nl the boundary between the lends of Knpatinln I'&I1d`i?€8.\§h0\I,_ ji the coordinates of nnld poixit of beginnlng- referred to-` Gov- vi emntenf survey trigonometrileél station Uweknhune, being (. ·@enty-six 'thoneend and ten nndtiour-tenthe feet south —~_and j nine thousand nine hundred andSt_tl·1irty-two end fouxntenthis feet east, ne shown on ·Govex·nnE1ent survey .lf€g'i$tfl1'9dr' map fi numbered two thounend three hundred and eighty-eigM nucl vi running by ytrne iazimnthe: First, three lmndxjed and nity ee degreee 4’orty-three · minutes, thirty thousand and twenty? at three feet, along the lnndoi Knpepnlo, to n point at eenceast; —p: eecond, thence in e `weet and sonthyventexrly ldimctlcn along n1 the seeeoeet tofa station on h lnrge Het $stone,* nt a place celled tre Ne-Punto-nn—I$lemnknle, et, theo eeeeonst boundary pointy of the m lnndelot Knpapnle ;a"t_g_d Iieeklneln, the azimuth and-! tw distance being eixty-nine‘ degrees thirtydonr xnimztee thirty vp:

zsmu. Tl 0N 414 » eecmds, thirtytwyo theuemidxmd fcrtyythree feet; third, eight .11e dcgrees¤.tsvex1t.y~seven `IlliIH§t&.*S thirty seccmcls, thirty tlmsu md `six‘hu11dred.a.nd ninety feet. along the ·< land Act Kéalaallz » the main 1868 lava crack, mid point Wing by true `azimmh ad distance two lmndred and ninety-eeix degrws twentyeevcu gintxtes. thirty secimde, tvgef thotxeaed me humlred feet front pvjemmeut survey trigouometricel. station Pam Neimla ; fourth, mace up 8.]O¥1g_{h€ main 1868 »la`vg`c1i·aek, elcmg.the Kapapele. astural lands tc a` small qirtbreqk of lava from the ISGS lava ` rack, opposite the Halfway Hcguse; the direct azimuth em Estance being one hundred and ninetyeight de@·@, thirty- vo thousand tic hundred .m1id~fifty feet; fifth, twe h{lRdt°€’:§ ad thirty degrees twenty·Hy_e 'uiimgttes, twenty-·ee·£re¤ theueewl x ‘hurzdred` and fifteeu feet, along the Kampala eizestoml ands ·to__the west- boundary of the Kilattea section, Hamill aticnal Park; sixth, three hmidred and lforty-six de§crcc»~: vcnty mihutes, léix- thousand seven hundred and forty-tm» s ret, along said west bcundarj to a `smmlccme; éeveeth, twu undred and eighty-two degrees Htty mitmtee, xliueteen them. mdmme hundred `hndhfty feet; along the soqth boundary ef nid Kilanea section, Hhwaiit Nati0¤aI'Park;..eight11. two mm-. red and thirt‘y·-one degrees Htty minutes thirty seconds, iiyke musahd four huudregl arid thirtf feet, a.I01ig_ `Aes.id_ south · mndary ··to the point of beginnings; Chapter 12 ct this titl;~· 1all not apply to or eitend over lzuiés demixed in suhdiirieiem t Aug. 1, 1916, c.-264, 7§‘ 1. 39 Stat;. 432; May 1, 1922, c. 174, 42 tat.503,i504.) _ ·_·” _A _‘ W · . ` 392.. Same; Acquisition of privately . owned, &ds.-——~Tlm uiremor of the Territoryj qi Hawaii Mis authorized —tc acuire, at the expense of the Territory of Hawaii, by ex- nange or otuepyvxsé. all privately ow;1ed`”lauds-lyiiig within the oqndaries of the ·Hawai1— Nhtional Park as de§i1ed by eecticn 91_ QI this title, engl t1I1`B€ !Y`· perpetu;11 `&S€$€Ht.S hed lghts of way, `qr roe.dwayis,, in fee éimple, ever arte said lamb r `axiy part therect. but the `provisicme of mctiims 663 to 677 at _ itIe_ 48, _T1·:1zm·r0e1es'Aiv¤ Ixsun Poeseesxtms, relatiugto cx· j o 1a_ngcs`of pulglic lzmds shall act apply qutine acquisition bytes- - mnge of the privately owned landsherein referred to. {Feb. T, 1920, c, S9, §§t.l~; 2, 41 .Stht..452, 453.) _` ’ . » _393.‘Same; entries under lkml lewis; rights of way;.lmdé

clu&led.g-g~N0thi¤'g herein contznim->d_ shall affect any veligl

iaim, location, or; entry existing imder the land lawscf the "uitcd stéxges prior to` Auéust 1, 1916, whether for homestead, { lineml, right oI_`way, or any cth? ptirpose whatsoever, cr mall affect the rights ohany Such e.i1§1:m‘t, lec»et0r,’ or entry-‘ lmfto the full useelnd €X1j6&m€!lt of his land. `Wkenever can- .stent with theprimary purposes ot-the‘park, sections 79, 419. rid `522 of this title shall be applicable to the made inclueletl ithin the perk. The Secretary of· the Interior mayyin hieféisretiol1_mEd`up¤¤ Such conditipns as he may. deem wise, grzmt 1sements_0r_._righte‘0t way fcrsteam, electric, or similar trmmurtetion mpeg or across the perk: Ncr1a¤<Is;lcce‘ted within, the ark boundaries held ih prtvate lor ·mqnicipa1 ew¤ere.hip` priénf >·Au·gu$t 1,1916, shall be e§e<:ted by cr syxhject to, the prolsioxis of jthflé Section and sections 391 and @4 of this title. Aug. 1, 1916, c. 264, 55 2, 3, 39 Stet. 433. 434.) . . ‘ 394. Same;- contre! of ; "mles dud mguidticme; leases; ppr0priat§c¤s.~—Hewali National Park, shell be under the iecutive control of the Secretary of the Interim. He shall ertorm » the duties and exercise the powers enumerated in action ° *3 ct this Qtitle, except he linccneistent. with _ this action. » The iegtiletione primmlgated shell prévide for the reservation from ‘injm*y,g_°0f-ill timbexfbirds, mineral deposits, nd ¤emml`cm*1mlti@» qitwcnderc witlgineeid park, and their ztentlen lu. their natural condition ge nearly as possible. `Hé zeytsln his discretion grant leases for ttermef, not exceeding weixtyt years, at such `mxxluul rental as he may determine, of arcele of 1ax1d’in said park of not more than twenty- ecrcgg ini. e