Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 44 Part 1.djvu/449

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435 H Tzms 16.-—< ‘ 675. Custer State Park Game Sanctuary; establishment.- q*;,s;·e is designat as the»Cnster State Parkeftame Sanctum-; sasl: areas, not exceeding ‘fG1'tY·SiX,th0\1S&Bd -acres,- got th· Harney National Forest, and adjoining or in the vicinity 0 the Caster State Park, at the State at South Dakota, as should in the epinien of the President af the_United States, be se aside fer the protection of game animals and ·blrds‘ and b ,·eeagnia.ed as a breeding place. th€1'éft$1‘.’. (Jane 5, 1920, 4 E4?. § 1, 41 Stat. aw: June T, 1924, c. 324,1. 43 Stat. 632.) ‘ $$6. Same; lhantiag, etc., in; mgulation; punishment.- llanting, trapping, killing, or captnrlngef game animals ana laawls span the lands at the United States designated mr set Qian (H5 at this title shall be unlawful; except under such regt i latinas as many be ·px·escribed`fr01n time to, time by the Secrc may at Agricnlttnre; and any person violatingxsuch regulation ta.? the previaiaas of this tzhapter snalfbe deemed guilty at. ·xai>alemeannr,. and shall,`npt>n conviction in, any United State £».>m·t nf competent `jurisdiction, be lined in,/a sum not exeeeé me $1,000, or bedtnaprisened for a period net exceeding dn har, _<n· shall su§e1j beth nas, ang `impriseilnxent. ln the dis ez·t·tia1‘l`0f the eaurt. jIt_ is the purpose. of this .. section t {sweet from ttéspass the public lands — at the United State »» and; the- game animals and birds, which `may be thereon, anne: to interfere with the operation of the local game- laws a st’m·ting private mj State lands. (June 5, 1920, é; 247, §§ _2, 2 ,41$mt.9%.”)· " ._ Q . · V · 677. Same;.,.inclasure.——-The Staten}? Suntl; Dakota is hereh aatherized·and`_ permitted to erect and maintain a_ gdod sul >=mntfal fenée, inclosing in Wil0l€'Ql‘·iH pax·t_Custer`-State‘Pa_p ,2 same Saaetuaty. The State shallerebt. and maintain sue glazes in this fence as may be required by the authorize ns:ent_s of the Federal Government illi§dIIlilliSt€l‘iIlg this gsm s:nn·taary and the adjbining national foresti lands, and ina <·1·<·<·t,and~‘>n;aintajn such additional inclasnres as may be agree atm:} with the ~Sécretax·y_0f Agriculture; . The fight of th state ta maintain this fence shall C{)llti!ll1€_'SO.“l0Dg’_H§ Custe ·:<nm· Park Game Sanctuary is also given similar protection b the laws of the-State of South Dakota. `(June 5, 1920, c. 24‘ t4.41s¢at.‘a86.> ‘; .. `· L 678, Same; exchange at lands with State of South Dakbtn.— {jam meemmenaarim, of the Secretary of AKI`i(€lllf\1l`f%," tl:

<m·:·etary of the Interior may patent to the State of Smit

lmketa not te exéeed one thousand six hundred acres. `ot nm _ xaineral national forest, lands not othefwise [appropriated] withdrawn within the areas of Custer State Park Game Sant mary: Prmzidcd, That. the State et South Dakota conveys 1 the Hevernanent good and slifiicient title t0.0tl1er_ lands (pf eqn: value earned by the Staten and lying within-the exterior lmune m·`ies et a national tnrest in the State of South Dakota and ay _. `preved by the $e`cx·et/ary of A gx·i<:nltm·e`a.s equally desirable fc natianal ·fn;·nst purposes. the lands fhl.lS.(3()l'lV6)’&d to the G0 ernment ta became a pant of tile national forest. This shall ne ngasrate in restrict. any selec·tiez1~riglxts· `which; the State me ‘ have at may be hermfter grantdl, excepting as to the speci! lands cnnveym in the 'Gcvernment under authority at th st:s·ti—un, (Jane 5, 1920, cn 247, 5 5, 41_Stat. 986.) _ _ _ __ 679.`Sam~e; patents ta State of South Dakota of certai lands in park: reservation af mal, eil, gas, and ether. miner; tights,-··-—T11e Secretary of the Interim is authorized anddlrecté n is issue to the State of South Dakotaipatents éanveying titl ‘·lmt resertdng the inlnerals therein, to any unpatented lands 1 Q the; United States held or claimed by virtue efieeationsa mat mist- to March 3, 1925, under the United States geneial mini: laws, within 'the_Custex· State Park, not exceeding a total 4 two Ithnnsand acres, upon payment to the United States < $1.25 gist: acre therefms, and npen eyidenee being iurnislme that all claim, right, title, and interest of such claimants hai been ttransfewed to the State 01"h&VB`bB€I1 abandoned. Pa `z l

3'ONS1z7Rl'A1’lON 683 —· entaeo issued to the State of South Dakota shall be conditioned y` upon the lands being `used for park purposes,. and provide for e the reversion of the laude of the U11itetl.Statee in the event »f E_of failure to sohold and uae. The United States reserves all I, coal, oil, gas, or other mineralsin the lands patented under this st, section with theright, incase any of said patented lands are e mfouml by the Secretary of the Interior to be more ralaablefor 3, the minerals therein than for {lark purposes, to provide, by ° special legialatioirf having due regard for the rights of the L State of. South Dakota, for the diepoeitioa and extraction of d ’ the coal, oil, gas, or other minerals therein. (The provisions of g- thi.; section are limited to lands lying 'withia the limits of the i- `Custer._State Park, within townships 3, and 4 eooth, range G 3. east, and the_·_east 0ne·third `ofrtowaehim 3 and 4 seeth, range ¤s‘ 5 east, °B·lack Hills meridian. (Mar. 3; 1925, c. 465, 43 Stat. a.11s5.)_l_ ·` . ·s Game animal and bird refuge ia South Dakota; éstnh- I} lishment.e-—·Subject,_t0 ralid rights amlteutries initiated under » of "`tlie publicland lawfs,‘prl0r to June 7, _1924, any or all of the s- "`following described lands in Government ownership, may be o‘ withdrawn from- entry and fdispositiou by proclamation or ea the President for the purpose of protecting and propagatiag d" antelopc and other game, arlimale aad birds: Natiotial forest 3 rs. .jlands—-Township 18 north, range 7 east, Black Hills meridiaa. 3_, , section _2~i,‘ south half, and Smith halt north half ;· section, 25, l all; itormship 18 north, range, S teaat, sections '1'1'_ to 20, ia; gg? clueive`; section 21, west half; sections QQ to ,32, iac1ttsive.Y likab-

-,. lic lands-—Townehip 18, north, range 7 east, sections 5 to 9,

k luclusire;. sections 13 to 23, inclusive; section 24, north half h north half ;` sections 26 to 36, inclusive; aud those parts of Q sections 3, ,4, `10,‘"al1d4_11'lyi:1§.s0t}th aad west; of the Riva ,g_ Road. “The` withelrawal of the lands l1erein_aathorizedt shall y not affect withdrawals for aatlorxal forest purposes made prior (1 to June 7, 1924. ._(J1i11e_.7, 1924, cz.`328, §‘ 1, 43 Sta.t.`63~t.} 1 ,9 ]_68l. Same; erection of fence by `State§——-—The. State of South Qy Dakota is authorized and permitted to erect and maiataixra ry good, substantial fence ihclosing in whole or `ie part each 7, areas as_ tuay. be <lesi‘gm.t'ed amt eat aside hy the President . . under the authority of section 680 or this title. The State shall t. erect aod maintain sucltgates in this fence as may be required Kg by the, apthorized agents of the . Federal G.orernmcat in the

h administration of. tlxeliatiotnal forest lands embraced.-thereie,_

n, orwto provide -·ingi·es.s . and egress to persons occqpyiag lands no vrlthin said lnclosure. The right of the State. to maintain C- said fence shall -contirme·so long as the area designated by gc! the President shall be giren protection by the laws of the Stzgrte Hy of South Dakota as a game reftige. {June 1, 1924, c. 3%, .~§ 2, 3- 43 Stat. 634.) ’ ‘ . l . b- n 682. Game refuge ia_0zark National Fereet.—-·—-The President H- 'of the United States tls authorized to deeignatefsaeh national yl foreet lands within. the Ozark National Foreet, rrithia the gf; State of Arka;1sas,~`as sl1oold,`-in his Sdiscretioa, he set aside ly for the protection ottgame animals, birds, or Eel}; apd rrhoerer ik; shall hunt, catch, trap, willfully disturb, or lrlll any kind ofv is- game anitn»ol,_game or aongame bird, or Sah, orgtalze the cage of ' any such bird on any lands so set aeide, or ia or oa the waters in, thereof, ercept under auch general roles and eregulatiouei as al the Secretary of Agriculture may from time to time .preecribe. gi · shall he Hned uotmore thari or imprisonecl-x1of1;1ore than e, six mopths, or both. No lands withia the present limiteéoii or the fourth ·coagreeslom:,l district shall be `iocluded in such le dealgxiation. _ (Feb. 2S,o1{_l25, e. 376, 43 Stat. 1091.) '

 683. Areas set aside for protection ot" game and `hehgunlaw- `

ot. tally taking game or Heh.—°¥———’1`l2e Tresiclelmt of the United, States of is adthorlzed to designate each areas on any laude pored clmeed by the _Ux1ited· Statelaumlor. the provieioha» of ecctioxie we 513 to 518 and 3521 of thier title, as should, his opiuiom he ,f- ee: aside for the protection of gzzme animals, birds, or iieh.