Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 44 Part 1.djvu/470

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§ 58 TITLE 1v.—-c rights, not exceeding $5 per annum for the complete catalogue Q of copyright entries and not exceeding $1 per ennum for the catalogues issued during- the year for uy one class of subjects. The consolidated catalogues and indexes shall also bé supplied to all persons ordering them at such prices as may be deter- mined to be reasonable, and all subscriptions for the cxitalogues shell be received by the Superintendent oi Public Documents, ~ who slmll forward the said publications; and the moneys thus “ received shall be paid into the Treasury ot the United States r end aeemmted for under such laws and Tréesury regulations as shall be in force at the time. T (Mar. 4, 1909, c. 320, §· 57, 35 Stat. 1086.) . »_ _ - , _ 58. Records and works deposited in copyright oiilce open to public inspection; taking copies of entrie_s.~=—·The record hooks of the copyright office, together vrrith the indexes to such . regord booksfarxd all works deposited and retained in the copy- right office. shell be oper; topublic ihspectgon; and be taken of the copyright entries actual-ly’made in such record' books, subject -to such_ safeguards and regulations as shall be , prescribed by the register of copyrights sind approved by the Librarian of Congress, (Mar. 4, 1909, c. 320, 558, 35 Stat. , 1086.) — . ` 59. Disposition of articles deposited in omce.—-·Of the arti-. cles deposited in the copyright omce under the prorlsious of the copyright laws of the United States, the Librarianyof Congress shall determine what books and other articles shall be transferred to the permanent*scollections ot the Library of Congress, 0 including the law library, and what other books or. articles shall be placed 'in the reserve collections of the Library of Congress for sale or exchange, or be trarlsterred to other gov-N, emmentnl libraries in the District of Columbia for use therein. , (Mar. 4, 1909, c. 320, § 59, 35 Stat. 1087.) l O 60. Destruction of articles deposited in °oEce remilnlng une disposed ef; removal of by author or proprietor; manuscripts of unpublished works.--0t 4¤y.¤`mc1e¤. undisposed ot as above O provided, together with all titles and correspondence relatlué 0 thereto, the Librarian ot Congress `ands the register of copy- rights jolntly.sha,1l, at suitable intervals, deterrninejvhat of r these received .duri¤g— any period ot, years it is desirable "or useful to preserve in the permanent tiles of the copyright oillce, end, after du notice as hereinafter provided, may within thelrl discretion. cause the remaining articles and other thlnge to be - destroyed: Provided, That there shall be printed ‘i¤ the Catalogue of Copyright Entries from February to November, lnclusive, a statement ot the years ot reoelpt of » such articles and a` notice to permit any author, 'copyrlgllt proprietor, or ·otl1er'law£ul claimant to claim and remove before the explretion ot the month of December ot that year anything found which relates to at1y”o£°_his productlohs deposited ·or registered for copyright within the period ot years stated, notrmerved or disposed of as provided for `lp this title. No manuscript-of an unpublished work sh`all_be destroyed during its term of ,copy· right without specific `notice to the copyright proprietor ot record, permitting him to claim- and remove lt. (Mar. .4, 1909, c; 320, i 60, 35 Stat. 1087.) ` conzvrr rx — ·.._ See chdpter 8 of Tltle 2, Com CO! Bee Title 28, Jwrcxu.-*Cons A ° _ — \ ‘ COTTON FU , ...\_ - Bee Title 26, lxreusu. Rrvmm COTTON s' _See Title 7, Aemcvrtvu. · g _ t _ COUNCIL OF NA'! See Title 50, Wn.__

·o1>m1om*s @6 61. Fees.¥-Tl1e register of copyrighti shall receive, and the J persons tc whom the services designated are rendered elm! pay, the following foes: For Wthe registration of any work subject to copyright, deposited under the prolvisions of this title, $1, which sumjs to include a certihcete of registration under seal: Provided, ‘Thz1t"in the case of photographs the me shall be 50 cents where a certificate is not demauded.· bmevery additional certificate of registration made, 50, cents. Forrecording 'and certifying any instrument of writing {og the assignment of copyright, or any such license specltled in sel-- tion 1, subsection (e), of this title, or for any copy of ~£U(fh assignment or license, duly certified, if not over thirw hundred words in length, $1; if rnore than three hundred and loss ihan one thousand words in length, $2; if more than one thougand words in length, $1 additional for each one thousand words or fraction thereof . over three hundred words. For recording the notice of user or acquiescence specified in section ~ 1, sdbsection (e), 25 cents for each notice if not over ilfty words, and an additional 25 cents for each additional one hundred words- For comphring any "copy of an _ assignment with the record ofx such document *in the copyright omce and certifying the same under? seal. $1. For recording the ergtedsion or renewal of copyright provided for in sections 28 and 24 of this title, 50 cents. _ For recording the transfer of the proprietorship of copyrighted articles, 10 cents for @(311 title of a book or other article, in addition togthe fee prescribed for recording the instrument of assignment. For any ‘ requested earch or c0pyrlghfo$ce records, indexes, or deposits, 50 cents for each full hour, of time consumed `in making such search: Provided, That only one registration at onetee shall, be réquired ln the case of several volumes ot thesame hook deposited at thesome time. (Mar. 4, 1909, c. 320, { 61, 35 Stat. 1087.) _ 62. Terms deined.->-In the interpretation and construction ot this title "the dab of publication" shall in the case ot a work of which copies are reproduced for sale or distribution be held to be the learliest date when copies ot drst authorized edition were placed on sale, sold, or publicly distributed by, the ‘ proprietor of the copyright. or under his' authority,. end the word "author2 shall include an enxployer in the case ot works made for hire. `(Mer. 4, 1909, c. Bw, § 62, 35 Stat. 1087.) ° _ ‘ "‘ 63XRegéstrstion_ of prints and labels.-—In the construction of this title, the word " print ’f shall be applded only to pictorial illustrations or works connected with the Hue arts, and no prints pr lebels designed to be usedpgor any other article of msnutgtture shall be entered `under thecopyrlght law, but may be registered in the Patent 0Qce.[ And the Commissioner ot Patents is charged vrith the supervision and control ot the entry or registry of such prints or labels, in conformity with the regulations provided by law ss to °9PY1‘i8ht ot prints. except that there shall be paid, for recording the title or any' print or label not a trade mark, $6, which shall corer the expense of furnishing a `copy of the record under ·the md of the Conomisslloner ot Patents, to the party entering the same. (June 18, 1874, c. 301, { 3, 18 Stat. 79.), ` ACTICES ACT sues. STS mn Jumcun!. roars 1c·r VUE. ` TANDARDI c` 710NAL DEFENSQ