Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 44 Part 1.djvu/475

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461 » TITLE 18.-JJRIHINAL CODE 4 employ such part ct the land or naval fciryres ut the Unitéd ” States, or at the militia thereof, as he may deew necmary to l qmixpel any" fowim lt _ to depart. from the United sum Qi-any ot its messiom i?n`•1»1 casm.m which, by tha my Qt I§§1H9!18.0l'*th¢ treaties of the United States, ·it might not W remain, and dr prevent may tclielgxr vessel frqm so d€*D¤1'¢i¤8·i¥¥ QU ¢¤¤¤¤ i¤-_Whi¤h. by the law at nations or the treatma at the Uxiitad 4 States, it is not eutitleti to depqrt. (1;, S. § 5288,; Mar, 4, l999,_c. 821, § 15, w Stat. 1091; June gs, 1917, c. 30, Title V, {10, 40 Stat. mg · ·_ 28. (Criminal sectkm 16.) Bonds from armed vesgelg t im clearing.-~‘1'he owners o1·_ cousiguees pi every armed vessel A sailing out ct the ports of,. or under the jurisdiction ‘cf, the mired Statw, belonging wholly or in_part to citimus thereof, sh:1}l,'bcf(>ré élearuag out the same, glve bpud to fthe United ·__g;;·,_¢gs, with ,su@cie¤t‘s¤rctiep. in double the amount or the ~`t;§1lue_0f_the veml and cargo sm board, including her arma- » mmt, pouditicued that the tymel shall act be employed by smb owners tb cruise acr commit `hgalnst the subjgcrs, citizmas, Br. p1~0peijty"ct,auy toréign prime or itate, or or any .c¢l0¤y,_dist1iict, `or people, with whom the United States ire ¤.t.·pe¤ce,__ (R. 8. l 5%; Mar.}, 1909,- c. 821, l 16,: '.‘sJStat.1@1.) _ _. _‘'` · ‘ ‘ 29. Code, iectimn 17.) » Detention by collcctcm of cusmpgs-··'1‘he sewml collectors oi} the customs shall detain may vcml manifestly built for i¤7arllk¢‘"pu1·;5oses, gud about to depart the United Stategor any PIECE subject to tlne jurisdictim? thereéi, the ca@ of which "wlncimlly consists bf `ums, ‘ and mmxlticim of wqx, when the; number of mélla QMPDGG ox; ‘ · board, or ·ct§ei· Qcl inta¤cm, render "lt probable that Suclf `vessel iaiutmded to bb cmgiloyed lay the owners to cruise or commit hcstilitlm mma the subjects, éitiicm, or property ot my torelg wines drstnte, or 0(nuy colony, district, or people" with whom me Unltm Statw are at peace, until the decision of the President is had thérten, mi imtil the owner gives such. » mud and security as ih of the owners of gx*méd_ imcls f by tp; mmm. " (B. sg { 5%); Hu. Q, 1909, c.· 321, "s1ir,&ssm,1m1.)j . l` •_» - t 30. 18.) ~‘Cc¤¤tr¤ctlqn cflchapter; ttranment {gr uw of ph·acyt··-—-Tac pmviélons af Si? tc title shall not be construed tc extefnd mbjnct oicitizm ct my mmm state, woipny. dktrict, or who is trnqsientur within the United Statw or` enters hiinséltqu tfbcard cfiuy vowel of wm·,,1atn at or p;·ivntaer,.whic!; pt ¤ic_tlme·¤f its arrival wltmu tx United Btatm was dtted md equipped as such, oz; him cir retains moths: subject at Q! the  » foreign umm, state, gulony, distrtgét, av people who is tmpsieutly ivitmn ma `Uxiitad Statcé to enlist 0; enter himself to serve mel; {mum prince, stgtc, colony; district, ur pwple on board smh wwe! dt war, of muiqué, Gt privat&r,*1f th: umm amy mtxzignm be at mx wack mc§ mmm pam , State, mlm!. dlvtilct, cr l*¥o1¥—¤bn.l1 the? bc construed ·t¤ prevent wg @ec¤tlo¤ or pmzigixment- dt hmm, or at any piracy Mum by the laws ct me Umm States. *(H.Q S. | 5291; Mar; 4, 19®,·¤. @1,1 18, 85 Stat. lwl.) , ~ ` 81. at qmtrpiity; withholding » tlearamze P3;D€l’I frm yeheh.-·—·-During a wm- in which tim United Staten is, a_ ueutnl Qgmn, tbe fmident, qt any {mma thereunto guthorizod bi him; may withhold, clearance tram or to any mm, ¤%s¢ an- mma, which xg requiem by my m mm ¥1cm.·mc¤" mmm departing tmm pcrtwbr the jurisdiction of the United Bum, cl-, by` ot formal nétiée xipoh tha , owner, mmm-, or pawn in; commgml ax haélngtmhnrge at any dcmmtlc team aotroquirgd by mw to secure clmrances befoie may departing, to tm·bid_ ith from part "ex from the guuadicucn at the Uuitbd States, whenever there is ieamnahlc »* cause ta bnlimga that [my smh ·+·¤» dmtlc or fcrdm,

mm omnmvu. mocznzma / —‘ § 35 whethex requiring cloamnoe or mq is aboutto carry fuel, arms, nlmmunition, men, supplim, dispatches; or information to any warship, tender, or supply shi;) ot a foréigu belligerent nation , in violation ot the laws, trwtios, or obligations ot the United Statm under tho law ot nations; and it shall thofoupou be nnlawtul for such vessel to depart. (Juno 15, 1917, c; 30, Title V, { 1, 40 Stat. 221.) _ · . · 82. Samcydeteution of armed vmelsr-—During a war in ,· which the United Statosjs a ncutrpl nation, the President, or any thereunto, authorized by him, may détam any armed ·véssol owned wholly or in wrt by_A.morimn dtizons, or any wml, domestic or foreign (other than one which ha; entered the pops of the United States as ·a_ public vmel),’€·hlch is" manlfoétly built for wnrlikc purposes o1··ms·boon converted .0: adaptodkhfmm 1 private vessel to one-suitable for warliko um, until Vthe owner or muster, of perm haying charge of ”su&· vw,. shall iumish proof •¤®ctoa·y to the President,} or to {lm person duly authorised by "that the vw will not be employed by the said owners, o1·_maéteg·,·`o»r peyson having ·‘ i:h•;·go~thereo£, to mime aggiust or commit or attempt to commit upopi. thetoubjacté, ciduns, or property, ol any foreign prince or stan, or of any colony, district 0: people. with which the United is at 9%, pml mst 'tm wid vmelr will not be sold or dglivqied to any belligermt nation, or to mx-Agent, omcer, or citizen ot- such nation, by than or any ot

 withm.tho_1urisdlction ot the United Bytes, or, having

Llett that jurisdiction, upon the high sms. ·(’I¥u;1o 15, 1917, c. 3il,`ii’1tlayV,·j 2,40_8tnt. Q1.) ‘. _ » · ‘ _ ‘ — [ $3., Sanogonesdlng but and vessel with iatnt to deliver, to bdhgeenf s war in whldm the United sum a 4 uoumn muon, lc mu no gmnawrux to send me of the `]¤risdict‘l?0¤· of tho United Statm nu; mom built, armed, mi equipped as n v@l“0fwgr,‘ oxrcontortéd from a private mam! into ( vessel ot vn;. .--with any latent or index my •gro¤¤¤t ¢`¢0¤t1’t¢¢,'WflftE§ or oral; that almll be delivered to n belltgwt muon, or to da agwtg omcér, or citlnexi ot mich: nation, or with ,re¤ao¤nblo ‘mmsgo to bqliove that the meld {vessel shall or will be employed ln the norvloe ot my auch -bolll¢erent nation its departure from the jurisdiction 01 the United Stntéa. (.T¤no'15, 1917, mw, *1*1tlg V, “§ 3, msmtmlol ‘ -’.t · » 84; Snneystatehgntgfron cario will not bo delivered. to`•th¢r_.voase!&—#-1i5uri ng a war lu which tho United · States is n heutrél nation, in addition to the facts required by section 91{ 92; and 94`0f»Tlt1e 48·to be me oét initho mason" and. .shlppors’ to manitems bétoro cleamxnce will “ be E

 to vessels 'bouod to Vtoreignfports, oooh ot, which

wactioqs is hepeby declared to bqaud is 'contim® ig full toms md eflobt, ovéry mq.stor' or person hhving. charég or coiumand o£ may vosowl, dopismtlp se foreign, whethér mqui clcarxmco; 01* not, bctoro of sugh tome! p0r2:§al1 deliver to tho collector o£‘_E¤.st0ms·- to; the district wherein such vessel is then located n stammsntgcluly vorww byoath; that the cargo or any pnrtot that ohrgo is or tis notto-bo dcliqored to other vgsaela in port/o1··to be tmnsshippocl on the high" ms md, it itu to be so doliyerod or tmnsshippml; stéting the kind and. quantities and povalue oi the total quantity of each kind ot article so to be delivered or t.ramhip@ and thvnamo ot tho person, corporation, vessel, or `government, to whom tho deZl Hwy or transahipmont is to be made; md. the owners, slxippers, orwconslguoays of tho_onrgo_ of such vessel shall in tho same `manncr and undo: tho same .co1xdltlops deliver tc; the collector

 wntameuts under oath as to the cargo orttho ports thereof k

laden or shipped by them, respectively. (Juno 15, 1917, c. 30,* Title V, { 4, 401 Stat. @2.) · · · 1 35.. Same; forbidding departure of vemolnmwhonover it np·‘ pears that the vm! is not entitled to clearance or lwheuover there is reasonable cause tobelieve that tho additional stato-