Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 44 Part 1.djvu/482

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§ 108 rata 18.—··y0RIHINAL conn A ~ 594; Hay 5, 1900,. c. 3-19, 81 Stat. 170; Mar. 1,1909, c. 821, { .53, 35 Stat. 1098; June 25, 1910, c. 431, .5 6, 86 Stat. 857.) 168. (Criminal Code, section 54.) Finu paid `into school funds.--5In all cases arising under sections 106—and 107 Gt this title the dues collected shall be paid into the public school fund ot the county in which the laws where the oienae wascom-· tmrtted are situated. (Feb. 24, ·1@7, rt _813, Q 3, 29 Stat. 594; May 5, 1900, e. 3s9, 31_ Stat. 170; Mar. 4,11909, c. 321, §Y54,`35 Stet,109§.) . · ‘_ _ ~ · ° 199. (Criminal Cade, section 55.) Trespassing on Bull Run d'NSti f€8t•·*j“'h06V€F, exeept. forest rangers. and other persons employed by the United Stnta to protect the forest, Federal and State emcers in the discharge of their duties, and the employees or the water Beard or the city of Pbftlnlid, State ot Oregon, shell knowingly trespass upon any part et `the;_re+ serve knetvn as Bull Bun National Forest, iu, the . Mountains, `-in the State of Oregon, or mter thereon tory the purpme of grazing stock, or shall engage in grazing. stock. enema, or mu per-mn mer er any rum m graze thereon, - shall be nned not more than $500, or imprisoned ndt mere than · six months, er both. (Apr. E, 1904, c. 1774, 83 Stat. 626; Mar. ,4,19®,`c.321, S-55,85Stnt. 1099.) · ‘ `. .· ‘ - —11& (Criminal Cade, sectbn 56.) Breaking fences or driving cattle en name, public lands.—¤-Whoever shall knowingly, and unlawfully break, open, or dwtéroy any gate, fence, hedge, , er wail ine_lesin§"any"@Hs of the United States which, in pu:@@ ot- any 1aw;`n¤ve been reserved er purchased hy. the United States for any public use; or whoever shall drive any mttle, _ horses, hogs, or other, livestoek upon any t meh lands tor the purpose. ot dutroying the grass or trees on lands, er where they maydestroy the said grass or trees; or_whoever» shell knewingly permit his cnttla horsee, hogs, or other tlivey ¤toek,1to enter through any such m¢1¤s¤re°np¤¤·»•ny, meh lands or the United States, where suqh seattle, horses, hogs, or, ‘0i1bé1‘_ _ livestock may or can destroy the grass or trea or {ther prop-`_· erty et the United States on the said lands, shall be ilned net _ more thau‘$500, or imprisoned not more than one year, or both. Nothing lng this section shall be eonstrued to apply to unreserved puhlie lands, (Mar. 8, 1875, c. 151, H 2, 3, 18 Stat. 481,. 4&; Har. 4, 1909, c. @1, I 66, 85 Stat. 1099.) _ ‘ ` . 111._ (Crisinal Oak, sectia :57.) · Iniurhg ‘ er removing survey -marks.·———?Wheeyer shall willfully destroy, deta;ce;change,~ " or remove to another place any sectloirsgorner, ·quarter·section , corner, or meander post, on any Government line of survey, or shall willfully cnt down any witness tree or any tree blared te mart: the-line ot a Government survey, or shall willfully de4 face, change, or remove any monument or bench mark of any` Government survey, shall be ‘n`ned not more than $250, or im? prisoned not more than six mouths, or both., (June 10, 1@6, ·c1 398, §·1, 29 Stat. 343; Mar. 4, 1909, c. 321, S 57, 35 Stat. 1099.),, ° _ · . ‘ 112. (Criminal Code; section 58.) Interrupting surveys.-- Whoerer in any manner, by threats or force, shall interrupt, hinder, or prevent the surveying ot the public lands, or of any prfyntedland claim which has been or"`may- be connrmed by the ' United States, by the persons autherized to survey the same, I in conformity with the instructions of the Commissioner ot. the General Land Odlce, shall be tlned not m0re.than._$3,000 and 1 imprisoned notémore than three years. (R. S. S 24l2; Mar. 4, ‘ 1909,c.321,§58,35Stat.1099.) to A · ~ __ _ - · 11,3. (Criminal Cede, section 59..)‘ Agreement to prevent bids at land sales.·——·—-Wheei·er, before or at the tln1e_of· the 4 public sale of any of jthe lands ot the United States, shall bar- 1 gain, contract, or agree, or attempt to bargain, contract, or `1 agree with any other person, thafthe`last~·named persnn shall 1 not bid upon or purchase the land so omered for sale, or any 1 pareel thereof ; or whoever by intimidation, combination, er 1 nnrair management shall hinder or prevent, or attempt to 1

1ND CRJMIHAL PROCED URB 468 lhindar or prevent, any person t1·0m’hidding upon or ~pm··:hasing agny tract or land so cdarad for sale, shall be Sued not »mm·e than-$1,000, oraalrxipriaoned notmora than two yeara, ng both, (11;.8. Qt @73; 4, 1909, c. 321,1 59, 85 Smt. 1099.) 114q »W£l1f¤1 and false arepnmmtaticas to liatending pun

 f public l•nd&——Any pwwn wm, for a reward paid

.or promkk to him in that bbaali', ahall undmaka to _10¢ata tor an intaa g purcham, settler, m· wtr§ any public lands pf-the ‘ad' Stataa ,•abRét~Qt0 diwcdtion wkr the pub1ic·1and I8WB,\ a `who shall willtéliy and £•Ise§.y,_l‘¢ ut to such .1I1t€ ¥Q’ settler, cntrymna that any tract of land shbyqd him is bublié land aftlie, United Btntm aubjegt t0_ mia, sett1@ntQ`cr entry, cir that it a particular surveyed dcscnyipdoxg, with intent to "dacdva the paiw to whom such representation ia inaéa, or who, hi mcklwa all the truth, sl:;all~ falsely to a¤;%mmh pagan that any tgzct ot land ahcwn to him is pqblic land of that United States su jagt .to` sale; settlement, dr that it E of n particular

‘desci¢l;itiq¤, thereby Geac ug the mmm tc , whom

suchhtépr ntatioxi at made, shall be guilty of n d€II1Q8B01‘ l` be punished by :\¤nsa as nqreicaadiug $300 or by_ impl-! _ jneint for a term act efcgeding one year, or by both such. Que anti-iplixriacnmant. (Fab; $.*3,§1917','c. 115, 39 Stat. 936.) J _ · _ §\ a 115. Iaduql/g cmiveyulcaa af trad iatcrésts in lands?-It' shall be winlawful any person t0_ iisduce any Indian to execute any contract, deei},am0rtgage, ar lathe: £nau·u— Quant D&1’P0rting to convey any land pr my- intémt therein held by the United Statas in trust for sufghjndisn, or to alfa: any such contract, deed, mortage, or other ir{s t (ar recordln. the omce ot any recorder pr deeds. Ahy;parso¤.”vi¤— lating this prdvision ahalfbe deaaned guilty of a m&Qmeapor, and [upon conviction shall by a me not exéawiag $500 {pr the Qrst éilanéb, and it cqnvicted for n secam '¤£e¤se may be 'punishatl by anne not uceading @0 or impri ai¤t nctaxcaading one year, or by both such Ana and impr®@at, `· in tha discretion-of the court. Thia secdmz shall mtapply to apy, lease or . other contract authaxized by laq to be mak. (June 25, 1910, c. 431, { 5, 36]St•t. 857.)_ - ` 116. (Criminal (`pdc; seeth: 69.) Injuries ta t&gr•§ - lines.-—·—Wh0avar shall yillfully or mallciawly injure at dcstxay _ any ot the viqrks, property, or material ct my telegram, wa pb¢ma,_or cable llua, or éystem, `aiacratad. on controlled fby the United Bates, whether constructed or m p at cmstrua tion, or ahall willfully or malicicmsly intertara jiu any. way with the working or use of any ·¢mch_ lim, or syatm, of mall willfully or malicioaaly obstruct, `hindag, or delay the transmission ot any communication `oyer any lim, or system, shall ba? med not more than $1,000, or lmpriaoaed nat mare` thanthrea years, or both. (lube %, 1874, c. 461, 18 Stat. wm Mar. 4, 1909, c. 321, Q G), 35 Stat. 1099;) _ ` 117. (Criminal ®d¢, section 61.) ·C¤¤aterfciti¤g weather foracasts.··—·Whaavar shall knowingly issue or publish any enum-__ `· tartait weather torac · is warning at weather hcoaditiana falsely ·repraaaHti¤g auch forecast or warning to have been lasuad·o1i published by th} Wmther Burma, United States Signal ’Sarylca, jor. other branch or the Gcvarmamt mrvica, shall be `tlned iiot more than $500, or imprisoned not more than ninety days, or both. (Mar. 3, 1905; c.~1405, 33 Stat;_864; Mar. 4, 1909; c. 321, § 61, 35 Stat. 1088.) j y - . 118. (Criminal Code, section 62.) Malesting Animal II\·% dustry. employees; using deadly weap0¤._y·—Wh0evar 'shall tonal-. bly amulg arwist, oppose, ·pravantQ impada§ ar intertére with` any smear or employee of the Bureau at Animal Industry cf the Dapartmant ot Agriculture- ip the axaéuticm of his duties, pr on accounts! the axccatiohof his dauaa, ba Quad not more than $1,000, or iinpzisoned not more than one year, or both: and whoever- shall use any deatlly pr dangerous weapon