Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 44 Part 1.djvu/485

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@171 ’ y mmzn xsim-cnrnlyan conn 4 to have been procnrcd by fraud or otherwise nnlayvfully ‘ob·{L; mined ; or whoever, without lawfnl excuse, shall knowingly · gnmsess any false, Yforgm, `antedated, or counterfeit certihcate : of citizenship purporting to have been issued under any law of the `L’nlted‘States relating tonatnrallmtion, knowing such. · oortidonte to be false, forged, antedntod, or counterfeit, with · `the intent unlawfully to use tho same: or whoever shall ob- ¤ min, aocepl. or, receive any certlllcatet of citizenship, know- · ing mn same. to have been procured by fraud or`by the use j on means of any {also name or statement giron or made with s me intnnt to pr0<:nr—c,·or to aid in {}Is0CllI'1Hg,—tll€ issuanéeof ¤ anvil oortihoaté, or knowing the same to have been fraudulently a nltored antodntod; or whoever, without lawful excuse, shall i have in his p»o:·‘S0.~aF=i<>u any blank certificate of `citizenship pro- T ymod by the Burau of Naturalization with the intént un-· Inn·fnll5;·_to use the _`Sl€lIl‘l9.§· or whoover, after hating _ been , admitted lol be :1 citizen,. `shall, oath or by. aflldavlt, knowingly deny that he has been so admitéted, with 'theintént

 ovndn or afoid any duty or liability imposed or required _»

by law. shall be fined not lll0l*€ than $1,000, or imprisoned ·n0t_ more than Evo years, or both, (R. S. § 5425;—.T"une 29,;_1906, o. 37»92,_§ 19, 34 Stat. 602; Mar. 4, 1{l09, c. 321, § 77, 35 Stat. 1102: Mar. 4, 1913, c.—1-il. 5 3. 37 Stat. 737.). . _ ` 140. (Criminal Code, section 78.)` Attempting to vote on 4 false €€Yti6¢It€.—·"']ltD€\‘€f shall in any manner use, for the

$urpo>=o of registering as a` .voter,_ or as. evidence of n rlht

to vote, or otherwise unlawfully, any order, oertlllcate of citizenship, or certlncate, judgméntyor exempliilcationj show- Nng any person to be admitted to be a citizen, whether here? · » tofore or hermfter issued or made, knowing that such order, oortltloate, judgment, or exxempliiication has been unlawfully issued or made; or whoever shall unlawfully use, or attempt < to uso, any such orileror certlncate, issued to or in the name l of any other person; or in a “Hctitious name, of ay deceased person, shall be fined not more than $1,009, or imprisoned not more thim dve years, or botha (B. S. I 5426; Mar. 4, 1909, c. 321; { 78, Stat. 1103.,) *""\/ ‘ 141. (Criminal Code, acction 79.) Falacly claiming citizenshiw-—Whoever shall knowingly use any certificate of natu; . ralization heretofore _ or which hereafter may _ be granted by _ any court, which has been or be procured · through fraud or by false evidence, or whiclflnas been or may hereafter be issued by the clerk or any other owner ot’· the oourt n,without any appearance and hearing of the applicant in court _ audf P without lawtnb authority; ‘ or whoever, for `nny' fraudulent Durwse whatever, shall falsely rsprssast. hllnselt _ to be a citizen of the United Statg without uaving been duly admittod to citizenship, shall be _ hned not more than $1,006, or d lmprisonefnqt more two years, or both. (B. S. S, 5428; -Ma1·. 4, 321, S 79, 35 Stat._1103.). ‘ Y . . 142. (Crillinal C•de. section 86.) Falsely swearing in naturalizatku m•ea.———Whoeve1·,· in any proceeding , under or by vlrtne ot_ any law rolatlng to the natnrallzation‘ ot aliens, . shall swear falsely in any asa where yan oath is ‘ · made or andavlt mkon, shnll be hnednot more than $1,000 and imprisoned not more than ng? yearn (R. B. { 5395; Mar. 4. 199% c. @1, I S0, 35 Stat. 1103.) _ · 143. (Criminal _ 81.) lfrorviaiona applicable to. all oonrta d natnra1iaationQ+The·provlmon`s ot sections 138 to 142 of this tltfé shall apply to all ·s had or talien, ` or attmntod to be hador taken, ketone any mart irwhleh any pr@ing for naturalization may be commenced or attexnvtod to be kzonmmnncod, and whether sneh éonnt was rested ‘ by law jurisdlotion in naturalization promdlngs or not. ` (R. 8. I 4, 1Q09, c. 321, $@81, 85’Btat.‘1193.) -' 144. (Criminal 82.) Ehaaghailag sailors.-- Whoever, with intent that any person `ahall - pertorw servlea or labor `of any _ kind on board ot any v%sel engaged ln trade

\ ir . ND CRIMINAL PROCEDURE 145 nnd.c0mx?brcc_ai110ng the several States or withjoréfgu, my tions, omongioard of any vcxscl of the United St;xtcs engaged in mwigating the high seas or_ any navigable water. of the United States, shall procure or induce, cr attempt m procure or hxducc, another; by force or threats or by representaticns which hc knovsfs or believes to be ;1ntruc.'or_ whilcthe person col procurcdtor induced is intoxicated 01- under the indtmncc of any drug. to go qt: board of any Such vessel, or tq sign or in anywlss enter into any lsggrccment to go on b0a.rd of &ny_ such vessel to pcrforin service or labor thércmii mj whccxfgr sball kxwwiughr detain on bohrd of amy such vcauél any person sb pmcurcd or induced to` go` on board thereof, or to edictintc any agreement to go on _ board thereof, by any means heretn damned; or whoever shall knowingly aid `or stmt in the doing of any of the things herein made nmlswful. shakl be Hue}! not nhorc than $1.000. cr imprisoned riot mcrccthan che _ year, or b0th.·_ (June 28, 1906, c. 3583, §§' 1··-3,_ 34 Stat.·551;' Mmg.2,.1.2qzLc; 2539; 3~1_Stat. 1233; Mm-. 4, mm, e. 321, S $2, sssmt. 1103;);_ ..·. ‘· · ( 1 ~ . t 145. (Criminal Codef tion 84. as amended.) Htmting or taking eggs ombird brgfiing gramxds.-¥—Wh逷·‘cr shalt _ hunt. trap; capture, rwillfplly Qistgrb, or· amy bird 01- wild. animal “0f· any kind whatever, or take or demoy the 0£— any such bird {on any lands 0t_ the—United States which havebeen set: apart dr reserved as reftigcs or bmédiug grmmds for such birds for animals by any law, prcclaméticm, cr E—xec·u~ tive qrdcr, except under such rules and régulntiems as the Secretary of Agriculture may, from tim to &, ibe, or who shall yvillfixlly injure, molcst, cr `déstmy nm? l¤°9€rty of the United States on any such lends shall be and not _ marc than $500, or imprisoned not _ more than six maths. GI both. ·_(J11Il€··28,' 1906,%. 3565.34 Stat. 5%; Mar. 4, 1 % % c. 321,- 5 84, 35 Stat. 1104{Apr. 15, 19%, c. IQ, 43 Stat. %.) `» Chbptér _5. -4-- OFEENSES RELATING. T0 OFFICIAL DUTIES. ‘ l h 171. Iktortion. . . 172. Requiring receipts tor. larger sums than arc paid. 173. Disbursing omccrs unlawtxilly using public money. _ .174. _Fm¤rc at dépcdtariei tc amy kw? mute deposits. 175. Unlawful uno at btrbltc mqheys by custodians,. — _ ‘ 176. Failure to render n.·¢mmt•.._. 177. Failurctd deposit as required. us. pcm` xgiectea. _. _ · 179. Rc< m¤e bt cmbeulemcpt. » ‘.. 180: Prim ra evidence; at cmbeulcment. · 181. Evidence df conversion. " ~· · . · 182. Banker receiving uh•.¤tbdrined_ deposit ct public money. 183. Embeulement by inte _1 .re·rc:me OQGBP. — _ ` 134. O¤ccr-contracting {msgid spcctdc. appropriation. · 185. Court amccrs tamu; to deposit nancy.; delivery an aqcurity. 186. Ccixrt c¤ccr• npiaropristtu manu. ` 187. Receiving Jann from cdurt cheer. . ; 188, Failure to make returns or reports. . .189. False cntrias in accoants or recqrds. or false reports of- publtc cr " ' trunt moneys pr securities. aq- - 190. Aiding br abetting. vtczisticnc ot law csmccmin; "obmcnc books, c _ ctc.-; puqirbment. _ T` _ A 1p1. Warrants for march for and seizura pt articles mentioned in pre-_ ceding scctioa. ’ A . · 192._»Tr¤.d1¤g ic public property by coliccting- or dicburstng omccr. 193..Co~¤rt c&ct•l• pnrcbutng tau at lengthen tam uiuc. ` 194. Enzscly certifying an Id rrcdrd at dccds. 195. Other. tulsa certmcatca. — _ · _ 196. Btumbmt fnnpxten takidg tlicggl tees. · 198. Ogcars. iatrrastrd in claim: against United Staten. 199. Acwpting bribe by ot Qantas; · 209.-0&cring br£b•`tc Mcmberyt Cangrru. — · 201. Um at npproprintions tc pay for persona.! service tc influence . Mambo: at Congress to favor cr ummm legmnticn. * 202. limbs; at Congress taking capdderntttm , for —pro<:m·ing cmatract. 2031 Receiving my by ltemberot Qcngrca in matters adccting United M4. Mgglfccrct Ccpgrea interested in public contrznctst contract: void. 266. Making cmcinl contract irith Member ot Qongress. 1 `