Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 44 Part 1.djvu/501

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487 TITLE 18.-——0RIMINAL cons 4 g 1, 19 Stat.90; Sept, 26, 1888, c. 1039,*6 2, 25 Stat. 496; May 1 27, 1908, c.‘206,`35» Stat. 416; Mar. 4, 1909, c. 321, { 211, 85 Stat. 1 - 1129; Mar.}1, 1911, c. 241; 5 2 36 Stat. 1839.) 1 335. (Criminal Gmc, section 212.) Mailing libelous and < c indecent matter on wr¤PP€!’¤, or cnvelopm.-—·—All matter 1 o:her·wis·e mallahle by law, upon the envelope - or outside 1 cover or wrapper of which, or any postal card upon which, any -1 delineations, eplthets, terms, or language of an indecent, lewd, 1 lascivious, obscene, libelous, acurrilous, defamatory, or threaten- ] ing: character, or mlculated by the terms or manner or style of 1 display and obviously intended to redect lnjurlously upon the csaracter or conduct of another, maybe written or printed or 1 otherwise `imprssed or apparent, are hereby declared non- 1 xaailable matter, and shall not he conveyed ln the mails nor e delivered from any m¤st·o@ce nors by any letter carrier, and 1 .shall be withdrawn {rom the mails under- such regulations as 1 xls- Postmaster General shall prescribe. Whoever shall. know- 1 in;:ly deposit or cause to_be deposited, for mailing or delivery, I anything declared by this section to be nonrnailable matter, t or shall,. knowingly take the sarge or cause the same to be 1 taken from the malls for the purpose of circulating or dis- 1 posing of or aiding in the circulation or disposition of the · same; shall bé dnednot more than $5,000, or imprisoned not : more than dve years, or both, · (June 18, 1888, c. 5 2, = és Stx. 187; Sept. 26, 1888,1:-. 1039, 5 1, 25 Stat. 496; Mar. ‘ 4, mlm, c. 321, § 212,*35 Stat. ,1129.) " · _ — · 336. (Criminal Code; section 213.) _ Lottery,.or gift enter`?-° i' prise circulars not mailable; place of trial.——No letter, pack- ~ age, postal mrd, or circular concerning any lottery, gift enter- , pr-isc, or slmllar scheme offering prizes dependent ln_ whole or · in part [upon lot or cha-noe; and no lottery ticket or' part _· thereof, or paper, certldcatre, or instrument purportlng to be · or to represent a ticket, chance, share, on interest in or. i dependent upon the event of a lottery, gift enterprise, or similar scheme o£ering prizes dependent in whole or in part upon lot or chance; and no check, draft, bill, money, postal note, or money order, for the purchase of any ticket or part thereof, or ot any share or chance in any such lottery, glft ’ enterprise, or scheme; and no newspaper, circular, pamphlet, or publication of anykind containing any advertisement of any lottery, gift enterprise, » or scheme of any kind oHering prizes dependent in whole or in part umn lot or chance, or containing any llst of the prizes drawn or awarded by means of any such lottery, gift enterprise, or scheme, whether said list contains anyppart or all of such prizes, shall be deposited ln or carried by the malls of the United States, or be delivered by any postmaster or letter carrier. Whoever shall knowingly deposit or cause to be deposited, or shall knowingly 'send or ‘ cause to he sent, anything to be conveyed or. delivered by mall ln violation of the provisions ot this section, or shall knowingly deliver or cause to be delivered by mall anything herein forbidden to be wrried by mall, shall be dned not more than $1,000, or imprisoned not more fthan two years, orc both; and for any aumeqnent odensot shall be imprisoned not more than hreyears. Any person ytolatlng any provision otthis section may be tried and punished either in the district in whlch the unlawful matter or publication was mailed, or to which It was carried by mall lor delivery y according to the dfrection thereon, or ln which it was caused tobe delivered by mall to the person to whom it was addressed. (12.8.1 3894;‘July 12, 1876, c. 186, I 2, 19 Stat. 90: Ecpt. 19, 1890, e. 908,51, % Stat. 465; Mar. 2, IM, c. 191, 28 Stat. 963: Mar. 4, 1909, c. 821, { 213, 35 Stat. 11%.) 337. (Criminal Code, section 214.) wcial acting as lottery agent.;-Whoever, being a. postmaatcs or atm: person employed in the Postal `Servlce, shall act as agentjor `lottsy omce, or under color ot pnrcham or otherwise, rand lotta! tickets, or shall mowingly and by mail or deliver any letter, package,.

ND 0RI1lINAL`PROOEDURE . § 340` postal card,_elrcu1ar, or pamphlet advertising any lottery, gift enterprise, or similar scheme, offering prizes dependent in whole or in part upon lol: or chance, or any ticket, oertihcate, or instrnment».r~epr%ent1ng any chance, share, or interest in or - iependent upon theevent of any lottery, gift enterprise, or aimilar scheme offering prizes dependent in whole or in part upon lot or chance,_or any list of the prizm awarded by means ot any auch scheme, shall be Hned not more than $100, or imprisoned not more than one year, or both. (R. S. { 3851; Mar. 4, ww, c. 321, § 214, 35 Stat. 1130,) , " 338. (Criminal Codeysection 215.) Using mails to promote frauds; counterfeit ” money.-—Whoever, having devised or intending to devise any scheme or artlhce to defraud, or for obtaining money or property. by means of falése or fraudulent pretenses, representations, or promises, or to wil, dispose of, loan, exchange, alter, give away, distribute, supply, or Inmlsha or procure for unlawful use any counterfeit or spurious coin, bank note, paper méney, or any obligation or security et the United States, .0r of any State, Territory, municipality, company, corporation, or person, or anything reprwented to be or intimated or held out to be such counterfeit or spurious article, or any scheme_or artidcé to obtain money L-by or through cor- respondence, ·by ,what is commonly called the " sawdust *3 swindle," or " countérfeibinoney fraud," or by dwling or pretending, to deal in what is commonly called ‘*`green articles," "?green coin," " green goods,f’ ·" bll1s,"‘ " paper goods," " sppfions Treasury notes," “United Statw goods," “ green cigrs," or any other Mxhes or terms intended to be· understood as relating to

uch counterfeit or spurious articles, shall, for the wrpose ot

executing such scheme or artiitlce or attempting so to do, place, or cause to be placed, any letter, postal card, package, wriéng, circular, pamphlet, or advertisement, whether addrwed to any person residing within or outside the United Statw, in any post omce, or `station thereof, or street `or otherl letter box of the United States, or authorized depository for mail matter, to be sent orldelivered by the post omce establishment of the United States, or shall take or receive any such therefrom, whether mailed within `or without the United States, or shall knowingly cause to be deliveredby mail according to the direction thereon, _ or at the place at which it is directed to be delivered by the person to whom it is addressed, any such letter, postal card, package, writing, circular, pamphlet, or advertisement, shall be lined not more than $1,000, or imprisoned not more than ave years, or both. (R. `S. I 5480; Mar. 2, 1889,, c. 393, 5 1, 25 Stat. 873; Mar. 4, 1909, ·c. -321, 5 215, 35 Stat. 1130.) ` 339. (Criminal Code, F section 2165) Using fraudulent tictitioua addreas.—;—Whoever, for the purpose of conducting, proimoting, or carrying on, in any manner, bytnaeans of the post office establishment ot the United States, any scheme ordevice mentioned in the section last preceding or any other unlawful business whatsoever, éhall use or assnmeeor. request to be addreswd by, any Hctltious, false, or assumed title, name, or address, ek name other than his own proper name, or shall take or receive from any post omce of the United States, or station thereof, or any other authorized depository ot mail matter, any letter, pontal card, package, or other mail matter addrewed to any such Hctltious, false,-or assumed title, name, 'or address, or name other than his own proper name. shall be punished as provided in section 338 of this title. (Mani 2, 1889, c. 398, { 2, 25 Stat. 873; Mar. 4, 1909, c. 821, § 216, 35 Stat. 1181.) _, _ ` 840. (Criminal Code, section 217, amended.) _ Poisons or axplasiym not mailahle; packing permitted; intoxicating, liquors; mailing; injurious intent.?-·All kinda of poison, and all y artlelaa and compositions containing poison, and all poisonous animals, insects, and reptilea,.and explosives of all kinds, and tndammable materials, and lni'ernLal~ machines, and mechanical, chemical, or other devicw or compositions which may lgnlte or