Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 44 Part 1.djvu/503

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489 TITLE 18.-GRIZIINAL con. shall forge ot counterfeit the aignatnre of any postmastea existant postmanteij, chic! clerk, or clerk, upon or to an money order, er poetal note, or blank therefor provided o a med hy oz under the direction of the Post Omce Departmem . .y.;‘ me United States, or nf any foreign country, and payabl in the United Staten, or any jnaterial signature or indorsemen 1l;5·reon,·0r any material signature to anymeceipt or certincat nf identification thereon ;»or shall falmly alter, or cause o L `;,,-mitre to he falsely altered in any material roepect, .01: know new aid or assist in falsely no altering any such money orde Qur pestal note; oxgehall, with intent to defraud, pass, utter, e `pzgialish any such forged or altet·ed_ money ordertfa: posts ann, knowing any material signature or indorsement thereo g · nefalse, forged, or counterfeited, 0; any material alteratio tgnwin to haveheen falsely made; or shall issue any mone .¤·m·r orpostal note without hnvlng previously received or pai the full amount nf money payable therefor, with the purpos ef fraudulently obtaining or receiving, or fraudulently ex nming any other person, either directly or indirectly, to obtai .n· receive from the United States, or any omoen, employee, o ment thereof, any sun: of money whateyer; or shall, with ir wut to defraud the United, States, or any person, transmit o pneent to, or cause of procure to be transmitted or presented te any officer or employee, or at any office of the Government oi tli Vnitéd States, any money order or postal note, knowing. th name to contain any forged or counteffeited signature to th eaten, or to any material indorsement, receipt, or certificat zi.-·x·een,Io1·~materia1 alteration thegein unlawfully made, or t have beeniunlawfully issued without previous payment of th uznnnant required to be paid upon such issue, shall be tlned nc ¤·t»re than $5,000, or imprisoned-not more than ilve years, o - Leah. (R. S.`§ ,5463} Jan. 3, 1887,1:. 13, § 2, I24¢Stat. 355; Iun 19, 1888, c. 394, ,§ 2, 25 Stat. 187; Mar. 4, 1909, c. 321, 5 211 33 Stat.-1131.) 1 · ~ ` 348Q (Criminal Code, section 219.) Counterfeiting postag stamps.-—Whoever shall forge or `counterfeit any postage stan;] ev €my_ stamp printed upon any staxnpcd envelope, or postal cart at- any die, plate, or engraving-Yherefor; or shall make t print, or knowingly use or-sell, or have in possession wit im··nt to use ,01: sell, any such forged or counterfelted poétag

—z:az_np, stamped envelope, postal card, die, platefor engraving

er shall make, or knowingly use or sell, or have`=ln possossio wirlx Intent to use or sell, any paner bearing the watermar uf any stamped envelope, or postal card, o;:’any.1’raudnler imitation thereof; or shall- make 01; print, or authorize or pre {—m—e to be made or printed, any postage stamp, stamped e1 X-oinpo, or postal card, of the kind authorized and provide in- the Post Otllce Department, without the special authorlt and direction of said department; or shall, after such postag azaxnp, stamped envelope, or postaltoard has been printee with intent to defraud, deliver the same to any peraon nc authorized by an instrument in writing, duly executed unda my hand or the Postmaster General and the seal of the Po: mliee Department, to receive it, shall be nned not more tha S500. or Mprlsoned not more than ave ymrs, or both. (R. I § 5464; Mar. 4, 1909. c. 321, l 219, 85 Stat. 1132.) 349. (Criminal Code, seetinn 220.) Counterfeltlng fofeig stamps,y——Whoex·er shall forge, er counterfeit, or knowing] ° utter or use any tergw or qounterteited postage stamp ( F any foreign-, government, shall be ined not more than $504 or imprisoned not more than nm years, or both. ° The words “ toreim government} as used in this Sendo shall he deemed to include any governxn<e11t,·taetion, or bodyac insurgents within a` country ylth which the United Statm 1 at Dmoe, which government, iacdon,. or body of insurgent may or may not have been @n1z& by the United States a a government. (R. 8. l 5405; lla:. 4, 1909, c. @1, U 220, 9 Stat. 1132; June 15, 1917, cl. 30, Title VIII, I 4, 40 Stat. @0. · \

s AND 01z1.u1NAL PROCEDURE § 3:54 r, 350. Printing publishing of illustrations in black and y white of foreign voyage or revenue stamps from defaeed »r plates and illustrations in black and white of portions of nt United States stamps allowd.-—Nothlng in sections 275, 286, Le and 349 of this title, shall he construed to forbid or prevent at the printing or publishing of illnstrations in black and white ze- ot. foreign postage or revenue stanxps from plates so defaeetl »r as to indleatothat the illustrations are not adapted or intended r- for use as s@1nps, or to prevent or forbid the making of necestr sary plates therefor for "usep in philatelic or historical articles, »r hooks, journals, or albums, or the circulars of legitimate ll publishers or dealers, in such stamps, books, journals. . or al- 11* bums. Nothing in said sections shall be construed t5 forbid I1 or. prevent similar jllustrations, ln black and white only, in Y philatelie or historical articles, books, journals, albnms, or li the circulars of legitimate publishers or dealers in such stamps,

  • 0 books, journals, albums, or circulars, ot ’aneh portion of the

1* border of .a starnp of the United States as may `be necessary ¤ to shopv minor differences in the stamp so illustrated, hat all lf such »illustraQtions shall be at least fear times as large as i· the portion of the original United States stamp so illustrated.

  • ¤` ~(Mar. 3, 1923, c. 218, 42 Stat. 1437.F . V

¤· 351. (Crixninal section ( 21.) Incl&g higher in

  • 6 wer class matter.-—-Matter of seeom, third,. on fonrth

LQ class containing any writing or printing in acldldon to the le original matter, other th as an orlzed by la?. not he $9 admltted to the mail nor delivered, except upon payment of $0 postage for matter of the_ first elass, llcénctlug therefrom any

  • 9 amount which may have been prepaid by stamps afaxetl, nn-

’t less by direction of the Postmaster General such postage shall ’*` be remitted. Whoever shall knowingly "eonceal or inclose any

  • ° matter of a higher class in that of al lower class, and deposit

gv or cause the same to beileposlted for eenveyanerby mall, at a less Jrate than would he charged forsuch hiéher clam matter, T? shall be fined not rnore than $100.-~ (B. S.- 5 $87; Jan. 20, Y'- 1888, c. 2, § 2, 25 Stat. 2; Mar} 4, 1909, e. 321, § 221, 35 Stat. 1 1132.) 4 . ’ . ”` 852. (Criminal Code, section 222.) Illegally approving ¥h bon¢l,·—-·Whoever, being a postmaster, shall am: his signature $0 to the approval of any bond of a bidder, or to the certincate T? of sufllelencylof sureties in any contract, before the mid bond

    • 1 or contract is signed by the bidder or contractor and his sure-

’k ties, or shall knowingly, or without the exercise of dee dililt gence, approveany bond of a bitldenwith insnmclent snretles, 0- or shall knowingly make any false or irandulent eertineate, ¤‘· shullbe forthwith dismissed from omee and be thereafter dis-

  • 6 quallllecl from‘l1ol<ling the olliceof postmaster; ?`and shall also

TY be ilned* not more than $5,000, or imprisoned not more than {B one year, or both. (R,- S. S 39U; June 23, 1874, e. 456, § 12, fl, 18 Stat. 235; Mar. 4, 1900, c. 321; 5 222, 85 Stat. 11%.) >t _ 353. (Criminal Code, section 223.) _Sabrnitting false evi- Pr dence as tg scéondwliss inatter.——\‘$’hoever shall knowingly st sgbmlt or cause to besubmltted to any postmaster or to the .11 Post OHlce Department or any omcer of the Postal Service, B. any false evidence relative to any pnhllcatiorf for the purpose ot securing the admission thereof at the second-class rate, for Vlf transportation in the mails, shall be aned not»n1ore than $500. ly (Mar. 8, 1879, c. 180, S 13, 20 Stat. 859; jane 18, 1888, e. 394, bt § 1, 25 Stat. 187; Mar. 2, 1905, c. 1304, $ Stat. 823; Mar. 4, 0. 1909,c.321, $*2%,85 scar. use.) ” ·— · 854. (Criminal`Code, section 224.) Indncing or prosecuting »n falm claims for losses.-—-Whoerer shall make, allege, or present, >£ or cause to be made, alleged, or presented, or assist, aid, or le abet/ln making, alleging, or presenting, any claim or applicala tion for lndemnlty for the ’5 loss of any registered letter, paras cel, package, or other article or matter, or the contents thereot',. t5 knowing such claim or application to be false, actitious, or .) fraudulent; or whoever Tor the purpose of obtaining or aiding