Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 44 Part 1.djvu/511

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'497 TITLE 18.-»-C'RIMINAL~CODE A vessel, pay for each person so received on board or‘ transported the-sum of $200, to be recovered in any court off the United States; theone moiety thereof to the vase of; the United Statx and they other moiety to the use of the Zperson who aueslfor and proeecntes the same; to eiect. (R. S. § 5554; Mar. 8 4, 1909, e. 321, S %7, 35 Stst.._114G.) _ J ) . _ · 438. (Qiminsl Code, section 258.)* Vessels found hovering on coasts £orfeited,.—·EveryTveSsel which is _!on,nd in any river, pm-; bay, or harbor, pr on the high seas, within- the jnirlsdiction of — the United States, or hovering on the coasts thereof, and having onboard any with lntentto sell such per·_ W sen an s·- slave, or ylth intent to land the same for that purpose, either in_the United States or I elsewhere, shall, together with*h%1' tackle, apparel, furniture; aud; the goods or edeetad on board of her, be forfeited 'to the United States. (R. S.= S ° 5555; Har. 4, 1909, c. 821. 5 258, 35<Stat. 1140.) . s R ` ·_ 434. (Criminal Code, section 259.) _Forfeit\1re of interest . Dia slave vessels; additional penalty.-·It shall be unlawful for any- citizm of the United States, for `othen person residing therein,. or under the jurisdiction thereof, `directly or indirectly to_hold or have any rlght oriproperty, as any vessel employed or made use ot in the transportation or carrying ot' slavm from one foreign conntry or place to another, and any such riglit or property shall ‘ beforfeited. and may llbeled and `condemned for themae of the person sulngqfor- the sa`Tine. Whoever shall violate the prohibition ot this section shall also forfeit and psy a sum of money equalto double the value ot his right or property in such ·veasel‘;*’and shall also forfeit a sam ot money equal to doable- the value of the interest he had in the slaves which at any time may be`) transported or car-‘ 3 ried inauch vemla. j (R. SQ § 5558; Mar, 4, 1909,,c. 321,; §· 259, 35 Stat. 1140.) `¤ _ I · ,_ f _. ‘, " 435. (Criminal Code, section 268.).8 A. Seizure of vessels in slave ·trsde.—5—#~·Cl‘he President ls, authorized, when he deems it expedient, to man and employ any of the armed vessels of · sho United States to cruise wherever. he mayyjudge attempts _ are making to carry `on· the slave trade, by citizens or resi- v · dg ata of the United Statw, in contrarention of laws prohibitory of the same; and, insneh case, he shall instruct the commanders of such armed vessels. to seize, take, and bring into _ any port of the United "Stst@, to be proceeded agalnst accord~ ing to law, all American vessels, wheresoever round, I which ` may have on board, or which may be intended for the pur- r pose of taking on board, or ot transporting, or may have transported any person, in yiolation of the provisions of any Act of 3 Congrem prohibiting thetrame in slaves. (R. S. Q 5557 ,; Mar. 4, 1909, c. 321, { M0, 35“Btst. 1140.) _ _ . 1 . · ` Code, sectiq_ 281.) Proceeds of condemn¢ vmels paid mo"1‘ressnry.——The proceeds of all vesmla, their ` tackle, apparel, and furniture, and `then goods) and effects on board ot them, which are so seized, prosecuted, and con·demned,.- ‘ shall be mid into the Tressnry of the United States. (R. S. Q 6 5558; Mar. 4, 1909, e. 321, { 281, 35 Stat. 1141;) · ,437. (Crimmsl Code, section 262.) Disposal of persons found m` seized vessel.-e—-'1‘heyo¤cers ot .the`”i·mel making such) 3 seizure shall utely jreep every person found on board of any vmel so seized, taken, or brought into port for condemnation, and shall dellvu 2 every such person to the marshal ot the district into which he may be brougm, *11* into a. port of the Ua1ted~8tst@, or it elsesihxere, to such person as may be law- ` tally- appointed by the Pm&dent, in the manner directed by law, tranmittln; to the Preddent, as soon as may M after _~ such delivery, a descrlpdve list of meh persons, in order that he may me .d1l'€CC10@1l‘f61' the disposal or them;. (R. s; Q- , 5559:; Mar. 4,819m, e. 321, § 2Q, 35 Stat. 1141.)* <· _ _ . . 4%. (Criminal section 283.) of ohcers and erew.———’I1:e commanders of such eomrnlasloaed vwsels 86270"·-··—¥28——--—»82 " o “ "

my C'RIH1NAL.PROUEDURE . . § 445 ehnll canse to `be apprehended and taken into custody every person found on_ board of such o&ending vessel so seized and taken, being of the oflicers or crew thereof, and! hixn convey, aa soon as. convenienély may be, to the civil authority of the United, States, to be proceeded against in due coarse ot law., (R. S. 5560;.M§I°. 4, 1909, c..321, Q 263, 35 Stat. 1141.) y. 439. (Criininnl, Code, section 264:) Removal of persons delivered from seized vemél.-;—·The President- is. authorized to make `such regulations and arrangements asl he may deem expedlent for the sate-keeping, support, and 'removal. beyond the limits of the United Statw‘ of all such persons as may be so delivered and broughtwithin its jurisdjetion. (B. S. $,5561; Mar. 4, 1909, c. 321, 6 264, 35 Stat. 1141.)* _ ‘ 440. (Criminal Code, section 265.) To what port captured 4 yeseel sent;-—It shall be the duty of the com_mande1= of any,) armed vessel oi the _·United States, whenever he makes any capture nnder Sthe rp17eqeding‘provisio11s, to bring the yeseel and her cargo, -1*or adjudication, into some port _0t the State, Territory, ·or Distriet to which _ sngzh vessel so captured mny belong, iI.he canaseertain the same; if net, then into any‘—eonvenient port of the UnitedStates. (R. S. § 55%; Mar. 4, 1909, e._21-,-§ 265, 35 Stat. 1141.) ¤ — _ t ' ° 441. (Cri1ninal_"Cpde,- `section 266.) When onmere nf fo1·- eign vessels shall give bond.-·Every owner, master, or fectnr of any foreign vessel clearing from any port within the jnris· » diction of the United States, and suspected to be intended for the slave trade, and the suspicion being declared to the omcer of the customs by any citizen,. on oath, and such information being to the satisfaction of the oicer, shall hrst give bend, with sudicient surcties,. to the Treasnrer— of the United States that none of the natives of any foreign country or place shall! be taken on board. such vessel to be transported or eold_as slaves in any other foreign port or placewhatever, within nine monthsthereafter. (R. S.·§ 5564.; Mr1’r.°4,1909, c. 321, § 266, 35 Stat. 1141.) » ‘ l _ 4422 (Criminal Code, section 267.) Instrugtions to masters of armed vessels.—~—Thé President is authorized to iesne instructions to the commanders of the armed vessels yo! `the United St.ates,’di.recting them, whenever it°`is practicable, and under such rules and regulations as he may prescribe, to proceed directly to the country from which they were taken; and there hand over to the agent of the United States all such persons, delivered from on board vessels seized in the prosecution of the slave trade; and they shall afterwards bringthe captured- vessela and persons engaged ‘ in prosecutinf snch trade to the `United States for trial and adjadications (R, S; § 5567; Mar. 4, 1909, c. 321, 5 287, 35 _Stnt..11~41.)» - . ‘ . 443. (Criminal Code, section 268.) Kidnaping.e——Whoever kldnaps or carrles away any bther person, with the intent that auch other personrhe sold into in`s*olnnta.ry mrvitndg, or held as a slave; or who entlcee, persnades, or induces any other person to gh on `board any vessel or to any other place with the intent that he may be made orheld an a, slave, er nent out of the country to be so made or held; or who in any way knowingly aida in eausing`any_other person to be held, sold, or carried away to be held. or seldeaa aslalre, ehall be fined not more than $5,0QO, or imprisoned not inore than are years, erboth. ,( R. S. S M25: nm-. #1, 1eoe,_ lz. 2.21, 5 ees, an Stat._1141.). r 444. (Criminal Code, section 269.) Holding -`¤r returning berstmita penma_ge.-—\\·’hoever holds, arrests. returns, or causes to be held, intrested, or returned, or in any manner aids in the arreatiorl return of any person to a condition of peonage, shall be tlnedenot more than $5,000, er imprisoned not more thantlve ym·¤,‘¤r beth. cn.; S. I 5526; mrf~4. wee, e. 321, 5 2eo, 35 Stat; 1142.)_ _ - _ .. ‘ · ‘ 445. (Criqlnal Code, section 270.) [`Saine; ebstructing en-? forcement of law.-Whoever obstruc·ts,·_0r attempts to <>bSf餑l1ét.