Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 44 Part 1.djvu/518

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§ 541 5 TITLE 18.··-ORIMINAL com:. Sac, — , ~ _ i , » E 563. Ccvisel and witnesses for persons indicted for capital crimes. 564;. Stauéing mute.; ` 565. Yerdicts; has bmmse than charged. i 536. Same; several (juiixt defendants. _58’i'. Sanier qusimad verdicts. } i 568. Pardoning power. ‘ I . 569. Judémemzs for Haas; collpctioxz. 570. Bispasitian af bribe moneys. A 571. Ccustructionlcf w0rds.\ K ` 572. Efigct ct emitting “ hard l8.bO1'.” · 573. Arrangement xml classiiication cfsections. 574. Juri$di~cti<m cf;c§cnses unda; certaip sections. Scctitm _541; (Criminal Code, section 335.) Feldnicg and misdemcanors.e¥.&ll offgnsasimghlch may bgipunished by death, cz- imprisonment fora term éxceggliugf om; year, shall be aeemgq felonies. All other "qffens@ shall be deemed Ymisdameguors. (Mar. 4, 190*9, c. 321, § 335, 35 Stat. 1152.) . _ M ~ ‘- b 542. (Criminal Code, section 323.)* Death penalty by hang-. iI1g.——Th€"H}8HB€f of inflicting thé puuismnent of death shall be by hanging. (R, sg °§ 5325;; Mar. 4, 1903, c. 321, 5.323; 35 sml 1151.)_-l' ‘ ‘ 1 _. 543,`(Cri·ininal gada, section 331;) Body (uf executed offcpder for dissection.--The court before which any person is convicted oi murden in me iirst .d€g1T€€§01' ii·;1pe,‘ may, in its discretion, add to thé judgment of death, that the body of the offender be delivered-io ai surgeon for dissection; and the marl sha! who executes such judgixient shall deliver the body,. after

  1. execution, to such surgeon as the courti may? dissect; and such

sumeon, or sipmc person app0ii1ted°by~him, {shall receive rand take awa;s¥.—"the body at the time oflex tion. l {Ri S. § 5340; Mar. $,4.1909; c. 321, 5 331, 35, Stat. 11,52??“ _' , ‘ 544, (Criminal Codeysection 324.) ‘Corruption of blcodénd forfeiture of estate excluded.-—-·N0 `C0l1ViCtiQi1' or judgment shall `work corruption of lbldbcl or any forfeiture bf estate. (R. ·S. § 5326; Mar. 4, 1$09, c. 321;:§ 324, 35 Stat. 1151.) »- i " " 545. (Criminal Code, section 325.) Whipping and pillnry abolished,-··']2he punishment of whipping and of stuhdiug in the pillars shall not be lpHicted.i (R. S. 5 5327 ; Mar. 4, 1909. c. 321, § 325, 35 iStat..1151.) · 1 _ ‘ ·` ; - 546. (Crimixyal Code, sectiqgi 340.) Jurisdiction of district c01irts.——·—'i?h·e2~ crimes 'aml offenses defined in this title shall ba ccguizziblc in time district courts of the United Sfzitcs, as prascrihediu section 41lcf Tidc;28. (Mar. 4, 1909, c. 321, § 340, 35 Stat. 1153.) . g' ’ "‘ "~ I 3 547. (Criminal Code, section 326.) Jurisdiction of ” State c0urts,·—·—iN0tl1ing in sccti0us;1.t0 553,* 567, 568 and 571 of this title Sxmizinie holdin take axmy or impair the Jurisdiction of 11:0 lzmirts bf the srzwieml States under the_lmvs`there0f. (R. S. .§i 53128; Mgr. 4. 1909,-0. 321, §’ 326, 35 St t. 1151.) ` 548. (Criminal Cade, section -328.) `gxciians committing certain izrimc; acts on reservations; tape cm Indian w0nian.——¥—All éIil·illil¥1S committing (against the person or p1·0pcrty"0f another Imlism or other person any of the following crimes, m1m<·ly—·-—- lmmwlcr, ningmlaxxglxtcr, mpc, assault with infant to kill,`z*ass=nu1t with :1 izlmxgcmnzsz weapon, 211*:4011, burglary, and larc0ny,_w.itl1i¤ any Tcmitcry of the _United States, gmd cither'·witlxiu or witheutsm Inélizm r<2:—;ezrx·a‘ti<m, slmll bc subject therefor tO the laws of such Territory relating to said crimes, and sslmll bcitried th0rc~fk·r in the ssamé coizftsi and in the s11111c:‘n1z1`uucr and slim] be sxilijeet in i]ll(‘·?¤'{1ll`xQ penalties zira all 0theerEp0rs0i1s’ chu1·;.;cd ‘witl1 the ceisilixiiissiiwxx of said ¢s·rizm·s, respcctivelyg and the said cmxrfs are lmx·<eh;v given jm·is¤dicti<m in all such casc·ss.~ * Ami all such Indians cmnmithzig any of thi}'11ll¢`i\’i3·I1{l1l}£¥(1 crixixcslugzxinst {lie p<·r·s¤m1 fir pmpci·t;· of aimrlwr Imlizm cir: other {>(;1'S<!H within t1¤0‘l»m:nclz1ri<>ss of any Stale of tim Uz1ite>d· States, and within tim limits of may Iiidixm 1·<:5ervati011. slaall be isubjact tdthe same laws, tx·icd·in the slime c0i1rts and in the same! nmxmer and be subject to the sgunn penalties gsarcl all "officer persons committing any. of the above érimeswithm the exclusive jmvis diction of the United Statics.- Any Indian who s.hk1l°1 gommll

AND CRIMINAL PROCEDURE 504 tire ettense ot rape upon arsyfemelé Indian witlilu the liiimts ob any Indian reservation shall be imprisoned at the discretion of the court. " (Mar. 3, 1885, c. 3511, § 9, 23 Stat; 385; Ian. -15, 1897, c.‘29, § 5, W Stat. @87; Mar. 4,1909, c. 321,55 328, 35. Stat. 1151.) _ A { ~— · 549. (Criminal Cqdc, section 329.)` Crimes committed on Indian reqervaticns in Seuth Dakets; rape of female Indiaxi.-—-S j1‘he· district courts ot the United Stdtes fer the district of ‘ South Dakota shall have jurisdiction, to beer, tr ,. and [deter. mine all actions and gmcecdings in whieh any §e§*s0u·sh;111 be charged with the crime of murder, ,m$IlS1Bl1ght€1l,‘ rape; assault withlirxtent to kill, assault with a` dangerous weepoiy argon, burglary, or larceny, committed wifhinjhé limits of Eur Indian reservatich lin the St:;te`0f Smith Dakota. person cen. _ rvicted 613 murder,. manslaughjzér, repe,»arsL0 :1,[0r btrrglary, mmmittccl within the. limits ·‘0£ any such rwervatlcu, shall be sm;- ject to tliej same punishment Tas is lmpoaetl upon persmis com-. ·mitti11g said crimes lwithin the exclusive .juxisdiciti<m, of the United States. Any Indian-who shell commit the crime ei rape upon any female Indian within ini such xmervaticu shell be impris.0’ned. at the discretion Uof the ctmrt. Amy mrson canvicted of the crime of assatiiti with; intent to kill, aeséultwith _ul dangerous weapon, cr larceny, committed. withirr the limits `of any such reservation, dflall be subject to the same pamela- ~ ment as is` provided in cascscf ether persons c0¤victed' of any of said crimes, under the laws of the State of South Dakqm. (Feb. 2, 1903, c. 351, 32 Stat. 793;; Mar. 4, 1909, c. 321, §` 329, 85 sm. 1151.) . — 5 “ ·’ ~ » V 550: (Criminal. Code, section 332.) ·" Prirtcipals" de*§ned.——- Whoewjer directlyrcommits anyect constituting an·¤5e:1sc ;`le·· mined in` any 1aw_ gr the United States, or aide, abets, counsels, commands, induces, or procures its .commissieu., is a principal. ‘(R. S. §§ 5323, 5427; Mar. 4, 1:909, c. 821, { 332, 35 Stat. 1152.) 551. (Criminal Code, section 333.) Puniglnmeut of screw Vsoricse-\$»’h0es·er, except as otherwise expressly pmvidcd. by * mw, being hn"' accessory after tlferfuct to the commission of any ` offense deiined in any lkw of the United- Statee. Shall im- . priscmed not exceeding one-half the longestcterm oi imprison- ’ment, or Hned. not exceeding cne—hb.I£ the largest Hee prescribed, l fbrthe punishment of the principal, or both, if_W the principal ‘ is punishable by both fine and imprisonment; e it the principal is punishable by death, then an access0ry· sheil lie imprisoned not more than teuyears. (Ri. S. §§‘ 5533-5535; Mar. 4, 1909, l c. 321, § 333, 35 Stat. 1152L) , { > · . . l- ~ _ . , ‘ 552. (Criminal Code, section 334.) Sewer robbery or l, pi1‘é;cy.———\\'lioe»·er,- without lawful auth0rity,_ receires or takes . i;1tu‘_c¤eto;1y `-any vessel, goods, or other Qprqperty, felonlcuely _ taken by any robber or pirate against the Iews of the United · SlZ§1l.€S,VkIl(i$\`l1lg the same to here been felonletisly taken, eed » .wh0ever,,u kn<m·ing»th:.1t such pirate- crcrcbber has done or com- ’ mit§tetl_a1)y.s11t:I1 piracy or, robbery, en the land or at sed, re- · -ceivcs, entertains, or conceals any euch pirate er robber, is xm

a<;=cc~es=m‘y after the fact to` such robbery or piracy, and shall be

i ixmwiéozzecl nctmcire than ten yesxrsf (R._S. §§ 5324, 5533; Mar., · tt, 1Si>09,·e=. 321, § 334, .*:25 Stat. 1152.) Q `· 1 . 5 1 ¤ 553. (Criminal Code, section 336.)- Place of ccriimittal nf L mxgrder or .mam—;lmigl1ter determined.--In all cases of murder l or rinainzxslaxughtcr, the crime elmll be deemed torhave been cern! I x mittcd at the plirce where the injury was indicted, or the poison l sxdmiuistcrcd or _OtllEfl?—·H1(¥£llli eumloyed xvhiélx caueecl the dczztlm, l <\·i!;l1m1't lIl”(‘,?_,`fl1`d to ttm place where the death occurs. (Mar. t 4. 15909, c. 321, § 336, 35 Stat. 1152,.) ~ L ‘ ` n i 554. Indictments {md prescntments; by twelve grzmd 1 jurors.---ZS'0 iu·<lict;nentZ-shell be found, ner elmll {my present-

mer1t llc umale, witlxeut the couctxrreuce of at least twelve

, grand jurors. ° (R. #§ 1021.) .· ° ; _ s 555.`Same; offenses against elective franchise.-·—AI1 crimes, · and offenses ceuimitted against the prm‘isi<m§` of sections 54 . I; Eto 59, 428, aud 443`to 445 of this title, xvlgichere met infzmlous, f