Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 44 Part 1.djvu/527

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$$3 TITLE 18,·—·—·ORHH1VAL CODE i Same; action by board um have at warrant; revecatientef pamlea qw. Same; parole cmcer toreaclg pmltentiary; supervision of pamled prisoners by marshals. a ~ 722. Same; gratuities or transportation te pareled prisoners. 7;;;:, Samv; United States prlsomra ih State reformatorleag parole under State laws; . Tigfl, Same; power of President to grant pardpn er commutation, or geed time allowaace net impaired. Z34. Suspension of imposition or execution of acnteucea and placing at defendant upon prabationg power at courts; revocation or medlamtloa at probation; duties ot prcbntlcner. 3**;:5, Same; powers of probation e§t;ern; arrest of probatiener. gc;. same; prebatlea omcers; appointment, etc. •·· , Q2?. Same: duties of prebatle:1 0$cers. ‘ E h Section 691. Temporary jails for ccnmnexent uf' Uaitd` States priactnera.-y·——In a State where the use ·0f_jal1a, peniterv xiaries, or other houaes iauot allowed for the imprisonment of perstpns arrested or committed tindex; the authority of Hehe waited States, any marshal in such; State, under the direction, ot the judge of the clistrlct, may ‘ hire, 0: otherwise procure, within the limits. et such Elités In eottvealent place to serve as a 'tempomry ?ll§ (R..§, Q 552;l'('.)_ A · 692,,Safe·keepi¤g‘ e United States pn·ise¤er•;“-maréhala tn ,. make previ@¤zaa,fer.——The, marshal. shall make aueh other pro-` vision, as he maj demi- expedient and aeceasary ¤fqr` the safekeeping of the prisoners arrested or cémmitted uudertthe authority ot the United States, until permanent provision for mat purpose is made by law} (B, S. G 5638.) l` A . · ; 683. Control, discipline, and, treatmgt of ‘ llitited States convicts in State er Territorial jails or pria0¤s.—Wh¢n0ver any criminal, convicted at any omrnae agitlstl the United States, is imprisoned in tbejail or penltmtiary tr any State .0r Ter-. rimry, such. prlmtnal shall ln allreapecta be ubject to the same dlseipline \Bd’t1’6I@QBt'&B·00{lYl¢tS sentenced by the muerta of the State or '1‘an~iter3 in which such jail or penitentiary is altuatedi had vtplle QQ edxmued therein Bhdll ex! cluslvely under the contig! ot the emcers having el1‘arge·et the same, the laws ht smelt State or Territory. (Il, S. ’ 694. of United States prlaeaerq tb State penitentiary not ia judtdalzhtrict wkre smtmce was imposed:-»· Where an ju@cla1&¢trict has here or may mreatter be divided, the district ecurts of the patted ‘ States shall have power, to sentence my uae convicted -0t an Mem, malmable by, lmvriauameat at hard laker to the penitentiary tlte State, though it be mt ut the judicial! district lu` whi the eeavletlen iahad. (R. 8.§55$.) , . [ `_ · ‘ · 5- · 695. Exemtien of aemmces lit State jail or pmiteatiary.-··· Where may person convicted at any eqwae against the United L States is teyimpriaeament {pr a wried longer than one year, er te imprlseummt and eoatl@eat° at hard labor, the ceurt by which the aeatenee le passed may order, the haze 10 be exepmee in any State- jail or peattmtlaryl within the .distrlet or State where auch ceurt it held, " the uw . of whteh jail cr, mnlteatlary is allmred by the lmalature, et the State for that §§1i’])00Q.` “ (R, fl 5§Q1,.B542.)_ · I V I 696. Cc¤£me¤mt of in State or ,Te§·· riterial Salk er pemtcatlarlesg dmgantimt by Attaraey Gem ernl.-··-All persona eavlctecl a at by “ any jcearts of the United States, including whew puhishment is imprisonment la a. éiatrtct or at éatmtry where, at the at eamvtctiou er at aay time darlagthe term (ef lmlifisonment. there may be no penitentiary lor 1all“b¤ltable·fer the e0¤msemeat_ of yer available therdeziy shall A be <‘¤¤¤¤M during the term ter which they have been ·—m· may M sentenced, ewduflnz the xmldtse at tum, in acme suitable jail or penitentiary in a convenient State or Territory to be dealganted by the Atterney General. '·(R. _ B. { 5546: `luly 12, 187% c. 1%, 19 Stat, 88; Mar. 8, 1901, c. 828, 81 Stat. 1450.) 8|270°—·»26-4-38 · · ‘

AND URIMINAL }’1:€§}(;’}JDL’RE § 702 697. Same; transportation of convicts to designated places; costs.-—-The persons designated in section 6% of this title eneii be transported end delivered to the werden or knew; of auch jnitor penitentiary by the marshal of the district or Territory o where the conviction has occurred. In cnee of convictions by n consular court the transportation shall be by eome properly qunliiied agent on agents designated by the Depertment of State, the reasonable nctnnl expense of transportation, neces-; sary subsistence, and (hire end transportation ot guards end agent or agents to be defrayed from the appropriation for bringing home criminals. If the conviction M had in the District of Columbia, the transportation and delivery shell be by the warden of the jail of that District, the rensonabie nctnnl expense of transportation, necessary eutmstence, and hire and transportntion of gnerds and the marshal, or the warden ot the jail in the ’ District of Ootmnbin only, to be paid by the Attorney General ont; of the judiciary fund. I1', in. the opinion of the Attorney General; the expense ot trense portation from nny State, Territory, or the District of Columbini in which there in no penitentiary will exceed the cost of innintnlining them in jail in the State, Territory, or the Dietrict of Columbia. during the; period of their sentence, then it shall be lawful so to coniine them therein. for the period designated in their xwctive sentences. (R. S. { $46; Jn1y 12, 1876, c. 183._19.Stat. 88; Mar. 3, 1961. c. 873, 31 Stat. M50.) 698._Snn1c; chimge of - place of con§nement.—·'Im place of imprisonment. designated ns prescribed by section @8 of this title may be changed in any cnse when, in the opinion ot the Attorney General} it in necessary for the preservation of the .hen1th‘oi' the prisoner, or when, in his Gpinion, the place of confinement is not'. sumcient to eecnre···tne custody of the · prisoner, or _ because ot, cruel and improper trenment. No change-shall be mode in the ot nny prisoner on the ground ot fthe nnhealtninesa ot the prisoner or because of treat- ·. ment; after. his conriction and ydnring his term of `imprinonment, unless such change shall be npmted for by awk prisoner, or some, one on me behalf. (R, S; {5648; July 12. 182%, c. _ 183,_19__$tat. Mar. 3, 1901, c. 873, 81 Stat. 1450.)* _' " 699., Sxme; snbdstmce employment of cem=icts.-—·-—·'1‘he Attorney General shell contract with the managers or proper nnthorities baring control ot? connned. in State or 'lkrritorinl jnils or penitentinries under A section M6 oi this title, for the imprtbonment, subsistence, and proper employ- ment ot them. and Shéll give the court having jnrhdiction of ouch me? notice of the jini! or penitentiary where snch prisoners t _Ii becomned. (B. S.’§Q®4'•'.) _ V 709.. Same; dothini s¤d_'¤p餤¢y on die- — chnrge {rom; any of nny `imrson convicted the laws of the?>United States n indictment., hejor she aha!} be provided bye the werden e or keeper of mid penn with, one phtn nett or clothes ond $5 in money, for whicn charge ®nlI be made end

 nllowed in the accounts of mid prinonwith the United Stetee.

This spell not apply to persons nmtenced for n term of _ imprisonment. of lose than nix months. (Mer. 3, 1875, c.· 145, s2,*1sem..‘4no.1 , ··_ ‘ ~ · 791. for trnuportntion and connnenmt of prisoners paid by States.;-·;¢—·AlI the attendant upon the transport!-tion froxnpinoe to place, and npon the temporary _. or permnnent condneinent of persona arrested. or ·com`rnitted nnder O the lawn ot the 1Un1teot_steeee; no well as npon the execntion ot any sentence of a" conrt > tnerwf · respecting them. shall be paid out of the Treasury ot the United States in the ` o manner provided by Inv., {R. 8.} Q $536.) _ _ ' ° A .702, Report of warden of peniten€i.•ry.—-The warden of the p penitentiary of the United Stntm for tm District of Columbia shall make to the Secretary of the Interior, ennnnlly,-[in time to accompany thetennnei mceenge ot we President to Congress, ‘a report of h1.a·ope‘rntions dnrtngthe preceding year, and of the