Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 44 Part 1.djvu/528

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§ 703 av mw IQ.-;—ORIMINAL conn, manner in which all appropriations have been applied. (R. S. 1 § 1828.) _ = ‘ l 763. Actual reasonable cost of subsistence psig!.-There shall be allowed and pfhid by the Attorney General, [for the subsistence of prisoners in the custody of any marshal of the United Statw_ gid the warden of the `jhail inlthe District of 1 Columbia, such sum only as it reasonably and actually cost to subsist them. And it shall be the duty of. the Attorney General to prescribe such regulations for the government of ‘ the marshals and the warden of the Jail in the Q District .ot» Columbia, in relation to their duties under this chapter, as will enable him to determine the actual {and reasonable expenses incurred. (R. S.‘§x5545.)» h — ’j ` ° ’ 764. Coat of are of. District of Columbia. convicts charged against District; awonnts.—'I.‘he cost ot the care and custody of District ot Columbia convicts in any Federal penitentiary shall be charged against the District ot. Columbia in quarterly accounts to be rendered by the dlsbursing omcer of saidqienii tentiary; and the amount. to `be charged against the `District, ot Columbia éhall M ascertained by multiplying · the average daily number of District of Columbia. · convicts contlnegi in the penitentiary during the quarter by ge per capita tcost for all prisoners iusuch penitentiary for th same quarter but e°£clnding expenses ot construction or extraordinary repair ,offbuild· . ings. "(Mnr. 3, 1915, c. 75, `§ 1, 38 Stat. 869.)> , ~_ Q 795. sentence; executed in house; of correction.-—-4 Whenever any person ts convicted of- any Joitenee. against the United States which is punishable by ilne and jmprisonment. or by either, the court by which the sentence, is passedelmay order the sentence. to be executed in any house of. correction or house oi reformation for juvenile delinquents within the State or district where such court isheld, the use ot £v*hich_ is authorized* by the legislature ot the State for such purposej (Bt S. 766, Juvenile oKenders;' con§nen1ent.—-J uvenile foffenders

against~theTlaws—·0£ the United States, being’uni_1er the ugelot

sixteen years, and, who may hereafter be convicted of criine, the punishment wuereor is pimprlsonmfent, shall 'be confined during the term of sentence in some house of refuge; to ··be designated by the Attorney General, and shall be transported and delivered to the warden, or keeper of such house ot: refuge b· the gnarehal ot the district where such conviction has occurred; or it such conviction be` had in the District of Columbia, then the tr rtatiou and delivery shell be by the warden of the jail of that dlstiiiot. and thereasonable actual expense of “the transportation, necessary subsistence, and hire', and tra¤8— ` portationlot assistants andthe marshal or wanton, onlhshall 'be mid by the Attorney General, out of the judicioiry fund. (RQ S. S 5§49.} t d. . A 707.% Some; contracts for subsistoncw-·'.[he`Att,orney General shall contract with the managers or persons ‘having_ control of such houses of refuge for the imprisonment; suhsistence, and. · proper emwoyment oi all such; juvenile offenders, and shall give the severaleonrts ot the_Unitéd `States engl ot· the Distr _ et Columbia notice or the plaeee so provided for `fh6'CODU11 lZ, ofsuch offenders; and they shall be sentenced to,-couiups e ut in the house ot refuge nearest the place oft conviction so desig— noted by the Attorney General; (R. S. '§_ 6550.) t ‘ _ ` ` 708. Hiring out United Staten. oonvictse-—It shall not be lawml for any omcer, agent, or servant ot the Government ot the United States to contract with any person or corporation, or 7 permit any warden, agent, or omclal ot any State prison, ·wnl·· tentlnry, jail, or house ot correction where criminals or the United;Statu may be incarcerated to hire or out the labor oftsaid criminals, or am" Daft of them, who may be com {med in I prison, jail, or other place of incarceration tor va violation of~’a.ny.laws ot§the roommate of tbe·United Statm of America. \§\Feb. 23, 1887, 213, { `1, 24 Stat, 411,). ,_.. .

up cmuzzvlz. rlzocwn was 514 709. Same; penalty.—Any person who shall offend iagalust the provisions ot section 708 ot this title shall be deemed guilty of n misdemeanor, aud, on conviction there.0f, shall be imprisoned for a term not less than oneyeer nor more than three lywrs, at the discretion of the court, or shall. be tlned not less than $500 nor more than $1,000 for each offense. (Feb. 23, 1887. c. 213, Q 2, 24 Stat. 411.) I ‘ 710. Deductions from sentences for gmd condnct; enigmtation.—-·Each prisoner who has been or shall hermtter be con. » victed of any oiense ngainst the law! of the United States, and is confined. ln egecution oi! the judgment or sentence upon any such conviction] in any United Stgta penitentiary or jail, or in nuy penitentiary, prison, or jail of any State or Tertitory; for n definite term, other than for life, whose record of conduct shows that he has faithfully observed all the rules and has not been subjected to punishment, shall be entitled to ahdeductiou from the term of his sentence to be %m§ted .as follows, commencing on the Bret day of his arrival at the penitentiary, prison; or jail: Upon n sentence of not Iwo then `six mouths not- more than one year, Ave days for each month; upon a sentence ot. more than one fear and leea` than three years, six days for each month; upon an sentence of notxless _ than three years and less than- five years; mea days for each month; upon a_ sentence oi not lem than uve years and less than ten years, eight days for each month; upon n_ sentence ot ten. years or more, len days for each month. ~When Q pris- _oue1·_has two or more sentences. the aggregate of several sentences shall be. the basis upon which his deduction shall beestimated. "(R. S. H; 5543,_§544;_1!nr. 3, 1875, c; 145, { 1, 18 Stnt.,479; Mer. 3, 1@1. c. 5@,`§ 8, 26 Stit;. 8·§0TJtme 21, 1902, c. 1140,. 6. 1,_1§2` Stat. gw!.) _» p . 1 ‘ ’ ’ ‘ · 711. `Sainc; restcrntion of forfeited comm¤t•tien.—»Iu the · case ot convicte in any United States penitmtlary, the Attor· · _ ney General Shall have the power to I rwtore to any smh con- Lvict who has heretofore ormny hereafter forfeit any good-time byi violating any existing law or prison regulation auch portion . V ot Y lost good time `as `may be proper, in his 3¤ds1he¤tQ upon ` _ recommendations and evidence submlttéd. to hirn by theyynrden ·' in_ charge. Restoration. in the casey et United Sutes convicts ’ coniiued in State and Territorial institution, shall teg·· amen tu; accordance wml che rules such mum- _ mms, 1-e¤pequve1y.~ (June: {woo,. c. 1140; s p2, M sm; som 1 . 712. S•¤e: IQNDQI •Iected.·-Sections 710 and 711 M this _ title shall apply to all sentences imposed eubseqnent to July —21,· 1902, ·u1xd·`to the beut imposed prlor thereto the commutation upon fwhlch `is than that prorided in said sections 710 and 711. (June 21.1902, c. 1140, { 3,tW Stgt, $3; Apr. 1906, c. 1997, . 34 Stat..r10.) . · _ » 712d. Sine; convicted prim- te Inn 21, 1902.- Prieoners contlned ln jails or penltentintlw ot any State fora! offended against the”United §t¤tes~nnder sentencg imposed prior l ,t0_ June.21, 1902, shall, except aq otvrwlse provided an seetione j 710 to 712 of this title,`he entitled o the same rule or credits ° {or, good behnvlorunpplicable to other prleonere in the name jail or».·peni_tentinry._ (R. S. l June ‘21,..19®,lc. 1140, { 3.3 r .32 Stat. .388; Apr. 27, 1900, c. 1891, 34 Sm:. 149.) _; . T · 713. Sime:`.entry on Qccmqltimnt vrnrnnt;. ferfeiture.e—· Each.p1‘lsoner entitled to the dedhction provided _ for in section _710 or this title shall. be discharged at the expiration or his term oi ewtence less the time so deducted, end n cate of the warden, or heepefotfthe prison or penltentlgryi ot ouch deduction shell he enterw on the `werrnnt ot commit-“ ment. It dnrink the term of imprisonment the prisoner pshall ( commit gnny offense for which he be convicted by e jury. all remission; j_theretotore’ made shall be thereby annulled. `(Mar. 8. 1875, c. 145, | 1, 18 Stat. 479.) ,_ ~ i _ _ 714. Pnrele ,o1j=_pdio¤m; mdltions.—-——Every prlqoner who has been or may hereafter he convicted ot ~ any offense agiinst