Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 44 Part 1.djvu/534

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§ S17 TITLE IS.-——C*RIMINAL UODE l l et eeld beard te recommend simys and mgm for the discipline and treixaiegl of such inmates, that tm their discharge from such iustitutieh they may secure suitable employment; (June 7, 1924, e. 287, § 7, 43 Stat. 474,) `_ = . { 817. Iéstructien and training of eihm§tee.5+—·It shell be the duty et the Attemey Gwerelj te prevlde for the inétructioxi of the inmates ie such tuetitutsleul in the common xbranches of an English K edecetien., and fer their training in such trade, in- l duétry, er} eecepetiehal pursuit es will best enable said ‘ in— i mates eh release te ebtaltz selbsuppertixlg employment}. (June

 7, 1924, c. 23i, § 5, 43 Stat. 4742) ~ _ » .   V h.; ·` A

l 818. Parole of inmates.-4-—’Zl‘he inmates got such lndustriel institutien shall be eligible te parole under eectiensl 714 to 721 et this title. Such. inmates shell be entitled te ccmmutatien ellewemce fer geed eeutluct in accerdanee with seetions 710 te 712 of this title. (June 7, 1924, -c. 287, § 8, 43 Stat; 475.) ] l 819. Traaspertntieh, etc., fer 5 inmates luptm: discherge.-4 Eveagy inmate, wheat dlseharged from suéh iIldl1lSt!li8.l°:i!IS€ltl1- titm. shell he furnished with trhnsportati0:1‘t0 theplaée `0f— con-. vi<·tieh· er §l¥1CQq0fbQR§1~§dQ reeldence, 0; to such other place ini the jlujted States as maybe e.1itherized.by_ thel;Att0rl1ey Geneml. and shell beifumiehed with suitable clothing and $20 in mez1e3yQ (Jtuxeli, 1924, c. 287, § .9,‘4é3'Stat,, —{175.)·` ·{ Chapter 27;--JJNITED STATES INDUSTRIAL REFORM- L 'ATOBY. · ll ” t , Set-. _ » l ‘ · 831.»Selectleh etsite; persons to be confined ln; sentence need hot ’ epeecify piece et, cendnement. _ ‘ · t i ‘ _ L 832. Estimate et cegt; ·px·lse¤ labor, employed in cpnstmctlen'; annual estimates ct, expenses of maintexmncel · · _ ’

 Plane, sp~ecl¤ca.tiehs,_ etc., for buildings;   ,  

K_ 834, Centre}, mauelgement, e&cers, and, egpleyéeg qt ixgstitdtiou; ‘ 835. Trmyfer of persons tc 'or from institution. · 83¤§.~Beerc§q£`Adylsers. f `· " ’ ‘ " _. 337.`—Ifiscip1l¤e; lgetructlee and training of inmates. . 8-38. Employment of inmates. · _ 1 83S. Purely ei inmates; ·ccmmutntie¤ allowances. - 849. Ttetmperthetlen, etc., fer discharged inmates. Section · 831. Selection. of site]: P€l§d0¤8 to be leenined in; sentence need act BP€*¢ifY place of e¤¤§¤ement.~The Attorney ¢Geee:·el, é the Seeretary of Wer, sind th6'S€C1'Gt§fY ot the Interim am { éutherlzed `audt jllreeted ;t0 seleet _ an _ site _ for an industrial retermetery< whlch shall be used ter the cendeemeht et male persene between the ages; of (Seventeen and l thigty years} who have been or jelmll °be convicted of cdehees 5 W eggaieet the United States, including persons convicted by general eeuxts-mactial ded consular courts, . and sentenced fer, terms let ‘ imprisonment for more than one year, with or without 'lsmd labor, except, those vyhev here been convicted previeuely of an e§e¤se.pm1ishe,ble by imprisonment fdr there than one yearl end except else these convicted of treeson, murder M in the met, Y er ‘d€gl’&%,—, reipe, or amen, egad these sentenced te=’lifeylmprlseumeht. It shell be eu&cierit l fest the eeugts to eehtence Said class et cdendexre to imprlseximent in the penltexitiary without epeeitylug the particular penitentiary? or the United States Industrial Reformetery and the imprieehment shall be in euchjéexliteetlary er the United States ‘Ihdustr-iLal ‘Rei!ermatery ae ithe Attorney General shall fmmftime te timedesignete. (Jan. 7, 1925, e. 32, § 1, 43 "Stat. 724,} l · F ‘ f S l , 832. Estishate of mst; ptiecm labor employed in constructieh; semen! estimates of expense of mai¤te1m¤ee.—····Uponl the

 eelectlcm of an &{,K$1’Q§i'l&lZ8| site the Attcmey General shell euh

mit te _C0x1grese estimate et the cost et puseheeing the same, l tegethexi with eetimeftes et the expense neemeery to construct »‘* the pmper buildings thereon. For ftlfe purpese et constructien et each bqildinge the Attorney General shall employ the l labor et such United States priseueks .¢30¤Hl¤8d lxg_ the Unlteé States eeniteutlary, Atlanta. Georgie., the United Etateeipeul I » .

AND CRIMINAL PROCEDURE _ 520 tentlary, Leavenworth, Kansas, the United States penitentiary, McNeil Island, Washington, and State or .§?errltor·ial prisons, iepénitentiaries, or reformatories, ether are eligible for cenhne- ’ment in said United States Industrial Beiormatory under the provisions of ,_ sections 831 to 840 of this title, andrwho can be _used,‘ under proper guardt, in the work to construct the buildin-gs; The Attorney General at the Sgge time, and A annually thereafter, shall submit estlmatwj in. detail for all p expenses of maintaining the said industrial _ reformatory, including salaries of all necessary omcers and employees. _ (Jan. _7, 19%, c. 32, § 2, 43 Stat, 7242) a . · - 833. Plans, specincations, etc., for baildiags.-—·The- Seere tary *`ot the Treasury is anthorized, neon the request of the _ Attorney General, to _ cause the plans, dxytngsr deskns, aperto flchtionsy, and estimates for the renziodeling and construe- , tion of the ixecessarr »hnildings_ to be premred in the Omoo of the Superrisi41g".—l’irehitect°ot (the Treasury} Department; and the work of `remodelipgiand cohstrueting the said hnlldings to `

supervised by the held force of mid omce. The proper ap- ~ `

proprlations iter the support and tnalntenanceeot the Q,@ee o_f the Supeiwising Architect lshalf-be relmhnrsedtfor the cost of pre- , parsing, such plans, drawings, designs, ·speci§eations,* and esti- .mates* for the oaforesaid Work, and thefsnperrisione of the remodelingi and construction of said buildings. `(Jan. Y 7, 1925, c.`_ 32, `§ 3, 43 Stat.»724J_) V. { j -, i , 1 »_ Z A' S 834. Control, management, o$cera, and emplayea of imi- _tution.—¢The control and management of the- United. States Industrial Reformatory shall be rested in the Attorney Tieneral, who shallfhalre flower to appoint an superintendent, as· · `sistant 'snperlntendent, and all other o§cers necessary for the safe-keeping, care, jrrotection, jnstrnetlen, and discipline of the inmates. (Jan, _7, 1925, c,¥32, _§ 4, 43 Stat. 724.) 5, _ a ‘ J 835; Transfer of persons to or i¤atitutie¤.»The Attor- S ney General is anthorized, in discretion; te transfer to the United States Industrial Reformatory, as accommodations he come available,) all persons eli§ble! under the terms of this t section and sections.831`t0 840 et this title ·!or»?*con¤ne:nent in _ said t indnstriait reformatory . who were on ilannary 7, 1925, or shall thereafter T be, .con§ned_ in the · United Stat@ ’penlten tlary,- Atlanta, George gg the United States penitentiary, Leavenworth, Kansas; the United Statu penitentiary, McNeil Island, Washington; and State. and Territorial prisons,. penitentiaries, or reformatorles, and who are proper subjects for

 conhnexnent in said United States Industrial Reformatory. The

Ajttorney General shall not transfer any prisoner who has less than nine months to serve of the term for which he was sen-· tenced. The Attorney General is hereby anthorized, in his ‘ discretion, at ani time to transfer from the United States In· · dnstrial Reforxnatory to any` of the aforesaid United States penitentlarles, or a suitable. State or Territorial penitentiary

 or reformatory, any` person who is ineligible for eonnnennent

a therein under the. terms of this section and sections ,83l to · 840 of this title, or any person who ia apparently incor- · rigihle, and whose presence in the said United States Indus-· l trial Retormatory is detrimental to the welhhelng of the instit° tution. Such transfer shall, in the case of the United Statw L penitentlaries and industrial reformatory, he made hy the war- . den or superintendent ot the institution from which the transfer is to he made, and in the case ot State and Territorial peni- -_ tentiaries, or refornsxatorim, such transfer shall be made hy e_ the United States marshal of the jndlclal district in which ther - institntion from which the transfer is to he made is located. , The actual and necessary expenses of such rrarden, superint tendet, or marshal in making `snch transfer shall be paid, · in the ease ot transfer from the United States penitentiaries s and industrial reiormatory, from the appropriation for the l maintenance ot, the particular institution, and, in the case ot · transfer from State and Territorial penltentiaries, or reforms-