Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 44 Part 1.djvu/539

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` , 5:25 ,2*12*.w .1s.·»c1; cllnrge et his dntiee, esfenelz, util he shall hélle taken and énlncribed an antn taithiully dillmtly ten 4ll2lil2·S. (R. S.§294G,9 _ l M ‘ l?. Eaplnyew in edepnrtnmts Q spmnéul at New York; my in eng§.g¤_ in l X .»-·;·,—Nn npprdker, nemntnnft nppniseg, {¤~*§ii§1}iB€¥, cierkel l' of , Of 0u1$Y' QEYSQE lnngllllyell in the departments ni npprni@l_nt’ me port nf Nena l nrla, nr may nf them, shall engge my be em@ey@ in any

s»nl·inl er mercantile. lmslnesel mj nctgns agent {pr nny pegagm

%,§*le¤a;:*ed in spell badness, during the term nf his ‘&pp0l.ntxne,nt, lll. § 2941.} , ‘ _ 2 . _ IS. Same; duties.--g,All» pmvanlme relating to the dn lee ei

i§l;ll*lnllS9fS, er in any preeeeslings censeqnent or dependent upon

glee netien et such appraisers nnll apt inconsistent witlnthe pmlegllnns relntim in the appmlscr andjensistnnt nppiaieem at llse part nf New York, shall be cenntrned In apply, tc them. l1»:.S.»e§2942.> » l _ .~ e

 19, ,Appraincr nf   Vat port d ” Baltinnnre,——g'I‘hel·e

email be nl: the port of Bnltisnnre one appraise: of .l¤¢¥T¢¥landise pinned. ef. use, and the mid .a ppi·al&i·' at Bnllzlmnhe shall Q-l»ll·e n snlnry er $4.5w per nnnlxnn, mgyable. ent of the apprepnizllinn me expenses ct collecting the pevemle from cnstemsi {Fel;. 9, 1925,_c;·1§l’, 43,Stat. 819,1) I = ~- V l 29. Appraiser nf *merchandisc` at §’0rtln¤d»`“‘Or¢€0¤·—Th¢ ‘_>¤l~<·z·etnry ei the Yffreaenxy in authorised mail dlreetegl to appoint, psuennnt to the elwfll service laws} and regulnlticmn, nn appraiser of merchandise ne Portland, ··0i·@n, prescribe hlenutlee. when mr} otl1erxvlse`de§,ne·;l by law, and 6: his cnmpensntlnu. {Feb.

21. 1925,c. 27S,§1,43eSetnL957.) I Q l N ’

V 21. Aérlilinnnl with nf~.=•6ce.of cnstnms and en- (plnyees.-——Every omcer, 'clerk, er employee nppninted under this mln shell, hetbre entering npcn his llntlu, nxe snlncrlbe {lll enlh, in Vnddltlen in the with of nmce byj sentient 16 of Title that he will use his endenjwers te prevent and detect tm1id@aln¤ nnelxnwp pi the United {States impwsixxg llntiml upnn (R. S. { 2616.)`C  ; ·· · l 22. Snme; Wnpgmiaer.-·——’1‘lie. appraiser nt; New York, Kbefcye. bgenters umn the duties GI his [Shall take and ·énbscl·ibe an oath tnithmlly in direct supervise the '*e;nmi¤nti•:m,‘ lrnpeqtilln, and npprnlsemnnt nczcnrcllng in law, # ct such·zne1··- €ll5l31illS€° nn the nnlleetn1·»mu5 dixrect pn1·5uant·_t0 luv, and to. ennne te be duly orepnrted to the enllétor the true valne thnrent, ns required by llnw.; ,AllQctnex a;pps.*ni@ Shall Sevémlly take l end .snbscrlM·¤n nnth_tl1I.lg¤mtly5a,nd tialthfnlly to examine and inspect encliymexéehnndise nn thevccllecior may direct, and truly te re-peri, te gtheh bat nf their knowledge uml,-_ belief, the une _vnlue·*thel·ee1.» S,} 2614.) _ [ '_ ‘ . · 23. Same; ,•pm·tisess.-—~—·Ea<:h of tm ap- ‘ praisem nf the of A ¥0¤·k, Before entering upon the duties, nt his o@m, nhnll tnkegnd an with dillgelifli ned tnithinlly to mnne geek $0¤·d8. pam, land` merchandise as me appraise: may direlzt., and truly `tn repért:

 to mn the   m1ee~t¤em$.‘¤¤¤¤¤<li¤s» ¢¤,1¤w·` TM ¤¤¤*¤l¤¤ ¢

npprnlnere ii nnmm, —Plxllnd—&ph ta, and l Enn Frnnelsec shall take lnnd enbscrlne nn diligently sind faithfully to examine and inspect —meh memhnndiae as the lpxlneiml apgnaieers may dlreizt, ,and_ truly to in them the true vnlnn memos, according in law. '( E, 3,; 1 2615.) · » , _ l $24. im a»dmlnl¢e1·;·;—e»Tne with et e®ee required by law mee ts.ken~by·glcnli&t6% may be 'lcvnfein npr mnniiwte antnnrlnen to wlt;n theidistriet to which well mem; Thjn auth réqnlmd {te be taken i by subordinate @cprs ei the my M allen before eelleetnz nt me emtnlns in the in whiclrthey. nppcinted, nr my v l ieeew nntherized no ¤ew¤·¤11y·"(B~.8J2¤1'l: 8. c. & +11. 18 Stef- 2 28;. Same; s@al nf é@lner¤ ef drugs, medicines, chemiedle, engl so {mills, shall; before enter-

rerioye nvzvzns § 33 , ing upon their duties, _ take one eomcribe an oath faithfully

 (and diligently to perform ench dntiw, te  d to use their best

l endeeyore to prevent ond detect fronds open the revenue of, the

United htatm. · (B. 8, §’ 2811; Feb.; 8, 1875,,c. 38, § ,11, 18 Stet,

|}3w·)_x ’ ar . ¤· `_27. Same; » snhordinate coetomte » 'o§cers’; ’ certiheation; · $_def¤elt.··-=·The oeths required to he token by subordinate onicers ·’ ot the customs shell be te@g5l»&pltcote,·on.e copy to he trans-

 mit.;ed to the Becretarj ot t.he**lTreeo¤ry, nné the other to Rho

Q  » med with the collectorl ~__‘ or customs for the dietrict in which · the o@cer· eppointed new, And in 'éeinnlt ot taking eoch oath, t or transmitting officertihcote thereof, or Elingfhc some with _ the collector, the 'perty failing ehalletorteit onrlpoy the scm ot

 to be crecovcreo, with cost or ren, in my come or compe-

— tent jorisdiction, to ther use of tm United Statm {Fett, 8,

 1875, c. 36, E 113, 18 etecsoo; Mer.  i te  c.’177, S 5, % Stat,
   of Floriiéo; headquarters.-—The headquarters of

.·the~·cnotoms district of Florioa shall be at Tampa, in mid state. (sept; [24,,1914, e. owes em. no.) — l l it » t ’29. Administration of by too aéstmtstq-· Collectors, of costoms and their assistants he competent to ’ administer oaths to o@cerc= of- the Coast Guard ene- " oloyees in the cnetomeoservlce reqeired by leeerlon 48 of this ` title. — (Mar. 15, 1wS, · 68, . 9 1, 30 Stot.»%8; Jae; ‘%, 1915, cg 2055 1, 38,Stnt,'8800; Hor.·4,` c. K1, 5 3, Stat. 19 30. “Adm¤igtmtion_ of, oaths by clerks` of , c¤~§oms.——4-—Sncl¤ dlerksg inspectors of en the ~ _ retaryot the Treasury may d“e@ete for the p w e shell he gentlwriced to administer; oaths, no donna colwore of `custoxno, are nnthorieed I to administer, ond compenenition l shell, be paid orchnrger mode therefor. 39, 1886, c. 1126,*26 sm:. ,511.} . ,·.‘ . —tr_ t · ·__31. iof ,wm#r¤lIem, _ and snrveyorpp- Every“ collector, co1nptroller_of·coetom;e,_ and eorveyor, , shell, —

 before entering on the duties of hte;   give o   the

_ United, Stotw, for the true and faithful olecharéo ot the etottes

. thereof, recording to law, ln oooh   gs t or e   of

— the Treasury may direct; and with snretlm approved hy the Secretary of the {freezer}.- (B; S. § 2619.; 23, 1827, c. 68, »s 1,19iet¤tL*245.> l — » ; f , _1 to c 8 _ -82; _S;me; . hom; thpproved a.nd§§!@,··—-·All bonds; by

 law. to be given by collectors; comptrolleré, s—nreeyors,__ or other

o@cereq of Qcuetoms shell be approved, hy the Secretary of

 Treasury, ind shall he nled as he ngeypdirect. (B. S. ;§

2@0;=§$1•, 2, ca 177, § 5, §»S»tat.._80’¥., _ j, _— _ [ 33, Dutiml of coHect or· trherc commrollers end Yeerveyors are ;ppoi¤t¢d.—·+-At eechr of the ports for which there ere e collector, comptroller}, and enrvoyor, it shell be the duty of the icollectorv. ‘ r ,_ - ° , 2 " t' To receive all reports,] mgfeocte, and xlocomeote to he mode or exhibited on the entry t tony chip or véml, accordlngito the regulations of this title. » __ Second. To record, in books to be kept fGIwmt1l%tj§}HF{)§}&‘8, ell manifests; ·. - . c _ ` , '1‘hird._ Towreceive the entries of ell ships or veeeele, and of the goods, wares, and n.te1{chnndlee· imported in them A Fourth. To Q o sie, together with the coepu·o11er° where there E one, or nione where thwe is none, the amount of the dues payable therenpon, indoreing oooh amount gpon the re- %tivo&otrio¤. M — " . · , ·

 B`ifth.~;1‘o rocdve   moneys   for Bntiw; end take all

bonde for securing the payment thereof .·__ 8, . , `“’* ` Sixth, To grant all permits for the nnlnding nnd,dellvery o£ , Seventh. To with the approval of the Secretary ot the Treasury, at the 'prtbllc expense, etoreho¤,1see,_tor the ente-