Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 44 Part 1.djvu/546

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xg _` tl 5 `. I \A `

 ‘ I'!  19.-·-GUS?

1?7.“ Sqn! mxdtngi transmitted to .P1'tIidQ¤t. 5 =i ‘ 2 1*38. xevy of `addmonni oEsmt dimes. ‘ ’ _ 2 H8. Sins; tswbiddingi entry ot afticloq anti! omplyntion ot luvestin- `Q "; ot time o w tional dutips or refusal` ot eqtrlen S . lawns nos Cbomurm Mums if 181. Sgaspmsion ot vimitortg from coéutiies makin: dtscriminétions, · - . i 182. Imports from c~om,1t1‘les_ mdktnf distoimimtions ggsimt _`p`roducts .i ‘ .5 of United States'; or ¤dd!t:to:io1.‘d¤tics;`paeociomntion by_ 1 ' 133. Same; cxclusim from importation; °proclém•.t$o¤‘.by President. _ S ' ·‘1$·§. Sync; 5sc~op• ohsmnpciaston. nvocition. etc., of proclamatious. -· -· .: · 185; Same: emvctive dots of new or duties `•r otclusion 5 5 é from importation. “ - It ‘ - - ‘ ‘ · Y { ‘ ‘ l 185. Sgmc; furtliér new or additional ddtiu. _ ‘ 1 _ ·_ _ . ·_ IS`?. Same _; fmtcituro, seigure, a¤d"co¤demqatio¤ of articles unlawg "5 . tullyjmportéd; ~ -- ·` I `__. M ‘ ‘ ·5

  • 188. Sun; ddtias oi Tart! Commisiion. · .· 5

’189._8ame; rules and regulations by Becaetiry of Txjeuuxjy. - · _ _5 199. &m9; .“ forcixn cou¤try,’T~dc¤¤¢d.. 1; T ‘.~- Y: _ · · _ Bunn. I-’i0v1srbi¤n“ _ _ `Z 191. Duties at nutoaobéig, gte}., sold I to foreign Governments, €tc.,Zupo¤ 5 ` ish United Btntu. » , vi 1s2.n¤mo¢.d¢•¤.‘ 5 ‘ Y " _-. 5. - , i 193. Grahi brozuht from Cinadn for grinding. N5 ` 19%. Retna hte ot livestock exported tot ~¢xhibitio¤.· . ·. 5

 Snmiej   abroad with5circug—or.mengigerie; ._ ‘ 5

1%. wticsioapoped hpplkqbte to'-certiiu previous imports; dutiesfbased · 5 · upon weight ot ‘m¢i·i:hn¤disq it time ot entry; U ~ · · 5 I 5 !?4!x,mu_ or Don` .5 1*97. Ddtiosyhow payable. `_ `_ ·* .` ·_ . , __ . · :5 -198. grtidod hhocks; readable for all putilic dm ;"Iien` tori P¤~¥¤¢Pt of. 5 199. J¤@c¤ts, how paiaple. ` _ .» >. .\ g ·.5 ` BUB'lT‘1’LE"!V.—CUSTQH8 Apmnisgmnron . ADMINISTRATIVE .RROVl8l0NS‘ · 5 5 _ . - = P&B1'.1.¥—;{?!2¥1HlTl0NI ._ ·’ . _. 231. Iledaitioum ” 5 t ` _ ‘ L ‘ _ .*

 .§¤m5é; “vo.rt;" , __   ‘ . " ·` t ,
 1}£{38;1'ttl¥¢ from pmec=:ih~ed\ forms. . 5 E

`234. Vsiiutiod of 1¤g0rtcd‘me;chn¤di¤e. 5 4 ~ i 235. toveiga`a¤aoert•1ned. J

 §dmo_; import nlm ;` howglucoxuinod. “ 5 _ G?

237. Some; Uditod "<Btnt¢¤d”vol1i§: how nccrmtned. 5 * 2§8. out oi 5. boaytaoortsined. _ z 239. .&m‘; American aomaggpricetg how iioértsinedy ~ {

 Vsioo at date of ¤§1m¤¢¤t.` ¤   ·_ ; `j   . ‘ {

»§n•r 2.5-—-·~B¤·0a~1·, ;Em·gz, pur Usnwiud or _V¤iuu.s nm Vnmcnq 241. }iaa¥!£·s*ts,· tom, gud ¢ontonts." · _ 5 . . — _ _ 1 242. 8:::;;.55; dmmmto .`a;£o¤mcotio¤ of and stoios, mc., torfeitom or f.a&d.¤1¤ in www df mecidoouou oz-. landed without permit"; $ _ munity. ·‘ _ X . "5 ‘ " " · i sea.- ot $i'f§¥§l`0{·Y&Ql|1.dl3£]·b! mute:. * $$4.. Eutrii or Amrtcsq voasalb , .- 2 ‘ BBQ. Emtqwt ¤£ox·o1g·¤·vo¤.sois. ‘ - i 5 246.‘Fa¤§n_b‘¤9¢f¢ Q! QW _° ,' ·‘ 4 if 247. nturood upon hindrance. ·* . ‘ . _ ’ 248.*K¤1•e1¢§ comma; return of dobcumenta beforq productiani of clear- : tooo; Rné. Q · I ‘· ·` t . · .- 249. Median; wg: of msnitgzt and éorreotiom thorooi to Comptxolle; 1

 or oosnptrogiézs ot gustoms; taii».;i·¤·; pomityi __   1

250. Pont oigntrlmé mailing oompa to Comptroller ,0•1;¢ml or oomptxzollcr ! ‘ `totpwtoxos; t•11uxo;`po¤nlty. 5 . . 3 ‘ _ 1

  • 251. "¥¤mo1s not required to mtu,. [3 ·‘ ·· · _ 5

252. Goodsjdontiaed for mm other than. port ot Entry it which unmet · ' dm b.r*r1vod;`·bo¤ds. . _\ . _ , . ·!. 2 ” hiaaitogtsg tarpon for dwwaizt district: or ports i. permit; for i ’» departure from port of drstorrivnl. — .· - , 25A.~Ea¤.·y-at ;oothoz.po¤.¢_ . I . P * 255. 3'aikaro to ottoin ox toproduoo éormit. · 256. Storm retained op hoard. · d , ¥ g 251. B5¤tyro¤ oqoommentxor remix pom to; vonoln. . if 258.·Re¤1§1ri0¤ {or —ne¢os¤m*y twain. M ‘ . _ 1 259. Hom o!_mtry.mod.¤.¤1od1¤g-; mmohnaéso in _` _ _ X 2G6.{Uo1o.d|.¤.g hioforé entry Yo1·_ropox·t3ot nrrivél sod grant •t pexmit; · ‘ .- preliminary entry. . ? 5 . A ‘ _;=. ·` "E 261.- Bmrdusg o§oou__may sdxoinutw oaths; oohppnmsdon. r ·* _. i ` I

·0us.¤U1*12q 532 262. Ualadtagg place: ceases of emergency. _ ,

 Uuladlni o¤‘ Sundays, holidays, or at night ;- special lleenug

264. Bonds rg: nieeial Iiceines. · L " _ , · . . 265. Special Hema for iudini at night. or on S¤a&y¤ orhohdsys. _‘ 266. and forfe§¤re for laden: or uoading contrary; to law. 267. Compeoktion for overtime senjieeog Exing. working hours. ` 268; and dtsehargin; inspectors; mares ;f ohetrecting or hirrder- 269.- Basie; .eompen•att=er:· me- expemest . · , 270.-Quttody of u~¤la&¤..¤romnt1y.’ . 271. U¤1adm.• of. eoneignee unt!]/é¤try`.m;¢;, 272. . Ttrhem for ¤¤1m1¤g_»u¤;1_ ¢lf!0Q,_,}’/ . . . 275. Looding spirtta phd wines ;‘.m§.rti¤g casts-a¤~d case;. 214. Barner; obtiteratim of maria.! _ · ·· Y `_ » -r 275. imports front ¢¢B§tl‘H$.1’¢\|)0l'tI and rhaéifests; per-- { · mit1g`;.oe¤a1tie;.&rrd forfeitoreo for failure to report arrival or ,`\ ¤o1ading_wttho¤t4permit.‘_·'- ·.` ~ ' ° 218. Same; failure `to··report arrival or Sie Qantfeatre Z11,`,8§¤g; lm . 278. same; forfeiture on remael to -_ |!°¥¤¥t twection. 279. Same; ‘sen1ing_vcs¤el¤Vor vehicles; " . — . 280,, Same; 'tiilqxe to proceed to port of etc. 281. Same; ahpplies, etc.; mln; lists of! with manifest: pmsry for

 faQ|1urg,. ._ `· . ‘ . A · ~·.·.{ Q . n

282.-2 Oath of (master. _ · `

 saleori atorea; ·_ _

284. Manifest: of vessels. in coasting. trade. _ 285. Entry for taken or delivered at hternediate 'porte. 286; Deberture for placewjhero no cmtomhouse. * ~ 281. Report and uhledini of ¢l!‘I¤fI._ · ` 288.‘Envolled'or,1icensed vessels. 2 _ 289. Entry_.of ferryboetx; vcsgeli exeipt from fees. . 290. Departure from mace where therefda no cuatomhouso. _ Q 291..Eorm•. · ~ 292. Pehalty for nexléct. . _ — . ` 293. Registered veasela touching at foremn ports. 294. po ’duty_·hy reaaoa thereof. 2 · Pur: 8.·j··A&CIR‘1‘AINI§S!i'.\', Couecrrox, mo Rrcoverr or-*·¤¤·mq 331; Invoice; of mported merchandise; eosteata; additional require . · mental _ Q · · , ` 332. Same; merchundiae shipped by other than meaufaeturer otherrrlae than by purchase. U r · ‘ 333:·8n¤e°: good; psrrehaéedatn consular districts. 334.`·Certi5chtlo¤ of invoices: ¢¤h§ul».r_dtqtrlct•. · 335, Declaration tedoraed · upon tnwoteea.

 Copies of certihed- inrolm. ‘

337. Certtfying-_involces._ . `_ _ — 338; Indorsemcot tipon lrgvotce; port of eatril. 339.- Qestrtction on co¤•u1ar.ccrti¤¢:atee. 340. CQKEB to exact. proof of lnvotre. 341; 'Fraudulent practlcee, ·eo¤;~u1’a report. 3424 Disposition of original tmvotee and eovtee. _ ,_ 243. Certmbatton of isvoteee by other than American eooeular omeerjs; é eerttdcatlg ta Unitedetatevg @•••iosn. 2 _ · Q4-;. Qwrtership of merchandise ;· coadgnorg ceodgiee. — $45. Entry of merchahdhiit by- when made: time for making. 348. Same: certiued invoices to be produpeil; exceptions. 241*, Same: btll of lading to beproduecd; exceptions. . 348. Same; signature; eo¤te¤t•.‘ { `_ G _ K9. Same; enumeretion of hind: a¤.d··qua¤tlt2ee`of merclmndiee im- ' ported and their vemcj _ · I _ 356. Samet; subsequent entry ofpnrt of qrerehenmee: separate entry

,_of* package! beutained in packages for delivery to other persona.

351. Sametatatement of cost of production. · ' · \ 352. `Declaretion hy conalsrnee ;` contents. _ · 25§.\·8ame; for books, megoziucr, etc. _ ‘ K 354. Sarie; bohd by Agent to produce declaration. 355.»» Same-; wher eonaisnee not liable for additional or increased dmiea. ‘ · ‘ 358. Ernie; aepareteforrua for declrretton. ‘ . . 357; Same; rnercheedlse construed to drccdsed. insolvent, partnership. ` oreorporatton. ___ - · . $58. Bond for production' of tniotcea. declarations, etc., where mwe chaodinc not kent to public stores. * K- ‘ · . · $59. Addttiosu to eotry; deductions `frm cost or valuatiorrgn involce.` 260. Apprarpr, - · · } _ _ _ i. I51.·Addittonal'dutie¤ where merchaédlee undervalued: fraudulent ondervaln•t1e¤‘; a•i&me¤t¥ of dotlrn upon emou¤t"lesas than err-

tar·•dva!ue. _'Q · ` ·_ · 2

KS2. lneoéplete entry: storage of merchandise in bonded warehouee. · 298. Unemmed ¢ooda·;_aa1e; errloaive or pertrhamc grtlclesi \ ° .